In [52]:
import sys
import numpy as np
import loadGlasser as lg
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statsmodels.sandbox.stats.multicomp as mc
import multiprocessing as mp
import multregressionconnectivity as mreg
import scripts3_functions as func
%matplotlib inline
import os
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(1)
import warnings
import permutationTesting as pt
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
class MidpointNormalize(Normalize):
def __init__(self, vmin=None, vmax=None, midpoint=None, clip=False):
self.midpoint = midpoint
Normalize.__init__(self, vmin, vmax, clip)
def __call__(self, value, clip=None):
# I'm ignoring masked values and all kinds of edge cases to make a
# simple example...
x, y = [self.vmin, self.midpoint, self.vmax], [0, 0.5, 1]
return, x, y))
In [53]:
# Set basic parameters
basedir = '/projects2/ModalityControl2/'
datadir = basedir + 'data/'
resultsdir = datadir + 'resultsMaster/'
runLength = 4648
subjNums = ['032', '033', '037', '038', '039', '045',
'013', '014', '016', '017', '018', '021',
'023', '024', '025', '026', '027', '031',
'035', '046', '042', '028', '048', '053',
'040', '049', '057', '062', '050', '030', '047', '034']
glasserparcels = lg.loadGlasserParcels()
networkdef = lg.loadGlasserNetworks()
networkmappings = {'fpn':7, 'vis':1, 'smn':2, 'con':3, 'dmn':6, 'aud1':8, 'aud2':9, 'dan':11}
# Force aud2 key to be the same as aud1 (merging two auditory networks)
aud2_ind = np.where(networkdef==networkmappings['aud2'])[0]
networkdef[aud2_ind] = networkmappings['aud1']
# Define new network mappings with no aud1/aud2 distinction
networkmappings = {'fpn':7, 'vis':1, 'smn':2, 'con':3, 'dmn':6, 'aud':8, 'dan':11}
In [54]:
def computeRestFC(subj):
Computes the Glasser parcellated restFC of a given subject
filename = resultsdir + 'glmRest_GlasserParcels/' + subj + '_rest_nuisanceResids_Glasser.csv'
timeseries = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',')
fcmat = mreg.multregressionconnectivity(timeseries)
return fcmat
def loadBetas(subj, net='all'):
"""Loads in task betas"""
datafile = resultsdir + 'glmMiniblockBetaSeries/' + subj + '_miniblock_taskBetas_Glasser.csv'
betas = np.loadtxt(datafile, delimiter=',')
betas = betas[:,17:]
if net == 'all':
return betas.T
net_ind = np.where(networkdef==net)[0]
return betas[net_ind,:].T
def computeNetworkToNetworkActFlow(subj,fcmat):
Given a subject number and a resting-state FC Matrix, compute all possible network-to-network ActFlow predictions
outdir = resultsdir + 'ManuscriptS1_NetworkIEandITE_Analysis/ActFlowNetworkToNetwork/'
betas = loadBetas(subj, net='all')
for net1 in networkmappings:
for net2 in networkmappings:
if net1==net2: continue
# print 'ActFlow:', net1, 'to', net2
# Find parcels for net1 and reshape
net1_ind = np.where(networkdef==networkmappings[net1])[0]
net1_ind.shape = (len(net1_ind),1)
# Find parcels for net2 and reshape
net2_ind = np.where(networkdef==networkmappings[net2])[0]
net2_ind.shape = (len(net2_ind),1)
# Compute betas for net1 and net2
net1beta = np.squeeze(betas[:,net1_ind.T]) # Reformat to miniblocks x parcels
net2beta = np.squeeze(betas[:,net2_ind.T]) # Reformat to miniblocks x parcels
# Compute FC for net1 to net2
w12 = fcmat[net1_ind,net2_ind.T].copy()
w21 = fcmat[net2_ind,net1_ind.T].copy()
# Randomize topology
# np.random.shuffle(w12)
# np.random.shuffle(w21)
# Now perform network-to-network actflow
net1tonet2flow =,w12)
net2tonet1flow =,w21)
# Save results to disk
filename12 = subj + '_' + net1 + 'TO' + net2 + '_actflow_GlasserParcels.csv'
np.savetxt(outdir + filename12,net1tonet2flow,delimiter=',')
filename21 = subj + '_' + net2 + 'TO' + net1 + '_actflow_GlasserParcels.csv'
np.savetxt(outdir + filename21,net2tonet1flow,delimiter=',')
def ActFlowSubj(subj):
Parcel-level ActFlow Pipeline
outdir = resultsdir + '/MultRegConnRestFC_GlasserParcels/'
outfile = subj + '_multregconn_restfc.csv'
fcmat = np.loadtxt(outdir + outfile, delimiter=',')
# fcmat = np.arctanh(fcmat)
In [56]:
for subj in subjNums:
print 'Computing MultRegConn FC for subject', subj
fcmat = computeRestFC(subj)
outdir = resultsdir + '/MultRegConnRestFC_GlasserParcels/'
outfile = subj + '_multregconn_restfc.csv'
np.savetxt(outdir + outfile, fcmat, delimiter=',')
In [57]:
for subj in subjNums:
# print 'Running ActFlow on subject', subj
In [58]:
def getActFlowActivity(subj, fromnet, tonet):
datadir = resultsdir + 'ManuscriptS1_NetworkIEandITE_Analysis/ActFlowNetworkToNetwork/'
datafile = datadir+subj+'_'+fromnet+'TO'+tonet+'_actflow_GlasserParcels.csv'
activity = np.loadtxt(datafile, delimiter=',')
return activity
def setUpActFlowMatrix(subj,ruledim,fromnet,tonet):
Sets up basic SVM matrix for a classification of a particular rule dimension and network for ActFlow
activity = getActFlowActivity(subj,fromnet,tonet)
rules, rulesmb = func.importRuleTimingsV3(subj,ruledim)
svm_mat = np.zeros((activity.shape))
samplecount = 0
labels = []
for rule in rulesmb:
rule_ind = rulesmb[rule].keys()
sampleend = samplecount + len(rule_ind)
svm_mat[samplecount:sampleend,:] = activity[rule_ind,:]
samplecount += len(rule_ind)
labels = np.asarray(labels)
return svm_mat, labels
def setUpRSAMatrix(subj,ruledim,net):
Sets up basic SVM Matrix for a classification of a particular rule dimension and network
betas = loadBetas(subj,net=net)
rules, rulesmb = func.importRuleTimingsV3(subj,ruledim)
svm_mat = np.zeros((betas.shape))
samplecount = 0
labels = []
for rule in rulesmb:
rule_ind = rulesmb[rule].keys()
sampleend = samplecount + len(rule_ind)
svm_mat[samplecount:sampleend,:] = betas[rule_ind,:]
samplecount += len(rule_ind)
labels = np.asarray(labels)
return svm_mat, labels
In [59]:
def actFlowRSA_CV(rsa_actflow, rsa_real, actflow_labels, real_labels):
For each unique label (each unique rule), compute the spatial Spearman correlation for each trial
CV Approach: When computing the prototypes of each rule/condition, leave out the trial in the prototype which we are comparing
# # # Normalize data
# rsa_actflow = preprocessing.scale(rsa_actflow,axis=0)
# rsa_real = preprocessing.scale(rsa_real,axis=0)
nrules = len(np.unique(actflow_labels))
ncvs = len(real_labels)/nrules
# Set up an array index of every rule
rule_ind = {}
for rule in np.unique(real_labels):
rule_ind[rule] = np.where(actflow_labels==rule)[0]
# Compare each actflow trial to all prototypes
ntrials = rsa_actflow.shape[0]
rsa_mat = np.zeros((ntrials,nrules))
for cv in range(ncvs):
# Obtain the *real* prototypes for each of the rules, but leave out the current trial (cv value)
ind_tmp = {}
rules_realprototype = {}
for rule in np.unique(actflow_labels):
ind_tmp[rule] = rule_ind[rule]
ind_tmp[rule] = np.delete(ind_tmp[rule],cv) # Delete the current trial from prototype calculation
# Average across trials to obtain prototype
rules_realprototype[rule] = np.mean(rsa_real[ind_tmp[rule],:],axis=0)
# Only run similarity analysis for current CV trial, and compare against prototype in which current CV trial is not included
for rule1 in rule_ind:
for rule2 in rule_ind:
rsa_mat[rule_ind[rule1][cv],rule2-1] = np.arctanh(stats.spearmanr(rsa_actflow[rule_ind[rule1][cv],:],rules_realprototype[rule2])[0])
# Now obtain average RSAs for each pairwise comparison (rsa summary matrix)
rsa_mat_avg = np.zeros((nrules,nrules))
for rule1 in rule_ind:
for rule2 in rule_ind:
rsa_mat_avg[rule1-1,rule2-1] = np.mean(rsa_mat[rule_ind[rule1],rule2-1],axis=0)
return rsa_mat_avg
def subjRSACV((subj,ruledim,fromnet,tonet)):
realmat, reallabels = setUpRSAMatrix(subj,ruledim,networkmappings[tonet])
actflowmat, actflowlabels = setUpActFlowMatrix(subj,ruledim,fromnet,tonet)
# Demean each sample real data
realmean = np.mean(realmat,axis=1)
realmean.shape = (len(realmean),1)
realmat = realmat - realmean
# Demean each sample actflow data
actflowmean = np.mean(actflowmat,axis=1)
actflowmean.shape = (len(actflowmean),1)
actflowmat = actflowmat - actflowmean
rsamat = actFlowRSA_CV(actflowmat, realmat, actflowlabels, reallabels)
# Create a mask to extract out diagonal (correct RSA)
diag_mask = np.zeros((rsamat.shape),dtype=bool)
# Create a mask to extract ouf off-diagonal (incorrect RSA)
offdiag_mask = np.ones((rsamat.shape),dtype=bool)
corr_rho = np.mean(rsamat[diag_mask])
err_rho = np.mean(rsamat[offdiag_mask])
diff_rho = corr_rho - err_rho
return corr_rho, err_rho, diff_rho
In [60]:
# Remake order to fit that of the glasser community ordering (region-to-region matrix ordering)
netkeys = {0:'vis',1:'smn',2:'con',3:'dmn',4:'fpn', 5:'aud', 6:'dan'}
print netkeys
In [61]:
baseline = 0.0
ruledims = ['logic','sensory','motor']
numnets = len(networkmappings)
output = {}
avg_rho = {}
tstats = {}
pvals = {}
corr_rho = {}
err_rho = {}
diff_rho ={}
for ruledim in ruledims:
output[ruledim] = np.zeros((num_networks,num_networks,len(subjNums)))
avg_rho[ruledim] = np.zeros((num_networks,num_networks))
tstats[ruledim] = np.zeros((num_networks,num_networks))
pvals[ruledim] = np.zeros((num_networks,num_networks))
corr_rho[ruledim] = np.zeros((num_networks,num_networks,len(subjNums)))
err_rho[ruledim] = np.zeros((num_networks,num_networks,len(subjNums)))
diff_rho[ruledim] = np.zeros((num_networks,num_networks,len(subjNums)))
print 'Running', ruledim
for net1 in range(num_networks):
for net2 in range(num_networks):
# Skip if net1 and net2
if net1==net2:
avg_rho[ruledim][net1,net2] = np.nan
tstats[ruledim][net1,net2] = np.nan
pvals[ruledim][net1,net2] = np.nan
corr_rho[ruledim][net1,net2] = np.nan
err_rho[ruledim][net1,net2] = np.nan
diff_rho[ruledim][net1,net2] = np.nan
inputs = []
for subj in subjNums: inputs.append((subj,ruledim,netkeys[net1],netkeys[net2]))
# Run in parallel
pool = mp.Pool(processes=16)
results = pool.map_async(subjRSACV,inputs).get()
i = 0
for result in results:
tmp_corr, tmp_err, tmp_diff = result
corr_rho[ruledim][net1,net2,i] = tmp_corr
err_rho[ruledim][net1,net2,i] = tmp_err
diff_rho[ruledim][net1,net2,i] = tmp_diff
i += 1
# Store results
avg_rho[ruledim][net1,net2] = np.mean(diff_rho[ruledim][net1,net2,:])
output[ruledim][net1,net2,:] = diff_rho[ruledim][net1,net2,:]
t, p = stats.ttest_rel(corr_rho[ruledim][net1,net2,:],
# One-sided t-test
tstats[ruledim][net1,net2] = t
if t>0:
p = 1-p/2.0
pvals[ruledim][net1,net2] = p
In [62]:
# Compute group stats
baseline = 0.0
triu_indices = np.triu_indices(len(networkmappings),k=1)
tril_indices = np.tril_indices(len(networkmappings),k=-1)
qmat = {}
sigflow = {}
sig_rho = {}
tstat_sig = {}
for ruledim in ruledims:
qmat[ruledim] = np.zeros((num_networks,num_networks))
sigflow[ruledim] = np.zeros((num_networks,num_networks))
sig_rho[ruledim] = np.zeros((num_networks,num_networks))
tstat_sig[ruledim] = np.zeros((num_networks,num_networks))
tmpq = []
tmpq = mc.fdrcorrection0(tmpq)[1]
qmat[ruledim][triu_indices] = tmpq[0:len(triu_indices[0])]
qmat[ruledim][tril_indices] = tmpq[len(triu_indices[0]):]
# Find significant values only
sigflow[ruledim] = qmat[ruledim] < 0.05
sig_rho[ruledim] = np.multiply(avg_rho[ruledim], sigflow[ruledim])
tstat_sig[ruledim] = np.multiply(tstats[ruledim], sigflow[ruledim])
In [63]:
for ruledim in ruledims:
fig = plt.figure()
plt.title('NetworkToNetwork InformationTransfer\n' + ruledim + ' (FDR)', fontsize=18, y=1.04)
mat = tstat_sig[ruledim]
norm = MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0)
plt.imshow(mat, origin='lower',norm=norm, vmin=0, cmap='seismic', interpolation='none')
plt.ylabel('Source Network',fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel('Target Network',fontsize=16)
# plt.savefig('SFig1_NetworkToNetworkInformationTransfer_' + ruledim + '.pdf')
In [69]:
fwe_Ts = np.zeros((len(networkmappings),len(networkmappings),len(ruledims)))
fwe_Ps = np.ones((len(networkmappings),len(networkmappings),len(ruledims)))
indices = np.ones((len(networkmappings),len(networkmappings)))
flatten_ind = np.where(indices==1)
rulecount = 0
for ruledim in ruledims:
t, p = pt.permutationFWE(diff_rho[ruledim][flatten_ind[0],flatten_ind[1],:], permutations=1000, nproc=15)
fwe_Ts[flatten_ind[0],flatten_ind[1],rulecount] = t
fwe_Ps[flatten_ind[0],flatten_ind[1],rulecount] = 1.0 - p
rulecount += 1
In [70]:
pthresh = .05
# Visualize FWER-corrected T-statistic map
rulecount = 0
for ruledim in ruledims:
# Thresholded T-stat map
# First visualize unthresholded
mat = fwe_Ts[:,:,rulecount]
thresh = fwe_Ps[:,:,rulecount] < pthresh
mat = np.multiply(mat,thresh)
ind = np.isnan(mat)
pos = mat > 0
mat = np.multiply(pos,mat)
norm = MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0)
plt.imshow(mat,origin='lower',norm=norm,vmin = 0,interpolation='none',cmap='seismic')
plt.title('NetworkToNetwork InformationTransfer\n' + ruledim + ' (FWE)', fontsize=18, y=1.04)
plt.ylabel('Source Network',fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel('Target Network',fontsize=16)
# plt.savefig('SFig1_NetworkToNetworkInformationTransfer_' + ruledim + '_FWER.pdf')
# Print out statistics for manuscript
sig_ind = thresh
nonsig_ind = thresh==False
np.fill_diagonal(nonsig_ind,False) # Make sure diagonal is not included
print ruledim, 'results'
print 'Average significant ITE effect =', np.mean(avg_rho[ruledim][sig_ind])
print 'Average significant T-stat =', np.mean(fwe_Ts[:,:,rulecount][sig_ind])
print 'Maximum significant Pfwe =', np.max(fwe_Ps[:,:,rulecount][sig_ind])
print '\n'
print 'Average non-significant ITE effect =', np.mean(avg_rho[ruledim][nonsig_ind])
print 'Average non-significant T-stat =', np.mean(fwe_Ts[:,:,rulecount][nonsig_ind])
print 'Minimum non-significant Pfwe =', np.min(fwe_Ps[:,:,rulecount][nonsig_ind])
print '\n\n'
rulecount += 1
In [ ]: