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.container { width:100% } 

Kruskal's Algorithm for Computing the Minimum Spanning Tree

In our implementation of Kruskal's algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree we use the union-find data structure that we have defined previously.

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%run Union-Find-OO.ipynb

Furthermore, we need a priority queue. The module heapq implements a priority queue. The API for this module is as follows:

  • H.heappush(x) pushes x onto the heap H,
  • H.heappop() removes the smallest element from the heap H and returns this element,
  • H = [] creates an empty heap.

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import heapq as hq

The function $\texttt{mst}(V, E)$ takes a set of nodes $V$ and a set of weighted edges $E$ to compute a minimum spanning tree. It is assumed that the pair $(V, E)$ represents a weighted graph $G$ that is connected. The weighted edges in the set $E$ have the form $$ \bigl(w, (x, y)\bigr). $$ Here, $x$ and $y$ are nodes from the set $V$, while $w$ is the cost of the edge $\{x,y\}$. The algorithm returns a set of weighted edges that define a minimum spanning tree of $G$.

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def mst(V, E):
    UF  = UnionFind(V)
    MST = set()         # minimum spanning tree, represented as set of weighted edges
    H   = []            # empty priority queue for weighted edges
    for edge in E:
        hq.heappush(H, edge)
    while True:
        w, (x, y) = hq.heappop(H)
        root_x = UF.find(x)
        root_y = UF.find(y)
        if root_x != root_y:
            MST.add((w, (x, y)))
            UF.union(x, y)
            if len(MST) == len(V) - 1:
                return MST

In [ ]:
def mst(V, E):
    UF  = UnionFind(V)
    MST = set()         # minimum spanning tree, represented as set of weighted edges
    H   = []            # empty priority queue for weighted edges
    for edge in E:
        hq.heappush(H, edge)
    while True:
        w, (x, y) = hq.heappop(H)
        print(f'testing {x} - {y}, weight {w}')
        root_x = UF.find(x)
        root_y = UF.find(y)
        if root_x != root_y:
            print(f'connect {x} - {y}')
            MST.add((w, (x, y)))
            UF.union(x, y)
            display(toDot(E, MST))
            print('_' * 100)
            if len(MST) == len(V) - 1:
                return MST

In [ ]:
import graphviz as gv

Given a set $E$ of weighted edges, the function $\texttt{toDot}$ transforms this set into a dot structure that can be displayed as a graph. The edges that are present in the set $H$ are assumed to be the edges that are part of the minimum spanning tree and therefore are highlighted.

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def toDot(E, H):
    V = set()
    for (_, (x, y)) in E:
    dot = gv.Graph()
    dot.attr(rankdir='LR', size='8,5')
    for x in V:
    for (w, (x, y)) in E:
        if (w, (x, y)) in H:
            dot.edge(str(x), str(y), label=str(w), color='blue', penwidth='2')
            dot.edge(str(x), str(y), label=str(w), style='dashed')
    return dot

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def demoFile(fn):
    with open(fn, 'r') as file:
        data = file.readlines()
    Edges = set()
    Nodes = set()
    for line in data:
        x, y, weight = line.split()
        Edges.add( (int(weight), (int(x), int(y))) )
        Nodes.add( int(x) )
        Nodes.add( int(y) )
    MST = mst(Nodes, Edges);
    return toDot(Edges, MST)

In [ ]:
MST = demoFile("tiny.txt")

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