Code to validate PIV analysis method

Code set using adrian et al. PIV
Last updated: 08-27-17
Code Strucutre:

  • import libraries
  • run analysis codes
  • read in data
  • plot outer
  • plot inner

In [12]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import PIV as piv
import time_series as ts
import time
import sys
import h5py
from scipy.signal import medfilt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import hotwire as hw
import imp
%matplotlib inline

In [21]:
# import functions to be run
%run ''
%run ''
%run ''
%run ''

In [10]:
#Parameter set
date = 'adrian'
data_delimiter = ','
num_images = 48
sizex = 216
sizey = 86
walloffset = 0 #mm
side_error = 0
#determine file name
file_name = dict()
for j in range(1, num_images+1):
    file_name[j] = '/AMT00High' + str('{0:02}'.format(j)) + '.dat'
#list name of data set folders
base_name = dict()
#List the base name for each test to be read in and analyzed, names taken directly from folder
base_name[0] = 'data/AMT00HighReAll'

piv_readin(date, file_name, base_name, num_images, data_delimiter, sizex, sizey, walloffset, side_error)

Reading In: |██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% Complete
Done Read in!
Mask Found!
Data Saved!

In [13]:
date = 'adrian'
num_tests = 1
piv_outer(date, num_tests)


In [22]:
date = 'adrian'
num_tests = 1
utau = .41
piv_inner(date, num_tests, utau)

In [127]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import PIV as piv
import time
import sys
import h5py
from scipy.signal import medfilt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import hotwire as hw

### PIV READ IN CODE ##############
#list name of data set folders
base_name = dict()
#List the base name for each test to be read in and analyzed, names taken directly from folder
base_name[0] = 'data/Cam_Date=170727_Time=103432_TR_SeqPIV_MP(2x16x16_50ov_ImgCorr)=unknown'
def piv_readin(date, file_name, base_name, num_images, data_delimiter, sizex, sizey, walloffset, side_error):
    #Initalize variables
    num_tests = len(base_name)
    u = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey, sizex])
    v = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey, sizex])
    v_filt = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey, sizex])
    u_filt = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey, sizex])
    umean = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey, sizex])
    #vmean1 = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey, sizex])
    #mask = np.zeros([num_tests, 3])
    umean_profile = dict()
    vmean_profile = dict()
    urms_profile = dict()
    vrms_profile = dict()
    uvprime_profile = dict()
    #determine file name
    file_name = dict()
    for j in range(1, num_images+1):
        file_name[j] = '/AMT00High' + str('{0:02}'.format(j)) + '.dat'
    for j in base_name:
        #Read in
        [x, y, u[j], v[j]] = piv.piv_readin_mod(base_name[j], file_name, data_delimiter, num_images+1, sizey, sizex)
        #calc u infinity 
        u_infinity = np.mean(u[0, 0, -10:-1, 0])
        #Filter Images
        [u_filt[j], v_filt[j], bad_im_count] = piv.filt_images(u[j], v[j], u_infinity, sizey)
        #Obtain mean vector field
        umean[j] = np.nanmean(u_filt[j, :], axis=0)
        #vmean1[j] = np.nanmean(v_filt[j, :], axis=0)

    #determine mask position
    tempmask = piv.mask_loc(umean[j])
    mask = list(tempmask)
    #use this to find the mean vel in each image, and look for bad images

    ## Resize vecotor field to crop out masked areas and
    # create new vectors which take out the masked areas and any side errors
    sizex_mask = mask[3] - mask[2] - side_error*2
    sizey_mask = mask[1] - mask[0]
    Umask = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
    Vmask = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
    umean = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
    vmean = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
    for j in base_name:
        Umask[j] = u_filt[j][:, mask[0]:mask[1], int(mask[2]+side_error):int(mask[3]-side_error)]
        Vmask[j] = v_filt[j][:, mask[0]:mask[1], int(mask[2]+side_error):int(mask[3]-side_error)]
        umean[j] = np.nanmean(Umask[j], axis=0)
        vmean[j] = np.nanmean(Vmask[j], axis=0)

    ## Determine RMS quantities ##
    uprime = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
    vprime = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
    uvprime  = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
    uvprime_mean = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
    urms = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
    vrms = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
    for j in range(0, num_tests):
        for jj in range(0, num_images):
            uprime[j, jj] = ((Umask[j][jj]-umean[j]))
            vprime[j, jj] = ((Vmask[j][jj]-vmean[j]))
            uvprime[j, jj] = uprime[j, jj]*vprime[j, jj]
        uvprime_mean[j] = np.nanmean(uvprime[j], axis=0)
        urms[j] = np.nanmean(uprime[j]**2, axis=0)**(1/2)
        vrms[j] = np.nanmean(vprime[j]**2, axis=0)**(1/2)

    ## wall position adjustment ###########
    #convert to m and take off wall position as seen in images
    x = (x)/1000
    y = (y-walloffset)/1000
    xmask = x[ (mask[2]+side_error):(mask[3]-side_error) ]
    ymask = y[ mask[0]:mask[1] ]
    ## Create Mean Profiles for each data set#######
    for j in range(0, num_tests):
        umean_profile[j] = np.mean(umean[j], axis=1)
        vmean_profile[j] = np.mean(vmean[j], axis=1)
        urms_profile[j] = np.mean(urms[j], axis=1)
        vrms_profile[j] = np.mean(vrms[j], axis=1)
        uvprime_profile[j] = np.mean(uvprime_mean[j], axis=1)

    ## Average multiple profiles together
    #use this if multiple tests are performed at the same condition
    umean_profile_avg = np.zeros(len(umean_profile[0]))
    vmean_profile_avg = np.zeros(len(umean_profile[0]))
    urms_profile_avg = np.zeros(len(umean_profile[0]))
    vrms_profile_avg = np.zeros(len(umean_profile[0]))
    uvprime_profile_avg = np.zeros(len(umean_profile[0]))
    #average datasets together
    for j in range(0, num_tests):
        umean_profile_avg = umean_profile_avg + umean_profile[j]
        vmean_profile_avg = vmean_profile_avg + vmean_profile[j]
        urms_profile_avg = urms_profile_avg + urms_profile[j]
        vrms_profile_avg = vrms_profile_avg + vrms_profile[j]
        uvprime_profile_avg = uvprime_profile_avg + uvprime_profile[j]
    #divide profiles by number of tests which were combined
    umean_profile_avg = umean_profile_avg / num_tests
    vmean_profile_avg = vmean_profile_avg / num_tests
    urms_profile_avg = urms_profile_avg / num_tests
    vrms_profile_avg = vrms_profile_avg / num_tests
    uvprime_profile_avg = uvprime_profile_avg / num_tests

    ##calculate conf interval
    conf = dict()
    Neff = 75
    conf['u'] =  (np.nanmean(np.nanmean(np.nanvar(Umask, axis=1), axis=0), axis=1))**(1/2) * (1/Neff)**(1/2)
    conf['v'] =  (np.nanmean(np.nanmean(np.nanvar(Vmask, axis=1), axis=0), axis=1))**(1/2) * (1/Neff)**(1/2)
    conf['urms'] =  (np.nanmean(np.nanvar(urms, axis=0), axis=1))**(1/2) * (1/(2*Neff-1))**(1/2)
    conf['vrms'] =  (np.nanmean(np.nanvar(vrms, axis=0), axis=1))**(1/2) * (1/(2*Neff-1))**(1/2)
    sigma_u = (np.nanmean(np.nanvar(Umask, axis=1), axis=0))**(1/2)
    sigma_v = (np.nanmean(np.nanvar(Vmask, axis=1), axis=0))**(1/2)
    conf['uvprime'] = np.nanmean(sigma_u * sigma_v * (1+ (np.nanmean(uvprime_mean, axis=0)/(sigma_u * sigma_v))**2 / (Neff - 1))**(1/2), axis=1)

    #open hdf5 file
    hdf = pd.HDFStore('data/PIV_' + date + '.h5')
    hdf.put('umean', pd.DataFrame(umean[0]))
    hdf.put('vmean', pd.DataFrame(vmean[0]))
    hdf.put('umean_profile_avg', pd.DataFrame(umean_profile_avg))
    hdf.put('vmean_profile_avg', pd.DataFrame(vmean_profile_avg))
    hdf.put('urms_profile_avg', pd.DataFrame(urms_profile_avg))
    hdf.put('vrms_profile_avg', pd.DataFrame(vrms_profile_avg))
    hdf.put('uvprime_profile_avg', pd.DataFrame(uvprime_profile_avg))
    hdf.put('confidence', pd.DataFrame(conf))
    hdf.put('xaxis', pd.Series(xmask))
    hdf.put('yaxis', pd.Series(ymask))
    hdf.put('mask', pd.DataFrame(mask))

    print('Data Saved!')

In [126]:
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy as np
import PIV
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import hotwire as hw

#   1. Compute Integral Parameters
#   2. Outer Normalize
#   3. Plot
#note- vel and axis are flipped to properlly calc delta

def piv_outer(date, num_tests):
    #read in variables
    name = 'data/PIV_' + date + '.h5'
    umean_fov = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'umean'))
    vmean_fov = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'vmean'))
    umean = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'umean_profile_avg'))
    vmean = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'vmean_profile_avg'))
    urms = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'urms_profile_avg'))
    vrms = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'vrms_profile_avg'))
    uvprime = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'uvprime_profile_avg'))
    x = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'xaxis'))
    y = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'yaxis'))
    num_tests = len(umean)

    ###1.  Outer Normalize #############

    ###2.  Outer Normalize #############

    ###3.  PLOTS ######################

    #mean profiles
    #U vs y
    plt.plot(umean, y, '-xb')
    plt.xlabel('U (m/sec)')
    plt.ylabel('Wall Normal Position (m)')
    plt.legend(['400rpm'], loc=0)

    #V vs y
    plt.plot(vmean, y, '-xr')
    plt.xlabel('V (m/sec)')
    plt.ylabel('Wall Normal Position (m)')
    plt.legend(['400rpm'], loc=0)

    #urms vs y
    plt.plot(urms, y, '-xb')
    plt.xlabel('$U_{rms}$ (m/sec)')
    plt.ylabel('Wall Normal Position (m)')
    plt.legend(['400rpm'], loc=0)

    #vrms vs y
    plt.plot(vrms, y, '-xr')
    plt.xlabel('$V_{rms}$ (m/sec)')
    plt.ylabel('Wall Normal Position (m)')
    plt.legend(['400rpm'], loc=0)

    #uprime vs y
    plt.plot(uvprime, y, '-xr')
    plt.ylabel('Wall Normal Position (m)')
    plt.legend(['400rpm'], loc=0)

    ### Mean Vecotr plot
    skip_num = 3

    umean_fov2 = umean_fov[:, 0:-1:skip_num]
    vmean_fov2 = vmean_fov[:, 0:-1:skip_num]
    x2 = x[0:-1:skip_num]
    y2 = y

    Y = np.tile(y2/.82, (len(x2), 1))
    Y = np.transpose(Y)
    X = np.tile(x2-.0543, (len(y2), 1))
    mean_fov2 = (umean_fov2**2 + vmean_fov2**2)**(1/2)

    contour_levels = np.arange(0, 3.3, .05)
    c = plt.contourf(X, Y, mean_fov2, levels = contour_levels, linewidth=40, alpha=.6)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(c)'Velocity (m/sec)')
    q = plt.quiver(X, Y, umean_fov2, vmean_fov2, angles='xy', scale=50, width=.0025)
    p = plt.quiverkey(q, .11, -.025, 4,"4 m/s",coordinates='data',color='r')
    plt.axis([0, .1, 0, .246])
    plt.ylabel('Wall Normal Position, $y/\delta$')
    plt.xlabel('Streamwise Position, x (m)')
    plt.title('Mean PIV Vector Field')

In [124]:
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy as np
import PIV
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import hotwire as hw


def piv_inner(date, num_tests, utau):
    #   PURPOSE
    #   1. Inner Normalize
    #   2. PLOT
    #       uplus vs yplus
    #       urmsplus vs yplus
    #       uvprimeplus vs yplus
    ##note- vel and axis are flipped to properlly calc delta

    ## Initalize variables
    conf = dict()
    # yplus = dict()
    # urmsplus = dict()
    # uvprimeplus = dict()
    #read in variables
    name = 'data/PIV_' + date + '.h5'
    umean = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'umean_profile_avg'))[:-3]*-1
    vmean = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'vmean_profile_avg'))[:-3]
    urms = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'urms_profile_avg'))[:-3]
    vrms = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'vrms_profile_avg'))[:-3]
    uvprime = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'uvprime_profile_avg'))[:-3]
    x = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'xaxis'))[:-3]
    y = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'yaxis'))[:-3]
    conf = pd.read_hdf(name, 'confidence')[:-3]
    #air_prop = hw.air_prop(23)
    ####Vincenti data###
    name = 'data/outside_data/FPF_Vincenti_Data.h5'
    unorm = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'unorm'))
    ynorm = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'ynorm'))
    Re_tau = ['1450', '2180', '2280', '3270', '5680', '6430', '10770', '15480', '15740']
    urms_vincenti = pd.read_csv('data/outside_data/urmsplus_fpf_primary.csv', delimiter=',')
    yplus_vincenti = pd.read_csv('data/outside_data/yplus_fpf_primary.csv', delimiter=',')
    # ### WUMOIN DATA #######
    wumoin = dict()
    temp = pd.read_csv('data/outside_data/yplus_versus_-uv_plus_Re_1840.dat', delimiter=' ')
    temp = temp.shift(1)
    temp.columns = ['0', 'yplus','uvplus']
    temp['yplus'][0] = 0.2558821659990199
    temp['uvplus'][0] = 0.00009276450027256462
    wumoin['yplus_1840'] = temp['yplus']
    wumoin['uvplus_1840'] = temp['uvplus']
    # ## Reza Data ##
    # # #Reza PIV Velocity data
    name = 'data/outside_data/PIV_ZPG_071016.h5'
    urms_reza =np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'rms'))
    ynorm_reza = np.array(pd.read_hdf(name, 'yplus'))

    #approximate utau, calculated and then adjusted
    #utau = [.133]
    uplus = umean/utau
    yplus = (y*utau)/(1.538*10**(-5))
    urmsplus = urms/utau
    vrmsplus = vrms/utau
    uvprimeplus = uvprime/utau**2
    conf['uplus'] = conf['u']/utau
    conf['urmsplus'] = conf['urms']/utau
    conf['vrmsplus'] = conf['vrms']/utau
    conf['uvprimeplus'] = conf['uvprime']/utau**2

    ### Plot figure of heated and unheated PIV data
    legend1 = [r'$Re_\tau=$1450', r'$Re_\tau=$2180', r'$Re_\tau=$2280', r'$Re_\tau=$3270', r'$Re_\tau=$5680', r'$Re_\tau=$6430', r'$Re_\tau=$10770', r'$Re_\tau=$15480', r'$Re_\tau=$15740', 'Adrian PIV']
    marker_V = ['-xr', '-xg', '-xb', '-xm', '-xk', '-xc', '-sr', '-sg', '-sb']
    # marker = ['-or', '-ob']
    ##Uplus Yplus
    #plot vincenti data
    for j in range(0, 9):
        plt.semilogx(ynorm[j], unorm[j], marker_V[j])
    #plot PIV data
    plt.semilogx(yplus, uplus, '-or')
    plt.fill_between(yplus, uplus[:,0], uplus[:,0] + np.array(conf['uplus']), color='r', alpha=.5)
    plt.fill_between(yplus, uplus[:,0], uplus[:,0] - np.array(conf['uplus']), color='r', alpha=.5)
    plt.legend(legend1, loc=0, fontsize=10)
    plt.ylabel('$U^+$', fontsize=20)
    plt.xlabel('$y^+$', fontsize=20)
    plt.axis([.001, 30000, 0, 35])

    ##Urmsplus Yplus
    legend1 =  [r'$Re_\tau=$6430, Hot-Wire', r'Adrian, PIV', r'Conf Int.']
    #plt.semilogx(ynorm_reza[3][:-1], urms_reza, 'k')
    plt.semilogx(yplus_vincenti['yplus_6430'], urms_vincenti['urmsplus_6430'], 'k')
    plt.semilogx(yplus, urmsplus, '-xb')
    plt.fill_between(yplus, urmsplus[:,0], urmsplus[:,0] + np.array(conf['urmsplus']), color='r', alpha=.5)
    plt.fill_between(yplus, urmsplus[:,0], urmsplus[:,0] - np.array(conf['urmsplus']), color='r', alpha=.5)
    plt.legend(legend1, loc=0, fontsize=10)
    plt.ylabel('$u_{rms}^+$', fontsize=20)
    plt.xlabel('$y^+$', fontsize=20)
    #plt.axis([.001, 30000, 0, 35])

    ##Vrmsplus Yplus
    legend1 =  [r'$Re_\tau=$6430, Hot-Wire', r'Adrian, PIV', r'Conf Int.']
    #plt.semilogx(ynorm_reza[3][:-1], urms_reza, 'k')
    plt.semilogx(yplus_vincenti['yplus_6430'], urms_vincenti['urmsplus_6430'], 'k')
    plt.semilogx(yplus, vrmsplus, '-xb')
    #plt.fill_between(yplus, urmsplus[:,0], urmsplus[:,0] + np.array(conf['urmsplus']), color='r', alpha=.5)
    #plt.fill_between(yplus, urmsplus[:,0], urmsplus[:,0] - np.array(conf['urmsplus']), color='r', alpha=.5)
    plt.legend(legend1, loc=0, fontsize=10)
    plt.ylabel('$u_{rms}^+$', fontsize=20)
    plt.xlabel('$y^+$', fontsize=20)
    #plt.axis([.001, 30000, 0, 35])

    ##UVprimeplus Yplus
    legend1 =  [r'$Re_{\theta}=$1840, WuMoin', r'Adrian, PIV', r'Conf Int']
    plt.semilogx(wumoin['yplus_1840'], wumoin['uvplus_1840'], 'k')
    #PIV data
    plt.semilogx(yplus, uvprimeplus, '-xr')
    plt.fill_between(yplus, uvprimeplus[:,0], uvprimeplus[:,0] + np.array(conf['uvprimeplus']), color='r', alpha=.5)
    plt.fill_between(yplus, uvprimeplus[:,0], uvprimeplus[:,0] - np.array(conf['uvprimeplus']), color='r', alpha=.5)
    plt.legend(legend1, loc=0, fontsize=10)
    plt.ylabel('$(u^,v^,)^+$', fontsize=16)
    plt.xlabel('$y^+$', fontsize=16)
    plt.axis([1, 10000, 0, 5])


In [ ]: