In this application we will read a netCDF file containing a surface drifter trajectory.

1. Reading the data

We use the netCDF4 module.

In [48]:
%matplotlib inline
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib  import colors

The file path should be adapted to the computer you are working with.

In [49]:
drifterfile = "/data_local/DataOceano/MyOcean/INSITU_GLO_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_013_030/monthly/201507/"

We load the coordinates (longitude, latitude and depth), and the temperature if it exists. To this end, we use the try...except statement. If the temperature variable were not present in the file, we would get a KeyError.

In [50]:
with netCDF4.Dataset(drifterfile) as nc:
    lon = nc.variables['LONGITUDE'][:]
    lat = nc.variables['LATITUDE'][:]
    depth = nc.variables['DEPH'][:]
        temperature = nc.variables['TEMP'][:, 0]
        print 'Variable temperature is in the file'
    except KeyError:
        print 'No variable temperature in this file'

Variable temperature is in the file

With this file we see that indeed, temperature is available.

2. Basic plotting

2.1 First try

Just to visualize what the data look like, we plot the successive positions.

In [51]:
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(lon, lat)

With this file it seems that there is a problem with some of the data points. However we considered all the positions, whatever their quality. Now we will only take the good data points, with QF = 1. To do so, we read the variable relative to the quality of the position.

In [52]:
with netCDF4.Dataset(drifterfile) as nc:
    POSITION_QC = nc.variables['POSITION_QC'][:]

We can count the number of positions that are considered as good.

In [53]:
ngoodpoints = np.sum(POSITION_QC == 1)
print str(ngoodpoints) + ' data points have a good position'

697 data points have a good position

Now we have several possibilities to take the QF into account:

  • Remove the bad data.
  • Mask the data considered as bad.

2.2 Removing bad data

The idea is to generate new arrays storing the coordinates, only with the values that are considered as good.

In [54]:
lon_clean = lon[POSITION_QC == 1]
lat_clean = lat[POSITION_QC == 1]

Let's check the plot:

In [55]:
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(lon_clean, lat_clean)

That seems ok. Note: with this method, the new arrays have a different size:

In [56]:
print lon.shape
print lon_clean.shape


2.3 Masking data

Within numpy, there is a specific module to deal with masked array. It offers many possibilities to mask an array, for instance mask an array where greater than a given value masked_greater. Here we will use masked_where, which masks an array where a condition is met. The condition will be stated as POSITION_QC != 1, i.e., values not equal to 1.

In [57]:
lon_masked = != 1, lon)
lat_masked = != 1, lat)

After that we retry the same plot:

In [58]:
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(lon_masked, lat_masked)

and yes, now it looks correct. Note that with the mask technique, the arrays have the same size as before:

In [59]:
print lon.shape
print lon_masked.shape


3. Plotting the data values

As we have the coordinates and the temperature, it is easy to produce a scatter plot.

In [64]:
fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(lon_masked, lat_masked, s=20, c=temperature, edgecolor='None',

The edgecolor='None' option is necessary to properly visualise the data points in this case. We also avoid the rainbow colormap, known to be misleading. There are may other choices:!

The resulting plot is obviously not perfect, so we will see in the next section how to improve its general aspect.