Udacity MLND Capstone Project

"Determination of students’ interaction patterns with an intelligent tutoring system and study of their correlation with successful learning"

Preprocessing step

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import gzip
import shutil
import seaborn

Load raw data from ASSISTments 2004-2005, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 years datasets:

In [2]:
print("Loading ds92 data:")
ds92_data = pd.read_csv("wpi-assistments/math_2004_2005/ds92_tx_All_Data_172_2016_0504_081852.txt", sep="\t", low_memory=False)
#ds92_data = ds92_data[columns]

print("Loading ds120 data:")
ds120_data = pd.read_csv("wpi-assistments/math_2005_2006/ds120_tx_All_Data_265_2017_0414_065125.txt", sep="\t", low_memory=False)
#ds120_data = ds120_data.copy()[columns]

print("Loading ds339 data:")
ds339_data = pd.read_csv("wpi-assistments/math_2006_2007/ds339_tx_All_Data_1059_2015_0729_215742.txt", sep="\t", low_memory=False)
#ds339_data = ds339_data.copy()[columns]

Loading ds92 data:
(580785, 66)
Loading ds120 data:
(685615, 73)
Loading ds339 data:
(1451003, 57)

Transform selected features:

In [3]:
i = 1
for df in [ds92_data, ds120_data, ds339_data]:
    print(">> Processing dataset {}:".format(i))
    df['Day'] = df['Time'].apply(lambda x: x.split(" ")[0])
    df.drop(['Time'], axis=1, inplace=True)
    df['Duration (sec)'] = df['Duration (sec)'].replace({'.': 0}).astype(float)
    df['Student Response Type'] = df['Student Response Type'].replace({'ATTEMPT': 0, 'HINT_REQUEST': 1})
    df['Outcome'] = df['Outcome'].replace({'CORRECT': 0, 'INCORRECT': 1, 'HINT': 2})
    i += 1

>> Processing dataset 1:
>> Processing dataset 2:
>> Processing dataset 3:

Look at descriptive statistics of initial datasets (only numerical columns):

In [4]:

Row Session Id Duration (sec) Student Response Type Problem Name Problem View Attempt At Step Is Last Attempt Outcome Help Level
count 580785.000000 5.807850e+05 580785.000000 580785.000000 580785.000000 579989.000000 580327.000000 580327.000000 580327.000000 210626.000000
mean 290393.000000 1.125784e+06 21.183796 0.362676 1541.705712 1.599749 2.483583 0.390943 1.007239 2.273205
std 167658.332383 5.480788e+05 37.775008 0.480773 1245.935671 1.852621 2.564448 0.487962 0.847701 1.828771
min 1.000000 2.170470e+05 0.000000 0.000000 7.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
25% 145197.000000 6.614980e+05 3.000000 0.000000 333.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
50% 290393.000000 1.089420e+06 8.000000 0.000000 1221.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000
75% 435589.000000 1.570417e+06 22.000000 1.000000 2635.000000 2.000000 3.000000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000
max 580785.000000 2.361488e+06 600.000000 1.000000 4815.000000 64.000000 60.000000 1.000000 2.000000 37.000000

In [5]:

Row Session Id Duration (sec) Student Response Type Problem Name Problem View Attempt At Step Is Last Attempt Outcome Help Level School Class
count 685615.000000 6.856150e+05 685615.000000 685615.000000 685615.000000 685322.000000 685265.000000 685265.000000 685265.000000 194149.000000 685615.0 685615.000000
mean 342808.000000 3.607289e+06 33.583298 0.283510 3278.370396 1.206163 2.275972 0.469580 0.887677 1.915549 103999.0 498.898634
std 197920.146742 7.052768e+05 53.222396 0.450702 3164.415136 0.815047 1.993697 0.499074 0.816301 1.086920 0.0 881.746076
min 1.000000 2.250251e+06 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 103999.0 1.000000
25% 171404.500000 3.000455e+06 6.000000 0.000000 857.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 103999.0 1.000000
50% 342808.000000 3.544280e+06 15.000000 0.000000 2442.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 103999.0 1.000000
75% 514211.500000 4.195729e+06 37.000000 1.000000 5633.000000 1.000000 3.000000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 103999.0 1.000000
max 685615.000000 4.865684e+06 600.000000 1.000000 13230.000000 136.000000 65.000000 1.000000 2.000000 14.000000 103999.0 3442.000000

In [6]:

Row Session Id Duration (sec) Student Response Type Problem Name Problem View Attempt At Step Is Last Attempt Outcome Help Level Total Num Hints
count 1.451003e+06 1.451003e+06 1.451003e+06 1.451003e+06 1.451003e+06 1.450822e+06 1.448076e+06 1.448076e+06 1.448076e+06 394514.000000 303756.000000
mean 7.255020e+05 4.409396e+06 3.217416e+01 2.728292e-01 5.609072e+03 1.281691e+00 2.341389e+00 4.472597e-01 8.435538e-01 2.010413 3.529932
std 4.188686e+05 2.780981e+06 5.170388e+01 4.454139e-01 5.119680e+03 6.858265e-01 2.543439e+00 4.972108e-01 8.227099e-01 1.419201 1.298585
min 1.000000e+00 6.720000e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 7.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000 0.000000
25% 3.627515e+05 1.363892e+06 6.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.149000e+03 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000 3.000000
50% 7.255020e+05 5.450824e+06 1.400000e+01 0.000000e+00 3.133000e+03 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 2.000000 3.000000
75% 1.088252e+06 6.838668e+06 3.600000e+01 1.000000e+00 9.562000e+03 1.000000e+00 3.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 2.000000e+00 3.000000 4.000000
max 1.451003e+06 8.167924e+06 6.000000e+02 1.000000e+00 1.865100e+04 2.400000e+01 1.200000e+02 1.000000e+00 2.000000e+00 57.000000 47.000000

As we see, there are several common features present in each dataset. I will use all of them skipping only 'Help Level' (which gives the number of subsequent hints for hints and NaN for attempts).

Transform and combine the selected features:

In [7]:
data = pd.concat([ds92_data, ds120_data, ds339_data], ignore_index=True)

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2717403 entries, 0 to 2717402
Data columns (total 74 columns):
Action                                     object
Anon Student Id                            object
Attempt At Step                            float64
CF (mich)                                  float64
Class                                      object
Day                                        object
Duration (sec)                             float64
Feedback Classification                    object
Feedback Text                              object
Help Level                                 float64
Input                                      object
Is Last Attempt                            float64
KC (MCAS39-State_WPI-Simple)               object
KC (MCAS39-State_WPI-Simple).1             object
KC (MCAS39-State_WPI-Simple).2             object
KC (MCAS39-State_WPI-Simple).3             object
KC (MCAS5-State_WPI-Simple)                object
KC (MCAS5-State_WPI-Simple).1              object
KC (MCAS5-State_WPI-Simple).2              object
KC (MCAS5-State_WPI-Simple).3              object
KC (Single-KC)                             object
KC (Unique-step)                           object
KC (WPI-Apr-2005)                          object
KC (WPI-Apr-2005).1                        object
KC (WPI-Apr-2005).2                        object
KC (WPI-Apr-2005).3                        object
KC (WPI-Apr-2005).4                        object
KC (WPI-Apr-2005).5                        object
KC (skills_from_dataframe)                 object
KC (skills_from_dataframe).1               object
KC (skills_from_dataframe).2               object
KC (skills_from_dataframe).3               object
KC (skills_from_dataframe).4               object
KC (skills_from_dataframe).5               object
KC Category (MCAS39-State_WPI-Simple)      float64
KC Category (MCAS39-State_WPI-Simple).1    float64
KC Category (MCAS39-State_WPI-Simple).2    float64
KC Category (MCAS39-State_WPI-Simple).3    float64
KC Category (MCAS5-State_WPI-Simple)       float64
KC Category (MCAS5-State_WPI-Simple).1     float64
KC Category (MCAS5-State_WPI-Simple).2     float64
KC Category (MCAS5-State_WPI-Simple).3     float64
KC Category (Single-KC)                    float64
KC Category (Unique-step)                  float64
KC Category (WPI-Apr-2005)                 float64
KC Category (WPI-Apr-2005).1               float64
KC Category (WPI-Apr-2005).2               float64
KC Category (WPI-Apr-2005).3               float64
KC Category (WPI-Apr-2005).4               float64
KC Category (WPI-Apr-2005).5               float64
KC Category (skills_from_dataframe)        float64
KC Category (skills_from_dataframe).1      float64
KC Category (skills_from_dataframe).2      float64
KC Category (skills_from_dataframe).3      float64
KC Category (skills_from_dataframe).4      float64
KC Category (skills_from_dataframe).5      float64
Level (Curriculum)                         object
Outcome                                    float64
Problem Name                               int64
Problem Start Time                         object
Problem View                               float64
Row                                        int64
Sample Name                                object
School                                     object
Selection                                  object
Session Id                                 int64
Step Name                                  object
Student Response Subtype                   float64
Student Response Type                      int64
Time Zone                                  object
Total Num Hints                            float64
Transaction Id                             object
Tutor Response Subtype                     float64
Tutor Response Type                        object
dtypes: float64(32), int64(4), object(38)
memory usage: 1.5+ GB

In [8]:

Action Anon Student Id Attempt At Step CF (mich) Class Day Duration (sec) Feedback Classification Feedback Text Help Level ... Selection Session Id Step Name Student Response Subtype Student Response Type Time Zone Total Num Hints Transaction Id Tutor Response Subtype Tutor Response Type
0 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 1.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 102.0 HINT_REQUEST The cost for the first day is $24.99. How much... 1.0 ... Step0:2218:Including tax, the cost of renting ... 647501 Step0:2218:Including tax, the cost of renting ... NaN 1 US/Eastern NaN f4e16b8c0864cb38ffbd487d846a09e1 NaN HINT_MSG
1 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 2.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 46.0 NaN NaN NaN ... Step0:2218:Including tax, the cost of renting ... 647501 Step0:2218:Including tax, the cost of renting ... NaN 0 US/Eastern NaN e44529ccdaa26422c653ff9c1efec8c6 NaN RESULT
2 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 1.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 70.0 SCAFFOLD System displays first scaffold 1.0 ... Step0:3093:Yvette s goal is to run 30 miles a ... 647792 Step0:3093:Yvette s goal is to run 30 miles a ... NaN 1 US/Eastern NaN 9915b5078ecd2b8fa0b6f246a021db4b NaN HINT_MSG
3 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 1.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 22.0 HINT_REQUEST Add up the number of miles she has run so far ... 1.0 ... Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... 647792 Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... NaN 1 US/Eastern NaN 7e36958c6d8d08d9b15ff7f133a76da0 NaN HINT_MSG
4 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 2.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 2.0 HINT_REQUEST What is: 6.5 + 5.2 + 7.8 + 3 + 6.9? 2.0 ... Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... 647792 Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... NaN 1 US/Eastern NaN 8f1aef4b136c9ed4ce89c75d9a7dda7c NaN HINT_MSG
5 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 3.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 2.0 HINT_REQUEST Yvette ran 29.4 miles so far this week. Type i... 3.0 ... Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... 647792 Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... NaN 1 US/Eastern NaN 4b90d7a61c5e00fcdce020d47ed854e5 NaN HINT_MSG
6 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 4.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 23.0 HINT_REQUEST Add up the number of miles she has run so far ... 4.0 ... Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... 647792 Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... NaN 1 US/Eastern NaN 7763fdc98cc2a82d3e0323af8c375209 NaN HINT_MSG
7 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 5.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 13.0 NaN No, that is not correct. NaN ... Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... 647792 Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... NaN 0 US/Eastern NaN fbb2388212cc47ba82e46fe9f1aefab2 NaN RESULT
8 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 6.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 9.0 NaN No, that is not correct. NaN ... Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... 647792 Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... NaN 0 US/Eastern NaN 0f826810e52d9103d75b44409e90d227 NaN RESULT
9 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 7.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 54.0 NaN No, that is not correct. NaN ... Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... 647792 Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... NaN 0 US/Eastern NaN f1a6f1f467097c77f0f322551b70c088 NaN RESULT
10 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 1.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 10.0 NaN NaN NaN ... Step0:3093:Yvette s goal is to run 30 miles a ... 648459 Step0:3093:Yvette s goal is to run 30 miles a ... NaN 0 US/Eastern NaN 5f2a9fec3a203e4934c0bb3a44d4133a NaN RESULT
11 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 1.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 4.0 NaN NaN NaN ... Step0:3093:Yvette s goal is to run 30 miles a ... 648848 Step0:3093:Yvette s goal is to run 30 miles a ... NaN 0 US/Eastern NaN 00aa4dd1132be4eb3e048032714945f7 NaN RESULT
12 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 1.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 7.0 NaN No, that is not correct. NaN ... Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... 648848 Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... NaN 0 US/Eastern NaN 082906ca655ec27cc4140cce7af65410 NaN RESULT
13 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 2.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 28.0 NaN No, that is not correct. NaN ... Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... 648848 Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... NaN 0 US/Eastern NaN cb7f30b1f3b23d1ce3e2b361b7efbd4b NaN RESULT
14 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 3.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 3.0 HINT_REQUEST Add up the number of miles she has run so far ... 1.0 ... Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... 648848 Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... NaN 1 US/Eastern NaN df057bf2d1df1865a20f15003cb88f74 NaN HINT_MSG
15 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 4.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 1.0 HINT_REQUEST What is: 6.5 + 5.2 + 7.8 + 3 + 6.9? 2.0 ... Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... 648848 Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... NaN 1 US/Eastern NaN 1fccd977baa736ee6c6d50a4a009841b NaN HINT_MSG
16 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 5.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 54.0 NaN NaN NaN ... Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... 648848 Step1:3094:How many miles has Yvette run so fa... NaN 0 US/Eastern NaN 0908e20f9ef38ed3245304a078076805 NaN RESULT
17 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 1.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 13.0 NaN NaN NaN ... Step2:3095:How many more miles does Yvette nee... 648848 Step2:3095:How many more miles does Yvette nee... NaN 0 US/Eastern NaN 650e89f773c7ff899fb86d266f01a487 NaN RESULT
18 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 1.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 23.0 NaN NaN NaN ... Step0:2247:Which equation states a rule for th... 649206 Step0:2247:Which equation states a rule for th... NaN 0 US/Eastern NaN f9337d6e51968aca87c27e1ee3023247 NaN RESULT
19 NaN Stu_001d187b1b375fe98b88696b250177f0 1.0 NaN Class_2 2004-11-10 31.0 HINT_REQUEST Plug in the value of 3 in Equation A and write... 1.0 ... Step1:2248:Let s break the problem down into t... 649206 Step1:2248:Let s break the problem down into t... NaN 1 US/Eastern NaN 7ce97021f321bdb1782257b84a285521 NaN HINT_MSG

20 rows × 74 columns

In [9]:

Attempt At Step Duration (sec) Help Level Is Last Attempt Outcome Problem Name Problem View Row Session Id Student Response Type Total Num Hints
count 2.713668e+06 2.717403e+06 799289.000000 2.713668e+06 2.713668e+06 2.717403e+06 2.716133e+06 2.717403e+06 2.717403e+06 2.717403e+06 303756.000000
mean 2.355278e+00 3.018074e+01 2.056620 4.408527e-01 8.897006e-01 4.151714e+03 1.330551e+00 5.359513e+05 3.505221e+06 2.947270e-01 3.529932
std 2.422268e+00 4.969362e+01 1.476702 4.964894e-01 8.289859e-01 4.431318e+03 1.082776e+00 3.886655e+05 2.443062e+06 4.559200e-01 1.298585
min 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 6.720000e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000
25% 1.000000e+00 5.000000e+00 1.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 8.440000e+02 1.000000e+00 2.264510e+05 1.254070e+06 0.000000e+00 3.000000
50% 1.000000e+00 1.300000e+01 2.000000 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 2.526000e+03 1.000000e+00 4.529010e+05 3.160977e+06 0.000000e+00 3.000000
75% 3.000000e+00 3.300000e+01 3.000000 1.000000e+00 2.000000e+00 5.774000e+03 1.000000e+00 7.716525e+05 5.627755e+06 1.000000e+00 4.000000
max 1.200000e+02 6.000000e+02 57.000000 1.000000e+00 2.000000e+00 1.865100e+04 1.360000e+02 1.451003e+06 8.167924e+06 1.000000e+00 47.000000

Look at correlations between different features:

In [10]:
corr1 = data.corr().dropna(how='all', axis=1).dropna(how='all', axis=0)

Attempt At Step Duration (sec) Help Level Is Last Attempt Outcome Problem Name Problem View Row Session Id Student Response Type Total Num Hints
Attempt At Step 1.000000 -0.154595 0.616571 -0.135482 0.123630 -0.022933 0.000038 -0.004871 0.028472 0.144848 0.181698
Duration (sec) -0.154595 1.000000 -0.162715 0.145041 -0.122901 0.070008 -0.017832 0.030165 0.032254 -0.172120 -0.005403
Help Level 0.616571 -0.162715 1.000000 -0.161555 NaN 0.000084 0.001105 -0.022569 -0.052596 NaN 0.486930
Is Last Attempt -0.135482 0.145041 -0.161555 1.000000 -0.715236 0.057230 -0.032900 0.008526 -0.014916 -0.478881 -0.006871
Outcome 0.123630 -0.122901 NaN -0.715236 1.000000 -0.069962 0.018062 -0.035608 -0.016468 0.865428 NaN
Problem Name -0.022933 0.070008 0.000084 0.057230 -0.069962 1.000000 -0.099745 0.190714 0.126389 -0.074013 0.114920
Problem View 0.000038 -0.017832 0.001105 -0.032900 0.018062 -0.099745 1.000000 -0.023752 -0.107300 0.019308 -0.017242
Row -0.004871 0.030165 -0.022569 0.008526 -0.035608 0.190714 -0.023752 1.000000 0.227741 -0.032047 -0.002293
Session Id 0.028472 0.032254 -0.052596 -0.014916 -0.016468 0.126389 -0.107300 0.227741 1.000000 -0.017296 0.014721
Student Response Type 0.144848 -0.172120 NaN -0.478881 0.865428 -0.074013 0.019308 -0.032047 -0.017296 1.000000 NaN
Total Num Hints 0.181698 -0.005403 0.486930 -0.006871 NaN 0.114920 -0.017242 -0.002293 0.014721 NaN 1.000000

Visualise obtained correlations:

In [11]:

As we see, there are some large (anti)correlations between the following features:

  • correlation (0.87) between 'Outcome' and 'Student Response Type' (hints contribute to the largest values in both features);
  • correlation (0.61) between 'Attempt At Step' and 'Help Level' (making more steps for attempts generally means making more hints);
  • correlation (0.49) between 'Help Level' and 'Total Num Hints' (number of subsequent hints clearly correlate with the total number of hints);
  • anti-correlation (-0.72) between 'Is Last Attempt' and 'Outcome';
  • anti-correlation (-0.48) between 'Is Last Attempt' and 'Student Response Type' (a product of correlation between 'Outcome' and 'Student Response Type' and anti-correlation between 'Is Last Attempt' and 'Outcome').

Select features chosen for further analysis:

In [12]:
columns = ['Anon Student Id', \
           'Session Id', \
           'Duration (sec)', \
           'Student Response Type', \
           'Problem Name', \
           'Problem View', \
           'Attempt At Step', \
           'Outcome', \

In [13]:
data = data.copy()[columns]

Add 'x' column:

Note to reviewers: this algorithm is quite slow (~25 minutes), so you may consider adding 'x' variable (number of attempt) to a substantial subset of ASSISTments dataset (e.g. processing 100,000 rows takes only ~0.5 minutes).

In [14]:
def adding_x(df):
    j = 0
    start_time = time.time()
    df['x'] = 0
    df_attempts = df[df['Student Response Type'] == 0].copy()
    stud_list = df_attempts['Anon Student Id'].unique()
    for student in stud_list:
        print("\r\t>>> Progress\t:{:.4%}".format((j + 1)/len(stud_list)), end='')
        j += 1
        stud = []
        data_stud = df_attempts[np.in1d(df_attempts['Anon Student Id'], stud)].copy()
        for problem in data_stud['Problem Name'].unique():
            prob = []
            data_prob = data_stud[np.in1d(data_stud['Problem Name'], prob)].copy()
            data_stud.loc[data_prob.index,'x'] = range(1,len(data_prob)+1)
        df_attempts.loc[data_stud.index,'x']  = data_stud['x']
    end_time = time.time()
    print("\n\t>>> Exec. time\t:{}s".format(end_time-start_time))
    return df_attempts

In [15]:
#data_x = adding_x(data.head(100000).copy())
data_x = adding_x(data.copy())
data['x'] = 0
data.loc[data_x.index,'x'] = data_x['x']
data[data['x'] > 0].shape

	>>> Progress	:100.0000%
	>>> Exec. time	:1407.3320195674896s
(1916511, 10)

Write data to hdf, read back and compare

I read from and write to compressed hdf, see performance comparison:

In [16]:
def hdf_fixed_write_compress(df):

def hdf_fixed_read_compress():
    df = pd.read_hdf('data.hdf','test')
    return df

In [17]:

data1 = hdf_fixed_read_compress()
ne = data[data != data1]
ne.dropna(axis=0, how='all', inplace=True)


This file is too large to upload to Githib:

In [18]:
! ls -lh data.hdf

-rw-rw-r-- 1 dima806 dima806 73M Nov  6 14:17 data.hdf

, so I gzipped it:

In [19]:
with open('data.hdf', 'rb') as f_in, gzip.open('data.hdf.gz', 'wb') as f_out:
    shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)

The obtained data.hdf.gz file is smaller than 25M, so I upload it to my Github:

In [20]:
! ls -lh data.hdf.gz

-rw-rw-r-- 1 dima806 dima806 17M Nov  6 14:17 data.hdf.gz

Create visualisation:

In [21]:
s1 = data[data['Outcome'] <= 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s2 = data[data['Outcome'] == 1].groupby(['x']).agg(len)['Problem Name']

s1[8] = s1.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s1.index.max()+1)):
        s1.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

s2[8] = s2.loc[8:].sum()
for i in range(9, int(s2.index.max()+1)):
        s2.drop(i, inplace=True)
    except ValueError:

In [22]:
# In case of wrong x labelling, simply run this cell 2 times:

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
fig_size = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"]
fig_size[0] = 8.3
fig_size[1] = 4.7
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = fig_size
plt.bar(s1.index, s1, width=0.9)
#plt.bar(s2.index, s2, width=0.9)
#plt.legend(['CORRECT', 'INCORRECT'])

plt.xlabel("Attempt number", size=14)
plt.ylabel("Number of attempts", size=14)
ax1.tick_params(axis ='both', which='major', length=0, labelsize =14, color='black')
ax1.tick_params(axis ='both', which='minor', length=0)
labels = [item.get_text() for item in ax1.get_xticklabels()]
labels = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8+']

ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.plot(s1.index, s2/s1, 'r-o')
ax2.set_ylabel('Fraction of incorrect attempts', size=14, color='r')
ax2.tick_params('y', colors='r')
ax2.tick_params(axis ='both', which='minor', length=0)
ax2.tick_params(axis ='both', which='major', length=0, labelsize =14, color='red')

