In [2]:
from pyaudi import gdual_double, gdual_vdouble
import pyaudi as pa
import numpy as np
# import chaospy as cp
import seaborn
# seaborn.set_style('whitegrid')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from Utils.boxgrid import boxgrid
import Utils.DA as da
from Utils.RK4 import RK4
from Utils.submatrix import submatrix
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
from Utils.SDRE import SDREC
from Utils.ASRE import ASREC
# from Utils.autograd_adjoint import odeint
In [3]:"seaborn-whitegrid")
In [8]:
# Problem Data
def dynamics(x, t, a, u=lambda t,x,a: 0, math_module=pa):
dx = np.zeros_like(x, dtype=type(a))
dx[0] = x[1]
dx[1] = -a*x[1]*math_module.sqrt(1e-5 + x[1]**2) + u(t,x,a)
return dx
def jacobian(x, a):
return np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0],[0, -2*a*pa.sqrt(1e-5+x[1]**2), -x[1]*pa.sqrt(1e-5+x[1]**2), 1], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0]])
tf = 3
t = np.linspace(0, tf, 300)
a = 0.25
x0 = [13, -5.5, a, 0]
In [9]:
x = RK4(dynamics, x0[:2], t, args=(a, lambda t,x,a: 0))
xf = x[-1]
x_new = RK4(dynamics, xf, t[::-1], args=(a, lambda t,x,a: 0))
# Just verifying fwd/bkw integration
plt.plot(t, x, 'o', label='Fwd')
# plt.plot(t, x_new[::-1], label='Bwd')
# plt.legend()
Differential algebra solution
In [36]:
A = pa.gdual_double(a, 'a', 2)
X0 = da.make(x0, ['x1','x2', 'a', 'u'], 2)
du = pa.gdual_double(0, 'u', 2)
import time
q0 = time.time()
X = RK4(dynamics, X0, t, args=(A, lambda t,x,a: du))
print("DA Integration Time = {:.5} s".format(time.time()-q0))
names = ['x1','x2','a', 'u']
gradient = da.jacobian(X[-1], names)
stm = [da.jacobian(x, names) for x in X] # change in [x1, x2] wrt [x10, x20, a, u]
hessian = [da.hessian(x, names) for x in X[-1]]
Adjoint solution
In [37]:
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
x = da.const(X, array=True)
x_interp = interp1d(t, x, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(x[0],x[-1]))
# plt.plot(x.T[0],x.T[1])
def adjoint_dyn(p, t, X, J,):
x = X(t)
A = J(x)
dp =
return dp
J0 = []
P0 = np.eye(4)[:2]
for p0 in P0:
Y = odeint(adjoint_dyn, p0, t[::-1], args=(x_interp, lambda x: jacobian(x,a),))
plt.plot(t, Y[::-1])
J0 = np.array(J0)
plt.ylabel('Adjoint sensitivity')
plt.legend(["dx1(tf), dx1(t)", "dx1(tf), dx2(t)", "dx1(tf), da","dx2(tf), dx1(t)", "dx2(tf), dx2(t)", "dx2(tf), da"])
In [38]:
assert np.allclose(gradient[:2], J0, rtol=1e-1, atol=1e-2), "Forward and Adjoint Sensitivities do not match!\nMax error = {:.3g}".format(np.max(np.abs(gradient[:2]-J0)))
print("Goal 1 achieved - adjoints recovered from forward sensitivities.")
Subgoal: Determine the control costate with respect to the each state, i.e. $J = x_i$ for $i = {1,2}$
In [39]:
# This recovers the costates from STM
dJdx = [[1, 0, 0, 0],[0,1,0,0]]
stmi = [np.linalg.inv(st) for st in stm]
stmf = stm[-1]
C =, stmf)
p1 = np.array([, si) for si in stmi])
# p1 = [dx1/dx; dx2/dx]
dfdu = [0, 1, 0, 0]
# pu1 = dx1(t_f)/du
pu1 = np.array( [np.trapz(x=t[i:], y=p1[i:,0,1]) for i in range(t.size)]) # Guaranteed to be correct
pu1_= -cumtrapz(x=t[::-1], y=np.squeeze(p1[::-1,0,1]), initial=0)[::-1] # so many weird flips required
# Since integration is from tf to t, time and costate need to be reversed. Then, to plot against t, it must be reversed
# The negative sign is because pu1 is integrating forward, while pu1_ is integrating backward
pu2 = np.array([np.trapz(x=t[i:], y=p1[i:,1,1]) for i in range(t.size)])
plt.plot(t, pu1, 'k', label="dx1(t_f)/du from integrating adjoints")
# plt.plot(t, pu1_,'o')
plt.plot(t, pu2, 'k', label="dx2(t_f)/du")
plt.plot(t, p1[:, 0, 3], 'r--', label="from STM inverses")
plt.plot(t, p1[:, 1, 3], 'r--')
In conclusion, we can obtain the backward sensitivities to changes in state, parameters, and control from the state transition matrices.
In [14]:
import sys
from EntryEquations import Entry
from Simulation import Simulation, Cycle, EntrySim
from InitialState import InitialState
# from ParametrizedPlanner import profile
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from Apollo import gains
In [15]:
x0 = InitialState()
Vf = 475
ref_profile = lambda **args: 0.15
sim = Simulation(cycle=Cycle(0.1), output=True, **EntrySim(Vf=Vf))
res =, [ref_profile])
In [ ]:
# compute distance to SRP manifold along traj, assuming heading is aligned although it is not. It will be by the time the actual trigger occurs
# current velocity -> tf, T, mu -> downrange flown, altitude dropped -> actual remaining DR and altitude
def manifold(sim):
vx = V*np.cos(gamma)
vy = V*np.sin(gamma)
In [6]:
dasim = Simulation(cycle=Cycle(0.2), output=True, use_da=True, **EntrySim(Vf=Vf), )
names = ['r', 'theta', 'phi', 'V', 'fpa', 'psi', 's', 'm']
x0d = da.make(x0, names, 1)
u = gdual_double(0.15, 'u', 1)
ref_profile = lambda **args: u
res =, [ref_profile])
In [12]:
if 0: # get Lx and integrate to get Lu
# get stms for longitudinal states
long = [6, 3, 4, 0]
stm = [submatrix(da.jacobian(x, names), long) for x in dasim.history]
# stm = [da.jacobian(x, names+['u']) for x in dasim.history]
# get adjoints
dJdx = [1, 0, 0, -1.0/np.tan(dasim.history[-1, 4].constant_cf)]
stmi = [np.linalg.inv(st) for st in stm]
stmf = stm[-1]
C =, stmf)
Lx = np.array([, si) for si in stmi])
dfdu = [0, 0, 1, 0]
t = dasim.times
# pu1 = dx1(t_f)/du
df = dasim.df
integrand = da.const((df['drag']/df['velocity']).values, array=True) * Lx[:, 2]
Lu =np.array( [np.trapz(x=t[i:], y=integrand[i:]) for i in range(len(t))])
L = np.c_[Lx, Lu[:, None]]
else: # Get all of them together
# get stms for longitudinal states
rows = [6, 3, 4, 0]
cols = rows + [-1] # get the derivs wrt controls too
stm = [np.vstack([submatrix(da.jacobian(x, names+['u']), rows, cols), np.eye(5)[-1]]) for x in dasim.history]
# get adjoints
dJdx = [1, 0, 0, -1.0/np.tan(dasim.history[-1, 4].constant_cf), 0]
stmi = [np.linalg.inv(st) for st in stm]
stmf = stm[-1]
C =, stmf)
L = np.array([, si) for si in stmi])
L[:,-1] *= -1/0.24/np.sin(0.15) # This converts from sensitivity in sigma to sensitivity of u = L/D cos(sigma)
In [ ]:
# The product of should be constant for all t
In [8]:
V = da.const(dasim.history[:, 3])
imax = np.argmax(V)
In [13]:
apollo = gains(sim)
nams = ['s','v','fpa', 'h', 'u']
for adj, name, adj_stm in zip(apollo['L'].T, nams, L.T):
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
plt.plot(apollo['IV'], adj, label='Adjoint')
plt.plot(V[imax:], adj_stm[imax:], label='STM')
plt.title("sensitivity of final range to {}".format(name))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
r = adj / interp1d(V[imax:], adj_stm[imax:])(apollo['IV'])
plt.plot(apollo['IV'][1:], r[1:])
plt.title("Ratio adjoint/forward for {}".format(name))
Any (first order) "terminal point" controller$^1$, takes the form \begin{align} \Delta u = \frac{\Delta J}{\lambda_u} =\frac{\lambda_x^T\Delta x}{\lambda_u} \end{align} where $\lambda_q(t) \triangleq \frac{\partial J(x(t_f))}{\partial x(t_f)}\frac{\partial x(t_f)}{\partial q(t)} $. This can also be written in terms of the first order state transtion matrix \begin{align} \lambda_x(t) = \frac{\partial J(x_f)}{\partial x_f}\Phi(t_f)\Phi^{-1}(t) \\ \Delta u = \frac{\Delta x^T\left( \frac{\partial J}{\partial x}\Phi(t_f)\Phi^{-1}(t)\right)}{\lambda_u} \end{align}
Note the following general relationship between adjoint and forward sensitvity \begin{align} \lambda_x(t) &= \Phi(t_f)\Phi^{-1}(t) \\ \Phi(t) &= \lambda^{-1}(t)\lambda(t_0) \end{align}
In [88]:
# Use any reference traj, select a nearby initial condition, and use the TPC to drive it to the same terminal condition at tf.
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
class TPC:
""" A terminal manifold controller
Relatively general, can be further generalized where a is all parameters
def __init__(self, t, x, u, a, px, pu):
self.t = t
self.x = interp1d(t, x, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(x[0],x[-1]))
self.u = interp1d(t, u, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(u[0],u[-1]))
self.pu = interp1d(t, pu, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(pu[0],pu[-1]))
self.px = interp1d(t, px, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(px[0],px[-1]))
self.a = a
def __call__(self, t, x, a):
px = self.px(t)
pu = self.pu(t)
if np.abs(pu) < 1e-2:
pu = np.sign(pu)*1e-2
if pu == 0:
pu = 1.0e6
if np.ndim(x) == 1 and np.ndim(a) == 0: # Scalar scenario
dx = np.append(x-self.x(t), a-self.a)
# dx = np.append(x-self.x(t), 0) # This is the case where we don't know/measure a
return self.u(t) -, px)/pu
if np.ndim(x) > 1:
dx = x-self.x(t)[:,None]
dx = x-self.x(t)
da = a - self.a # doesn't matter if a is an array or scalar
return self.u(t) - (px[-1]*da +[:-1], dx))/pu
class TPC2:
""" A terminal manifold controller using a different indepdendent variable
Can only be used when the velocity term is monotonic
def __init__(self, t, x, u, a, px, pu):
v = x.T[1] # negative and monotonically increasing
start = 0
final = -1
self.t = t
self.x = interp1d(v, x, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(x[start],x[final]))
self.u = interp1d(v, u, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(u[start],u[final]))
self.pu = interp1d(v, pu, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(pu[start],pu[final]))
self.px = interp1d(v, px, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(px[start],px[final]))
self.a = a
def __call__(self, t, x, a):
v = x[1]
px = self.px(v).T
pu = self.pu(v)
if np.ndim(pu) > 0:
pu[pu==0] = 1.0e6
pu[np.abs(pu)<=1e-2] = 1e-2*np.sign(pu[np.abs(pu)<=1e-2])
if np.abs(pu) < 1e-2:
pu = np.sign(pu)*1e-2
if pu == 0:
pu = 1.0e6
if np.ndim(x) == 1 and np.ndim(a) == 0: # Scalar scenario
dx = np.append(x-self.x(v), a-self.a)
return self.u(v) -, px)/pu
if np.ndim(x) > 1:
dx = x-self.x(v).T
dx = x-self.x(v)
da = a - self.a # doesn't matter if a is an array or scalar
return self.u(v) - (px[-1]*da + px[0]*dx[0])/pu
In [89]:
def Obj(xf):
return xf[0]**2 + xf[1]**2 # match the manifold
# return xf[0] # match position
# return xf[1] # match velocity
# return xf[0]*xf[1]
# return xf[0] + xf[1]
# f = xf[0]
# g = xf[1]
# if np.ndim(xf)>1:
# return np.cos(f) + g**2
# else:
# return pa.cos(f) + g**2
Xf = da.make([x[-1,0],x[-1,1], a, 0], names, 2)
dJdx = da.gradient(Obj(Xf), names)
Jxx = da.hessian(Obj(Xf), names)
C =, stmf)
px = np.array([, si) for si in stmi])
pu1 = np.array( [np.trapz(x=t[i:], y=px[i:, 1]) for i in range(t.size)])
pu = px[:,3]
plt.plot(t, pu1, label='Adjoint')
plt.plot(t, pu, '--', label='STM based')
controller = TPC(t, x[:,:2], np.zeros_like(t), a, px[:,:3], pu) # The costates passed here determine the objective
sat_controller = lambda t,x,a: np.clip(controller(t,x,a), -10, 10)
In [90]:
plt.plot(t, px)
plt.legend(['x1','x2', 'a','u'])
In [91]:
# Lets try just initial condition uncertainty, and just parametric uncertainty
# Parametric Uncertainty
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x[-1,0] + np.linspace(-1,1)*3,x[-1,1] + np.linspace(-1,1)*3)
plt.contour(Y, X, Obj([X,Y]), [Obj(x[-1])], colors='k',alpha=1)
fs = (10,10)
J0 = Obj(x.T)
# plt.figure(3, figsize=fs)
# plt.plot(t, Obj(x.T), 'k')
for delta_a in np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, 6): #[-0.035, 0.035]:
label = "+"
if delta_a < 0:
label = "-"
xnew = odeint(dynamics, x0[:2], t, args=(a+delta_a, sat_controller))
unew = [sat_controller(ti, xi, a+delta_a) for ti,xi in zip(t,xnew)]
plt.figure(1, figsize=fs)
plt.plot(xnew.T[1], xnew.T[0], label='a {} da'.format(label))
plt.plot(t, unew, label='a {} da'.format(label))
plt.figure(3, figsize=fs)
plt.plot(t, Obj(xnew.T)-J0)
plt.plot(x.T[1], x.T[0], label='ref')
Even for this toy problem with mild drag-like nonlinearity, the linearization results in poor performance unless additional gain is introduced. Of course, performance can also be enhanced by using a different monotonic independent variable, but this is problem dependent and not always possible. Another way we can improve performance in differentiable systems is to include second order sensitivities.
In [93]:
plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,10))
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x[-1,0] + np.linspace(-1,2)*8,x[-1,1] + np.linspace(-1,2)*8)
plt.contour(Y, X, Obj([X,Y]), [Obj(x[-1])], colors='k',alpha=1)
plt.plot(0, 0, 'k', label="Terminal Manifold") # Just for the label
plt.figure(4, figsize=(10,10))
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x[-1,0] + np.linspace(-1,2)*8,x[-1,1] + np.linspace(-1,2)*8)
plt.contour(Y, X, Obj([X,Y]), [Obj(x[-1])], colors='k',alpha=1)
plt.plot(0, 0, 'k', label="Terminal Manifold") # Just for the label
x0_mc = np.random.multivariate_normal(x0[:2], np.diag([1,1]), 500).T
x_mc = RK4(dynamics, x0_mc, t, args=(a, sat_controller, np))
plt.scatter(x_mc[-1,1], x_mc[-1,0])
C = []
for xnew in np.transpose(x_mc, (2,0,1)):
plt.plot(xnew.T[1], xnew.T[0], 'b--', alpha=0.1)
plt.plot(xnew[0,1], xnew[0,0], 'go') # IC
plt.plot(xnew[-1,1], xnew[-1,0], 'rx') # FC
plt.plot(t, Obj(xnew.T)-J0, 'k', alpha=0.15)
unew = [sat_controller(ti, xi, a) for ti,xi in zip(t,xnew)]
plt.plot(t, unew, alpha=0.2)
plt.plot(x.T[1], x.T[0], 'c-o', label='Nominal Traj')
plt.hist(C, density=True)
plt.xlabel("Constraint violation at terminal time")
In [48]:
# Quick comparison with constrained SDRE?
def dynamics_riccati(x, t, a, u=lambda t,x,a: 0, math_module=pa):
dx = np.zeros_like(x, dtype=type(a))
dx[0] = x[1]
U = u(t,x,a)[1][0][0]
dx[1] = -a*x[1]*math_module.sqrt(1e-5+x[1]**2) + U
return dx
def A(t, x):
return np.array([[0,1],[0, -a*np.sqrt(1e-5+x[1]**2)]])
def B(t,x,u):
return np.array([[0],[1]])
def C(t, x):
return np.eye(2)
def Q(t,x):
return np.eye(2)*0
def R(t,x,u):
return [[1]]
Sf = np.eye(2)*0
# z = x[-1, :2] # Match reference end point
# z = np.zeros((2))
z = [1,-0.1]
m = 1
# asre_controller = lambda t,x,a: ASREC(x, np.linspace(min(t,tf-1e-3), tf, 10), A, B, np.eye(2), Q, R, Sf, z, m, max_iter=2, tol=0.01, verbose=False)
# x_asre = RK4(dynamics_riccati, x0[:2], t, args=(a, asre_controller, np))
# sdre_controller = lambda t,x,a: SDREC(x, tf, A, B, C, Q, R, Sf, z, m, n_points=20, minU=None, maxU=None, verbose=False)
# x_sdre = RK4(dynamics_riccati, x0[:2], t, args=(a, sdre_controller, np))
tfn = 1
# N = int(npoints*tfn)
N = 50
for delta in [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1]:
xn = np.array(x0[:2]) + delta
x_sdre, u_sdre, _ = SDREC(xn, tfn, A, B, C, Q, R, Sf, z, m, n_points=N, minU=None, maxU=None, verbose=False)
plt.plot(x_sdre.T[1], x_sdre.T[0], label='SDRE')
plt.plot(np.linspace(0, tfn, N), u_sdre)
# plt.figure(1)
# plt.plot(x.T[1], x.T[0], 'k--', label='ref')
# plt.legend()
In [13]:
names = ['X1','X2','A', 'U']
pvars = np.array(["p{}".format(i) for i in range(len(names))])
Isort = np.argsort(["p2", "p3", "p0", "p1"])
# pvars = pvars[Isort]
pzero = 0*np.sum(da.make(np.zeros((4,)), pvars, 2, True))
X0 = da.make(x0, names, 2)
X0 += np.zeros_like(X0)*np.sum(X0) # This guarantees each DA has all the variables, a requirement for map inversion later
X = RK4(dynamics, X0, t, args=(X0[2], lambda t,x,a: X0[3]))
x = da.const(X, array=True)
J = Obj(X[-1])
dJ = da.differentiate(J, names)
In [14]:
# Confirm that higher order expansions have effect on control?
for order in [1,2,3,4]:
X0 = da.make(x0, names, order)
X = RK4(dynamics, X0, t, args=(X0[2], lambda t,x,a: X0[3]))
Xf = X[-1]
if 0:
du = np.linspace(-1,1,100)*0.2
d = np.zeros((100, 3))
dx = np.concatenate((d, du[:,None]), axis=1)
dx = -0.05 + np.random.random((100,4))*0.1
xf = da.evaluate(Xf, names, dx)
plt.scatter(xf.T[0] - da.const(Xf[0]), xf.T[1]- da.const(Xf[1]), label='Order {}'.format(order))
Timing comparison, compare map inversion times for 1/2/3 order expansions with the matrix inversions required for first order
In [374]:
import time
t0 = time.time()
stm = [da.jacobian(x, names) for x in X]
stmi = [np.linalg.inv(st) for st in stm]
t_stm = time.time()
print("STM differentiation and matrix inversion: {:.2f} s".format(t_stm-t0))
for order in [1,2,3]:
X0 = da.make(x0, names, order)
X0 += np.zeros_like(X0)*np.sum(X0) # This guarantees each DA has all the variables, a requirement for map inversion later
X = RK4(dynamics, X0, t, args=(X0[2], lambda t,x,a: X0[3]))
x = da.const(X, array=True)
dX = X-x
t0 = time.time()
Mi = np.array([pa.invert_map(M) for M in dX])
tf = time.time()
if False:
# The use of Isort here is because of the above ordering of inverse variables (p)
# which corresponds to the sorted DA vars
print(da.jacobian(Mi[-1], pvars)[Isort])
# print(Mi[-1])
print("Map inversion, order={}: {:.2f} s".format(order, tf-t0))
Algorithm for higher order control:
In [358]:
class HOTPC:
""" A high order terminal manifold controller
Relatively general, can be further generalized where a is all parameters
def __init__(self, t, x, u, a, constraint, inverse_maps, pu, names):
self.t = t
self.x = interp1d(t, x, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(x[0],x[-1]))
self.u = interp1d(t, u, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(u[0],u[-1]))
self.pu = interp1d(t, pu, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(pu[0],pu[-1]))
self.Mf = [constraint]
self.Mi = inverse_maps
self.a = a
self.vars = names
self.pvars = np.array(["p{}".format(i) for i in range(4)])
def __call__(self, t, x, a):
i,w0,w1 = self.get_data(t)
Mi = self.Mi[i]*w0 + self.Mi[i+1]*w1 # Inverse map
pu = self.pu(t)
if np.abs(pu) < 1e-3:
pu = np.sign(pu)*1e-2
if pu == 0:
pu = 1.0e6
if np.ndim(x) == 1 and np.ndim(a) == 0: # Scalar scenario
dx = np.append(x-self.x(t), [a-self.a, 0])
dx0 = da.evaluate(Mi, self.pvars, [dx])
dJ = da.evaluate(self.Mf, self.vars, dx0)[0] # The change in constraint to be corrected by the controller
return self.u(t) - dJ/pu
else: # Only scalar scenarios for now...
def get_data(self, t):
i = np.searchsorted(self.t, t)
i = min(self.t.size-2, i)
tlow = self.t[i]
thigh = self.t[i+1]
dt = thigh-tlow
w0 = (t-tlow)/dt
w1 = (thigh-t)/dt
return i, w0, w1
In [405]:
tf = 3
t = np.linspace(0, tf, 300)
a = 0.05
x0 = [13, -5.5, a, 0]
names = ['X1','X2','A', 'U']
order = 6
X0 = da.make(x0, names, order)
X0 += np.zeros_like(X0)*np.sum(X0) # This guarantees each DA has all the variables, a requirement for map inversion later
X = RK4(dynamics, X0, t, args=(X0[2], lambda t,x,a: X0[3]))
x = da.const(X, array=True)
dX = X-x
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(x.T[1],x.T[0])
pvars = np.array(["p{}".format(i) for i in range(len(names))])
Isort = np.argsort(["p2", "p3", "p0", "p1"])
unsort = np.argsort(names)
Mi = np.array([pa.invert_map(M) for M in dX])[:, Isort] # The inverse maps
def Obj(xf):
return xf[0]**2 + xf[1]**2 # match the manifold
# return xf[0] # match position
# return xf[1] # match velocity
# return xf[0]*xf[1]
# return xf[0] + xf[1]
J = Obj(X[-1]) # Map of constraint value as function of initial states/params
dJ = J - da.const(J)
Xf = da.make([x[-1,0],x[-1,1], a, 0], names, 1)
dJdx = da.gradient(Obj(Xf), names)
stm = [da.jacobian(x, names) for x in X]
stmi = [np.linalg.inv(st) for st in stm]
p = np.array([[-1]).dot(st) for st in stmi]) # adjoints
pu = p[:, 3]
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(t, pu, '--', label='STM based')
# plt.legend()
controller = HOTPC(t, x[:,:2], np.zeros_like(t), a, dJ, Mi, pu, names)
sat_controller = lambda t,x,a: np.clip(controller(t,x,a), -10, 10)
In [406]:
# Parametric Uncertainty
plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,10))
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x[-1,0] + np.linspace(-1,1)*3,x[-1,1] + np.linspace(-1,1)*3)
plt.contour(X, Y, Obj([X,Y]), [Obj(x[-1])], colors='k',alpha=1)
for delta_a, label in zip([-0.015, 0.015], ["-","+"]):
xnew = odeint(dynamics, x0[:2], t, args=(a+delta_a, sat_controller))
unew = [sat_controller(ti, xi, a+delta_a) for ti,xi in zip(t,xnew)]
plt.plot(xnew.T[0], xnew.T[1], label='a {} da'.format(label))
plt.plot(t, unew, label='a {} da'.format(label))
plt.plot(t, Obj(xnew.T))
plt.plot(x.T[0], x.T[1], label='ref')
In [407]:
plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,10))
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x[-1,0] + np.linspace(-1,1)*3,x[-1,1] + np.linspace(-1,1)*3)
plt.contour(X, Y, Obj([X,Y]), [Obj(x[-1])], colors='k',alpha=1)
x0_mc = np.random.multivariate_normal(x0[:2], np.diag([1,1])*0.1, 15)
for x0_new in x0_mc:
xnew = odeint(dynamics, x0_new, t, args=(a, sat_controller))
unew = [sat_controller(ti, xi, a) for ti,xi in zip(t,xnew)]
plt.plot(xnew.T[0], xnew.T[1])
plt.plot(t, unew)
plt.plot(t, Obj(xnew.T))
plt.plot(x.T[0], x.T[1], label='ref')