Enrich Polygons from a Dataset

This example illustrates how to enrich polygons that are in a dataset with variables from CARTO's Data Observatory.

Note: You'll need CARTO Account credentials to reproduce this example.

In [1]:
from cartoframes.utils import set_log_level

In [2]:
from cartoframes.auth import set_default_credentials


In [3]:
from geopandas import read_file

census_track = 'http://libs.cartocdn.com/cartoframes/files/census_track.geojson'
census_track_gdf = read_file(census_track)

0 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844...
1 2 51013103000 103000 POLYGON ((-77.08558 38.82992, -77.08625 38.828...
2 3 51013102902 102902 POLYGON ((-77.09520 38.84499, -77.09442 38.844...

In [4]:
census_track_gdf = census_track_gdf.head(1)

In [5]:
from cartoframes.data.observatory import Catalog



In [6]:
datasets = Catalog().country('usa').category('demographics').geography('usct_censustract_bc698c5a').datasets

id slug name description country_id geography_id geography_name geography_description category_id category_name provider_id provider_name data_source_id lang temporal_aggregation time_coverage update_frequency version is_public_data
0 carto-do-public-data.usa_acs.demographics_soci... acs_sociodemogr_d4b2cf03 5-yr ACS data at Census Tracts level (2006 - 2... The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongo... usa carto-do-public-data.usa_carto.geography_usa_c... None None demographics None None None None eng 5yrs [2006-01-01, 2011-01-01) None 20062010 True
1 carto-do-public-data.usa_acs.demographics_soci... acs_sociodemogr_9ed5d625 5-yr ACS data at Census Tracts level (2007 - 2... The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongo... usa carto-do-public-data.usa_carto.geography_usa_c... None None demographics None None None None eng 5yrs [2007-01-01, 2012-01-01) None 20072011 True
2 carto-do-public-data.usa_acs.demographics_soci... acs_sociodemogr_858c104e 5-yr ACS data at Census Tracts level (2008 - 2... The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongo... usa carto-do-public-data.usa_carto.geography_usa_c... None None demographics None None None None eng 5yrs [2008-01-01, 2013-01-01) None 20082012 True
3 carto-do-public-data.usa_acs.demographics_soci... acs_sociodemogr_cfeb0968 5-yr ACS data at Census Tracts level (2009 - 2... The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongo... usa carto-do-public-data.usa_carto.geography_usa_c... None None demographics None None None None eng 5yrs [2009-01-01, 2014-01-01) None 20092013 True
4 carto-do-public-data.usa_acs.demographics_soci... acs_sociodemogr_97c32d1f 5-yr ACS data at Census Tracts level (2010 - 2... The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongo... usa carto-do-public-data.usa_carto.geography_usa_c... None None demographics None None None None eng 5yrs [2010-01-01, 2015-01-01) None 20102014 True
5 carto-do-public-data.usa_acs.demographics_soci... acs_sociodemogr_dda43439 5-yr ACS data at Census Tracts level (2011 - 2... The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongo... usa carto-do-public-data.usa_carto.geography_usa_c... None None demographics None None None None eng 5yrs [2011-01-01, 2016-01-01) None 20112015 True
6 carto-do-public-data.usa_acs.demographics_soci... acs_sociodemogr_30d1f53 5-yr ACS data at Census Tracts level (2012 - 2... The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongo... usa carto-do-public-data.usa_carto.geography_usa_c... None None demographics None None None None eng 5yrs [2012-01-01, 2017-01-01) None 20122016 True
7 carto-do-public-data.usa_acs.demographics_soci... acs_sociodemogr_496a0675 5-yr ACS data at Census Tracts level (2013 - 2... The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongo... usa carto-do-public-data.usa_carto.geography_usa_c... None None demographics None None None None eng 5yrs [2013-01-01, 2018-01-01) None 20132017 True

In [7]:
from cartoframes.data.observatory import Dataset

dataset = Dataset.get('acs_sociodemogr_d4b2cf03')
variables_df = dataset.variables

In [8]:
for variable in variables_df:
    print(variable.agg_method, variable.db_type, variable.slug)

AVG FLOAT median_age_1b299936
None STRING geoidsl_52dffc46
None STRING geoidsc_c260e1d7
SUM FLOAT owner_occupied__a242d69b
SUM FLOAT bachelors_degre_c97d7ec4
SUM FLOAT bachelors_degre_619dbbbf
SUM FLOAT children_ccc14aa2
SUM FLOAT children_in_sin_96bc4ba1
SUM FLOAT employed_inform_cc19ebad
SUM FLOAT employed_manufa_4e5264bc
SUM FLOAT employed_other__a5acf594
SUM FLOAT employed_public_80ba451f
SUM FLOAT employed_retail_3cfcad1f
SUM FLOAT employed_scienc_10f6c661
SUM FLOAT employed_transp_66aedbfd
SUM FLOAT employed_wholes_dfec4891
SUM FLOAT female_female_h_d11712ea
SUM FLOAT four_more_cars_297e8a8a
AVG FLOAT gini_index_e8c30f9a
SUM FLOAT graduate_profes_ce2840a8
SUM FLOAT three_cars_32e541e7
SUM FLOAT pop_25_64_ce8c2ef0
SUM FLOAT pop_determined__486c4212
SUM FLOAT population_1_ye_dcac6ed6
SUM FLOAT population_3_ye_ca9ce3ea
AVG FLOAT poverty_4c2c9ac5
SUM FLOAT sales_office_em_abb972b6
SUM FLOAT some_college_an_23a0fb89
SUM FLOAT pop_15_and_over_1b25d822
SUM FLOAT nonfamily_house_2c17f15c
SUM FLOAT family_househol_f2823597
AVG FLOAT median_year_str_b19af9b2
SUM FLOAT rent_under_10_p_211ac215
SUM FLOAT total_pop_a33e39b6
SUM FLOAT two_or_more_rac_1ffad07d
SUM FLOAT not_hispanic_po_e7e18ed1
SUM FLOAT commuters_by_pu_424732d2
SUM FLOAT households_284a100f
AVG FLOAT median_income_57be5af4
AVG FLOAT income_per_capi_b4d33d67
SUM FLOAT housing_units_8326b884
SUM FLOAT vacant_housing__693f6a2e
SUM FLOAT one_parent_fami_1dd05196
SUM FLOAT father_one_pare_25ca6df1
SUM FLOAT aggregate_trave_17822663
SUM FLOAT income_less_100_765da10b
SUM FLOAT income_10000_14_95a8a848
SUM FLOAT income_15000_19_81ebbbd1
SUM FLOAT income_20000_24_4beab499
SUM FLOAT income_150000_1_ead90f3e
SUM FLOAT income_200000_o_70cb9ea7
SUM FLOAT renter_occupied_c1345262
AVG FLOAT owner_occupied__a9e65f75
AVG FLOAT owner_occupied__1cd53499
AVG FLOAT owner_occupied__6fbe04
SUM FLOAT married_househo_ba272390
SUM FLOAT occupied_housin_1c3f3f66
SUM FLOAT housing_units_r_3ee939f2
SUM FLOAT dwellings_1_uni_58e5d43
SUM FLOAT dwellings_1_uni_8cc7c45d
SUM FLOAT dwellings_2_uni_c5cf037c
SUM FLOAT dwellings_3_to__ff82fdc3
SUM FLOAT dwellings_5_to__716839e3
SUM FLOAT housing_built_1_7de983ff
SUM FLOAT rent_burden_not_da5f7289
SUM FLOAT rent_over_50_pe_ad21c098
SUM FLOAT rent_40_to_50_p_d4c51557
SUM FLOAT rent_35_to_40_p_f5793897
SUM FLOAT rent_30_to_35_p_6eb5d82a
SUM FLOAT rent_25_to_30_p_b9cdb27f
SUM FLOAT rent_20_to_25_p_2f1f2285
SUM FLOAT rent_15_to_20_p_7fc76db3
SUM FLOAT rent_10_to_15_p_ede02d74
SUM FLOAT male_pop_354090a6
SUM FLOAT female_pop_bcc7b2e6
SUM FLOAT white_pop_c874003d
SUM FLOAT black_pop_3865cbdc
SUM FLOAT asian_pop_12b4b482
SUM FLOAT hispanic_pop_234f387e
SUM FLOAT amerindian_pop_828802fd
SUM FLOAT other_race_pop_36c463b6
SUM FLOAT vacant_housing__85c50752
SUM FLOAT vacant_housing__62f68a9b
AVG FLOAT median_rent_e817137c
AVG FLOAT percent_income__d1ee2cb7
SUM FLOAT million_dollar__ece23260
SUM FLOAT mortgaged_housi_3a77552a
SUM FLOAT families_with_y_1e479228
SUM FLOAT two_parent_fami_6d4ac4e8
SUM FLOAT two_parents_in__bb6a383b
SUM FLOAT two_parents_fat_ead57f01
SUM FLOAT two_parents_mot_738c0aab
SUM FLOAT two_parents_not_792221c
SUM FLOAT father_in_labor_196dbc7c
SUM FLOAT commute_10_14_m_f54c364d
SUM FLOAT commute_15_19_m_34560dc
SUM FLOAT commute_20_24_m_2f9397d3
SUM FLOAT commute_25_29_m_d99ac142
SUM FLOAT commute_30_34_m_6626f759
SUM FLOAT commute_45_59_m_11238f8b
SUM FLOAT income_25000_29_5fa9a700
SUM FLOAT income_30000_34_b70442e9
SUM FLOAT income_35000_39_a3475170
SUM FLOAT income_40000_44_2c1f8b7a
SUM FLOAT income_45000_49_385c98e3
SUM FLOAT income_50000_59_229ba5d7
SUM FLOAT income_60000_74_33d3486b
SUM FLOAT income_75000_99_592e3a53
SUM FLOAT income_100000_1_f7c091e2
SUM FLOAT income_125000_1_17868e42
SUM FLOAT dwellings_10_to_78e88389
SUM FLOAT dwellings_20_to_4c69a836
SUM FLOAT dwellings_50_or_abd034b2
SUM FLOAT mobile_homes_20947ee9
SUM FLOAT housing_built_2_874b0fbe
SUM FLOAT housing_built_2_1215578e
SUM FLOAT male_under_5_2e8459e4
SUM FLOAT male_5_to_9_7552c2ff
SUM FLOAT male_10_to_14_7fe0e4e7
SUM FLOAT male_15_to_17_b4d19afa
SUM FLOAT male_18_to_19_32bed63d
SUM FLOAT male_20_c3c94d9c
SUM FLOAT male_21_b4ce7d0a
SUM FLOAT male_22_to_24_4ddda1ee
SUM FLOAT male_25_to_29_f6cbe3dd
SUM FLOAT male_30_to_34_ff38118
SUM FLOAT male_35_to_39_237ad202
SUM FLOAT male_40_to_44_4a771ec6
SUM FLOAT male_45_to_49_66fe4ddc
SUM FLOAT male_50_to_54_9fc62f19
SUM FLOAT male_55_to_59_b34f7c03
SUM FLOAT male_60_61_e6858d1b
SUM FLOAT male_62_64_3ce6b11f
SUM FLOAT male_65_to_66_865235b2
SUM FLOAT male_67_to_69_8172390a
SUM FLOAT male_70_to_74_efd54ae6
SUM FLOAT male_75_to_79_c35c19fc
SUM FLOAT male_80_to_84_b16d4485
SUM FLOAT male_85_and_ove_64f22713
SUM FLOAT female_under_5_6effa65f
SUM FLOAT female_5_to_9_d1a61f15
SUM FLOAT female_10_to_14_2313f51c
SUM FLOAT female_15_to_17_e8228b01
SUM FLOAT female_18_to_19_6e4dc7c6
SUM FLOAT female_20_97c0ed05
SUM FLOAT female_21_e0c7dd93
SUM FLOAT female_22_to_24_112eb015
SUM FLOAT female_25_to_29_aa38f226
SUM FLOAT female_30_to_34_530090e3
SUM FLOAT female_35_to_39_7f89c3f9
SUM FLOAT female_40_to_44_16840f3d
SUM FLOAT female_45_to_49_3a0d5c27
SUM FLOAT female_50_to_54_c3353ee2
SUM FLOAT female_55_to_59_efbc6df8
SUM FLOAT female_60_to_61_16fd9e4d
SUM FLOAT female_62_to_64_f1087beb
SUM FLOAT female_65_to_66_daa12449
SUM FLOAT female_67_to_69_dd8128f1
SUM FLOAT female_70_to_74_b3265b1d
SUM FLOAT female_75_to_79_9faf0807
SUM FLOAT female_80_to_84_ed9e557e
SUM FLOAT female_85_and_o_aa0e3bc8
SUM FLOAT white_including_13a12d2a
SUM FLOAT black_including_60df12f
SUM FLOAT amerindian_incl_2cc3ddb8
SUM FLOAT households_reti_5455ca9
SUM FLOAT asian_including_5f6cf2a1
SUM FLOAT commute_5_9_min_bfa74847
SUM FLOAT commute_35_39_m_902fa1c8
SUM FLOAT commute_40_44_m_415dd2ae
SUM FLOAT commute_60_89_m_3e967b39
SUM FLOAT commute_90_more_cbc109e
SUM FLOAT asian_male_45_5_7e082193
SUM FLOAT asian_male_55_6_68455be0
SUM FLOAT black_male_45_5_8c8c15de
SUM FLOAT black_male_55_6_9ac16fad
SUM FLOAT hispanic_male_4_c3d75b15
SUM FLOAT hispanic_male_5_d59a2166
SUM FLOAT white_male_45_5_8992fe9f
SUM FLOAT white_male_55_6_9fdf84ec
SUM FLOAT commuters_by_bu_f462d018
SUM FLOAT commuters_by_ca_120481e3
SUM FLOAT commuters_by_ca_59febe6f
SUM FLOAT commuters_by_su_4321535d
SUM FLOAT commuters_drove_acf77a1
SUM FLOAT different_house_168a8dda
SUM FLOAT different_house_307db01c
SUM FLOAT employed_agricu_f4fac119
SUM FLOAT employed_arts_e_7f42bf01
SUM FLOAT employed_constr_a28f52
SUM FLOAT employed_educat_958fdcfe
SUM FLOAT employed_financ_832aff0
SUM FLOAT group_quarters_f24e7e81
SUM FLOAT high_school_inc_801ba545
SUM FLOAT households_publ_d903e7c5
SUM FLOAT in_grades_1_to__793491e9
SUM FLOAT in_grades_5_to__eb139fd4
SUM FLOAT in_grades_9_to__8de26a62
SUM FLOAT in_school_5d68bd33
SUM FLOAT in_undergrad_co_11ce5095
SUM FLOAT less_than_high__18fc6722
SUM FLOAT male_45_64_asso_be1663b3
SUM FLOAT male_45_64_bach_6b3eabae
SUM FLOAT male_45_64_grad_fbd67eb0
SUM FLOAT male_45_64_less_50cc49a5
SUM FLOAT male_45_64_grad_d3f1aec0
SUM FLOAT male_45_64_high_6fa71b7c
SUM FLOAT male_45_64_some_dc1e1dff
SUM FLOAT male_45_to_64_2a7953e3
SUM FLOAT male_male_house_aa5c9704
SUM FLOAT management_busi_6f59f766
SUM FLOAT no_car_2207f034
SUM FLOAT no_cars_3a983c4e
SUM FLOAT not_us_citizen__46c0b5c4
SUM FLOAT occupation_mana_4f052cbd
SUM FLOAT occupation_natu_35dc85be
SUM FLOAT occupation_prod_4c913f7f
SUM FLOAT occupation_sale_e7afd291
SUM FLOAT occupation_serv_a3e87fbe
SUM FLOAT one_car_13b3a60b
SUM FLOAT two_cars_fec37223
SUM FLOAT walked_to_work_3e52e21c
SUM FLOAT worked_at_home_5ff2f52f
SUM FLOAT workers_16_and__f5bce7ef
SUM FLOAT hispanic_any_ra_319301
SUM FLOAT pop_5_years_ove_2d330bc0
SUM FLOAT speak_only_engl_73f2e1ff
SUM FLOAT speak_spanish_a_8aee2c1f
SUM FLOAT speak_spanish_a_ce691296
SUM FLOAT pop_never_marri_651528ed
SUM FLOAT pop_now_married_ee923870
SUM FLOAT pop_separated_9f2ec8b9
SUM FLOAT pop_widowed_a4b162d6
SUM FLOAT pop_divorced_61aba4d6
None STRING geoid_c6cf8662
None STRING do_date_a1b1496e

In [9]:
from cartoframes.data.observatory import Variable

v1 = Variable.get('no_car_2207f034')   # SUM, FLOAT
v2 = Variable.get('poverty_4c2c9ac5')  # AVG, FLOAT
v3 = Variable.get('geoidsl_52dffc46')   # None, STRING

variables = [v1, v2, v3]

In [10]:
from cartoframes.data.observatory import Enrichment

enrichment = Enrichment()

enriched_dataset_gdf = enrichment.enrich_polygons(

2020-03-13 13:18:04,568 - DEBUG - _prepare_data in 0.01 s
2020-03-13 13:18:09,230 - DEBUG - _upload_data in 4.66 s
2020-03-13 13:18:17,120 - DEBUG - _execute_enrichment in 7.89 s
2020-03-13 13:18:17,126 - DEBUG - _enrich in 12.57 s

In [11]:

OBJECTID FULLTRACTID TRACTID geometry geoidsl poverty no_car intersected_area do_area user_area do_geoid
0 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51013102802 55.0 0.0 35.033737 7.313817e+05 681621.693138 51013102802
1 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51013102901 68.0 0.0 677561.538702 6.961294e+05 681621.693138 51013102901
2 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51510201000 100.0 14.0 23.771227 7.811361e+05 681621.693138 51510201000
3 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51013102902 256.0 124.0 3571.753693 7.531163e+05 681621.693138 51013102902
4 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51510200107 341.0 217.0 161.381823 6.377265e+05 681621.693138 51510200107
5 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51013102702 247.0 61.0 0.390070 2.834087e+05 681621.693138 51013102702
6 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51013103100 489.0 102.0 267.823804 1.908856e+06 681621.693138 51013103100

In [22]:
from cartoframes.data.observatory import Enrichment

enrichment = Enrichment()

enriched_dataset_gdf = enrichment.enrich_polygons(
    filters={v1.id: "> 100", v2.id: "< 300"}


2020-03-13 13:23:45,199 - DEBUG - _prepare_data in 0.01 s
2020-03-13 13:23:48,893 - DEBUG - _upload_data in 3.69 s
2020-03-13 13:23:55,352 - DEBUG - _execute_enrichment in 6.46 s
2020-03-13 13:23:55,360 - DEBUG - _enrich in 10.17 s
OBJECTID FULLTRACTID TRACTID geometry geoidsl poverty no_car intersected_area do_area user_area do_geoid
0 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51013102902 256.0 124.0 3571.753693 753116.255091 681621.693138 51013102902

In [12]:
from cartoframes.data.observatory import Enrichment

enrichment = Enrichment()

enriched_dataset_gdf = enrichment.enrich_polygons(

2020-03-13 13:18:17,187 - DEBUG - _prepare_data in 0.0 s
2020-03-13 13:18:22,133 - DEBUG - _upload_data in 4.94 s
2020-03-13 13:18:29,719 - DEBUG - _execute_enrichment in 7.59 s
2020-03-13 13:18:29,769 - DEBUG - _enrich in 12.58 s

In [13]:

OBJECTID FULLTRACTID TRACTID geometry poverty no_car
0 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 222.285714 0.657821

In [14]:
from cartoframes.data.observatory import Enrichment

enrichment = Enrichment()

enriched_dataset_gdf = enrichment.enrich_polygons(

2020-03-13 13:18:29,843 - DEBUG - _prepare_data in 0.01 s
2020-03-13 13:18:33,361 - DEBUG - _upload_data in 3.52 s
2020-03-13 13:18:41,083 - DEBUG - _execute_enrichment in 7.72 s
2020-03-13 13:18:41,109 - DEBUG - _enrich in 11.28 s

In [15]:

OBJECTID FULLTRACTID TRACTID geometry geoidsl poverty no_car
0 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... ['51013102902', '51013103100', '51510200107', ... [256.0, 489.0, 341.0, 247.0, 55.0, 68.0, 100.0] [124.0, 102.0, 217.0, 61.0, 0.0, 0.0, 14.0]

In [16]:
enrichment = Enrichment()

enriched_dataset_gdf = enrichment.enrich_polygons(
    aggregation={v1.id: ['SUM', 'AVG'], v2.id:'AVG'}


2020-03-13 13:18:41,154 - DEBUG - _prepare_data in 0.0 s
2020-03-13 13:18:44,561 - DEBUG - _upload_data in 3.41 s
2020-03-13 13:18:50,709 - DEBUG - _execute_enrichment in 6.15 s
2020-03-13 13:18:50,739 - DEBUG - _enrich in 9.59 s
OBJECTID FULLTRACTID TRACTID geometry poverty sum_no_car avg_no_car
0 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 222.285714 0.657821 74.0

In [17]:
enrichment = Enrichment()

enriched_dataset_gdf = enrichment.enrich_polygons(
    filters={v1.id: "> 0"}


2020-03-13 13:18:50,770 - DEBUG - _prepare_data in 0.0 s
2020-03-13 13:18:54,184 - DEBUG - _upload_data in 3.41 s
2020-03-13 13:19:00,228 - DEBUG - _execute_enrichment in 6.04 s
2020-03-13 13:19:00,237 - DEBUG - _enrich in 9.47 s
OBJECTID FULLTRACTID TRACTID geometry geoidsl poverty no_car intersected_area do_area user_area do_geoid
0 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51013102902 256.0 124.0 3571.753693 7.531163e+05 681621.693138 51013102902
1 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51013102702 247.0 61.0 0.390070 2.834087e+05 681621.693138 51013102702
2 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51510201000 100.0 14.0 23.771227 7.811361e+05 681621.693138 51510201000
3 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51013103100 489.0 102.0 267.823804 1.908856e+06 681621.693138 51013103100
4 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51510200107 341.0 217.0 161.381823 6.377265e+05 681621.693138 51510200107

In [18]:
enrichment = Enrichment()

enriched_dataset_gdf = enrichment.enrich_polygons(
    filters={v1.id: ["> 0", "< 200"]}


2020-03-13 13:19:00,296 - DEBUG - _prepare_data in 0.0 s
2020-03-13 13:19:05,040 - DEBUG - _upload_data in 4.74 s
2020-03-13 13:19:12,828 - DEBUG - _execute_enrichment in 7.79 s
2020-03-13 13:19:12,852 - DEBUG - _enrich in 12.56 s
OBJECTID FULLTRACTID TRACTID geometry geoidsl poverty no_car intersected_area do_area user_area do_geoid
0 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51013103100 489.0 102.0 267.823804 1.908856e+06 681621.693138 51013103100
1 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51013102702 247.0 61.0 0.390070 2.834087e+05 681621.693138 51013102702
2 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51510201000 100.0 14.0 23.771227 7.811361e+05 681621.693138 51510201000
3 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 51013102902 256.0 124.0 3571.753693 7.531163e+05 681621.693138 51013102902

In [19]:
enrichment = Enrichment()

enriched_dataset_gdf = enrichment.enrich_polygons(
    filters={v1.id: ["> 0", "< 200"]}


2020-03-13 13:19:12,898 - DEBUG - _prepare_data in 0.0 s
2020-03-13 13:19:17,869 - DEBUG - _upload_data in 4.97 s
2020-03-13 13:19:25,423 - DEBUG - _execute_enrichment in 7.55 s
2020-03-13 13:19:25,452 - DEBUG - _enrich in 12.56 s
OBJECTID FULLTRACTID TRACTID geometry poverty no_car
0 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 273.0 0.602908

In [20]:
enrichment = Enrichment()

enriched_dataset_gdf = enrichment.enrich_polygons(
    aggregation={v1.id: ['SUM', 'AVG'], v2.id:'AVG'},
    filters={v1.id: ["> 0", "< 200"]}


2020-03-13 13:19:25,480 - DEBUG - _prepare_data in 0.0 s
2020-03-13 13:19:28,968 - DEBUG - _upload_data in 3.49 s
2020-03-13 13:19:36,482 - DEBUG - _execute_enrichment in 7.51 s
2020-03-13 13:19:36,507 - DEBUG - _enrich in 11.03 s
OBJECTID FULLTRACTID TRACTID geometry poverty sum_no_car avg_no_car
0 1 51013102901 102901 POLYGON ((-77.09099 38.84516, -77.08957 38.844... 273.0 0.602908 75.25