This IPython Notebook is for showing spectra of sample VG09-12, on- and off- the mesh region with 49+/-6 nm gap. This version is updated with new data from February 2015.

The filename of the figure is [TBD].pdf.

Author: Michael Gully-Santiago,

Date: February 9, 2015

In [1]:
%pylab inline
import emcee
import triangle
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from astroML.decorators import pickle_results

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=4.0, rc={"lines.linewidth": 2.5})

Import all the local models, saved locally as See the paper for derivations of these equations.

In [3]:
from etalon import *

Read in the data. We want "VG09-12" from February 2015

In [4]:
df = pd.read_csv('../data/VG09_12_gap_20150206.csv', index_col=0)

VG09-12_1_0 VG09-12_1_2 VG09-12_1_4 VG09-12_1_6 VG09-12_1_8 VG09-12_1_10 VG09-12_1_12 VG09-12_1_14 VG09-12_1_16 VG09-12_1_18 ... VG09-12_1_32 VG09-12_1_34 VG09-12_1_36 VG09-12_1_38 VG09-12_1_40 VG09-12_1_42 VG09-12_1_44 VG09-12_1_46 VG09-12_1_48 VG09-12_1_50
1775 1.880152 1.641429 0.976230 0.964145 0.976460 0.979872 0.987270 0.986529 1.070819 1.002500 ... 1.002960 1.002864 1.003209 1.003811 0.965806 0.918209 1.876167 1.881628 1.883350 1.883947
1765 1.879758 1.642331 0.974838 0.964183 0.976321 0.978982 0.986934 0.985437 1.070772 1.002522 ... 1.002708 1.002673 1.003248 1.003872 0.966022 0.917161 1.875934 1.881610 1.883944 1.884051
1755 1.880479 1.643144 0.973691 0.964016 0.975474 0.978551 0.986437 0.984843 1.070936 1.002670 ... 1.002381 1.002297 1.003009 1.003320 0.965691 0.917684 1.876912 1.882451 1.884022 1.884329
1745 1.880220 1.643559 0.973281 0.963117 0.974474 0.977558 0.986889 0.984795 1.070851 1.002239 ... 1.002931 1.002059 1.002659 1.003579 0.965511 0.916989 1.876531 1.882771 1.884626 1.884169
1735 1.880693 1.643988 0.973618 0.963056 0.973207 0.976588 0.987083 0.984501 1.070377 1.001896 ... 1.002166 1.002575 1.003052 1.003299 0.965231 0.917656 1.876819 1.882872 1.884520 1.884540

5 rows × 26 columns

The step interval is 2.0 mm. There are 26 steps.

In [5]:
# Introduce the Real data, decimate the data.
x = df.index.values
N = len(x)
# Define T_DSP for the model
T_DSP = T_gap_Si(x, 0.0)
n1 = sellmeier_Si(x)

# Define uncertainty
yerr = 0.0002*np.ones(N)
yerr[(x > 1350) & (x < 1420)] = 0.0005 #higher noise in this region
iid_cov = np.diag(yerr ** 2)

# Select the spectrum of interest
# Normalize the spectrum by measured DSP Si wafer.
y = df['VG09-12_1_14'].values

Plot the data. This is the original plot.

In [6]:
plt.plot(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_4'], label='On-mesh- 4 mm')
plt.plot(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_6'], label='On-mesh- 6 mm')
plt.plot(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_8'], label='On-mesh- 8 mm')
plt.plot(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_10'], label='On-mesh- 10 mm')
plt.plot(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_12'], label='On-mesh- 12 mm')
plt.plot(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_14'], label='On-mesh- 14 mm')
plt.plot(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_16'], 'k.', label='Mesh Boundary')
plt.plot(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_18'], 'b-.', label='Off-mesh- 18 mm')

fit1 = T_gap_Si_withFF_fast(x, 43, 0.5, n1)/T_DSP
fit2 = T_gap_Si_withFF_fast(x, 55, 0.5, n1)/T_DSP
fit2_label = 'Model with $d_M={:.0f}\pm{:.0f}$ nm, $\epsilon={:.0f}$'.format(49, 6, 0)
plt.fill_between(x, fit1, fit2, alpha=0.6, color=sns.xkcd_rgb["green apple"])
plt.plot([-10, -9], [-10, -9],"-", alpha=0.85, color=sns.xkcd_rgb["green apple"], label=fit2_label)

plt.plot([-1000, 9000], [1,1], 'k--')
plt.ylim(0.85, 1.05)
plt.xlim(1250, 1780)
plt.xlabel("$\lambda$ (nm)");
plt.savefig("VG0912_STA_scan.pdf",  bbox_inches='tight')

In [7]:
sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.5, rc={"lines.linewidth": 2.0})

In [9]:
plt.step(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_4'], label='On-mesh- 4 mm')
plt.step(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_6'], label='On-mesh- 6 mm')
plt.step(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_8'], label='On-mesh- 8 mm')
plt.step(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_10'], label='On-mesh- 10 mm')
plt.step(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_12'], label='On-mesh- 12 mm')
plt.step(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_14'], label='On-mesh- 14 mm')
#plt.plot(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_16'], 'k.', label='Mesh Boundary')
plt.plot(df.index, df['VG09-12_1_18'], 'b.', label='Off-mesh- 18 mm')

fit1 = T_gap_Si_withFF_fast(x, 43, 0.3, n1)/T_DSP
fit2 = T_gap_Si_withFF_fast(x, 55, 0.75, n1)/T_DSP
fit2_label = 'Model with $d_M={:.0f}\pm{:.0f}$ nm, ${:.1f}<f<{:.2f}$'.format(49, 6, 0.30, 0.75)
plt.fill_between(x, fit1, fit2, alpha=0.6, color='#cccccc')
plt.plot([-10, -9], [-10, -9],"-", alpha=0.0, color='#cccccc', label=fit2_label)

plt.plot([-1000, 9000], [1,1], 'k--')
# Complete hack to get a shaded band in the legend.
plt.fill_between([1390, 1440], [0.825, 0.825], [0.845,0.845], alpha=0.6, color='#cccccc')
plt.ylim(0.82, 1.02)
plt.xlim(1250, 1780)
plt.xlabel("$\lambda$ (nm)");
plt.savefig("../figs/VG0912_STA_scan_coarse.pdf",  bbox_inches='tight')

Figure Caption:

Sample VG09-12 has a single coarse mesh. The mesh is composed of boxes plasma-etched to a depth of $49\pm6\;$nm. The boxes have an edge length of 1.5 mm. The edges of adjacent boxes are spaced 0.62 mm apart, to yield an overall fill factor of 50%. The Cary5000 measurement beam size is $\sim$1 mm $\times$ 10 mm. Since the beam size is comparable to the mesh size, the fill factor at the position of the measurement will will differ from 50%. The slit measurement was aligned with the mesh grid. The highest fill factor acheivable is about 75%, assuming the slit fit perfectly within a column of boxes. The slit is larger than 0.62 mm, so the measurement cannot exhibit a 0% fill factor of voids. The precise value of the minimum fill factor depends on the details of the slit width, which is not known precisely. We assume that a minimum fill factor of 30%, but caution that this boundary is fuzzy.

The end.