The DSA database stores annotations in an (x,y) coordinate list format. For many tasks that process annotation data like training machine learning algorithms or measuring interobserver agreement a mask image representation where pixel values encode ground truth information is more useful.
This notebook demonstrates tools to convert annotations into semantic segmentation mask images. There are two approaches for generating these images:
Generate a mask image from a region defined by user-specified coordinates.
Generate mask images from annotations contained within region-of-interest (ROI) annotations. This involves mapping annotations to these ROIs and creating one image per ROI.
The examples below extend approaches described in Amgad et al, 2019:
Mohamed Amgad, Habiba Elfandy, Hagar Hussein, ..., Jonathan Beezley, Deepak R Chittajallu, David Manthey, David A Gutman, Lee A D Cooper, Structured crowdsourcing enables convolutional segmentation of histology images, Bioinformatics, , btz083, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btz083
A csv file like the one in
is needed to define what group each pixel value corresponds to in the mask image, to define the overlay order of various annotation groups, and to define which groups represent ROIs. Note that the term "group" here comes from the annotation model where each group represents a class like "tumor" or "necrosis" and is associated with an annotation style.
The code demonstrated in this notebook extends functionality of the current API endpoints that get annotations as a list of dictionaries, including handing the following complex situations:
Getting RGB and mask images at the same magnification/resolution
User-defined regions to query, including cropping of annotations to defined region
Retrieving annotations from ROIs, including rotated rectangles and polygons
Overlapping annotations
"Background" class (eg. anything not-otherwise-specified is stroma)
Getting contours (coordinate lists in ROI frame) and bounding boxes relative to images at the same resolution, to be used to trainign object localization models like Faster-RCNN.
There are four run modes:
wsi: get scaled up/down version of mask of whole slide
min_bounding_box: get minimum box for all annotations in slide
manual_bounds: use given xy coordinate bounds provided by the 'bounds' param
polygonal_bounds: use manually-drawn polygonal (or rectanglar) ROI boundaries
Here is a sample result:
Source annotations
Corresponding masks
If the polygonal_bounds
mode is used though its wrapper function (see jupyter),
the result is saved mask files named something like:
Where to look?
|_ histomicstk/
| |_annotation_and_mask_utils.py
| |_annotations_to_masks_handler.py
|_ test_annotation_and_mask_utils.py
|_ test_annotations_to_masks_handler.py
In [1]:
import os
import girder_client
from pandas import DataFrame, read_csv
import tempfile
from imageio import imread
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils import (
scale_slide_annotations, get_scale_factor_and_appendStr)
from histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotations_to_masks_handler import (
get_roi_mask, get_image_and_mask_from_slide, get_all_rois_from_slide)
#Some nice default configuration for plots
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 7, 7
titlesize = 16
In [2]:
CWD = os.getcwd()
APIURL = 'http://candygram.neurology.emory.edu:8080/api/v1/'
SAMPLE_SLIDE_ID = '5d586d57bd4404c6b1f28640'
GTCODE_PATH = os.path.join(
CWD, '../../tests/test_files/sample_GTcodes.csv')
# connect to girder client
gc = girder_client.GirderClient(apiUrl=APIURL)
# gc.authenticate(interactive=True)
# just a temp directory to save masks for now
BASE_SAVEPATH = tempfile.mkdtemp()
'ROI': os.path.join(BASE_SAVEPATH, 'masks'),
'rgb': os.path.join(BASE_SAVEPATH, 'rgbs'),
'contours': os.path.join(BASE_SAVEPATH, 'contours'),
'visualization': os.path.join(BASE_SAVEPATH, 'vis'),
for _, savepath in SAVEPATHS.items():
# What resolution do we want to get the images at?
# Microns-per-pixel / Magnification (either or)
MPP = 2.5 # <- this roughly translates to 4x magnification
MAG = None
This contains the ground truth codes and information dataframe. This is a dataframe that is indexed by the annotation group name and has the following columns:
: group name of annotation (string), eg. "mostly_tumor"overlay_order
: int, how early to place the annotation in the
mask. Larger values means this annotation group is overlayed
last and overwrites whatever overlaps it.GT_code
: int, desired ground truth code (in the semantic segmentation mask)
Pixels of this value belong to corresponding group (class)is_roi
: Flag for whether this group marks 'special' annotations that encode the ROI boundaryis_background_class
: Flag, whether this group is the default
fill value inside the ROI. For example, you may descide that
any pixel inside the ROI is considered stroma.NOTE:
Zero pixels have special meaning and do NOT encode specific ground truth class. Instead, they simply mean 'Outside ROI' and should be IGNORED during model training or evaluation.
In [3]:
# read GTCodes file
GTCodes = read_csv(GTCODE_PATH)
GTCodes.index = GTCodes.loc[:, 'group']
In [4]:
This section generates a mask provided coordinates of a region in a whole-slide image. Depending on the run mode used, these bounds could be determined automatically (eg enclosing all manually drawn annotations) or defined using the function parameters. The method output includes the RGB image of the defined region, the corresponding semantic segmentation mask, xy coordinates of annotations relative to the mask, and a visualization overlay of the annotations on the RGB image that mimicks the HistomicsUI visualization of the region.
The function get_image_and_mask_from_slide()
implements mask generation.
In [5]:
In [6]:
# other params
get_roi_mask_kwargs = {
'iou_thresh': 0.0,
'crop_to_roi': True,
'use_shapely': True,
'verbose': False
get_contours_kwargs = {
'groups_to_get': None,
'roi_group': 'roi',
'get_roi_contour': True,
'discard_nonenclosed_background': True,
'background_group': 'mostly_stroma',
'MIN_SIZE': 10, 'MAX_SIZE': None,
'verbose': False, 'monitorPrefix': ""
# params for get_image_and_mask_from_slide()
get_kwargs = {
'gc': gc, 'slide_id': SAMPLE_SLIDE_ID,
'GTCodes_dict': GTCodes.T.to_dict(),
'get_roi_mask_kwargs': get_roi_mask_kwargs,
'get_contours_kwargs': get_contours_kwargs,
'get_rgb': True,
'get_contours': True,
'get_visualization': True,
As you've seen in documentation, this method has four run modes, which determines where to get
semantic segmentation masks and other behaviors. Here we test the basic manual_bounds
mode, where you just give the boundaries (at base/scan magnification) of the annotations you want. Of course
everything will be scaled to the desired resolution.
In [7]:
get_kwargs['bounds'] = {
'XMIN': 58000, 'XMAX': 63000,
'YMIN': 35000, 'YMAX': 39000
In [8]:
# get specified region, let the method get and scale annotations
roi_out = get_image_and_mask_from_slide(mode='manual_bounds', **get_kwargs)
The result is a a dictionary describing the region location in the slide, a semantic segmentation mask image, an RGB image of the region, contours (lists of annotation coordinates relative to region frame) and a visualization:
In [9]:
The dictionary roi_out['bounds']
can be used to convert the coordinates in contours
from the region frame back to the slide frame
In [10]:
In [11]:
for imstr in ['rgb', 'ROI', 'visualization']:
In [12]:
Note that if we were to use the above function call repeatedly for the same slide
(eg to get tiles or multiple regions of interest), this would repeatedly use a
get request to obtain the annotations from the server, which is inefficient. Instead,
if we know we'll be using this repeatedly for the same slide, we manually get annotations
and scale them down/up to desired resolution, and pass them to get_image_and_mask_from_slide()
method. Here's how this could be done.
In [13]:
# get annotations for slide
slide_annotations = gc.get('/annotation/item/' + SAMPLE_SLIDE_ID)
# scale up/down annotations by a factor
sf, _ = get_scale_factor_and_appendStr(
gc=gc, slide_id=SAMPLE_SLIDE_ID, MPP=MPP, MAG=MAG)
slide_annotations = scale_slide_annotations(slide_annotations, sf=sf)
# get bounding box information for all annotations
element_infos = get_bboxes_from_slide_annotations(slide_annotations)
In [14]:
# get specified region -- manually providing scaled annotations
roi_out = get_image_and_mask_from_slide(
mode='manual_bounds', slide_annotations=slide_annotations,
element_infos=element_infos, **get_kwargs)
In [15]:
If you don't care about any "special" ROI annotations and would just like to parse everything in the
slide into a 'super' minimum-bounding-box semantic segmentation mask, use the min_bounding_box
mode as follows.
In [16]:
# get ROI bounding everything
minbbox_out = get_image_and_mask_from_slide(
mode='min_bounding_box', slide_annotations=slide_annotations,
element_infos=element_infos, **get_kwargs)
In [17]:
In [18]:
In [19]:
# get entire wsi region
get_kwargs['MPP'] = 5.0 # otherwise it's too large!
wsi_out = get_image_and_mask_from_slide(
mode='wsi', **get_kwargs)
In [20]:
In [21]:
In [22]:
plt.imshow(wsi_out['visualization'][1650:2000, 2800:3300])
In [23]:
In [24]:
detailed_kwargs = {
'MAG': None,
'get_roi_mask_kwargs': get_roi_mask_kwargs,
'get_contours_kwargs': get_contours_kwargs,
'get_rgb': True,
'get_contours': True,
'get_visualization': True,
The parameter get_roi_mask_kwargs
(which is one of the keys of the parameter get_image_and_mask_from_slide_kwargs
) is a dictionary of kwargs
that is eventually passed on to get_roi_mask()
. Watch out for the following parameters:
- flag of whether to crop polygons to roi (prevent 'overflow' beyond roi edge)
- flag of whether to precisely determine whether an element
belongs to an ROI using shapely polygons. Ever-so-slightly slower. If
set to False, overlapping bounding box is used as a cheap but
less precise indicator of inclusion.
In [25]:
savenames = get_all_rois_from_slide(
gc=gc, slide_id=SAMPLE_SLIDE_ID, GTCodes_dict=GTCodes.T.to_dict(),
slide_name='TCGA-A2-A0YE', verbose=False)
In [26]:
In [27]:
for savename in savenames:
vis = imread(savename["ROI"])