ApJdataFrames Scholz2009

Authors: Alexander Scholz, Vincent Geers, Ray Jayawardhana, Laura Fissel, Eve Lee, David Lafrenière, and Motohide Tamura

Data is from this paper:

In [1]:
%pylab inline

import seaborn as sns
sns.set_context("notebook", font_scale=1.5)

#import warnings

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [5]:
import pandas as pd

Table 1 - Probable Substellar Members of NGC 1333

! curl http://iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/702/1/805/suppdata/apj317606t1_ascii.txt

Internet is not working at the moment, wtf.

In [16]:
tbl1 = pd.read_clipboard(sep='\t', skiprows=3, skipfooter=6, engine='python', usecols=range(11))

Number alpha(J2000) delta(J2000) i" (mag) z" (mag) J (mag) K (mag) A_V T_eff^a SpT^b Notes^c
0 1 03 28 47.66 +31 21 54.6 23.540 21.343 17.55 15.24 6.9 2800 NaN MBO139
1 2 03 28 54.93 +31 15 29.1 21.040 18.922 15.99 14.22 4.1 2600 M6.5 ex^d,^e
2 3 03 28 55.25 +31 17 35.4 19.386 17.602 15.09 13.43 3.5 2900 NaN ASR38^d
3 4 03 28 56.50 +31 16 03.1 22.999 21.233 18.17 16.73 2.3 2500 NaN ^e
4 5 03 28 56.94 +31 20 48.6 19.417 17.935 15.48 13.92 3.0 2900 M6 MBO91, ex
5 6 03 28 57.11 +31 19 12.0 21.157 19.545 17.24 15.34 4.8 2700 M8 MBO148, ex
6 7 03 28 58.43 +31 22 56.7 19.230 17.856 15.21 13.54 3.5 2800 M6.5 MBO80, ex
7 8 03 29 03.39 +31 18 39.9 20.059 18.199 15.85 14.03 4.3 2600 M8.5 MBO88, ex
8 9 03 29 05.56 +31 10 13.7 21.288 19.425 16.91 15.76 0.8 2600 M8 NaN
9 10 03 29 05.64 +31 20 10.7 20.080 18.842 17.11 15.49 3.3 2500 NaN MBO143, ex^d,^e
10 11 03 29 07.17 +31 23 22.9 22.989 21.187 17.87 15.62 6.6 (2600) NaN MBO141^e
11 12 03 29 09.33 +31 21 04.1 22.553 20.336 16.33 13.29 10.7 (2500) NaN MBO70, ex^e
12 13 03 29 10.79 +31 22 30.1 19.483 17.778 14.96 13.05 4.8 3000 M7.5 MBO62
13 14 03 29 14.43 +31 22 36.2 18.104 16.960 14.55 13.02 2.8 2900 M7 MBO66
14 15 03 29 17.75 +31 19 48.1 19.091 17.326 14.80 12.99 4.3 3000 M7.5 MBO64, ex^d,^e
15 16 03 29 28.16 +31 16 28.4 16.934 15.808 13.22 12.53 0.0 2600 M7.5 Random
16 17 03 29 33.88 +31 20 36.1 20.383 18.848 16.47 15.37 0.5 2500 M8 MBO140
17 18 03 29 35.71 +31 21 08.5 22.633 21.089 18.50 16.94 3.0 2500 NaN Blue, ex
18 19 03 29 36.36 +31 17 49.8 22.528 20.716 17.91 16.38 2.8 2700 NaN NaN

In [20]:
! mkdir ../data/Scholz2009

mkdir: ../data/Scholz2009: File exists

In [21]:
tbl1.to_csv("../data/Scholz2009/tbl1.csv", index=False)

Script finished.