Udacity MLND Capstone Project

"Determination of students’ interaction patterns with an intelligent tutoring system and study of their correlation with successful learning"

Step 3 (comparison of learning rates between clusters)

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from scipy import stats
from scipy.optimize import minimize

In [2]:
stud_learning = pd.read_csv('student_learning_final.csv')
stud_learning.drop(['Unnamed: 0'], axis=1, inplace=True)
cluster_index = pd.read_csv("cluster_index.csv", header=None)
stud_learning['cluster_index'] = cluster_index[1]
stud_learning['frac_incorrect_atts'] = stud_learning['number of incorrect attempts'] / stud_learning['number of attempts']

learning_parameter difficulty_parameter number of attempts number of incorrect attempts cluster_index frac_incorrect_atts
0 0.172964 0.577597 303 146.0 1 0.481848
1 -0.011161 0.623980 295 187.0 5 0.633898
2 -0.084896 0.459276 529 269.0 6 0.508507
3 0.044947 0.459728 1286 556.0 2 0.432348
4 0.066242 0.486793 821 369.0 1 0.449452

In [3]:

Index(['learning_parameter', 'difficulty_parameter', 'number of attempts',
       'number of incorrect attempts', 'cluster_index', 'frac_incorrect_atts'],

In [4]:
stud_data = pd.read_hdf('stud_data.hdf','test')

num_sess num_days num_probs num_atts num_hints frac_corr_atts frac_3s_atts frac_1s_hints time_atts time_hints max_probl_views max_atts
0 89 9 79 303 213 0.518152 0.184818 0.286385 9577.000 3660.999 1.101266 3.835443
1 86 7 59 295 111 0.366102 0.071186 0.063063 10409.000 2570.000 1.610169 5.000000
2 181 10 150 529 180 0.491493 0.102079 0.077778 14850.000 2295.000 1.240000 3.526667
3 457 14 215 1288 687 0.566770 0.148292 0.066958 25290.001 7743.000 2.148837 5.990698
4 267 13 166 821 602 0.550548 0.068210 0.267442 20504.667 5347.334 1.660606 4.945783

In [5]:
stud_data = stud_data.join(stud_learning)

num_sess num_days num_probs num_atts num_hints frac_corr_atts frac_3s_atts frac_1s_hints time_atts time_hints max_probl_views max_atts learning_parameter difficulty_parameter number of attempts number of incorrect attempts cluster_index frac_incorrect_atts
0 89 9 79 303 213 0.518152 0.184818 0.286385 9577.000 3660.999 1.101266 3.835443 0.172964 0.577597 303 146.0 1 0.481848
1 86 7 59 295 111 0.366102 0.071186 0.063063 10409.000 2570.000 1.610169 5.000000 -0.011161 0.623980 295 187.0 5 0.633898
2 181 10 150 529 180 0.491493 0.102079 0.077778 14850.000 2295.000 1.240000 3.526667 -0.084896 0.459276 529 269.0 6 0.508507
3 457 14 215 1288 687 0.566770 0.148292 0.066958 25290.001 7743.000 2.148837 5.990698 0.044947 0.459728 1286 556.0 2 0.432348
4 267 13 166 821 602 0.550548 0.068210 0.267442 20504.667 5347.334 1.660606 4.945783 0.066242 0.486793 821 369.0 1 0.449452

Determine what clusters more successful in learning in terms of fraction of correct attempts:

In [6]:
stud_data_sum = stud_data.groupby('cluster_index').agg(np.sum).copy()
stud_data_sum['frac_incorrect_atts'] = stud_data_sum['number of incorrect attempts'] / stud_data_sum['number of attempts']

num_sess num_days num_probs num_atts num_hints frac_corr_atts frac_3s_atts frac_1s_hints time_atts time_hints max_probl_views max_atts learning_parameter difficulty_parameter number of attempts number of incorrect attempts frac_incorrect_atts
1 157381 9790 119787 463356 319334 746.328247 143.134751 320.395430 1.209619e+07 3310766.636 1700.710013 5073.330503 533.615744 590.950677 463202 197852.0 0.427140
2 22030 1535 17766 72336 33803 203.188547 91.172770 13.541033 1.645484e+06 459433.500 466.191313 1403.399037 426.118912 218.872902 71890 36290.0 0.504799
3 16010 1876 14923 33757 2842 646.793540 12.846483 2.963157 1.822630e+06 45694.000 1209.648207 3165.984896 2763.923125 546.419214 33752 12311.0 0.364749
4 36928 5409 32754 125483 52632 1256.070663 41.842531 26.817449 5.753900e+06 1572946.500 2775.185284 9999.657523 1684.809382 1333.332278 125470 63394.0 0.505252
5 121977 12125 108264 372790 134056 1088.841940 61.644813 46.097252 1.566643e+07 3317271.000 2253.456633 6800.545131 138.585166 891.014094 372649 171703.0 0.460763
6 329574 21053 265370 848789 258225 1112.744922 68.669698 62.199569 3.145390e+07 4868593.500 2292.982438 5939.409007 -11.449252 711.539726 847416 334224.0 0.394404

Interestingly, group 3 has the smallest fraction of incorrect attempts (~36.5%). Also, not surprisingly, 'frac_incorrect_atts' in group 1 (with large 'frac_1s_hints') is significantly (p-value = 1.75e-8) smaller than in group 2 (with small 'frac_1s_hints' and large 'frac_3s_atts'):

In [7]:
arr1 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 1]['frac_incorrect_atts'])
arr2 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 2]['frac_incorrect_atts'])
arr1 = arr1[~np.isnan(arr1)]
arr2 = arr2[~np.isnan(arr2)]
stats.ttest_ind(arr1,arr2, equal_var = False)

Ttest_indResult(statistic=-5.729328888101044, pvalue=1.7528523291077249e-08)

However, the difference of 'frac_incorrect_atts' between students with "gaming" and non-gaming behaviour is not significant (p-value = 0.83):

In [8]:
arr_gam = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] <= 2]['frac_incorrect_atts'])
arr_nongam = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] > 2]['frac_incorrect_atts'])
arr_gam = arr_gam[~np.isnan(arr_gam)]
arr_nongam = arr_nongam[~np.isnan(arr_nongam)]
stats.ttest_ind(arr_gam,arr_nongam, equal_var = False)

Ttest_indResult(statistic=0.20874210756084033, pvalue=0.83466558756318543)

Notably, group 5 (students with medium 'num_sess' and 'num_probs') has significantly smaller 'frac_incorrect_atts' than group 4 (students with small 'num_sess' and 'num_probs') but significantly smaller 'frac_incorrect_atts' than in group 6 (students with large 'num_sess' and 'num_probs'):

In [9]:
arr4 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 4]['frac_incorrect_atts'])
arr5 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 5]['frac_incorrect_atts'])
arr6 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 6]['frac_incorrect_atts'])
arr4 = arr4[~np.isnan(arr4)]
arr5 = arr5[~np.isnan(arr5)]
arr6 = arr6[~np.isnan(arr6)]
print(stats.ttest_ind(arr5,arr4, equal_var = False))
print(stats.ttest_ind(arr6,arr5, equal_var = False))

Ttest_indResult(statistic=-10.153852159747615, pvalue=5.9895165350814053e-24)
Ttest_indResult(statistic=-16.552377685289887, pvalue=1.8740538669177719e-59)

In other words, for students with non-gaming behaviour 'frac_incorrect_atts' steadily decreases with learning experience.

Other differences between groups:

In [10]:
stud_data_mean = stud_data.groupby('cluster_index').agg(np.mean).copy()

num_sess num_days num_probs num_atts num_hints frac_corr_atts frac_3s_atts frac_1s_hints time_atts time_hints max_probl_views max_atts learning_parameter difficulty_parameter number of attempts number of incorrect attempts frac_incorrect_atts
1 121.623648 7.565688 92.571097 358.080371 246.780526 0.576761 0.110614 0.247601 9347.902114 2558.552269 1.314304 3.920657 0.412377 0.456685 357.961360 152.899536 0.421592
2 56.342711 3.925831 45.437340 185.002558 86.452685 0.519664 0.233178 0.034632 4208.397711 1175.021739 1.192305 3.589256 1.089818 0.559777 183.861893 92.813299 0.479562
3 14.436429 1.691614 13.456267 30.439134 2.562669 0.583222 0.011584 0.002672 1643.489630 41.202885 1.090756 2.854811 2.492266 0.492713 30.434626 11.100992 0.402156
4 15.246903 2.233278 13.523534 51.809661 21.730801 0.518609 0.017276 0.011072 2375.681462 649.441164 1.145824 4.128678 0.695627 0.550509 51.804294 26.174236 0.479627
5 62.648690 6.227530 55.605547 191.468927 68.852594 0.559241 0.031661 0.023676 8046.446327 1703.785824 1.157399 3.492833 0.071179 0.457634 191.396507 88.188495 0.440491
6 181.383599 11.586681 146.048431 467.137589 142.116125 0.612408 0.037793 0.034232 17310.899564 2679.468079 1.261961 3.268800 -0.006301 0.391601 466.381948 183.942763 0.386384

There is a significant increase of 'frac_3s_atts' for groups 4-5-6:

In [11]:
arr4 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 4]['frac_3s_atts'])
arr5 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 5]['frac_3s_atts'])
arr6 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 6]['frac_3s_atts'])
arr4 = arr4[~np.isnan(arr4)]
arr5 = arr5[~np.isnan(arr5)]
arr6 = arr6[~np.isnan(arr6)]
print(stats.ttest_ind(arr5,arr4, equal_var = False))
print(stats.ttest_ind(arr6,arr5, equal_var = False))

Ttest_indResult(statistic=16.462911716329312, pvalue=5.0996180356250809e-59)
Ttest_indResult(statistic=6.2931050213512316, pvalue=3.4739480257167589e-10)

, a significant increase of 'frac_1s_hints' for groups 4-5-6:

In [12]:
arr4 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 4]['frac_1s_hints'])
arr5 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 5]['frac_1s_hints'])
arr6 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 6]['frac_1s_hints'])
arr4 = arr4[~np.isnan(arr4)]
arr5 = arr5[~np.isnan(arr5)]
arr6 = arr6[~np.isnan(arr6)]
print(stats.ttest_ind(arr5,arr4, equal_var = False))
print(stats.ttest_ind(arr6,arr5, equal_var = False))

Ttest_indResult(statistic=13.252648797032892, pvalue=3.4429894092371465e-39)
Ttest_indResult(statistic=9.0112499269936261, pvalue=3.2062949164427214e-19)

, and a significant decrease of 'max_atts' for groups 4-5-6:

In [13]:
arr4 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 4]['max_atts'])
arr5 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 5]['max_atts'])
arr6 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 6]['max_atts'])
arr4 = arr4[~np.isnan(arr4)]
arr5 = arr5[~np.isnan(arr5)]
arr6 = arr6[~np.isnan(arr6)]
print(stats.ttest_ind(arr5,arr4, equal_var = False))
print(stats.ttest_ind(arr6,arr5, equal_var = False))

Ttest_indResult(statistic=-11.66474597325503, pvalue=6.3441131333456629e-31)
Ttest_indResult(statistic=-5.813163173033753, pvalue=6.640246772802727e-09)

Increase of max_probl_views is significant between groups 5 and 6:

In [14]:
arr4 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 4]['max_probl_views'])
arr5 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 5]['max_probl_views'])
arr6 = np.array(stud_data[stud_data['cluster_index'] == 6]['max_probl_views'])
arr4 = arr4[~np.isnan(arr4)]
arr5 = arr5[~np.isnan(arr5)]
arr6 = arr6[~np.isnan(arr6)]
print(stats.ttest_ind(arr5,arr4, equal_var = False))
print(stats.ttest_ind(arr6,arr5, equal_var = False))

Ttest_indResult(statistic=1.625027093046111, pvalue=0.1042377703597938)
Ttest_indResult(statistic=15.833103986243177, pvalue=1.9284145705097942e-54)

As we see, increasing "experience" (in group sequence 4-5-6) also leads to:

  • increase of "gaming" fractions 'frac_3s_atts' and 'frac_1s_hints';
  • increase of 'max_probl_views' (so the problems are viewed in more details);
  • decrease of 'max_atts' (so there are smaller attempts per problem).

Calculate mean leaning parameter and its dispersion for each group:

Because learning parameter is determined from the fit of the learning curve, it is essential to analyse learning curves starting with some reasonable minimum number of attempts.

As we see, there is a very large spread in learning parameters: between -9.97 and 24.9:

In [15]:

count    8980.000000
mean        0.616437
std         3.188777
min        -9.965780
25%        -0.054653
50%         0.063602
75%         0.218565
max        24.908305
Name: learning_parameter, dtype: float64

Moreover, for ~1/3 of students learning parameter is negative:

In [16]:
stud_data[stud_data['learning_parameter'] < 0].shape[0]


What best describes "negative learners"? First, look on extreme examples. Take "extreme negative learners" (students with learning rate < -0.5, and compare them with "extreme positive learnens" (students with learning rate > 0.5):

In [17]:
stud_data[stud_data['learning_parameter'] < -0.5].describe()

num_sess num_days num_probs num_atts num_hints frac_corr_atts frac_3s_atts frac_1s_hints time_atts time_hints max_probl_views max_atts learning_parameter difficulty_parameter number of attempts number of incorrect attempts cluster_index frac_incorrect_atts
count 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000 161.000000
mean 34.708075 2.720497 32.254658 51.360248 14.006211 0.688847 0.025639 0.050475 3113.850932 371.161491 1.092419 2.245839 -1.227948 0.161278 51.291925 11.478261 3.509317 0.310729
std 56.546180 2.928761 51.954220 78.542310 26.625058 0.171281 0.055839 0.151386 5421.411714 472.810955 0.224871 1.444326 1.702650 0.099337 78.469551 16.197256 1.275333 0.171545
min 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.200000 0.000000 0.000000 26.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 -9.965780 0.001000 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.024793
25% 5.000000 1.000000 5.000000 10.000000 2.000000 0.588235 0.000000 0.000000 546.000000 46.000000 1.000000 1.441860 -1.112757 0.102926 10.000000 3.000000 3.000000 0.181818
50% 11.000000 1.000000 11.000000 21.000000 5.000000 0.727273 0.000000 0.000000 961.000000 172.000000 1.000000 1.705882 -0.759733 0.154174 21.000000 5.000000 4.000000 0.272727
75% 35.000000 3.000000 35.000000 53.000000 13.000000 0.814286 0.022222 0.000000 2215.000000 487.000000 1.093023 2.411765 -0.594690 0.211333 53.000000 13.000000 4.000000 0.411765
max 397.000000 13.000000 362.000000 588.000000 184.000000 0.975207 0.333333 1.000000 41457.000000 2319.000000 2.600000 11.000000 -0.503115 0.529482 588.000000 136.000000 6.000000 0.800000

In [18]:
stud_data[stud_data['learning_parameter'] >= 0.5].describe()

num_sess num_days num_probs num_atts num_hints frac_corr_atts frac_3s_atts frac_1s_hints time_atts time_hints max_probl_views max_atts learning_parameter difficulty_parameter number of attempts number of incorrect attempts cluster_index frac_incorrect_atts
count 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1118.000000 1080.000000
mean 9.767442 1.384615 9.294275 20.773703 9.701252 0.658382 0.040541 0.031332 975.757603 238.600179 1.078327 2.370444 4.841834 0.523349 20.770125 6.887299 3.181574 0.318386
std 13.127075 0.965203 12.326656 28.717120 28.702815 0.254652 0.118064 0.109242 1235.419496 402.316758 0.271104 1.544594 7.776401 0.346560 28.710326 10.527272 0.927130 0.226612
min 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.500000 0.001000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
25% 2.000000 1.000000 2.000000 5.000000 1.000000 0.541964 0.000000 0.000000 185.750000 9.000000 1.000000 1.200000 0.533341 0.252888 5.000000 1.000000 3.000000 0.166667
50% 6.000000 1.000000 5.000000 12.000000 3.000000 0.666667 0.000000 0.000000 644.500000 94.500000 1.000000 2.000000 0.793611 0.520733 12.000000 3.000000 3.000000 0.315789
75% 11.000000 1.000000 11.000000 25.000000 9.000000 0.833333 0.000000 0.000000 1199.000000 311.000000 1.026931 3.000000 1.853239 0.749445 25.000000 9.000000 4.000000 0.444444
max 121.000000 12.000000 116.000000 332.000000 661.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 10044.000000 6247.000000 5.000000 12.000000 24.908305 1.669793 332.000000 121.000000 6.000000 1.000000

As we see, "extreme negative learners" are very similar to "extreme positive learners" in terms of 'frac_corr_atts'. However, they opened much more sessions ('num_sess'), tried to solve more problems ('num_probs'), made more attempts to solve the problems ('num_atts') and spent more time (time_atts) for solving them.

In [19]:
stud_data[stud_data['learning_parameter'] < -0.5].groupby('cluster_index').agg(len)['num_sess']

1    20
3    57
4    58
5    14
6    12
Name: num_sess, dtype: int64

In [20]:
stud_data[stud_data['learning_parameter'] >= 0.5].groupby('cluster_index').agg(len)['num_sess']

1     88
2     93
3    501
4    404
5     28
6      4
Name: num_sess, dtype: int64

Notably, most of "extreme learners" belong to groups 3 and 4 that have the smallest 'num_atts':

In [21]:

num_sess num_days num_probs num_atts num_hints frac_corr_atts frac_3s_atts frac_1s_hints time_atts time_hints max_probl_views max_atts learning_parameter difficulty_parameter number of attempts number of incorrect attempts frac_incorrect_atts
1 121.623648 7.565688 92.571097 358.080371 246.780526 0.576761 0.110614 0.247601 9347.902114 2558.552269 1.314304 3.920657 0.412377 0.456685 357.961360 152.899536 0.421592
2 56.342711 3.925831 45.437340 185.002558 86.452685 0.519664 0.233178 0.034632 4208.397711 1175.021739 1.192305 3.589256 1.089818 0.559777 183.861893 92.813299 0.479562
3 14.436429 1.691614 13.456267 30.439134 2.562669 0.583222 0.011584 0.002672 1643.489630 41.202885 1.090756 2.854811 2.492266 0.492713 30.434626 11.100992 0.402156
4 15.246903 2.233278 13.523534 51.809661 21.730801 0.518609 0.017276 0.011072 2375.681462 649.441164 1.145824 4.128678 0.695627 0.550509 51.804294 26.174236 0.479627
5 62.648690 6.227530 55.605547 191.468927 68.852594 0.559241 0.031661 0.023676 8046.446327 1703.785824 1.157399 3.492833 0.071179 0.457634 191.396507 88.188495 0.440491
6 181.383599 11.586681 146.048431 467.137589 142.116125 0.612408 0.037793 0.034232 17310.899564 2679.468079 1.261961 3.268800 -0.006301 0.391601 466.381948 183.942763 0.386384

Together with the smallest group 2, groups 3 and 4 also correspond to the largest 'learning_parameter' variation across their members:

In [22]:

1    2.575010
2    4.092726
3    6.263133
4    3.261689
5    0.904354
6    0.151328
Name: learning_parameter, dtype: float64

Note that both absolute average value and standard deviation come to zero with increasing 'num_atts': a possible manifestation of the Plateau effect.

Finally, I try to explain the observed increase of 'frac_incorrect_atts' for 5 and more attempts.

The group with the largest 'frac_incorrect_atts' is group 4 that also has the largest 'max_atts' (number of maximal attempts averaged for all assessed problems). Consequently, students from two groups with the smallest 'frac_incorrect_atts' (groups 3 and 6) also have the smallest 'max_atts':

In [23]:
stud_data.groupby('cluster_index').agg(np.mean)[['frac_incorrect_atts', 'max_atts']].corr()

frac_incorrect_atts max_atts
frac_incorrect_atts 1.000000 0.660316
max_atts 0.660316 1.000000

In [24]:


As a result, students from groups 3 and 6 contribute less (and students from group 4 contribute more) to problems with large number of attempts and distort the averaged learning curve towards larger 'frac_incorrect_atts'.

Comparison with "benchmark" model (student with "gaming" vs "non-gaming" behaviour):

In [25]:
stud_data['gaming_index'] = stud_data['cluster_index'].replace({1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6:1})

In [26]:

num_sess num_days num_probs num_atts num_hints frac_corr_atts frac_3s_atts frac_1s_hints time_atts time_hints max_probl_views max_atts learning_parameter difficulty_parameter number of attempts number of incorrect attempts cluster_index frac_incorrect_atts
0 106.475371 6.721068 81.633828 317.918101 209.576855 0.563511 0.139055 0.198182 8155.293081 2237.507499 1.285995 3.843756 0.569575 0.480607 317.562018 138.956677 1.232047 0.435068
1 69.155449 5.546676 57.753393 189.282934 61.378341 0.562639 0.025360 0.018928 7497.856889 1344.003427 1.169468 3.551144 0.627261 0.477355 189.072927 79.730226 4.613023 0.434249

Creating visualisation:

In [27]:
data = pd.read_hdf('data.hdf','test')

Anon Student Id Session Id Duration (sec) Student Response Type Problem Name Problem View Attempt At Step Outcome Day x
0 Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 647501 102.0 1 2218 1.0 1.0 2.0 2004-11-10 0
1 Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 647501 46.0 0 2218 1.0 2.0 0.0 2004-11-10 1
2 Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 647792 70.0 1 3093 1.0 1.0 2.0 2004-11-10 0
3 Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 647792 22.0 1 3093 1.0 1.0 2.0 2004-11-10 0
4 Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 647792 2.0 1 3093 1.0 2.0 2.0 2004-11-10 0

In [28]:
stud_list = data['Anon Student Id'].unique()
stud_dict = {stud: cluster_index.loc[i, 1] for i, stud in enumerate(stud_list)}

In [29]:


In [30]:
cluster_index.loc[0, 1]


In [31]:


In [32]:
stud_df = pd.DataFrame()
for item in stud_dict:
    #print(item, stud_dict[item])
    stud_df.loc[item, 'cluster_index'] = int(stud_dict[item])

Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 1.0
Stu_00b8a37b3ab49bfe7d7a77014d1e4cf8 5.0
Stu_00c6652f296f103913139157c79a856f 6.0
Stu_01080cce4b1a14b3fd81d684421daed4 2.0
Stu_0153c9b08d68e42d9a2bb5f70086df00 1.0

In [33]:
data_125 = data[(data['Anon Student Id'].isin(stud_df[stud_df['cluster_index'] == 1].index)) | \
               (data['Anon Student Id'].isin(stud_df[stud_df['cluster_index'] == 2].index)) | \
               (data['Anon Student Id'].isin(stud_df[stud_df['cluster_index'] == 5].index))]

Anon Student Id Session Id Duration (sec) Student Response Type Problem Name Problem View Attempt At Step Outcome Day x
0 Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 647501 102.0 1 2218 1.0 1.0 2.0 2004-11-10 0
1 Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 647501 46.0 0 2218 1.0 2.0 0.0 2004-11-10 1
2 Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 647792 70.0 1 3093 1.0 1.0 2.0 2004-11-10 0
3 Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 647792 22.0 1 3093 1.0 1.0 2.0 2004-11-10 0
4 Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 647792 2.0 1 3093 1.0 2.0 2.0 2004-11-10 0

In [34]:
data_2 = data[(data['Anon Student Id'].isin(stud_df[stud_df['cluster_index'] == 2].index))]

In [35]:
s1 = data[data['Outcome'] <= 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s2 = data[data['Outcome'] == 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s1[8] = s1.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s1.index.max()+1)):
        s1.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

s2[8] = s2.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s2.index.max()+1)):
        s2.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

In [36]:
data_1 = data[(data['Anon Student Id'].isin(stud_df[stud_df['cluster_index'] == 1].index))]
data_2 = data[(data['Anon Student Id'].isin(stud_df[stud_df['cluster_index'] == 2].index))]
data_3 = data[(data['Anon Student Id'].isin(stud_df[stud_df['cluster_index'] == 3].index))]
data_4 = data[(data['Anon Student Id'].isin(stud_df[stud_df['cluster_index'] == 4].index))]
data_5 = data[(data['Anon Student Id'].isin(stud_df[stud_df['cluster_index'] == 5].index))]
data_6 = data[(data['Anon Student Id'].isin(stud_df[stud_df['cluster_index'] == 6].index))]

s1_1 = data_1[data_1['Outcome'] <= 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s2_1 = data_1[data_1['Outcome'] == 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s1_1[8] = s1_1.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s1_1.index.max()+1)):
        s1_1.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

s2_1[8] = s2_1.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s2_1.index.max()+1)):
        s2_1.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:
s1_2 = data_2[data_2['Outcome'] <= 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s2_2 = data_2[data_2['Outcome'] == 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s1_2[8] = s1_2.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s1_2.index.max()+1)):
        s1_2.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

s2_2[8] = s2_2.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s2_2.index.max()+1)):
        s2_2.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:
s1_3 = data_3[data_3['Outcome'] <= 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s2_3 = data_3[data_3['Outcome'] == 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s1_3[8] = s1_3.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s1_3.index.max()+1)):
        s1_3.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

s2_3[8] = s2_3.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s2_3.index.max()+1)):
        s2_3.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

s1_4 = data_4[data_4['Outcome'] <= 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s2_4 = data_4[data_4['Outcome'] == 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s1_4[8] = s1_4.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s1_4.index.max()+1)):
        s1_4.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

s2_4[8] = s2_4.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s2_4.index.max()+1)):
        s2_4.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

s1_5 = data_5[data_5['Outcome'] <= 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s2_5 = data_5[data_5['Outcome'] == 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s1_5[8] = s1_5.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s1_5.index.max()+1)):
        s1_5.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

s2_5[8] = s2_5.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s2_5.index.max()+1)):
        s2_5.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:
s1_6 = data_6[data_6['Outcome'] <= 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s2_6 = data_6[data_6['Outcome'] == 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s1_6[8] = s1_6.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s1_6.index.max()+1)):
        s1_6.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

s2_6[8] = s2_6.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s2_6.index.max()+1)):
        s2_6.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

In [37]:
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
fig_size = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"]
fig_size[0] = 8.3
fig_size[1] = 4.7
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = fig_size
plt.bar(s1.index, s1, width=0.9)
#plt.bar(s2.index, s2, width=0.9)
#plt.legend(['CORRECT', 'INCORRECT'])

plt.xlabel("Attempt number", size=14)
plt.ylabel("Number of attempts", size=14)
ax1.tick_params(axis ='both', which='major', length=0, labelsize =14, color='black')
ax1.tick_params(axis ='both', which='minor', length=0)
labels = [item.get_text() for item in ax1.get_xticklabels()]
labels = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8+']
#labels = ['2', '4', '6', '8+']

ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.plot(s1.index, s2/s1, 'r-o', linewidth=4, label='Average')
ax2.plot(s1_1.index, s2_1/s1_1, 'c-+', label='group 1')
ax2.plot(s1_2.index, s2_2/s1_2, 'b-+', label='group 2')
ax2.plot(s1_3.index, s2_3/s1_3, 'c-.', label='group 3')
ax2.plot(s1_4.index, s2_4/s1_4, 'b-.', label='group 4')
ax2.plot(s1_5.index, s2_5/s1_5, 'c-x', label='group 5')
ax2.plot(s1_6.index, s2_6/s1_6, 'b-x', label='group 6')

ax2.set_ylabel('Fraction of incorrect attempts', size=14, color='r')
ax2.tick_params('y', colors='r')
ax2.tick_params(axis ='both', which='minor', length=0)
ax2.tick_params(axis ='both', which='major', length=0, labelsize =14, color='red')



In [ ]: