
Overview. We introduce and apply a new and exciting graphics package plotly. We show how we can leverage our knowledge of Matplotlib to jumpstart our usage of plotly. We then show how to access some of plotly's unique features to do things that are difficult or impossible with our knowledge of matplotilb.


  • Loading data: pd.read_html example to get latitude and longitude coordinates for country capitals
  • Matplotlylib: converting a matplotlib figure to a plotly figure
  • Plotly api: covers the basics of plotly's own api
  • Maps: building maps with plotly

Note: requires internet access to run.

This IPython notebook was created by Dave Backus, Chase Coleman, and Spencer Lyon for the NYU Stern course Data Bootcamp.


  • Packages. Collections of tools that extend Python's capabilities. We add them with import statements.
  • conda and pip: package managers for python. Install new packages using conda install package_name or pip3 install package name.

We will need to have the plotly python package installed. To do this enter the following from the command line (command prompt on windows, terminal on mac):

pip install plotly
pip install cufflinks
pip install html5lib

Once you've done that, come back to this notebook and run the following cell to make sure plotly is installed properly.

In [1]:
import sys                             # system module
import pandas as pd                    # data package
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt        # graphics module  
import datetime as dt                  # date and time module
import numpy as np                     # foundation for Pandas
import seaborn.apionly as sns          # fancy matplotlib graphics (no styling)
from import data, wb         # worldbank data

# plotly imports
from plotly.offline import iplot, iplot_mpl  # plotting functions
import plotly.graph_objs as go               # ditto
import plotly                                # just to print version and init notebook
import cufflinks as cf                       # gives us df.iplot that feels like df.plot
cf.set_config_file(offline=True, offline_show_link=False)

# these lines make our graphics show up in the notebook
%matplotlib inline             

# check versions (overkill, but why not?)
print('Python version:', sys.version)
print('Pandas version: ', pd.__version__)
print('Plotly version: ', plotly.__version__)
print('Today: ',

/home/sglyon/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/io/ FutureWarning: 
The module is moved to a separate package (pandas-datareader) and will be removed from pandas in a future version.
After installing the pandas-datareader package (, you can change the import ``from import data, wb`` to ``from pandas_datareader import data, wb``.
/home/sglyon/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/io/ FutureWarning: 
The module is moved to a separate package (pandas-datareader) and will be removed from pandas in a future version.
After installing the pandas-datareader package (, you can change the import ``from import data, wb`` to ``from pandas_datareader import data, wb``.
Python version: 3.5.1 |Anaconda 4.0.0 (64-bit)| (default, Dec  7 2015, 11:16:01) 
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)]
Pandas version:  0.18.0
Plotly version:  1.9.10
Today:  2016-05-03

Data Sources

Before we get too far, we'll need some data. Let's get some now.

First we will download precipitation data from the World Bank for all countries in Europe. In order to put this data on a map we will need to have either the 3 letter ISO code for the country or latitude and longitude coordinates. We'll grab both here. This will be a little sophistocated, so bear with us.

We show these steps here so that you can re-use this code if you want to do something similar in the future.

In [2]:
# read a list of latitude and longitude coordinates for
# country capitals
lat_lon = pd.read_html("", header=0, 
                       attrs={"align": "center", "cellpadding": 5, "bgcolor": "#FFFFFF"})[0]

# clean up so lat and long are numeric in degrees east and degrees north
def clean_latlon(series, to_negate):
    # get XX.YY data
    split1 = series.str.split("°")
    split2 = split1.str.get(1).str.split("'")
    data = split1.str.get(0) + "." + split1.str.get(0)
    # now add a negative side if last character == to_negate
    signs = split2.str.get(1) == to_negate
    signs = signs.replace({True: "-", False: ""})
    data = signs.str[:] + data.str[:]
    return data.astype(float)
lat_lon["Latitude"] = clean_latlon(lat_lon["Latitude"], "S")
lat_lon["Longitude"] = clean_latlon(lat_lon["Longitude"], "W")
lat_lon = lat_lon.drop("Capital", axis=1)
lat_lon = lat_lon.set_index("Country")

Latitude Longitude
Afghanistan 34.34 69.69
Albania 41.41 19.19
Algeria 36.36 3.03
American Samoa -14.14 -170.17
Andorra 42.42 1.01

In [3]:
# dataframe of country names and iso codes
url = ""
iso = pd.read_html(url, attrs={"border": "0", "cellpadding": "2"}, header=0)[0]
iso = iso.rename(columns={"ISO ALPHA-3 code": "ISO", 
                          "Country or area name": "Country"})
iso = iso.drop("Numerical  code", axis=1)
iso = iso.set_index("Country")

Afghanistan AFG
Åland Islands ALA
Albania ALB
Algeria DZA
American Samoa ASM

In [4]:
# get data from worldbank
europe = ["Albania",  "Andorra",  "Armenia",  "Austria",  "Azerbaijan",  "Belarus",
          "Belgium",  "Bosnia and Herzegovina",  "Bulgaria",  "Croatia",  "Cyprus",
          "Czech Republic",  "Denmark",  "Estonia",  "Finland",  "France",  "Georgia",
          "Germany",  "Greece",  "Hungary",  "Iceland",  "Ireland",  "Italy",
          "Kazakhstan",  "Kosovo",  "Latvia",  "Liechtenstein",  "Lithuania",
          "Luxembourg",  "Macedonia",  "Malta",  "Moldova",  "Monaco",  "Montenegro",
          "Netherlands",  "Norway",  "Poland",  "Portugal",  "Romania",  "Russia",  
          "San Marino",  "Serbia",  "Slovakia",  "Slovenia",  "Spain",  "Sweden",
          "Switzerland",  "Turkey",  "Ukraine",  "United Kingdom",  "Vatican City"]

iso_europe = iso[iso.index.isin(europe)]
rain =["ISO"], indicator=["AG.LND.PRCP.MM"], 
                   start=2014, end=2014)
rain = rain.reset_index(level="year", drop=True) = "Country"

# some countries didn't have data. Drop them now
rain = rain.dropna()
rain.columns = ["Precipitation"]

Albania 1485.0
Armenia 562.0
Austria 1110.0
Azerbaijan 447.0
Belgium 847.0

In [5]:
# now we will merge in iso codes and latitidue/longitude data
rain = rain.merge(iso, left_index=True, right_index=True)
rain = rain.merge(lat_lon, left_index=True, right_index=True)

Precipitation ISO Latitude Longitude
Albania 1485.0 ALB 41.41 19.19
Armenia 562.0 ARM 40.40 44.44
Austria 1110.0 AUT 48.48 16.16
Azerbaijan 447.0 AZE 40.40 49.49
Belarus 618.0 BLR 53.53 27.27

In [6]:
# Earnings by school and gender. Source plotly docs. Real source, unknown
url = ""
earnings = pd.read_csv(url)

earnings = earnings.set_index("School")
earnings = earnings.sort_values("Men")
print("\n\nAfter set_index and sort_values:\n")

      School  Women  Men  gap
0        MIT     94  152   58
1   Stanford     96  151   55
2    Harvard    112  165   53
3     U.Penn     92  141   49
4  Princeton     90  137   47

After set_index and sort_values:

          Women  Men  gap
UCLA         64   78   14
SoCal        72   81    9
Emory        68   82   14
Michigan     62   84   22
Berkeley     71   88   17

In [7]:
# tips at restaurants in NYC. Source unknown, but classic dataset
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")

total_bill tip sex smoker day time size
0 16.99 1.01 Female No Sun Dinner 2
1 10.34 1.66 Male No Sun Dinner 3
2 21.01 3.50 Male No Sun Dinner 3
3 23.68 3.31 Male No Sun Dinner 2
4 24.59 3.61 Female No Sun Dinner 4

In [8]:
# Data on flowers. Source unknown. Classic data set
iris = sns.load_dataset("iris")

sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa

In [9]:
# info on titanic passengers. Source unknown.
titanic = sns.load_dataset("titanic")

survived pclass sex age sibsp parch fare embarked class who adult_male deck embark_town alive alone
0 0 3 male 22.0 1 0 7.2500 S Third man True NaN Southampton no False
1 1 1 female 38.0 1 0 71.2833 C First woman False C Cherbourg yes False
2 1 3 female 26.0 0 0 7.9250 S Third woman False NaN Southampton yes True
3 1 1 female 35.0 1 0 53.1000 S First woman False C Southampton yes False
4 0 3 male 35.0 0 0 8.0500 S Third man True NaN Southampton no True


Plotly is a javascript based plotting library. Plotly leverages industry grade javascript technologies to provide great flexibility and good performance. Being a javascript library, plotly graphics are inherently interactive meant to be viewed in a webbrowser. The good news is that we can embed our interactive plots in any website: Jupyter notebooks, blog posts, etc. The great news is that we don't have to write any javascript ourselves!

The plotly project was started about four years ago. Over that time, plotly has transitioned between three phases:

  1. Online only mode: plotly started as a web service where you uploaded your data and constructed plots on their website.
  2. Online plotting mode: the next phase was to allow you to build plots from your favorite programming language (Python!), but the plots were actually created on their servers and you were given a link to view the plot on their website.
  3. Offline mode: You can now construct plotly graphics 100% offline. While all three modes still exist, we will use the purely offline mode in our notes.


As a warmup, let's utilize our expertise of Matplotlib to quickly generate some basic plotly graphics.

The main steps in this process are:

  1. Construct a matplotlib figure as we normally do.
  2. Pass the Figure object (usually named fig in our examples) to the function iplot_mpl.

That's it!

Disclaimer: the functions that convert matplotlib figures to plotly figures are not perfect. We'll see some issues below, but will show how to build the plots using plotly's API so they look as we expect.

We'll start by looking at some examples from the seaborn documentation. The actual figures are not important here. We are mostly concerned with how well matplotlylib can take a matplotlib figure and construct a plotly figure.

In [10]:
ax = sns.swarmplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)
fig_mpl = ax.get_figure()

Now let's convert our Matplotlib figure fig_mpl into a plotly figure named fig_py. To do this we will use the function iplot_mpl as follows:

In [11]:

For this example we see that the converter did a decent job, though it didn't quite get the xlabels correct

Let's try another example

In [12]:
out = sns.pointplot(x="class", y="survived", hue="sex", data=titanic,
                    palette={"male": "g", "female": "m"},
                    markers=["^", "o"], linestyles=["-", "--"]);

In [13]:

/home/sglyon/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/plotly/matplotlylib/ UserWarning:

Dang! That path collection is out of this world. I totally don't know what to do with it yet! Plotly can only import path collections linked to 'data' coordinates

/home/sglyon/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/plotly/matplotlylib/ UserWarning:

I found a path object that I don't think is part of a bar chart. Ignoring.

What worked well in this conversion? What didn't work?

Let's do one more example using the college graduate data

In [14]:
fig_mpl, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 10))
earnings.plot.barh(ax=ax, y="Men", color="Blue")
earnings.plot.barh(ax=ax, y="Women", color="Pink");

In [15]:
foo = iplot_mpl(fig_mpl)

/home/sglyon/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/plotly/matplotlylib/ UserWarning:

Looks like the annotation(s) you are trying 
to draw lies/lay outside the given figure size.

Therefore, the resulting Plotly figure may not be 
large enough to view the full text. To adjust 
the size of the figure, use the 'width' and 
'height' keys in the Layout object. Alternatively,
use the Margin object to adjust the figure's margins.

/home/sglyon/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/plotly/matplotlylib/ UserWarning:

I found a path object that I don't think is part of a bar chart. Ignoring.

What did and didn't work here?

Below we'll recreate this same figure using plotly's api and overcome these issues

Plotly API

Let's now consider how to use plotly's own API to construct plots instead of building the graphics through matplotlib.

Plotly has over 20 core chart types and many more can be created by combining one or more chart types in the same figure. We don't have time to cover all of them here, but please check out the documentation.

Plotly has a purely declarative API. This means that we describe all the features we want in our figure at once, without worrying about which functions to call in what order.

The plotly can achieve this is by fully describing the plot in a data format called JSON. For our purposes we can think of JSON as dictionaries, where values can be of any type, including other dictionaries.

Plotly figures are composed of two things:

  1. A list of traces that describe the data that will be plotted and how it should appear
  2. A layout that describes features of the overall plot. Things like ticks, labels, titles, fonts, margins, etc.

The traces describe the data that should be plotted as well as how it should be displayed. Here's an example of a trace defining a scatter plot:

trace = dict(type="scatter",  # trace type
             x=[1, 2, 3],     # x data
             y=[1, 4, 9],     # y data
             name="Squares"   # legend label

In this example, x, y, name and marker are called the attributes of the trace. All traces have a type attribute that describes the type of chart to generate for a particular piece of data. Here we chose scatter, which is what plotly calls scatter plots or line plots.

An example of a layout is

l = dict(title="Penguins food",            # plot title
         yaxis=dict(title="Quantity (%)",  # yaxis label
                    range=(0, 1)           # set limits for y axis

Notice that the value associated with yaxis had type dict. This allowed us to control features of the yaxis.

For an overwhelmingly comprehensive overview of all trace types and their associated attributes (everything plotly can do) see the chart attribute reference in the plotly python documentation

After we have defined one or more traces and a layout, we build the plotly figure using the function plotly.graph_objs.Figure. The imports up top allow us to refer to this function as go.Figure. This is how we call the function:

fig = go.Figure(data=D, layout=L)

where D is a list of traces and L describes the layout.

Finally, the last thing we need to know how to do is display the figure. In the notebook we will use the function plotly.offline.iplot, which we imported directly as iplot. To display the figure above we would do


To get a feel for what this looks like, let's revisit the horizontal bar chart using the college grad earnings data.

Here's how we might build that figure using plotly's API

In [16]:
# the long way. Construct all the dicts by hand
men = dict(type="bar",                                      # trace type
           orientation="h",                                 # make bars horizontal
           name="Men",                                      # legend entry
           x=earnings["Men"],                               # x data
           y=earnings.index,                                # y data
           marker={"color": "Blue"}                         # blue bars
women = dict(type="bar",                                    # trace type
             orientation="h",                               # horizontal bars
             name="Women",                                  # legend entry
             x=earnings["Women"],                           # x data
             y=earnings.index,                              # y data
             marker={"color": "Pink"}                       # pink bars
layout = dict(width=650, height=750,                        # plot width/height
              yaxis={"title": "School"},                    # yaxis label
              title="Gender earnings disparity",            # title
              xaxis={"title": "Annual Salary (thousands)"}  # xaxis label}
iplot(go.Figure(data=[men, women], layout=layout))

Exercise: now generate a similar plot using the df.iplot method. (Hint you can reuse the layout object from above)

In [ ]:

Example: Dumbell plot. The striking fact in the data is that there is a gap between earnings of men and women. To highlight that, here's another way we might visualize the same data:

In [78]:
men2 = dict(type="scatter", 
            mode="markers",                       # draw dots
            x=earnings["Men"],                    # x data
            y=earnings.index,                     # y data
            marker={"color": "Blue", "size": 12}  # dot color/size
women2 = dict(type="scatter", name="Women", mode="markers",
              x=earnings["Women"], y=earnings.index,
              marker={"color": "Pink", "size": 12})

def draw_line(row):
    sc =
    line = dict(type="scatter",                # trace type
                x=[row["Women"], row["Men"]],  # x data
                y=[sc, sc],                    # y data flat
                mode="lines",                  # draw line
                name=sc,                       # name trace
                showlegend=False,              # no legend entry
                line={"color": "gray"}         # line color
    return line
lines = list(earnings.apply(draw_line, axis=1))

# use + for two lists
data = [men2, women2] + lines  

# build and display the figure
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)

Exercise: Look at the figure attribute reference and figure out how to remove the grid lines from the figure above. First remove the veritcal ones, then horizontal, then both. (Hint: Look for an attribute on the xaxis and yaxis of the layout) (Hint 2 you can get the current layout by doing fig.layout)

In [ ]:


We will finish this notebook by looking at some new things we can now do because we are using plotly.

There are two map-based traces in plotly:

  • scattergeo: this allows you do draw lines or dots on a map
  • choropleth: this allows you to fill regions with different colors

There is also the geo layout attribute. We'll look

scattergeo dots

We'll look at the scattergeo trace type first. Suppose we want to draw dots on the map. There are two possible sets of trace attributes we can work with:

  1. Set lat and lon each to a list that specifiy the latitide and longitude for each point repsectively
  2. Set the locationmode to be one of "ISO-3", "USA-states", or "country names" and then set location to be a valid member of that mode.

We can then set any other attributes

Let's see an example of each version:

In [41]:
# first create marker/layout objects we can re-use in both plots
marker = {"color": rain["Precipitation"],
          "size": rain["Precipitation"]/100,
          "colorscale": "Reds",
          "colorbar": {"title": "Precipitation mm"}}

layout = dict(geo={"scope": "europe", "resolution": 50}, 
              width=750, height=550)

In [42]:
# using location mode
trace = dict(type="scattergeo",      # trace type
             mode="markers",         # draw points
             locations=rain["ISO"],  # use ISO code
             marker=marker           # marker settings (size, color, ...)

iplot(go.Figure(data=[trace], layout=layout), link_text="")

In [79]:
# using lat/lon mode
trace = dict(type="scattergeo",     # trace type
             mode="markers",        # draw dots
             lat=rain["Latitude"],  # latitude coordinate
             lon=rain["Longitude"], # longitude coordinate
             marker=marker          # marker settings (color, size...)

iplot(go.Figure(data=[trace], layout=layout), link_text="")

scattergeo lines

Now supppose we want to draw lines from the Italy to France, Germany, and Spain.

We can do this using scattergeo traces, where the lat and lon attributes on each trace are of length 2. The point will be drawn from (lat[0], lon[0]) to (lat[1], lon[1]):

In [81]:
def get_lat_lon_for(df, iso):
    lat = df["Latitude"][df["ISO"] == iso]
    lon = df["Longitude"][df["ISO"] == iso]
    return float(lat), float(lon)

i_lat, i_lon = get_lat_lon_for(rain, "ITA")
traces = []

for country in ["FRA", "ESP", "DEU"]:
    lat, lon = get_lat_lon_for(rain, country)
    trace = dict(type="scattergeo",                # trace type
                 mode="lines",                     # draw lines
                 lat=[i_lat, lat],                 # latitude coordinates
                 lon=[i_lon, lon],                 # longitude coordinates
                 line={"width": 4.0},              # thick lines
                 name="ITA to {}".format(country)  # legend entry

iplot(go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout))


The other type of map plotly can create is called a choropleth map. Here we have each region filled in with a solid color.

Let's use our country data to see what this looks like

In [82]:
trace = dict(type="choropleth",
             locations=rain["ISO"],   # use ISO names
             z=rain["Precipitation"], # defines the color
             colorscale="Viridis",    # change pallette
             text=rain.index,         # change text on hover

# reuse the same layout
iplot(go.Figure(data=[trace], layout=layout), link_text="")

In [ ]:

In [ ]: