Path analysis

In [16]:
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from pylab import *

import igraph as ig # Need to install this in your virtual environment
from re import sub

import editdistance # Needs to be installed
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
# Usage:
# editdistance.eval('banana', 'bahama')

import seaborn as sns

In [17]:
import sys
from utils.database import dbutils

conn = dbutils.connect()
cursor = conn.cursor()

In [3]:
nodes = pd.read_sql('select * from optourism.firenze_card_locations', con=conn)

In [4]:
df = pd.read_sql('select * from optourism.firenze_card_logs', con=conn)
df['short_name'] = df['museum_id'].replace(dict(zip(nodes['museum_id'],nodes['short_name'])))
df['string'] = df['museum_id'].replace(dict(zip(nodes['museum_id'],nodes['string'])))
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['entry_time'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
df['hour'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) + pd.to_timedelta(pd.to_datetime(df['entry_time'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').dt.hour, unit='h')
df['total_people'] = df['total_adults'] + df['minors']

In [5]:
# Helper function for making summary tables/distributions
def frequency(dataframe,columnname):
    out = dataframe[columnname].value_counts().to_frame()
    out.columns = ['frequency'] = columnname
    out['cumulative'] = out['frequency'].cumsum()/out['frequency'].sum()
    out['ccdf'] = 1 - out['cumulative']
    return out

I propose distinguishing paths from flows. A path is an itinerary, and the flow is the number of people who take the flow. E.g., a family or a tour group produces one path, but adds mulitple people to the overall flow.

We now build a transition graph, a directed graph where an edge represents a person going from one museum to another within the same day.

We also produce the transition matrix, a row-normalized n-by-n matrix of the frequency of transition from the row node to the column node. If you take a vector of the current volumes in each location, and multiply that my the transition matrix, you get a prediction for the number of people on each node at the next time. This prediction can be refined with corrections for daily/weekly patterns and such.

Path analysis

To make paths:

We want a dataframe with user, the museum they went from and the museum they went to, the number of people on the card, and the time of entry to the next museum.

We will drop much of this data in creating paths, which will be concatenations of single-character codes for each museum.

To track the first visit per day, we add a dummy "source" node that everybody starts each day from. We give it the character code " ", and can then split(" ") along it.

In [6]:
df4 = df.groupby(['user_id','entry_time','date','hour','museum_name','short_name','string']).sum()['total_people'].to_frame() # Need to group in this order to be correct further down

In [7]:
df4['from'] = 'source' # Initialize 'from' column with 'source'
df4['to'] = df4['short_name'] # Copy 'to' column with row's museum_name

In [8]:
make_link = (df4['user_id'].shift(1)==df4['user_id'])&(df4['date'].shift(1)==df4['date']) # Row indexes at which to overwrite 'source'
df4['from'][make_link] = df4['short_name'].shift(1)[make_link]

In [9]:
df4['s'] = ' ' # Initialize 'from' column with 'source'
df4['t'] = df4['string'] # Copy 'to' column with row's museum_name
df4['s'][make_link] = df4['string'].shift(1)[make_link]

In [10]:
# Concatenating the source column is not enough, it leaves out the last place in the path. 
# Need to add a second 'source' column that, for the last item in a day's path, contains two characters.
df4['s2'] = df4['s']
df4['s2'][df4['from'].shift(-1)=='source'] = (df4['s2'] + df4['t'])[df4['from'].shift(-1)=='source']
# Note: the above trick doesn't work for the last row of data. So, do this as well:
df4.iloc[-1:]['s2'] = df4.iloc[-1:]['s'] + df4.iloc[-1:]['t']

In [11]:
df5 = df4.groupby('user_id')['s2'].sum().to_frame() # sum() on strings concatenates 

1459702 U3A DGVBC
1473903 U D2V PX
1473904 U D2V PX
1473905 N cDAC
1473906 PSUV AIMC2 cl

In [12]:
df6 = df5['s2'].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.strip().split(' '))) # Now split along strings. Takes a few seconds.
df6.head() # Note: 4 columns is correct, Firenze card is *72 hours from first use*, not from midnight of the day of first yse!

0 1 2 3
1459702 U3A DGVBC NaN NaN
1473903 U D2V PX NaN
1473904 U D2V PX NaN
1473905 N cDAC NaN NaN
1473906 PSUV AIMC2 cl NaN

In [13]:
df6.head(50) # Data stories just fall out! People traveling together, splitting off, etc. We assume this but strong coupling is hard to ignore.

0 1 2 3
1459702 U3A DGVBC NaN NaN
1473903 U D2V PX NaN
1473904 U D2V PX NaN
1473905 N cDAC NaN NaN
1473906 PSUV AIMC2 cl NaN
1473907 PSUV AIMC2 cl NaN
1474634 2D U MABm NaN
1474636 2D U MABm NaN
2014298 PN A NaN NaN
2016016 DV AU NaN NaN
2016021 A DU P NaN
2016022 A DU P NaN
2016024 PN A NaN NaN
2017368 AU NaN NaN NaN
2017369 AU NaN NaN NaN
2017450 UP A NaN NaN
2017451 UP NaN NaN NaN
2017452 UP NaN NaN NaN
2017453 U D PAVT B
2017454 UDC2cmA P NaN NaN
2017455 UDC2cmA P NGVT NaN
2017456 DUG 2cXm ABVP NaN
2017457 U D PAVT NaN
2017458 DUG 2cXm ABVP NaN
2017459 UAD NaN NaN NaN
2017460 USP Dl2CA NBV NaN
2017461 USP Dl2CA NBV NaN
2017462 USP Dl2CA NBV NaN
2017463 USP Dl2CA NBV NaN
2017464 CA UD bPmMG B
2017465 CA NaN NaN NaN
2017466 UCA MD m2cP NaN
2017467 UCA MD m2cP NaN
2017468 DmA P UVTG NaN
2017469 UDA NaN NaN NaN
2017470 UDA NaN NaN NaN
2017471 DA 0cl2mN Pb NaN
2017472 DA 0cl2mN Pb NaN
2017473 UP A NaN NaN
2017474 UP A NaN NaN
2017475 UP A NaN NaN
2017476 UGA P NaN NaN
2017477 UP A NaN NaN
2017478 UP A NaN NaN
2017479 UP A NaN NaN
2017480 UG DA L P
2017481 UG DA L P
2017482 UGVT cl2AC PN NaN
2017483 UAD NaN NaN NaN
2017484 UAD NaN NaN NaN

In [14]:
fr1 = frequency(df5,'s2')

In [15]:
# INSIGHT: the top 15 paths are permutations of Duomo, Uffizi, Accademia. 

s2 frequency cumulative ccdf
0 D 337 0.006604 0.993396
1 U 218 0.010876 0.989124
2 AU 201 0.014815 0.985185
3 A 193 0.018597 0.981403
4 DA 189 0.022300 0.977700
5 ADU 186 0.025945 0.974055
6 UA 172 0.029316 0.970684
7 AD 168 0.032608 0.967392
8 DAU 145 0.035449 0.964551
9 U A 115 0.037703 0.962297
10 UDA 106 0.039780 0.960220
11 DU 95 0.041641 0.958359
12 D A 89 0.043385 0.956615
13 D AU 86 0.045071 0.954929
14 DA U 86 0.046756 0.953244
15 D U 79 0.048304 0.951696
16 P 77 0.049813 0.950187
17 AD U 77 0.051322 0.948678
18 A U 70 0.052693 0.947307
19 D UA 60 0.053869 0.946131
20 DUA 60 0.055045 0.944955
21 A D 57 0.056162 0.943838
22 U AD 56 0.057259 0.942741
23 UA D 56 0.058357 0.941643
24 UD 53 0.059395 0.940605
25 U DA 51 0.060395 0.939605
26 UAD 50 0.061374 0.938626
27 UD A 44 0.062237 0.937763
28 D P 43 0.063079 0.936921
29 UP 42 0.063902 0.936098
30 DU A 42 0.064725 0.935275
31 DA P 41 0.065529 0.934471
32 AD UP 40 0.066313 0.933687
33 U D 38 0.067057 0.932943
34 P U 34 0.067724 0.932276
35 AU D 32 0.068351 0.931649
36 AD UC 32 0.068978 0.931022
37 A DU 30 0.069566 0.930434
38 VU 29 0.070134 0.929866
40 VT 28 0.070683 0.929317
39 V 28 0.071231 0.928769
41 U P 26 0.071741 0.928259
42 DV 26 0.072250 0.927750
43 D U A 25 0.072740 0.927260
44 ADU P 25 0.073230 0.926770
45 DUP 25 0.073720 0.926280
49 P ADU 24 0.074190 0.925810
51 G 24 0.074661 0.925339
50 AP 24 0.075131 0.924869
47 ADBU 24 0.075601 0.924399

In [16]:
plt.title('Most common total Firenze card paths')
plt.xlabel('x = Encoded path')
plt.ylabel('Number of cards with total path x')
# plt.yscale('log')

In [17]:

museum_name longitude latitude museum_id short_name string
0 Basilica di Santa Croce 11.262598 43.768754 1 Santa Croce C
1 Basilica San Lorenzo 11.254430 43.774932 2 San Lorenzo 2
2 Battistero di San Giovanni 11.254966 43.773131 3 Opera del Duomo D
3 Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 11.253924 43.774799 4 Laurenziana l
4 Cappella Brancacci 11.243859 43.768334 5 Brancacci b
5 Cappelle Medicee 11.252750 43.774914 6 Cappelle Medicee c
6 Casa Buonarroti 11.263593 43.769850 7 Casa Buonarroti 7
7 Fondazione Primo Conti 11.292696 43.812167 8 Primo Conti 8
8 Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica _ Planetario 11.264543 43.776782 9 Planetario _
9 Galleria degli Uffizi 11.255607 43.768526 10 Uffizi U
10 Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze 11.258516 43.776755 11 Accademia A
11 La Specola 11.247132 43.764626 12 La Specola L
12 Musei Civici Fiesole 11.293076 43.807254 13 M. Civici Fiesole f
13 Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze 11.261037 43.776634 14 M. Archeologico X
14 Museo Casa Dante 11.257062 43.771071 15 M. Casa Dante 3
15 Museo degli Innocenti 11.260970 43.776340 16 M. Innocenti I
16 Museo del Calcio 11.303383 43.777617 17 M. Calcio u
17 Museo dell'Opificio delle Pietre Dure 11.256901 43.768732 18 M. Opificio 0
18 Museo di Antropologia 11.257962 43.771754 19 M. Antropologia a
19 Museo di San Marco 11.258964 43.777506 25 M. San Marco M
20 Museo di Santa Maria Novella 11.249420 43.774049 26 M. Santa Maria Novella N
21 Museo Ebraico 11.265515 43.772972 27 M. Ebraico E
22 Museo Ferragamo 11.251063 43.769812 28 M. Ferragamo F
23 Museo Galileo 11.256023 43.767683 29 M. Galileo G
24 Museo Horne 11.259375 43.767443 30 M. Horne H
25 Museo Marini 11.250052 43.771906 31 M. Marini 9
26 Museo Nazionale del Bargello 11.257864 43.770509 32 M. Bargello B
27 Museo Novecento 11.249096 43.773020 33 M. Novecento n
28 Museo Stefano Bardini 11.259193 43.765088 34 M. Stefano Bardini s
29 Museo Bandini di Fiesole 11.292954 43.807292 53 M. Bandini Z
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
33 Museo di Casa Martelli 11.253293 43.774148 57 M. Casa Martelli 1
34 Museo Enrico Caruso 11.080747 43.768062 58 M. Enrico Caruso e
35 Parco Mediceo di Pratolino (Villa Demidoff) 11.299206 43.861575 59 V. di Pratolino Q
36 Villa Corsini a Castello 11.233250 43.817123 61 V. Corsini K
37 Museo di Geologia 11.259840 43.778341 20 M. Geologia g
38 Museo di Mineralogia 11.259840 43.778341 21 M. Mineralogia q
39 Museo di Palazzo Davanzati 11.254827 43.770237 22 M. Palazzo Davanzati d
40 Museo di Palazzo Vecchio 11.255600 43.769517 23 M. Palazzo Vecchio V
41 Museo di Preistoria 11.259883 43.772897 24 M. Preistoria p
42 Scavi del Teatro Romano di Firenze-Palazzo Vec... 11.255600 43.769517 60 Teatro Romano t
43 Villa Medicea della Petraia 11.234535 43.818284 62 V. La Petraia w
44 Villa Medicea di Cerreto Guidi e Museo storico... 10.880166 43.759825 63 V. di Cerreto Guidi W
45 Villa Medicea di Poggio a Caiano 11.055234 43.816568 64 V. di Poggio a Caiano y
46 Museo Stibbert 11.255899 43.792889 35 M. Stibbert 6
47 Orto Botanico 11.261745 43.779411 36 Orto Botanico O
48 Palazzo Medici Riccardi 11.255910 43.774764 37 Palazzo Medici m
49 Palazzo Strozzi 11.252241 43.771007 40 Palazzo Strozzi S
50 Torre di Palazzo Vecchio 11.256007 43.769281 41 Torre di Palazzo Vecchio T
51 Villa Bardini 11.256237 43.764011 42 V. Bardini Y
52 Cenacolo Andrea del Sarto 11.285717 43.771651 43 C. Andrea del Sarto @
53 Cenacolo del Fuligno 11.252118 43.775977 44 C. Fuligno 5
54 Cenacolo del Ghirlandaio 11.246334 43.771995 45 C. Ghirlandaio h
55 Cenacolo di Sant'Apollonia 11.256901 43.768732 46 C. SantApollonia z
56 Chiostro dello Scalzo 11.258651 43.778441 47 Chiostro dello Scalzo x
57 Collezione Contini Bonacossi 11.254966 43.768636 48 Contini Bonacossi k
58 Complesso Monumentale Orsanmichele 11.254763 43.770868 49 Orsanmichele o
59 Fondazione Salvatore Romano 11.247625 43.766902 50 Fondazione Romano r
60 Forte Belvedere 11.253607 43.763600 51 Belvedere 4
61 Giardino della Villa Medicea di Castello 11.226004 43.820745 52 V. di Castello J
62 Palazzo Pitti 11.248342 43.765178 38 Pitti P

63 rows × 6 columns

In [18]:
df7 = df5['s2'].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(len(sub(' ','',x))))

In [19]:

1459702 8
1473903 6
1473904 6
1473905 5
1473906 11

In [20]:

2066305 32
2066304 32
2057462 30
2057463 30
2086996 27
2086995 27
2075456 26
2075457 26
2030826 26
2075874 25

In [21]:

0 1 2 3
2066305 PLYsG3VT Dcl2m9bC7EB Ud0MgqOXIanNA NaN
2066304 PLYsG3VT Dcl2m9bC7EB Ud0MgqOXIanNA NaN
2057462 Ml2cDNbLPVT UBC7amXIdS A0GH3sY6n NaN
2057463 Ml2cDNbLPVT UBC7amXIdS A0GH3sY6n NaN
2086996 PbFHsC7E3GNV DBU2mAIX M0cln9d NaN
2086995 PbFHsC7E3GNV DBU2mAIX M0cln9d NaN
2075456 UGaB3Fp Dl2cm0MOgXIANV dPLCT NaN
2075457 UGaB3Fp Dl2cm0MOgXIANV dPLCT NaN
2030826 sC7SFmT D2lcdNnIA MEbPV HG9aU
2075874 ND MqgOXI02ma AcVTBC73UG PYb

In [22]:
fr2 = frequency(df7,0)

0 frequency cumulative ccdf
0 6 5907 0.115753 0.884247
1 5 5632 0.226117 0.773883
2 7 5521 0.334307 0.665693
3 4 5516 0.442398 0.557602
4 8 4858 0.537595 0.462405

In [23]:
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,5), dpi=300)
ax.stem(fr2[0],fr2['frequency'], linestyle='steps--')
# yscale('log')
# xscale('log')
ax.set_title('Number of museum visits by Florence Card')
ax.set_xlabel('Number of museums')
# NOTE: This is the number of *visits*, not people on those cards!! 
# (And, not number of museums visited, this counts multiple visits to the same museum as distinct)

In [24]:
df8 = df.groupby(['user_id','short_name','entry_time']).sum()['total_adults'].to_frame()

user_id short_name entry_time
1459702 Accademia 2016-06-22 15:49:00 1
M. Bargello 2016-06-23 13:41:00 1
M. Casa Dante 2016-06-22 14:26:00 1
M. Galileo 2016-06-23 11:14:00 1
M. Palazzo Vecchio 2016-06-23 12:57:00 1

In [25]:
# Cards with more than one entrance to same museum
df9 = df.groupby(['user_id','short_name']).sum()['total_adults'].to_frame()
df9.columns = ['number_of_entries']
df9['number_of_entries'] = df9['number_of_entries']

user_id short_name
2044654 M. Santa Maria Novella 2
Opera del Duomo 2
Uffizi 2
2045231 Accademia 2
2046704 Accademia 2
2052035 M. Galileo 2
2059646 Santa Croce 2
2059934 M. Palazzo Vecchio 2
2062498 M. Archeologico 2
2065347 M. Palazzo Vecchio 2
2065878 Cappelle Medicee 2
2067085 San Lorenzo 2
2069270 M. Bargello 2
2069663 M. Antropologia 2
2078714 M. Novecento 2
2088128 Pitti 2
2091065 Accademia 2
Opera del Duomo 2
Uffizi 2

In [26]:
df8.shape[0] # Number of entries


In [27]:
df9.shape[0] # 12 repeat visits. Negligible.


In [28]:


In [29]:


In [30]:

user_id short_name

In [18]:
# # This is the number of people who entered on each card entry, not the number of repeat entries! 
# frequency(df.groupby(['user_id','short_name',]).count()['entry_time'].to_frame(),'entry_time')

In [32]:
df9 = df7.reset_index()
df10 = df8.reset_index()
df11 = df9.merge(df10).groupby('user_id').sum()
df11.columns = ['visits','total_people']
df11['persons_per_visit'] = df11['total_people']/df11['visits']

visits total_people persons_per_visit
1459702 64 8 0.125000
1473903 36 6 0.166667
1473904 36 6 0.166667
1473905 25 5 0.200000
1473906 121 11 0.090909

In [33]:
# df11[df11['persons_per_visit']>1].plot.scatter(x='visits',y='persons_per_visit')

We now want the following: a measure of similarity between adjacent rows, for detecting people traveling together (making the assumption that they bought Firenze cards consecutively).

This is simplest to do naively: not use anything statistical, but just fuzzy matching through edit distance, which is the number of operations (insertions, deletions, swaps) needed to change one string into another (or, opreations on list elements to change one list to another).

Since there are 3 days, and since we want slight deviations in otherwise identical large itineraries to count less, we calculate the following: a column with the edit distance between each pair of days between rows, summed, followed by a column with the total number of visits per row.

In [34]:
# edit = pdist(X, lambda u, v: np.sqrt(((u-v)**2).sum()))

In [35]:

0 1 2 3
1459702 U3A DGVBC
1473903 U D2V PX
1473904 U D2V PX
1473905 N cDAC
1473906 PSUV AIMC2 cl
1473907 PSUV AIMC2 cl
1474634 2D U MABm
1474636 2D U MABm
2014298 PN A
2016016 DV AU

In [36]:
def editdist(pair):
    return editdistance.eval(pair[0],pair[1])

In [37]:
df7 = pd.concat([df6,df6.shift()],axis=1)

In [38]:
df7.columns = ['0','1','2','3','0+','1+','2+','3+']

0 1 2 3 0+ 1+ 2+ 3+
1459702 U3A DGVBC NaN NaN NaN NaN
1473903 U D2V PX U3A DGVBC
1473904 U D2V PX U D2V PX
1473905 N cDAC U D2V PX
1473906 PSUV AIMC2 cl N cDAC

In [39]:
# df8 = df7.iloc[:,[0,4,1,5,2,6,3,7]]
# df8.columns = ['0','0+','1','1+','2','2+','3','3+']
# df8.columns = ['0','0+','1','1+','2','2+','3','3+']
# df8.head()

In [40]:
df7['total_edit_distance'] = df7[['0','0+']].apply(editdist,axis=1) + df7[['1','1+']].apply(editdist,axis=1) + df7[['2','2+']].apply(editdist,axis=1) + df7[['3','3+']].apply(editdist,axis=1)

Exception TypeError: "object of type 'float' has no len()" in 'editdistance.bycython.eval' ignored
Exception TypeError: "object of type 'float' has no len()" in 'editdistance.bycython.eval' ignored
Exception TypeError: "object of type 'float' has no len()" in 'editdistance.bycython.eval' ignored
Exception TypeError: "object of type 'float' has no len()" in 'editdistance.bycython.eval' ignored
0 1 2 3 0+ 1+ 2+ 3+ total_edit_distance
1459702 U3A DGVBC NaN NaN NaN NaN 0
1473903 U D2V PX U3A DGVBC 7
1473904 U D2V PX U D2V PX 0
1473905 N cDAC U D2V PX 6
1473906 PSUV AIMC2 cl N cDAC 10

In [41]:
df7['len'] = df7['0'].str.len() + df7['1'].str.len() + df7['2'].str.len() + df7['3'].str.len()
df7['len+'] = df7['0+'].str.len() + df7['1+'].str.len() + df7['2+'].str.len() + df7['3+'].str.len()
df7['len_tot'] = df7['len'] + df7['len+']

0 1 2 3 0+ 1+ 2+ 3+ total_edit_distance len len+ len_tot
1459702 U3A DGVBC NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 8 NaN NaN
1473903 U D2V PX U3A DGVBC 7 6 8.0 14.0
1473904 U D2V PX U D2V PX 0 6 6.0 12.0
1473905 N cDAC U D2V PX 6 5 6.0 11.0
1473906 PSUV AIMC2 cl N cDAC 10 11 5.0 16.0

In [42]:
fr3 = frequency(df7[df7['total_edit_distance']==0],'len_tot')

len_tot frequency cumulative ccdf
0 12.0 2494 0.118221 0.881779
1 8.0 2384 0.231229 0.768771
2 10.0 2375 0.343809 0.656191
3 14.0 2248 0.450370 0.549630
4 16.0 1976 0.544037 0.455963
5 6.0 1792 0.628982 0.371018
6 18.0 1635 0.706485 0.293515
7 20.0 1399 0.772801 0.227199
8 22.0 1126 0.826176 0.173824
9 4.0 1039 0.875427 0.124573
10 24.0 796 0.913159 0.086841
11 26.0 575 0.940415 0.059585
12 2.0 431 0.960846 0.039154
13 28.0 354 0.977626 0.022374
14 30.0 200 0.987107 0.012893
15 32.0 130 0.993269 0.006731
16 34.0 69 0.996540 0.003460
17 36.0 37 0.998294 0.001706
18 38.0 14 0.998957 0.001043
19 40.0 8 0.999336 0.000664
20 44.0 5 0.999573 0.000427
21 42.0 5 0.999810 0.000190
22 60.0 1 0.999858 0.000142
23 64.0 1 0.999905 0.000095
24 54.0 1 0.999953 0.000047
25 52.0 1 1.000000 0.000000

In [43]:

len_tot frequency cumulative ccdf
0 12.0 2494 0.118221 0.881779
1 8.0 2384 0.231229 0.768771
2 10.0 2375 0.343809 0.656191
3 14.0 2248 0.450370 0.549630
4 16.0 1976 0.544037 0.455963
5 6.0 1792 0.628982 0.371018
6 18.0 1635 0.706485 0.293515
7 20.0 1399 0.772801 0.227199
8 22.0 1126 0.826176 0.173824
9 4.0 1039 0.875427 0.124573
10 24.0 796 0.913159 0.086841
11 26.0 575 0.940415 0.059585
12 2.0 431 0.960846 0.039154
13 28.0 354 0.977626 0.022374
14 30.0 200 0.987107 0.012893
15 32.0 130 0.993269 0.006731
16 34.0 69 0.996540 0.003460
17 36.0 37 0.998294 0.001706
18 38.0 14 0.998957 0.001043
19 40.0 8 0.999336 0.000664
20 44.0 5 0.999573 0.000427
21 42.0 5 0.999810 0.000190
22 60.0 1 0.999858 0.000142
23 64.0 1 0.999905 0.000095
24 54.0 1 0.999953 0.000047
25 52.0 1 1.000000 0.000000

In [44]:
df8 = df7.reset_index(inplace=False)

index user_id 0 1 2 3 0+ 1+ 2+ 3+ total_edit_distance len len+ len_tot
0 0 1459702 U3A DGVBC NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 8 NaN NaN
1 1 1473903 U D2V PX U3A DGVBC 7 6 8.0 14.0
2 2 1473904 U D2V PX U D2V PX 0 6 6.0 12.0
3 3 1473905 N cDAC U D2V PX 6 5 6.0 11.0
4 4 1473906 PSUV AIMC2 cl N cDAC 10 11 5.0 16.0

In [47]:
# df7[df7['total_edit_distance']==0].hist('len_tot',bins=100, grid=False, figsize=[16,8])
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,5), dpi=300)
ax.stem(fr3['len_tot']/2,fr3['frequency'], linestyle='steps--')
# yscale('log')
# xscale('log')
ax.set_title('Number of museums in perfectly matched consecutive paths')
ax.set_ylabel('Number of cards')
ax.set_xlabel('Number of museums')
# NOTE: This is the number of *visits*, not people on those cards!! 
# (And, not number of museums visited, this counts multiple visits to the same museum as distinct)

In [ ]:
# df8.hist('user_id',bins=1000,figsize=[8,8])

In [ ]:
# df8[df8['user_id']>1500000].hist('user_id',bins=1000,figsize=[8,8])

In [ ]:
# df8.plot.scatter(x='index',y='total_edit_distance',figsize=[16,16], c=2+(df8['total_edit_distance']>0))
# sns.jointplot(x="index", y="total_edit_distance", data=df8)#, hue=(df9['total_edit_distance']==0))
# sns.jointplot(x="index", y="total_edit_distance", data=df8, kind='hex')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
sns.jointplot(x="total_edit_distance", y="len_tot", data=df8)

In [ ]:
sns.jointplot(x="total_edit_distance", y="len_tot", data=df8, kind='hex')

In [ ]:
sns.jointplot(x="total_edit_distance", y="len_tot", data=df8, kind='kde')

Now, need to extract consecutive rows of zero edit distance.

In [ ]:
df8['dist_gt_0'] = 1*(df8['total_edit_distance'] != 0)
# df8['offset'] = 1*(df8['zero_dist'] + df8['zero_dist'].shift()==0)
df8['group'] = cumsum(df8['dist_gt_0'])

In [ ]:
df9 = df8[['group','user_id']].groupby('group').count()
df9.columns = ['people']

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [3]:
# # The code below was my attempt to get a node for starting the day and ending the day from the paths. 
# # The problem is that this gives the number of _cards_, not number of people! I had to go back to the
# # dynamic edgelist construction anyway. 
# df6.head()

In [4]:
# df9 = df5['s2'].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.strip().split(' ')))
# df9.fillna(' ',inplace=True)
# df9['0_first'] = df9[0].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x[0]))
# df9['0_last'] = df9[0].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x[-1]))
# df9['0_len'] = df9[0].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(len(x)))
# df9['1_first'] = df9[1].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x[0]))
# df9['1_last'] = df9[1].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x[-1]))
# df9['1_len'] = df9[1].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(len(x)))
# df9['2_first'] = df9[2].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x[0]))
# df9['2_last'] = df9[2].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x[-1]))
# df9['2_len'] = df9[2].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(len(x)))
# df9['3_first'] = df9[3].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x[0]))
# df9['3_last'] = df9[3].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x[-1]))
# df9['3_len'] = df9[3].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(len(x)))
# df9.head()

In [5]:
# df9.replace(' ',np.nan,inplace=True)
# df9.head()

In [6]:
# from_home = frequency(df9[['0_first','1_first','2_first','3_first']].stack().to_frame(),0)[[0,'frequency']]
# from_home.columns = ['0','from_home']
# from_home.set_index('0',inplace=True)
# from_home.head()

In [7]:
# only = frequency(pd.concat(
#     [df9[(df9['0_len']==1)&(df9['0_first'].notnull())]['0_first'], 
#      df9[(df9['1_len']==1)&(df9['1_first'].notnull())]['1_first'], 
#      df9[(df9['2_len']==1)&(df9['2_first'].notnull())]['2_first'], 
#      df9[(df9['3_len']==1)&(df9['3_first'].notnull())]['3_first']
#     ],axis=0).to_frame()
# ,0)[[0,'frequency']]
# only.columns = ['0','only']
# only.set_index('0',inplace=True)
# only.head()

In [8]:
# to_home = frequency(df9[['0_last','1_last','2_last','3_last']].stack().to_frame(),0)[[0,'frequency']]
# to_home.columns = ['0','to_home']
# to_home.set_index('0',inplace=True)
# to_home.head()

In [9]:
# from_to_home = nodes.set_index('string')['short_name'].to_frame().join([from_home,to_home,only])
# from_to_home.set_index('short_name',inplace=True)
# from_to_home.columns = ['home_to_node','node_to_home','only_visit_of_day']
# # from_to_home['from_home'] = from_to_home['from_home_incl_only'] - from_to_home['only_visit_of_day']
# # from_to_home['to_home'] = from_to_home['to_home_incl_only'] - from_to_home['only_visit_of_day']
# from_to_home.head()

In [10]:
# from_to_home['home_to_node'].sort_values(ascending=False).to_frame().head(20)

In [11]:
# from_to_home['node_to_home'].sort_values(ascending=False).to_frame().head(20)

In [12]:
# from_to_home.reset_index(inplace=True)

In [13]:
# from_to_home

In [14]:
# supp_edges = pd.DataFrame({'from':['home']*from_to_home.shape[0] + from_to_home['short_name'].tolist(),
#                           'to':from_to_home['short_name'].tolist() + ['home']*from_to_home.shape[0],
#                           'weight':from_to_home['home_to_node'].tolist() + from_to_home['node_to_home'].tolist() })

In [15]:
# supp_edges.dropna(how='any',inplace=True)
# supp_edges

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Now, I want a set of scatterplots between these frequencies.

In [33]:
pt = pd.concat([frequency(df6,0),frequency(df6,1),frequency(df6,2),frequency(df6,3)])
pt['daily_path'] = pt[0].replace(np.nan, '', regex=True) + pt[1].replace(np.nan, '', regex=True) + pt[2].replace(np.nan, '', regex=True) + pt[3].replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)

frequency daily_path
0 3572 D
1 2317 U
2 1585 P
3 1486 A
4 1232 V

In [34]:
pt2 = pt.groupby('daily_path').sum()
pt2.sort_values('frequency', inplace=True, ascending=False)

D 5932
P 5643
U 5420
A 3604
V 1909

In [35]:
plt.title('Most common daily Firenze card paths across all days')
plt.xlabel('x = Encoded path')
plt.ylabel('Number of cards with daily path x')
# plt.yscale('log')

In [36]:

museum_name longitude latitude museum_id short_name string
0 Basilica di Santa Croce 11.262598 43.768754 1 Santa Croce C
1 Basilica San Lorenzo 11.254430 43.774932 2 San Lorenzo 2
2 Battistero di San Giovanni 11.254966 43.773131 3 Opera del Duomo D
3 Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 11.253924 43.774799 4 Laurenziana l
4 Cappella Brancacci 11.243859 43.768334 5 Brancacci b

In [37]:
# For reference, here are the displayed museums
# nodes[['string','short_name']].set_index('string').reindex(['D','P','U','A','V','T','N','C','G','B','S','c','m','M','b','Y','2'])

string short_name
0 C Santa Croce
1 2 San Lorenzo
2 D Opera del Duomo
4 b Brancacci
5 c Cappelle Medicee
9 U Uffizi
10 A Accademia
19 M M. San Marco
20 N M. Santa Maria Novella
23 G M. Galileo
26 B M. Bargello
40 V M. Palazzo Vecchio
48 m Palazzo Medici
49 S Palazzo Strozzi
50 T Torre di Palazzo Vecchio
51 Y V. Bardini
62 P Pitti

In [38]:

0 1 2 3

In [26]:

In [27]:

In [ ]:

In [39]:

array([['U3A', 'DGVBC', nan, nan],
       ['U', 'D2V', 'PX', nan],
       ['U', 'D2V', 'PX', nan],
       ['D', nan, nan, nan],
       ['D', nan, nan, nan],
       ['D', nan, nan, nan]], dtype=object)

In [ ]:

In [ ]: