Jupyter Tutorial (part 2)

In this part of the Jupyter tutorial, we will show how to use Jupyter code cells to implement interactive and/or animated figures. Such figures allows Jupyter notebooks to go beyond traditional "static" course notes. For instance, a student can use sliders to change the parameters of a plotted curve, and the curve will be automatically updated to display the effects of the change.

The material we will cover is as follows:

  • Creating interactive plots using the FloatSlider widget.
  • Other widget types (integer sliders, toggle buttons, etc.).
  • Creating 3D plots.
  • Creating animated plots.

Interactive plots with sliders

The following code cell contains a simple example of an interactive plot. The figure shows the graph of $y = \cos(x + \phi)$. There is a slider, which you can drag to change the value of $\phi$. The graph is updated automatically.

As before, you need to run the code cell to enable the interactive graph; select it and type Ctrl-Enter, or choose the Cell → Run Cells menu item, or the "run" toolbar button.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from scipy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets import interact, FloatSlider

## Definition of the plot_cos function, our "callback function".
def plot_cos(phi):
    ## Plot parameters
    xmin, xmax, nx = 0.0, 10.0, 50
    ymin, ymax     = -1.2, 1.2

    ## Plot the figure
    x = linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
    y = cos(x + phi)
    plt.plot(x, y, linewidth=2)

    ## Set up the figure axes, etc.
    plt.title("y = cos(x + phi)")
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)

## Generate our user interface.
interact(plot_cos, phi=FloatSlider(min=-3.2, max=3.2, step=0.2, value=0.0));

Let's go over the key steps in the above program:

  • First, we set up inline plotting, and import the modules required by the rest of the program, as discussed in part 1 of the tutorial. This time, in addition to the scipy and matplotlib.pyplot modules, we also import the ipywidgets module, which implements interactive user interfaces ("widgets") for Jupyter. Specifically, we import interact and FloatSlider, which we'll need later.
  • The rest of the program consists of two pieces: a callback function for the user interface, and a generator for the interface. The callback function, in this case named plot_cos, does the actual work of generating the plot once the user has provided the necessary input(s) (i.e., the value of $\phi$ to use). The interface generator specifies how the user's input is obtained (i.e., using an interactive slider), and how that data is passed to the callback function.
  • The plot_cos function, our callback function, takes one input named phi, which specifies the phase shift in $y = \cos(x + \phi)$. Using this, it creates a Matplotlib plot of $y$ versus $x$.
  • The interface generator consists of a call to the function named interact, which was imported from the ipywidgets module. The first input to interact specifies what callback function to use—in this case, we specify the function plot_cos, which we've just defined. After that, the remaining inputs to the interact function should specify how the callback function's input(s) should be obtained.
  • In this case, there is just one input, which is used to specify how to obtain phi (the sole input to plot_cos). In order to access phi using an interactive slider, we invoke the FloatSlider class, which was also imported from the ipywidgets module. The inputs to FloatSlider are fairly self-explanatory: they specify the minimum and maximum values of the slider, the numerical step, and the initial (default) value.

Here is a slightly different way to write the program:

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
from scipy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets import interact, FloatSlider
from IPython.display import display

def interact_cos():
    ## Plot parameters
    xmin, xmax, nx = 0.0, 10.0, 50
    ymin, ymax = -1.2, 1.2
    pmin, pmax, pstep, pinit = -3.2, 3.2, 0.2, 0.0
    ## Set up the plot data
    x     = linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
    fig   = plt.figure(figsize=(8,3))
    line, = plt.plot([], [], linewidth=2) # Initialize curve to empty data.

    ## Set up the figure axes, etc.
    plt.title("y = cos(x + phi)")
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
    plt.close()      # Don't show the figure yet.

    ## Callback function
    def plot_cos(phi):
        y = cos(x + phi)
        line.set_data(x, y)

    ## Generate the user interface.
    interact(plot_cos, phi=FloatSlider(min=pmin, max=pmax, step=pstep, value=pinit))


The goal of this re-write is to set things up so that the callback function, plot_cos, does as little work as possible. The callback function should not need to re-create the figure, set up the figure title and axis labels, etc.; all those things are the same no matter what the value of $\phi$. In order to accomplish this, we organize the program as follows:

  • Most of the program, including the call to interact which generates the user interface, is encapsulated inside a function named interact_cos. This is to avoid having variables accidentally "leak out" to other programs in the Juypyter notebook by accident.
  • Within interact_cos, we create the figure by calling plt.figure. We remember the figure object returned by plt.figure, by assigning it to a variable. This figure creation is done outside of the callback function, plot_cos. Later, plot_cos will use the figure object that we remembered here, in order to update the figure.
  • We initialize the curve that we intend to plot, using empty data. The call to plt.plot returns a list of line objects created; previously, we ignored this return value, but now we remember the line object by assigning it to a variable.
  • The callback function, plot_cos, is responsible for just two things: assigning the plot data (given the user-specified $\phi$, and refreshing the display. To assign the x/y plot data, it invokes the line object's set_data method. Then it calls the function display from the Ipython.display module, which tells the Jupyter notebook to re-display the figure.

As a follow-up exercise, see if you can write a program to plot $y=A \exp(k x)$. You will now need two sliders, for selecting the two parameters $A$ and $k$.

In [10]:
%matplotlib inline
from scipy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets import interact, FloatSlider
from IPython.display import display

def interact_exp():
    ## Set up the plot here.
    ## A "callback function", for plotting y = exp(kx).
    def plot_exp(A, k):
        ; # Fill in code here

    ## Generate our user interface.
    interact() # Fill in code here

More advanced FloatSlider usage

The following plot illustrates several minor improvements over our previous example:

  • It implements a pair of sliders, for specifying the two parameters $A$ and $\phi$ in $y = A\cos(x+\phi)$.
  • The sliders are provided with the English-language labels "phase" and "amplitude", by supplying the optional description arguments to FloatSlider.
  • The plot includes a static curve $y = \cos(x)$ for comparison, drawn using dashes.
  • The plot includes a legend to distinguish the two curves, with $\LaTeX$ equation rendering.

In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
from scipy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets import interact, FloatSlider
from IPython.display import display

def interact_cos_compare():
    ## Plot parameters
    xmin, xmax, nx = 0.0, 10.0, 50
    ymin, ymax     = -5.0, 5.0

    ## Set up the figure and the comparison plot of y=cos(x).
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,3))
    x   = linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
    y   = cos(x)
    plt.plot(x, y, color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, label=r"$y=\cos(x)$")
    line, = plt.plot([], [], color='k', linewidth=2, label=r"$y=A \cos(x + \phi)$")

    ## Set up the figure axes, etc.
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
    plt.legend(loc="upper left")

    ## Callback function: plot y=Acos(x+phi)
    def plot_cos_compare(phi, A):
        y = A*cos(x+phi)
        line.set_data(x, y)

             phi = FloatSlider(min=-3.2, max=3.2, step=0.2, value=0.0, description="phase"),
             A   = FloatSlider(min=-5.0, max=5.0, step=0.2, value=1.2, description="amplitude"))


Other widget types

Sliders are not the only input widgets available. Your interactive figures can include many other kinds of user interface elements. For a complete list, consult the ipywidget documentation. The following example shows the use of the IntSlider widget (similar to FloatSlider except that it returns integers), the ToggleButton widget (which selects between discrete choices), and the FloatRangeSlider widget (which selects a pair of floating-point numbers).

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
from ipywidgets import interact, IntSlider, ToggleButtons, FloatRangeSlider
from numpy import linspace, exp, sign
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display

def interact_polyn():
    ## Plot parameters
    xmin, xmax, nx = -5.0, 5.0, 100
    col0, col1     = "grey", "mediumblue"

    ## Set up the figure and the comparison plot of y=cos(x).
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,3))
    ax  = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    x   = linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
    plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [0.0, 0.0], '--', color=col0) # guides to the eye
    line0, = plt.plot([], [], '--', color=col0)
    line1, = plt.plot([], [], color=col1, linewidth=2)

    ## Axis labels, etc.
    plt.title(r"$y = \pm x^n$")
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)

    ## Callback function: plot +/- x^n.
    def plot_polyn(n, sgn, yrange):
        s = 1. if sgn == '+' else -1.
        y = s * x**n
        line0.set_data([0.0, 0.0], yrange)
        line1.set_data(x, y)
        ax.set_ylim(yrange[0], yrange[1])

             n      = IntSlider(min=0, max=10, value=1, description="n (power)"),
             sgn    = ToggleButtons(description='sign', options=['+', '-']),
             yrange = FloatRangeSlider(min=-50.,  max=50., step=0.5, value=[-10., 10.], description='y axis range'));


3D plots

Jupyter can also display 3D plots produced by Matplotlib. To enable 3D plots, you must load the Axes3D object with the following import statement:

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

The, you will be able to initialize a 3D figure by calling the add_subplot function in the following way:

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')

Within a 3D figure, you can plot individual curves in 3D by calling plt.plot with $x$, $y$, and $z$ arrays, rather than just $x$ and $y$ arrays.

Plotting 2D surfaces in a 3D figure is a little more complicated. The following example program shows how to plot the hyperboloid $x^2 + y^2 - z^2 = c^2$. The method is to parameterize and triangulate the surface. Then, convert the parameterization into $x$, $y$, and $z$ coordinates, and call plot_trisurf, giving it the coordinates along with the the triangulation data. For more information, see the Matplotlib documentation on 3D plots.

There are a couple of other minor things to point out in this program:

  • In the first line, instead of the usual %matplotlib inline rendering method, we invoke %matplotlib notebook. This is an alternative rendering method which includes a nice toolbar for the figure. Also, for 3D plots, this rendering method allows the perspective to be adjusted by clicking and dragging.
  • When invoking the FloatSlider, we supply the option continuous_update=False. This tells Jupyter that we should wait for the user to finish dragging the slider before re-drawing the figure, rather than re-drawing continuously. This is recommended if computing the figure is expensive.

In [5]:
%matplotlib notebook
from scipy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ipywidgets import interact, FloatSlider
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation
from IPython.display import display

def interact_hyperboloid():
    ## Parameters
    rmax, nr = 3.0, 25
    phimin, phimax, nphi = -pi, pi, 40
    camz, camera_angle = 10., 30.
    col1, col2 = "cornflowerblue", "sandybrown"

    ## Initialize numerical data for the hyperboloid.
    ## First, parameterize it using polar coordinates.
    r0vec   = linspace(0.0, 1.0, nr) # Unscaled radius
    phivec  = linspace(phimin, phimax, nphi)
    r0, phi = meshgrid(r0vec, phivec)
    r0, phi = r0.flatten(), phi.flatten()
    ## Note: we triangulate the polar coordinates.  The order
    ## is preserved, so this triangulation is usable for the
    ## Cartesian plot later.
    tri = Triangulation(r0, phi).triangles

    ## Set up the 3D plot.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
    ax.set_xlim3d(-rmax, rmax)
    ax.set_ylim3d(-rmax, rmax)
    ax.set_zlim3d(-pi, pi)
    ax.view_init(elev=camz, azim=camera_angle)

    def plot_hyperboloid(c):
        r = r0 * (rmax - c) + c
        x, y = r*cos(phi), r*sin(phi)
        z    = sqrt(x*x + y*y - c*c + 1e-9)
        ## Plot the hyperboloid.
        ax.plot_trisurf(x, y,  z, triangles=tri, linewidth=0.1, alpha=1.0, color=col1)
        ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, -z, triangles=tri, linewidth=0.1, alpha=1.0, color=col2)
        ## Set plot axes, etc.
        ax.set_title(r"$x^2 + y^2 - z^2 = c^2$")
             c = FloatSlider(min=0., max=2., step=0.1, value=1.0,
                             continuous_update=False, description='Waist radius'))


Plotting HTML5 animations

You can also plot animated figures. This is accomplished using the matplotlib module's ability to render animations in HTML5 video, which can be played by the web browser. An example, showing the animation of a damped harmonic oscillator, is given below. The key steps in the program are:

  • Import the animation submodule of Matplotlib. Also, load the rc function, which is for customizing Matplotlib settings; call it to enable HTML5 video output for Matplotlib animations.
  • The last line of the program needs to print (output) an animation object, which will have the form of a HTML5 video. In this example, this is achieved by defining a function named oscillation_animation, which returns the desired animation object, and calling oscillation_animation on the final line.
  • To create the desired animation object, we must call animation.FuncAnimation. That asks for several inputs, detailing all the information needed to define the animation: what figure to plot in, how to update each animation frame (via a callback function called the animation function), how to clear an animation frame (via another callback function, the animation initialization function), the number of animation frames, and the time interval between animation frames. So we also need to define all these things.
  • The static parts of the figure will be plotted by calling functions from matplotlib.pyplot, in the usual way. As before, we retain the figure object returned by plt.figure, by assigning it to a variable. This figure object will be passed to animation.FuncAnimation to tell it where to draw the animation.
  • For each curve that we want to animate, we first create a plot for empty data, and hang on to the resulting line object(s) returned by plt.plot.
  • Define the animation function, which calls the set_data method of the line object(s) with the desired x/y plot data. Similarly, define the animation initialization function. These two functions are then supplied to animation.FuncAnimation, as mentioned above.

And that's it! We now have a spiffy animated figure.

In [6]:
%matplotlib inline
from scipy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

## Enable HTML5 video output.
from matplotlib import animation, rc
rc('animation', html='html5')

def animate_oscillation():
    amplitude, gamma, omega0 = 1.0, 0.1, 1.0 # Oscillator parameters
    tmin, tmax, nt = 0., 50., 200            # Animation parameters
    nframes, frame_dt = 100, 40
    tmin_plt, xlim = -5, 1.2                 # Axis limits
    circ_pos = -2

    ## Set up the drawing area
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4))
    plt.xlim(tmin_plt, tmax)
    plt.ylim(-xlim, xlim)

    ## Draw the static parts of the figure
    t = linspace(tmin, tmax, nt)
    x = amplitude * exp(-gamma*t) * cos(sqrt(omega0**2 - gamma**2)*t)
    plt.plot(t, x, color='blue', linewidth=2)
    plt.title('Motion of a damped harmonic oscillator.')

    ## Initialize the plot objects to be animated (`line', `circ', `dash')
    ## with empty plot data.  They'll be used by the `animate` subroutine.
    line, = plt.plot([], [], color='grey', linewidth=2)
    circ, = plt.plot([], [], 'o', color='red', markersize=15)
    dash, = plt.plot([], [], '--', color='grey', markersize=15)

    ## Initialization function: plot the background of each frame
    def init():
        line.set_data([], [])
        circ.set_data([], [])
        dash.set_data([], [])
        return line, circ, dash

    ## Animation function. This is called sequentially for different
    ## integer n, running from 0 to nframes-1 (inclusive).
    def animate(n):
        t = tmin + (tmax-tmin)*n/nframes
        line.set_data([t, t], [-xlim, xlim])        
        xc = amplitude * exp(-gamma*t) * cos(sqrt(omega0**2 - gamma**2)*t)
        circ.set_data(circ_pos, xc)
        dash.set_data([circ_pos, t], [xc, xc])
        return line, circ, dash

    # Call the animator. blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
    animator = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
                                       frames=nframes, interval=frame_dt, blit=True)
    return animator



As an excercise, try writing code for animating a traveling wave:

$$f(x,t) = \cos(kx - \omega t).$$

You can pick an arbitrary value of $k$ and $\omega$. In each animation frame, we need to plot $f$ versus $x$. Let there be $N$ animation frames, spread over one wave period $T = 2 \pi/\omega$. Hence, frame $n \in \{0, 1, \dots, N-1\}$ occurs at time

$$t_n = \frac{2\pi n}{\omega N}.$$

We therefore have to plot

$$f(x,t_n) = \cos(kx - \omega t_n), \;\;\; \mathrm{where}\;\; t_n = \frac{2\pi n}{\omega N}.$$

As an extension, try implementing widgets for interactively specifying the values of $k$ and $\omega$!

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from scipy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

## Enable HTML5 video output.
from matplotlib import animation, rc
rc('animation', html='html5')

def animate_wave():
    ## Set up parameters, the static parts of the figure, etc.
    ## Initialization function.
    def init():
        ; # Fill in code here

    ## Animation function.
    def animate(n):
        ## Fill in code for plotting f versus x at time t_n.

    # Call the animator.
    animator = animation.FuncAnimation() # Fill in code here
    return animator
