Enrich Points from a Dataset

This example illustrates how to enrich points that are in a dataset with variables from CARTO's Data Observatory.

Note: You'll need CARTO Account credentials to reproduce this example.

In [1]:
from cartoframes.auth import set_default_credentials


In [2]:
from geopandas import read_file

arlington_file = 'http://libs.cartocdn.com/cartoframes/files/bikes.geojson'
bikeshare_gdf = read_file(arlington_file)

num_bike_dropoffs num_bike_pickups total_events station_id longitude latitude geometry
0 178 204 382 31000 -77.053144 38.858726 POINT (-77.05314 38.85873)
1 222 276 498 31001 -77.053738 38.857216 POINT (-77.05374 38.85722)
2 839 710 1549 31002 -77.049218 38.856372 POINT (-77.04922 38.85637)
3 487 489 976 31003 -77.049614 38.860167 POINT (-77.04961 38.86017)
4 230 227 457 31004 -77.059552 38.857937 POINT (-77.05955 38.85794)
5 661 659 1320 31005 -77.059930 38.862077 POINT (-77.05993 38.86208)
6 448 436 884 31006 -77.063398 38.863298 POINT (-77.06340 38.86330)
7 1146 1521 2667 31007 -77.051129 38.857474 POINT (-77.05113 38.85747)
8 329 311 640 31009 -77.051513 38.848455 POINT (-77.05151 38.84846)
9 396 373 769 31010 -77.050315 38.842644 POINT (-77.05031 38.84264)

In [3]:
from cartoframes.data.observatory import Dataset, Catalog

dataset = Dataset.get('carto-do-public-data.usa_acs.demographics_sociodemographics_usa_censustract_2015_5yrs_20132017')

[<Variable.get('geoid_e99a58c1')> #'US Census Block Groups Geoids',
 <Variable.get('do_date_45f076c2')> #'First day of the year the survey was issued',
 <Variable.get('total_pop_17ea032f')> #'Total Population. The total number of all people l...',
 <Variable.get('households_a12defd5')> #'Households. A count of the number of households in...',
 <Variable.get('male_pop_eac43e5a')> #'Male Population. The number of people within each ...',
 <Variable.get('female_pop_35a04d3c')> #'Female Population. The number of people within eac...',
 <Variable.get('median_age_924e66ec')> #'Median Age. The median age of all people in a give...',
 <Variable.get('male_under_5_7851129b')> #'Male under 5 years. The male population over the a...',
 <Variable.get('male_5_to_9_13dd9eca')> #'Male age 5 to 9. The male population between the a...',
 <Variable.get('male_10_to_14_bf0c5d01')> #'Male age 10 to 14. The male population between the...',
 <Variable.get('male_15_to_17_743d231c')> #'Male age 15 to 17. The male population between the...',
 <Variable.get('male_18_to_19_f2526fdb')> #'Male age 18 and 19. The male population between th...',
 <Variable.get('male_20_27887230')> #'Male age 20. The male population with an age of tw...',
 <Variable.get('male_21_508f42a6')> #'Male age 21. The male population with an age of tw...',
 <Variable.get('male_22_to_24_8d311808')> #'Male age 22 to 24. The male population between the...',
 <Variable.get('male_25_to_29_36275a3b')> #'Male age 25 to 29. The male population between the...',
 <Variable.get('male_30_to_34_cf1f38fe')> #'Male age 30 to 34. The male population between the...',
 <Variable.get('male_35_to_39_e3966be4')> #'Male age 35 to 39. The male population between the...',
 <Variable.get('male_40_to_44_8a9ba720')> #'Male age 40 to 44. The male population between the...',
 <Variable.get('male_45_to_49_a612f43a')> #'Men age 45 to 49. The male population between the ...',
 <Variable.get('male_50_to_54_5f2a96ff')> #'Men age 50 to 54. The male population between the ...',
 <Variable.get('male_55_to_59_73a3c5e5')> #'Men age 55 to 59. The male population between the ...',
 <Variable.get('male_60_to_61_8ae23650')> #'Men age 60 to 61. The male population between the ...',
 <Variable.get('male_62_to_64_6d17d3f6')> #'Men age 62 to 64. The male population between the ...',
 <Variable.get('male_65_to_66_46be8c54')> #'Male age 65 to 66. The male population between the...',
 <Variable.get('male_67_to_69_419e80ec')> #'Male age 67 to 69. The male population between the...',
 <Variable.get('male_70_to_74_2f39f300')> #'Male age 70 to 74. The male population between the...',
 <Variable.get('male_75_to_79_3b0a01a')> #'Male age 75 to 79. The male population between the...',
 <Variable.get('male_80_to_84_7181fd63')> #'Male age 80 to 84. The male population between the...',
 <Variable.get('male_85_and_ove_55263063')> #'Male age 85 and over. The male population of the a...',
 <Variable.get('female_under_5_27560dab')> #'Female under 5 years. The female population over t...',
 <Variable.get('female_5_to_9_114aa6f3')> #'Female age 5 to 9. The female population between t...',
 <Variable.get('female_10_to_14_998a6ab2')> #'Female age 10 to 14. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_15_to_17_52bb14af')> #'Female age 15 to 17. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_18_to_19_d4d45868')> #'Female age 18 and 19. The female population betwee...',
 <Variable.get('female_20_2314d79c')> #'Female age 20. The female population with an age o...',
 <Variable.get('female_21_5413e70a')> #'Female age 21. The female population with an age o...',
 <Variable.get('female_22_to_24_abb72fbb')> #'Female age 22 to 24. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_25_to_29_10a16d88')> #'Female age 25 to 29. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_30_to_34_e9990f4d')> #'Female age 30 to 34. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_35_to_39_c5105c57')> #'Female age 35 to 39. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_40_to_44_ac1d9093')> #'Female age 40 to 44. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_45_to_49_8094c389')> #'Female age 45 to 49. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_50_to_54_79aca14c')> #'Female age 50 to 54. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_55_to_59_5525f256')> #'Female age 55 to 59. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_60_to_61_ac6401e3')> #'Female age 60 and 61. The female population betwee...',
 <Variable.get('female_62_to_64_4b91e445')> #'Female age 62 to 64. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_65_to_66_6038bbe7')> #'Female age 65 to 66. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_67_to_69_6718b75f')> #'Female age 67 to 69. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_70_to_74_9bfc4b3')> #'Female age 70 to 74. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_75_to_79_253697a9')> #'Female age 75 to 79. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_80_to_84_5707cad0')> #'Female age 80 to 84. The female population between...',
 <Variable.get('female_85_and_o_6e2f62d')> #'Female age 85 and over. The female population of t...',
 <Variable.get('white_pop_7ca03aa4')> #'White Population. The number of people identifying...',
 <Variable.get('population_1_ye_6e0712f6')> #'Population 1 year and over. All people, male and f...',
 <Variable.get('population_3_ye_cc547bf')> #'Population 3 Years and Over. The total number of p...',
 <Variable.get('pop_5_years_ove_1ce71cb0')> #'Population 5 Years and Over. The number of people ...',
 <Variable.get('pop_15_and_over_a1bc478c')> #'Population 15 Years and Over. The number of people...',
 <Variable.get('pop_16_over_3bda9273')> #'Population age 16 and over. The number of people i...',
 <Variable.get('pop_25_years_ov_a5cb9ddf')> #'Population 25 Years and Over. The number of people...',
 <Variable.get('pop_25_64_7a581469')> #'Population age 25 to 64. The number of people in e...',
 <Variable.get('pop_never_marri_35218dc6')> #'Never Married. The number of people in a geographi...',
 <Variable.get('pop_now_married_540ba7de')> #'Currently married. The number of people in a geogr...',
 <Variable.get('pop_separated_5fc2715f')> #'Married but separated. The number of people in a g...',
 <Variable.get('pop_widowed_c23e3ee3')> #'Widowed. The number of people in a geographic area...',
 <Variable.get('pop_divorced_377eefa9')> #'Divorced. The number of people in a geographic are...',
 <Variable.get('not_us_citizen__ea2c7821')> #'Not a U.S. Citizen Population. The number of peopl...',
 <Variable.get('black_pop_8cb1f145')> #'Black or African American Population. The number o...',
 <Variable.get('asian_pop_a6608e1b')> #'Asian Population. The number of people identifying...',
 <Variable.get('hispanic_pop_759a7301')> #'Hispanic Population. The number of people identify...',
 <Variable.get('amerindian_pop_cb21a909')> #'American Indian and Alaska Native Population. The ...',
 <Variable.get('other_race_pop_7f6dc842')> #'Other Race population. The number of people identi...',
 <Variable.get('two_or_more_rac_673bc5ca')> #'Two or more races population. The number of people...',
 <Variable.get('white_including_866d1f5')> #'White including Hispanic',
 <Variable.get('black_including_1dca0df0')> #'Black including Hispanic',
 <Variable.get('asian_including_44ab0e7e')> #'Asian including Hispanic',
 <Variable.get('amerindian_incl_d600d770')> #'American Indian and Alaska Native Population, incl...',
 <Variable.get('hispanic_any_ra_5005362a')> #'Hispanic of any race',
 <Variable.get('not_hispanic_po_d63599a1')> #'Population not Hispanic. The number of people not ...',
 <Variable.get('asian_male_45_5_4fdc36e3')> #'Asian Men age 45 to 54',
 <Variable.get('asian_male_55_6_59914c90')> #'Asian Men age 55 to 64',
 <Variable.get('black_male_45_5_bd5802ae')> #'Black Men age 45 to 54',
 <Variable.get('black_male_55_6_ab1578dd')> #'Black Men age 55 to 64',
 <Variable.get('hispanic_male_4_131ba12f')> #'Hispanic Men age 45 to 54',
 <Variable.get('hispanic_male_5_556db5c')> #'Hispanic Men age 55 to 64',
 <Variable.get('white_male_45_5_b846e9ef')> #'White Men age 45 to 54',
 <Variable.get('white_male_55_6_ae0b939c')> #'White Men age 55 to 64',
 <Variable.get('median_income_9752e312')> #'Median Household Income in the past 12 Months. Wit...',
 <Variable.get('income_per_capi_e4e7984c')> #'Per Capita Income in the past 12 Months. Per capit...',
 <Variable.get('income_less_100_26690420')> #'Households with income less than $10,000. The numb...',
 <Variable.get('income_10000_14_394465ad')> #'Households with income of $10,000 to $14,999. The ...',
 <Variable.get('income_15000_19_2d077634')> #'Households with income of $15,000 to $19,999. The ...',
 <Variable.get('income_20000_24_e706797c')> #'Households with income of $20,000 to $24,999. The ...',
 <Variable.get('income_25000_29_f3456ae5')> #'Households with income of $25,000 to $29,999. The ...',
 <Variable.get('income_30000_34_1be88f0c')> #'Households with income of $30,000 to $34,999. The ...',
 <Variable.get('income_35000_39_fab9c95')> #'Households with income of $35,000 to $39,999. The ...',
 <Variable.get('income_40000_44_80f3469f')> #'Households with income of $40,000 to $44,999. The ...',
 <Variable.get('income_45000_49_94b05506')> #'Households with income of $45,000 to $49,999. The ...',
 <Variable.get('income_50000_59_8e776832')> #'Households with income of $50,000 to $59,999. The ...',
 <Variable.get('income_60000_74_9f3f858e')> #'Households with income of $60,000 to $74,999. The ...',
 <Variable.get('income_75000_99_f5c2f7b6')> #'Households with income of $75,000 to $99,999. The ...',
 <Variable.get('income_100000_1_311c84aa')> #'Households with income of $100,000 to $124,999. Th...',
 <Variable.get('income_125000_1_d15a9b0a')> #'Households with income of $125,000 to $149,999. Th...',
 <Variable.get('income_150000_1_2c051a76')> #'Households with income of $150,000 to $199,999. Th...',
 <Variable.get('income_200000_o_80a8b10')> #'Households with income of $200,000 Or More. The nu...',
 <Variable.get('households_reti_c972f7b7')> #'Households receiving retirement income',
 <Variable.get('pop_determined__b2af48da')> #'Population for Whom Poverty Status Determined. The...',
 <Variable.get('poverty_a86da569')> #'Income In The Past 12 Months Below Poverty Level. ...',
 <Variable.get('gini_index_61a4f040')> #'Gini Index. The Gini index, or index of income con...',
 <Variable.get('housing_units_43ca0162')> #'Housing Units. A count of housing units in each ge...',
 <Variable.get('renter_occupied_cc1e093c')> #'Renter-Occupied Housing Units Paying Cash Rent Med...',
 <Variable.get('owner_occupied__555e3c8')> #'Owner-Occupied Housing Units Lower Value Quartile',
 <Variable.get('owner_occupied__38823e55')> #'Owner-Occupied Housing Units Median Value. The mid...',
 <Variable.get('owner_occupied__acdc02b9')> #'Owner-Occupied Housing Units Upper Value Quartile',
 <Variable.get('occupied_housin_4942d85c')> #'Occupied housing units. A housing unit is classifi...',
 <Variable.get('housing_units_r_c42a333a')> #'Renter occupied housing units. All occupied units ...',
 <Variable.get('vacant_housing__afe37f66')> #'Vacant Housing Units. The count of vacant housing ...',
 <Variable.get('vacant_housing__7f060d9a')> #'Vacant Housing Units for Rent. The count of vacant...',
 <Variable.get('vacant_housing__98358053')> #'Vacant Housing Units for Sale. The count of vacant...',
 <Variable.get('dwellings_1_uni_b7252163')> #'Single-family (one unit) detached dwellings. This ...',
 <Variable.get('dwellings_1_uni_3e6cb87d')> #'Single-family (one unit) attached dwellings. This ...',
 <Variable.get('dwellings_2_uni_95fba657')> #'Two-family (two unit) dwellings',
 <Variable.get('dwellings_3_to__aaff1af9')> #'Multifamily dwellings with three to 4 units',
 <Variable.get('dwellings_5_to__2415ded9')> #'Apartment buildings with 5 to 9 units',
 <Variable.get('dwellings_10_to_632f7f56')> #'Apartment buildings with 10 to 19 units',
 <Variable.get('dwellings_20_to_57ae54e9')> #'Apartment buildings with 20 to 49 units',
 <Variable.get('dwellings_50_or_197b4892')> #'Apartment buildings with 50 or more units',
 <Variable.get('mobile_homes_76413596')> #'Mobile homes. A manufactured home is defined as a ...',
 <Variable.get('housing_built_2_bc97840a')> #'Housing units built in 2005 or later. A house, an ...',
 <Variable.get('housing_built_2_a0be2bae')> #'Housing units built between 2000 and 2004. A house...',
 <Variable.get('housing_built_1_872a8937')> #'Housing units built before 1939. A house, an apart...',
 <Variable.get('median_year_str_8a467206')> #'Median Year Structure Built. Median Year Structure...',
 <Variable.get('married_househo_16cbee75')> #'Married households. People in formal marriages, as...',
 <Variable.get('nonfamily_house_eacbe414')> #'Nonfamily Households. A householder living alone o...',
 <Variable.get('family_househol_a2b690bc')> #'Family Households. A family consists of a househol...',
 <Variable.get('households_publ_41c8c0ef')> #'Households on cash public assistance or receiving ...',
 <Variable.get('male_male_house_6c80824c')> #'Households with two male partners. An unmarried pa...',
 <Variable.get('female_female_h_cad0ee35')> #'Households with two female partners. An unmarried ...',
 <Variable.get('children_1345e45e')> #'Children under 18 Years of Age. The number of peop...',
 <Variable.get('children_in_sin_5a8be0bf')> #'Children under 18 years of age in single female-le...',
 <Variable.get('median_rent_8e984f49')> #'Median Rent. The median contract rent within a geo...',
 <Variable.get('percent_income__1dd987a9')> #'Percent of Household Income Spent on Rent. Within ...',
 <Variable.get('rent_burden_not_c1988e56')> #'Housing units without rent burden computed. Units ...',
 <Variable.get('rent_over_50_pe_6bfdd5d0')> #'Housing units spending over 50% income on rent. Gr...',
 <Variable.get('rent_40_to_50_p_ac0400e0')> #'Housing units spending 40 to 49.9% income on rent....',
 <Variable.get('rent_35_to_40_p_8db82d20')> #'Housing units spending 35 to 39.9% income on rent....',
 <Variable.get('rent_30_to_35_p_1674cd9d')> #'Housing units spending 30 to 34.9% income on rent....',
 <Variable.get('rent_25_to_30_p_c10ca7c8')> #'Housing units spending 25 to 29.9% income on rent....',
 <Variable.get('rent_20_to_25_p_57de3732')> #'Housing units spending 20 to 24.9% income on rent....',
 <Variable.get('rent_15_to_20_p_7067804')> #'Housing units spending 15 to 19.9% income on rent....',
 <Variable.get('rent_10_to_15_p_952138c3')> #'Housing units spending 10 to 14.9% income on rent....',
 <Variable.get('rent_under_10_p_59dbd7a2')> #'Housing units spending less than 10% on rent. Gros...',
 <Variable.get('owner_occupied__6e757d85')> #'Owner-occupied Housing Units',
 <Variable.get('million_dollar__20d5997e')> #'Owner-occupied Housing Units valued at $1,000,000 ...',
 <Variable.get('mortgaged_housi_fc2ef17f')> #'Owner-occupied Housing Units with a Mortgage. The ...',
 <Variable.get('different_house_dceb6c52')> #'Lived in a different house one year ago in a diffe...',
 <Variable.get('different_house_fb1fd24c')> #'Lived in a different house one year ago in the sam...',
 <Variable.get('families_with_y_d2703936')> #'Families with young children (under 6 years of age...',
 <Variable.get('two_parent_fami_a72b2560')> #'Two-parent families with young children (under 6 y...',
 <Variable.get('two_parents_in__17ac98f5')> #'Two-parent families, both parents in labor force w...',
 <Variable.get('two_parents_fat_e0331ff')> #'Two-parent families, father only in labor force wi...',
 <Variable.get('two_parents_mot_975a4455')> #'Two-parent families, mother only in labor force wi...',
 <Variable.get('two_parents_not_ab87942')> #'Two-parent families, neither parent in labor force...',
 <Variable.get('one_parent_fami_d7b1b01e')> #'One-parent families with young children (under 6 y...',
 <Variable.get('father_one_pare_fe8951dc')> #'One-parent families, father, with young children (...',
 <Variable.get('father_in_labor_c1ec49f0')> #'One-parent families, father in labor force, with y...',
 <Variable.get('commute_5_9_min_8e735f37')> #'Number of workers with a commute between 5 and 9 m...',
 <Variable.get('commute_less_10_fa5f86cc')> #'Number of workers with less than 10 minute commute...',
 <Variable.get('commute_10_14_m_59a0fba8')> #'Number of workers with a commute between 10 and 14...',
 <Variable.get('commute_15_19_m_afa9ad39')> #'Number of workers with a commute between 15 and 19...',
 <Variable.get('commute_20_24_m_837f5a36')> #'Number of workers with a commute between 20 and 24...',
 <Variable.get('commute_25_29_m_75760ca7')> #'Number of workers with a commute between 25 and 29...',
 <Variable.get('commute_30_34_m_caca3abc')> #'Number of workers with a commute between 30 and 34...',
 <Variable.get('commute_35_39_m_3cc36c2d')> #'Number of workers with a commute between 35 and 39...',
 <Variable.get('commute_40_44_m_edb11f4b')> #'Number of workers with a commute between 40 and 44...',
 <Variable.get('commute_35_44_m_45fa417d')> #'Number of workers with a commute between 35 and 44...',
 <Variable.get('commute_45_59_m_bdcf426e')> #'Number of workers with a commute between 45 and 59...',
 <Variable.get('commute_60_more_b8f49aa7')> #'Number of workers with a commute of over 60 minute...',
 <Variable.get('commute_60_89_m_927ab6dc')> #'Number of workers with a commute between 60 and 89...',
 <Variable.get('commute_90_more_ca6005d6')> #'Number of workers with a commute of over 90 minute...',
 <Variable.get('commuters_16_ov_2f2238f0')> #'Workers age 16 and over who do not work from home....',
 <Variable.get('walked_to_work_77fb49e8')> #'Walked to Work. The number of workers age 16 years...',
 <Variable.get('worked_at_home_165b5edb')> #'Worked at Home. The count within a geographical ar...',
 <Variable.get('no_car_6df757b8')> #'Workers age 16 and over with no vehicle. All peopl...',
 <Variable.get('no_cars_ded903e2')> #'Car-free households. The number of households with...',
 <Variable.get('one_car_f7f299a7')> #'One car households. The number of households with ...',
 <Variable.get('two_cars_2147dcdf')> #'Two car households. The number of households with ...',
 <Variable.get('three_cars_bb82be3d')> #'Three car households. The number of households wit...',
 <Variable.get('four_more_cars_60d7217e')> #'Four car households. The number of households with...',
 <Variable.get('aggregate_trave_ed412cab')> #'Aggregate travel time to work. The total number of...',
 <Variable.get('commuters_by_pu_89255082')> #'Commuters by Public Transportation. The number of ...',
 <Variable.get('commuters_by_bu_c5b6c768')> #'Commuters by Bus. The number of workers age 16 yea...',
 <Variable.get('commuters_by_ca_a0affdc3')> #'Commuters by Car, Truck, or Van. The number of wor...',
 <Variable.get('commuters_by_ca_9f22ab27')> #'Commuters by Carpool. The number of workers age 16...',
 <Variable.get('commuters_by_su_a0d71dc6')> #'Commuters by Subway or Elevated. The number of wor...',
 <Variable.get('commuters_drove_720e6216')> #'Commuters who drove alone. The number of workers a...',
 <Variable.get('group_quarters_bbe7d575')> #'Population living in group quarters',
 <Variable.get('associates_degr_88c5e753')> #'Population Completed Associate's Degree. The numbe...',
 <Variable.get('bachelors_degre_bbf0bd04')> #'Population Completed Bachelor's Degree. The number...',
 <Variable.get('high_school_dip_ad9f670d')> #'Population Completed High School. The number of pe...',
 <Variable.get('less_one_year_c_8f419b06')> #'Population completed less than one year of college...',
 <Variable.get('masters_degree_1bcf52d2')> #'Population Completed Master's Degree. The number o...',
 <Variable.get('one_year_more_c_ca568205')> #'Population completed more than one year of college...',
 <Variable.get('less_than_high__8db9eeaa')> #'Less than high school graduate. The number of peop...',
 <Variable.get('high_school_inc_966cadfc')> #'Population with high school degree, including GED....',
 <Variable.get('bachelors_degre_6591b321')> #'Population who completed a bachelor's degree. From...',
 <Variable.get('bachelors_degre_6a3073d')> #'Population with Bachelors Degree or Higher, Ages 2...',
 <Variable.get('graduate_profes_21febb6')> #'Population who completed a graduate or professiona...',
 <Variable.get('some_college_an_e8c299d9')> #'Population who completed some college or obtained ...',
 <Variable.get('male_45_64_asso_7221c8ad')> #'Men age 45 to 64 who obtained an associate's degre...',
 <Variable.get('male_45_64_bach_50e2201a')> #'Men age 45 to 64 who obtained a bachelor's degree',
 <Variable.get('male_45_64_grad_497d0290')> #'Men age 45 to 64 who obtained a graduate or profes...',
 <Variable.get('male_45_64_less_9cfbe2bb')> #'Men age 45 to 64 who attained less than a 9th grad...',
 <Variable.get('male_45_64_grad_ab30bb77')> #'Men age 45 to 64 who attained between 9th and 12th...',
 <Variable.get('male_45_64_high_3adafc46')> #'Men age 45 to 64 who completed high school or obta...',
 <Variable.get('male_45_64_some_1a47b9aa')> #'Men age 45 to 64 who completed some college, no de...',
 <Variable.get('male_45_to_64_ea95ea05')> #'Men age 45 to 64 ("middle aged"). The male populat...',
 <Variable.get('employed_pop_883ea712')> #'Employed Population. The number of civilians 16 ye...',
 <Variable.get('unemployed_pop_2a231e36')> #'Unemployed Population',
 <Variable.get('pop_in_labor_fo_bbdc31d9')> #'Population in Labor Force. The number of people in...',
 <Variable.get('not_in_labor_fo_586333cf')> #'Population Not in Labor Force. The number of peopl...',
 <Variable.get('workers_16_and__25701dd5')> #'Workers over the Age of 16. The number of people i...',
 <Variable.get('armed_forces_e75890d6')> #'Population in Armed Forces. The number of people i...',
 <Variable.get('civilian_labor__592b2aa5')> #'Population in Civilian Labor Force. The number of ...',
 <Variable.get('employed_agricu_2364af74')> #'Workers employed in firms in agriculture, forestry...',
 <Variable.get('employed_arts_e_fced4aef')> #'Workers employed in firms in arts, entertainment, ...',
 <Variable.get('employed_constr_78639ae5')> #'Workers employed in firms in construction. The Con...',
 <Variable.get('employed_educat_f2b1607c')> #'Workers employed in firms in educational services,...',
 <Variable.get('employed_financ_d311ad01')> #'Workers employed in firms in finance, insurance, r...',
 <Variable.get('employed_inform_ac5fee5')> #'Workers employed in firms in information. The Info...',
 <Variable.get('employed_manufa_1b2f8386')> #'Workers employed in firms in manufacturing. The Ma...',
 <Variable.get('employed_other__46059f67')> #'Workers employed in firms in other services except...',
 <Variable.get('employed_public_15ffcc97')> #'Workers employed in firms in public administration...',
 <Variable.get('employed_retail_443db8a8')> #'Workers employed in firms in retail trade. The Ret...',
 <Variable.get('employed_scienc_da9727e9')> #'Workers employed in firms in professional scientif...',
 <Variable.get('employed_transp_9e5b20d7')> #'Workers employed in firms in transportation, wareh...',
 <Variable.get('employed_wholes_c42bb44e')> #'Workers employed in firms in wholesale trade. The ...',
 <Variable.get('occupation_mana_fdae509d')> #'Workers employed in management business science an...',
 <Variable.get('occupation_natu_6080635')> #'Workers employed in natural resources, constructio...',
 <Variable.get('occupation_prod_b464c455')> #'Workers employed in production, transportation, an...',
 <Variable.get('occupation_sale_21f676c4')> #'Workers employed in sales and office occupations',
 <Variable.get('occupation_serv_73248584')> #'Workers employed in service occupations',
 <Variable.get('management_busi_f792d04c')> #'Civilian Employed Population in Management, Busine...',
 <Variable.get('sales_office_em_d3786701')> #'Civilian Employed Population in Sales and Office O...',
 <Variable.get('in_grades_1_to__48e08699')> #'Students Enrolled in Grades 1 to 4. The total numb...',
 <Variable.get('in_grades_5_to__dac788a4')> #'Students Enrolled in Grades 5 to 8. The total numb...',
 <Variable.get('in_grades_9_to__ddd6cf49')> #'Students Enrolled in Grades 9 to 12. The total num...',
 <Variable.get('in_school_e9bc87aa')> #'Students Enrolled in School. The total number of p...',
 <Variable.get('in_undergrad_co_d71245dd')> #'Students Enrolled as Undergraduate in College. The...',
 <Variable.get('speak_only_engl_c1599ddf')> #'Speaks only English at Home. The number of people ...',
 <Variable.get('speak_spanish_a_f22f39a8')> #'Speaks Spanish at Home. The number of people in a ...',
 <Variable.get('speak_spanish_a_cdb8ce26')> #'Speaks Spanish at Home, speaks English less than "...']

In [4]:
from cartoframes.data.observatory import Variable

variable = Variable.get('no_cars_ded903e2')

<Variable.get('no_cars_ded903e2')> #'Car-free households. The number of households with...'

In [5]:
from cartoframes.data.observatory import Enrichment

enrichment = Enrichment()

enriched_dataset_gdf = enrichment.enrich_points(

In [6]:

num_bike_dropoffs num_bike_pickups total_events station_id longitude latitude geometry no_cars do_area
0 178 204 382 31000 -77.053144 38.858726 POINT (-77.05314 38.85873) 567.0 2.007639e+05
1 222 276 498 31001 -77.053738 38.857216 POINT (-77.05374 38.85722) 187.0 1.627917e+05
2 839 710 1549 31002 -77.049218 38.856372 POINT (-77.04922 38.85637) 629.0 1.160783e+06
3 487 489 976 31003 -77.049614 38.860167 POINT (-77.04961 38.86017) 629.0 1.160783e+06
4 230 227 457 31004 -77.059552 38.857937 POINT (-77.05955 38.85794) 628.0 6.686098e+05
5 661 659 1320 31005 -77.059930 38.862077 POINT (-77.05993 38.86208) 628.0 6.686098e+05
6 448 436 884 31006 -77.063398 38.863298 POINT (-77.06340 38.86330) 628.0 6.686098e+05
7 1146 1521 2667 31007 -77.051129 38.857474 POINT (-77.05113 38.85747) 629.0 1.160783e+06
8 329 311 640 31009 -77.051513 38.848455 POINT (-77.05151 38.84846) 629.0 1.160783e+06
9 396 373 769 31010 -77.050315 38.842644 POINT (-77.05031 38.84264) 629.0 1.160783e+06

In [7]:
from cartoframes.viz import Layer, size_continuous_style

Layer(enriched_dataset_gdf, size_continuous_style('no_cars'))
