
  • Collect some tweets
  • Annotate the tweets
  • Calculate the accuracy

In [ ]:
from pprint import pprint

Collect some data

In [ ]:
# we'll use data from a job that collected tweets about parenting
tweet_bodies = [body for body in open('tweet_bodies.txt')]

In [ ]:
# sanity checks

In [ ]:
# sanity checks

In [ ]:
# lets do some quick deduplication
from duplicate_filter import duplicateFilter

## set the similarity threshold at 90%
dup_filter = duplicateFilter(0.9)

deduped_tweet_bodies = []
for id,tweet_body in enumerate(tweet_bodies):
    if not dup_filter.isDup(id,tweet_body):


Annotate the data

Start by tokenizing

In [ ]:
from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer
tt = TweetTokenizer()
tokenized_deduped_tweet_bodies = [tt.tokenize(body) for body in deduped_tweet_bodies]

In [ ]:
# sanity checks

In [ ]:

Now tag the tokens with parts-of-speech labels

The default configuration is the Greedy Averaged Perceptron tagger (https://explosion.ai/blog/part-of-speech-pos-tagger-in-python)

In [ ]:
from nltk.tag import pos_tag as pos_tagger
tagged_tokenized_deduped_tweet_bodies = [ pos_tagger(tokens) for tokens in tokenized_deduped_tweet_bodies]

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
# let's look at the taxonomy of tags; in our case derived from the Penn treebank project 
# (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

import nltk

In [ ]:
# let's peek at the tag dictionary for our tagger

from nltk.tag.perceptron import PerceptronTagger
t = PerceptronTagger()

Evaluate the annotations

We must choose which parts of speech to evaluate. Let's focus on adjectives, which are useful for sentiment analysis, and proper nouns, which provide a set of potential events and topics.

  • JJ: adjective or numeral, ordinal
  • JJR: adjective, comparative
  • JJS: adjective, superlative
  • NNP: noun, proper, singular
  • NNPS: noun, proper, plural

In [ ]:
adjective_tags = ['JJ','JJR','JJS']
pn_tags = ['NNP','NNPS']
tag_types = [('adj',adjective_tags),('PN',pn_tags)]

In [ ]:
# print format: "POS: TOKEN --> TWEET TEXT"

for body,tweet_tokens,tagged_tokens in zip(deduped_tweet_bodies,tokenized_deduped_tweet_bodies,tagged_tokenized_deduped_tweet_bodies):
    for token,tag in tagged_tokens:
        if tag in adjective_tags:
        #if tag in pn_tags:
            print_str = '{}: {} --> {}'.format(tag,token,body)

These seem like dreadful results. Let's try a different NLP engine.

Stanford CoreNLP



Then unzip. Start up the server from the unzipped directory:

$ java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000

In [ ]:
from corenlp_pywrap import pywrap
cn = pywrap.CoreNLP(url='http://localhost:9000', annotator_list=["pos"])

In [ ]:
corenlp_results = []

for tweet_body in deduped_tweet_bodies:
        corenlp_results.append( cn.basic(tweet_body,out_format='json').json() )
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        corenlp_results.append( {'sentences':[]} )

In [ ]:
# pull out the tokens and tags
corenlp_tagged_tokenized_deduped_tweet_bodies = [ [(token['word'],token['pos']) for sentence in result['sentences'] for token in sentence['tokens']] for result in corenlp_results]

In [ ]:
# print format: "POS: TOKEN --> TWEET TEXT"

for body,tagged_tokens in zip(deduped_tweet_bodies,corenlp_tagged_tokenized_deduped_tweet_bodies):
    for token,tag in tagged_tokens:
        #if tag in pn_tags:
        if tag in adjective_tags:
            print_str = '{}: {} --> {}'.format(tag,token,body)

Conclusions and next steps

For Tweet bodies:

  • NLTK TweetTokenizer is pretty good
  • NLTK default POS tagger is dreadful
  • CoreNLP POS tagger is better than NLTK

Next steps:

  • Make more careful accuracy measurements
  • Get a better tokenizer into CoreNLP
  • Look at other POS taggers
  • Compare other tags, such as sentiment

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