Merging polygons (general purpose)


This notebook describes how to merge annotations that are generated in piecewise when annotating a large structure, or that arise in an annotation study when one user adds annotations to another user's work as corrections. In these cases there is a collection of annotations that overlap and need to be merged without any regular or predictable interfaces.

The example presented below addresses this case using an R-tree algorithm that identifies merging candidates without exhuastive search. While this approach can also merge annotations generated by tiled analysis it is slower than the alternative.

This extends on some of the work described in Amgad et al, 2019:

Mohamed Amgad, Habiba Elfandy, Hagar Hussein, ..., Jonathan Beezley, Deepak R Chittajallu, David Manthey, David A Gutman, Lee A D Cooper, Structured crowdsourcing enables convolutional segmentation of histology images, Bioinformatics, 2019, btz083

Here is a sample result:

In [ ]:

Implementation summary

This algorithm merges annotations in coordinate space, which means it can merge very large structures without encountering memory issues. The algorithm works as follows:

  • Identify contours that that have the same label (e.g. tumor)

  • Add bounding boxes from these contours to an R-tree. The R-tree implementation used here is modified from here and uses k-means clustering to balance the tree.

  • Starting from the bottom of the tree, merge all contours from leafs that belong to the same nodes.

  • Move one level up the hierarchy, each time incorporating merged contours from nodes that share a common parent. This is repeated until there is one merged contour at the root node. The contours are first dilated slightly to make sure any small gaps are filled in the merged result, then are eroded by the same factor after merging.

  • Save the coordinates from each merged polygon in a new pandas DataFrame.

This process ensures that the number of comparisons is << n^2. This is very important since algorithm complexity plays a key role as whole slide images may contain tens of thousands of annotated structures.

Where to look?

|_ histomicstk/

In [1]:
import os
import sys
CWD = os.getcwd()
sys.path.append(os.path.join(CWD, '..', '..', 'histomicstk', 'annotations_and_masks'))
import girder_client
from histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.polygon_merger_v2 import Polygon_merger_v2
from histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.masks_to_annotations_handler import (
    get_annotation_documents_from_contours, _discard_nonenclosed_background_group)
from histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils import parse_slide_annotations_into_tables

In [2]:
## 1. Connect girder client and set parameters

1. Connect girder client and set parameters

In [3]:
SOURCE_SLIDE_ID = '5d5d6910bd4404c6b1f3d893'
POST_SLIDE_ID = '5d586d76bd4404c6b1f286ae'

gc = girder_client.GirderClient(apiUrl=APIURL)
# gc.authenticate(interactive=True)

# get and parse slide annotations into dataframe
slide_annotations = gc.get('/annotation/item/' + SOURCE_SLIDE_ID)
_, contours_df = parse_slide_annotations_into_tables(slide_annotations)

2. Polygon merger

The Polygon_merger_v2() is the top level function for performing the merging.

In [2]:

Init Polygon_merger object.

        contours_df : pandas DataFrame
            The following columns are needed.

            group : str
                annotation group (ground truth label).
            ymin : int
                minimun y coordinate
            ymax : int
                maximum y coordinate
            xmin : int
                minimum x coordinate
            xmax : int
                maximum x coordinate
            coords_x : str
                vertix x coordinates comma-separated values
                vertix y coordinated comma-separated values
        merge_thresh : int
            how close do the polygons need to be (in pixels) to be merged
        verbose : int
            0 - Do not print to screen
            1 - Print only key messages
            2 - Print everything to screen
        monitorPrefix : str
            text to prepend to printed statements


In [5]:

Init Polygon_merger object.

        contours_df : pandas DataFrame
            The following columns are needed.

            group : str
                annotation group (ground truth label).
            ymin : int
                minimun y coordinate
            ymax : int
                maximum y coordinate
            xmin : int
                minimum x coordinate
            xmax : int
                maximum x coordinate
            coords_x : str
                vertix x coordinates comma-separated values
                vertix y coordinated comma-separated values
        merge_thresh : int
            how close do the polygons need to be (in pixels) to be merged
        verbose : int
            0 - Do not print to screen
            1 - Print only key messages
            2 - Print everything to screen
        monitorPrefix : str
            text to prepend to printed statements


Required arguments for initialization

The only required argument is a dataframe of contours merge.

In [6]:

annidx elementidx type group color xmin xmax ymin ymax bbox_area coords_x coords_y
0 0 0 polyline mostly_tumor rgb(255,0,0) 44457 44703 44191 44260 16974 44614,44613,44608,44607,44602,44601,44596,4459... 44191,44192,44192,44193,44193,44194,44194,4419...
1 0 1 polyline mostly_tumor rgb(255,0,0) 44350 44682 43750 44154 134128 44350,44350,44353,44354,44359,44360,44364,4436... 43750,44154,44151,44151,44146,44146,44142,4414...
2 1 0 polyline roi rgb(200,0,150) 44350 44860 43750 44260 260100 44350,44350,44860,44860,44350 43750,44260,44260,43750,43750
3 2 0 polyline mostly_lymphocytic_infiltrate rgb(0,0,255) 44856 44860 43999 44034 140 44860,44858,44858,44857,44857,44856,44856,4485... 43999,44001,44002,44003,44006,44007,44018,4401...
4 2 1 polyline mostly_lymphocytic_infiltrate rgb(0,0,255) 44788 44860 43912 43997 6120 44823,44822,44819,44818,44817,44813,44812,4480... 43912,43913,43913,43914,43914,43918,43918,4392...

3. Initialize and run the merger

In [7]:
# init & run polygon merger
pm = Polygon_merger_v2(contours_df, verbose=1)

: mostly_lymphocytic_infiltrate: set_contours_slice
: mostly_lymphocytic_infiltrate: create_rtree
: mostly_lymphocytic_infiltrate: set_tree_dict
: mostly_lymphocytic_infiltrate: set_hierarchy
: mostly_lymphocytic_infiltrate: get_merged_multipolygon
: mostly_lymphocytic_infiltrate: _add_merged_multipolygon_contours
: mostly_tumor: set_contours_slice
: mostly_tumor: create_rtree
: mostly_tumor: set_tree_dict
: mostly_tumor: set_hierarchy
: mostly_tumor: get_merged_multipolygon
: mostly_tumor: _add_merged_multipolygon_contours
: mostly_stroma: set_contours_slice
: mostly_stroma: create_rtree
: mostly_stroma: set_tree_dict
: mostly_stroma: set_hierarchy
: mostly_stroma: get_merged_multipolygon
: mostly_stroma: _add_merged_multipolygon_contours


The following steps are only "aesthetic", and just ensure the contours look nice when posted to Digital Slide Archive for viewing with GeoJS.

In [8]:
# add colors (aesthetic)
for group in pm.unique_groups:
    cs = contours_df.loc[contours_df.loc[:, "group"] == group, "color"]
        pm.new_contours.loc[:, "group"] == group, "color"] = cs.iloc[0]

# get rid of nonenclosed stroma (aesthetic)
pm.new_contours = _discard_nonenclosed_background_group(
    pm.new_contours, background_group="mostly_stroma")

This is the result

In [9]:

annidx elementidx type group color xmin xmax ymin ymax bbox_area coords_x coords_y has_holes
0 NaN NaN polyline mostly_lymphocytic_infiltrate rgb(0,0,255) 44670.0 45472.0 43750.0 44200.0 360900.0 44670,44670,44670,44670,44670,44670,44670,4467... 43901,43901,43907,43907,43908,43908,43909,4391... 0.0
1 NaN NaN polyline mostly_tumor rgb(255,0,0) 46181.0 46396.0 43750.0 43917.0 35905.0 46181,46181,46181,46181,46181,46181,46181,4618... 43777,43777,43777,43778,43778,43778,43778,4377... 0.0
2 NaN NaN polyline mostly_tumor rgb(255,0,0) 46312.0 46396.0 44167.0 44350.0 15372.0 46312,46312,46312,46312,46312,46312,46315,4631... 44252,44252,44252,44253,44253,44253,44256,4425... 0.0
3 NaN NaN polyline mostly_tumor rgb(255,0,0) 44907.0 46396.0 44609.0 46308.0 2529811.0 44907,44907,44907,44907,44907,44907,44907,4490... 46230,46230,46230,46234,46234,46234,46234,4623... 0.0
4 NaN NaN polyline mostly_tumor rgb(255,0,0) 45822.0 46086.0 43824.0 43953.0 34056.0 45822,45822,45822,45822,45822,45822,45822,4582... 43914,43914,43915,43915,43915,43915,43915,4391... 0.0

4. Visualize results on HistomicsTK

In [11]:
# deleting existing annotations in target slide (if any)
existing_annotations = gc.get('/annotation/item/' + POST_SLIDE_ID)
for ann in existing_annotations:
    gc.delete('/annotation/%s' % ann['_id'])

# get list of annotation documents
annotation_docs = get_annotation_documents_from_contours(
    pm.new_contours.copy(), separate_docs_by_group=True,
    verbose=False, monitorPrefix=POST_SLIDE_ID + ": annotation docs")

# post annotations to slide -- make sure it posts without errors
for annotation_doc in annotation_docs:
    resp =
        "/annotation?itemId=" + POST_SLIDE_ID, json=annotation_doc)

Now you can go to HistomicsUI and confirm that the posted annotations make sense and correspond to tissue boundaries and expected labels.