In [56]:
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import *
import igraph as ig # Need to install this in your virtual environment
from re import sub
In [2]:
import sys
from utils.database import dbutils
conn = dbutils.connect()
cursor = conn.cursor()
Then, load the data (takes a few moments):
In [3]:
df = pd.read_sql('select * from optourism.firenze_card_logs', con=conn)
In [4]:
# Helper function for making summary tables/distributions
def frequency(dataframe,columnname):
out = dataframe[columnname].value_counts().to_frame()
out.columns = ['frequency'] = columnname
out['cumulative'] = out['frequency'].cumsum()/out['frequency'].sum()
out['ccdf'] = 1 - out['cumulative']
return out
In [5]:
# Make a two-mode weighted edgelist
df1 = df.groupby(['user_id','museum_name'])['total_adults','minors'].sum()
df1['total_visitors'] = df1['total_adults'] + df1['minors']
df1.drop(['total_adults','minors'], axis=1, inplace=True)
In [6]:
g = ig.Graph.TupleList(df1.itertuples(index=False), weights=True) # TupleList is how to get from pandas to igraph
In [7]:
ig.summary(g) # check to make sure the graph imported successfully
In [8]:
g.get_edgelist()[0:20] # There is no longer a head() method, so we have to use usual indexing.
In [9]:
g.vs["name"][0:10] # How to see node names. "vs" stands for "vertices"
In [10]:
g.get_edgelist()[1:10] # How to see edges. They have internal IDs, but for us are referenced as a unique tuple.
In [11]:["weight"][0:25] # How to see edge properties
In [12]:
# This network has two types of nodes: user_ids, and museums.
# Python igraph doesn't automatically recognize/track different node types, but
# fortunately, their names mean we can easily tell them apart: user_ids are
# numbers, and museums are not.
# We associate a "type" attribute with each node, and can use this for
# igraph methods for bipartite/two-mode networks.
g.vs["type"] = [isinstance(name,int)==False for name in g.vs["name"]]
# # This is how to do it taking it into Pandas then coming back out again
# s = pd.Series(g.vs["name"]) # Turn the list into a pandas series
# print s.head()
# print (s.str.isnumeric()==False).astype('int').tolist()[0:9] # Perform an element-wise operation, then take back to a list
# g.vs["type"] = (s.str.isnumeric()==False).tolist()
In [13]:
In [14]:
# This turns the affiliation matrix with two types of nodes into a similarity
# matrix between one of those two types. Similarity here is sharing ties to
# nodes of the same type. The user-user similarity matrix is too big to compute,
# so we only get one of the projections. The output is an undirected, weighted
# network, where the weights are the number of shared connections to nodes of
# the other type.
g_m = g.bipartite_projection(which=True)
In [15]:
In [16]:
# print(g_m) # Gives "adjacency list"
In [17]:
In [18]:["weight"][0:10] # These weights represent the number of user_ids in common
In [19]:
# # To do visualizations, run these in your virtual environment
# pip install cffi
# pip install cairocffi
In [20]:
g_m.vs["label"] = g_m.vs["name"] # "label" attribute is used by igraph automatically for naming nodes on plots
In [21]:
ig.plot(g_m, bbox = (700,500), layout = g_m.layout('kk')) # "kk" is Kamada-Kawai, a standard layout algorithm
# Note that Kamada-Kawai is stochastic, so multiple runs will
# generate slightly different graphs (the main difference is
# orientation, but the shape differs slightly as well)
In network analysis this is known as the "hairball", or "spaghetti". The usual way around it is, when there are edge weights, to threshold the weights. Let's decide where to threshold.
In [22]:
fr_ew = frequency(pd.Series(["weight"]).to_frame(),0)
In [25]:
pd.Series(["weight"]).to_frame().plot.hist(y=0, logy=True, figsize=(10,8), bins=50)
plt.xlabel('Edge weight')
plt.title('Histogram of number of shared visitors')
plt.axvline(1000,color="black") # I decided to use 1000. A round number, cuts off the peak of the histogram, and works well below.
# plt.savefig('shared_visitors.png')
In [26]:
# This is messier but gives more justification to using 1000; that's before there are uniquely large edge weights.
# Maybe it should be a bit larger than 1000, but it's the nearest round number.
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,8)) #, dpi=300)
ax.stem(fr_ew[0],fr_ew['frequency'], linestyle='steps--')
ax.set_title('Histogram of number of shared visitors')
ax.set_xlabel('Edge weight')
In [27]:
# # CDF plot. Not helpful.
# f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,8)) #, dpi=300)
# ax.plot(fr_ew[0],fr_ew['cumulative'])
# # yscale('log')
# # xscale('log')
# ax.set_title('Shared visitors')
# ax.set_ylabel('Fraction of edges with weight x or less')
# ax.set_xlabel('Weight')
In [28]:
# # CCDF/Survival function plot. Not helpful.
# f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,8)) #, dpi=300)
# ax.plot(fr_ew[0],fr_ew['ccdf'])
# # yscale('log')
# # xscale('log')
# ax.set_title('Shared visitors')
# ax.set_ylabel('Fraction of edges with weight x or greater')
# ax.set_xlabel('Weight')
In [29]:
ig.summary(g_m) # How many edges are there initially?
In [30]: # Deletes edges with weights under 1000. Modifies graph object in place.
ig.summary(g_m) # See the result. 798 edges to 194.
In [31]:
visual_style = {}
visual_style["edge_width"] = [.0001*i for i in["weight"]] # Scale weights
ig.plot(g_m, bbox = (700,1000), layout = g_m.layout('kk'), **visual_style)
This visually suggests a "core-periphery structure"; this matches with our notion of how the museums work. There is a more formal way of modeling core-periphery structure, but it's not terribly useful: it can quantify the levels of core-ness and periphery-ness, but that doesn't give anything particularly interpretable.
Next, I propose distinguishing paths from flows. A path is an itinerary, and the flow is the number of people who take the flow. E.g., a family or a tour group produces one path, but adds mulitple people to the overall flow.
I have this projection of the affiliation/bipartite/two-mode network. But what I need is a transition graph, a directed graph where an edge represents a person going from one museum to another within the same day. Write code for that now.
Also, produce the transition matrix. Actually, maybe I should do that, and make the graph from that as an adjacency matrix.
In [32]:
df2 = df.groupby('museum_name').sum()[['total_adults','minors']]
df2['total_people'] = df2['total_adults'] + df2['minors']
In [35]:,8))
plt.title('Number of Firenze card visitors')
plt.ylabel('Number of people')
# plt.yscale('log')
In [36]:
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['entry_time'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
In [37]:
df3 = df.sort_values(['user_id','entry_time'],ascending=False,inplace=False)
df3.drop(['index','museum_id'], axis=1, inplace=True)
Now, we make a graph of the transitions for museums. To do this, we make an edgelist out of the above.
Specifically, we want an edgelist where the first column is the origin site, the second column is the destination site, the third column is the number of people (total adults plus rows for minors), and the fourth column is the time stamp of the entry to the destination museum.
But, there's a twist. We want to track when people arrive at the first museum of their day. We can do this by adding a dummy "source" node that everybody starts each day from. We can then query this dummy node to see not only which museum people activate their Firenze card from, but also the museum where they start their other days. For visualizations, we can drop it (or not visualize it).
We could also have people return to this source node at the end of each day (or make a separate "target" node for this purpose), but there would be no timestamp for that arrival so it would complicate the data with missing values. However, we might still want to do this, analogously to find the last museum people tend to visit in a day.
I will create this source node by the following: first, create an indicator for if the previous record is the same day and the same Firenze card. If it is, we make a link from the museum of the previous row and the museum of that row.
If the previous row is either a different day and/or a different user_id, make a link between the dummy "source" node and that row's museum.
I do this below in a different order: I initialize a "from" column with all source, then overwrite with the museum of the previous row if the conditions are met.
In [38]:
df4 = df3.groupby(['user_id','entry_time','date','museum_name']).sum() # Need to group in this order to be correct further down
df4['total_people'] = df4['total_adults'] + df4['minors']
In [39]:
df3.groupby(['user_id','date','museum_name','entry_time']).sum().head(10) # Even though this grouping's multiindex looks nicer
In [40]:
In [41]:
df4['from'] = u'source' # Initialize 'from' column with 'source'
df4['to'] = df4['museum_name'] # Copy 'to' column with row's museum_name
In [143]:
make_link = (df4['user_id'].shift(1)==df4['user_id'])&(df4['date'].shift(1)==df4['date']) # Row indexes at which to overwrite 'source'
df4['from'][make_link] = df4['museum_name'].shift(1)[make_link]
In [43]:
# df4[df4['user_id']==2016016] # Do a check: before, my incorrect groupby order caused artifacts.
In [44]:
# df4[(df4['from']=="Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze")&(df4['to']=="Galleria degli Uffizi")] # Before, this result was empty
In [45]:
# # This manually checked the above result, to make sure I didn't make a mistake in creating the columns
# df4[((df4['museum_name'].shift(1)=="Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze")\
# &(df4['museum_name']=="Galleria degli Uffizi")\
# &(df4['user_id']==df4['user_id'].shift(1))
# &(df4['date']==df4['date'].shift(1))
# )\
# | \
# ((df4['museum_name']=="Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze")\
# &(df4['museum_name'].shift(-1)=="Galleria degli Uffizi")\
# &(df4['user_id']==df4['user_id'].shift(-1))
# &(df4['date']==df4['date'].shift(-1))
# )]
In [46]:
# df4[(df4['to']=="Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze")&(df4['from']=="Galleria degli Uffizi")] # Once the above was finished, had to make sure the opposite problem didn't happen
In [47]:
# Create the actual edgelist for the transition matrix (of a first-order Markov chain)
df5 = df4.groupby(['from','to'])['total_people'].sum().to_frame()
df5.columns = ['weight']
In [48]:
# Create and check the graph
g2 = ig.Graph.TupleList(df5.itertuples(index=False), directed=True, weights=True)
In [49]:
In [91]:
# Put in graph attributes to help with plotting
g2.vs['label'] = g2.vs["name"] # [sub("'","",i.decode('unicode_escape').encode('ascii','ignore')) for i in g2.vs["name"]] # Is getting messed up!
g2.vs['size'] = [.00075*i for i in g2.strength(mode='in',weights='weight')] # .00075 is from hand-tuning
In [92]:
In [114]:
layout = g2.layout('lgl')
In [142]:
visual_style = {}
visual_style["edge_width"] = [.001*i for i in["weight"]] # Scale weights. .001*i chosen by hand. Try also .05*np.sqrt(i)
visual_style['edge_arrow_size'] = [.00025*i for i in["weight"]] # .00025*i chosen by hand. Try also .01*np.sqrt(i)
visual_style['vertex_label_size'] = 8
visual_style['vertex_color'] = "rgba(100, 100, 255, .75)"
visual_style['edge_color'] = "rgba(0, 0, 0, .25)"
visual_style['edge_curved'] = True
# ig.plot(g2, bbox = (700,1000), layout = layout, margin=20, **visual_style)
ig.plot(g2, 'graph.svg', bbox = (1000,1000), **visual_style)
In [ ]:
# print(g2.get_adjacency()) # This was another check; before it was very nearly upper triangular. Now it looks much better. Copy into a text editor and resize to see the whole matrix.
In [128]:
transition_matrix = pd.DataFrame(g2.get_adjacency(attribute='weight').data, columns=g2.vs['name'], index=g2.vs['name'])
In [132]:
In [ ]: