This example notebook shows one possible way to make an animation using Matplotlib in a Jupyter notebook.
Feel free to use some or all of this code in your projects!
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#First thing we need to do is import pyplot and numpy
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
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#Next we are going to import some specific libraries we will use to get the animation to work cleanly
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
import time
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# function plotgrid() takes in a 2D array and uses pyplot to make a plot.
# this function returns no values!
def plotgrid(myarray):
# first create two vectors based on the x and y sizes of the grid
x_range = np.linspace(0, myarray.shape[0], myarray.shape[0])
y_range = np.linspace(0, myarray.shape[0], myarray.shape[0])
# use the numpy meshgrid function to create two matrices
# of the same size as myarray with x and y indexes
x_indexes, y_indexes = np.meshgrid(x_range, y_range)
# make a list of all the x and y indexes that are either squares or triangles.
# the notation below is relatively new to us; it means that when myarray==(value),
# only record those values.
sq_x = x_indexes[myarray == 1];
sq_y = y_indexes[myarray == 1];
tr_x = x_indexes[myarray == 2];
tr_y = y_indexes[myarray == 2];
# plot the squares and triangles. make the size of the polygons
# larger than the default so they're easy to see!
plt.plot(sq_x,sq_y, 'bs',markersize=20)
plt.plot(tr_x,tr_y, '^g',markersize=20)
#Set the x and y limits to include half a space overlap so we don't cut off the shapes
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# Generate a random grid of points (note this does not guarantee 1/3, 1/3 and 1/3 like in the homework)
neighborhood_array = np.random.random_integers(0,2,size=[20,20])
plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) #Do you know what this line is doing? Try commenting this out to see how the figure looks?
Looks good so far! Finally, we are going to animate the loop using a dynamic display trick. What we will do is create a figure and keep clearing the figure and overwriting it with a new figure. In this example we just keep making a new random neighborhood 10 times while pausing a half second between each neighbornood; if you were to do this in your own homework assignment you would probably do something a bit different.
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# Create a figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
# Run animation for 10 iterations
for i in range(10):
# Generate the random neighborhood
myarray = np.random.random_integers(0,2,size=[20,20])
# Put display code here
# Animaiton part (dosn't change)
time.sleep(0.5) # Sleep for half a second to slow down the animation
clear_output(wait=True) # Clear output for dynamic display
display(fig) # Reset display
fig.clear() # Prevent overlapping and layered plots
plt.close() # Close dynamic display
That's it! You can see the animation again by just re-running the above cell. Have fun making your own animations using Jupyter Notebooks!