In [1]:
import sys
import os
import json
from datetime import datetime
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
import igraph as ig
from load_data import load_citation_network_igraph, case_info
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
data_dir = '../../data/'
court_name = 'scotus'
In [2]:
# this will be a little slow the first time you run it
G = load_citation_network_igraph(data_dir, court_name)
print 'loaded %s network with %d cases and %d edges' % (court_name, len(G.vs), len(
In [183]:
desired_num_samples = 1000
all_indices = range(len(G.vs))
nonexistant_edge_list = []
start_time = time.time()
while len(nonexistant_edge_list) < desired_num_samples:
# randomly select a pair of vertices
rand_pair = np.random.choice(all_indices, size=2, replace=False)
# check if there is currently an edge between the two vertices
edge_check =[rand_pair[0]], [rand_pair[1]]))
# if edge does not exist add it to the list
if len(edge_check) == 0:
# order the vertices by time
if G.vs[rand_pair[0]]['year'] <= G.vs[rand_pair[1]]['year']:
ing_id = rand_pair[1]
ed_id = rand_pair[0]
ing_id = rand_pair[0]
ed_id = rand_pair[1]
nonexistant_edge_list.append((ing_id, ed_id))
total_runtime = time.time() - start_time
print 'total_runtime %1.5f' % (total_runtime/desired_num_samples)
print 'len nonexistant_edge_list %d' % len(nonexistant_edge_list)
In [187]:
print 'estimated time to get to 500000 samples: %1.5f min' % (((total_runtime/desired_num_samples) * 500000)/60)
In [ ]: