In [136]:
import xlwings

In [137]:


In [116]:
import os
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
import scipy.optimize as opt
import numpy as np

In [117]:
raw_data_path = 'C:\\Users\\EEU227\\Documents\\Projects\\Inflation\\SPF\\data'
out_data = 'C:\\Users\\EEU227\\Documents\\Projects\\Inflation\\SPF\\CleanData\\'

def fit_normal_to_hist(h): if not all(h==0): bins =np.array([-2.0,-1.0,-0.5,0.0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,5.0])
orig_hist = np.array(h).astype(float) norm_hist = orig_hist/float(np.sum(orig_hist)) mid_points = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])/2 popt,pcov = opt.curve_fit(lambda x,mu,sig: stats.norm.pdf(x,mu,sig), mid_points,norm_hist) else: popt = [float('nan'),float('nan')] return popt[1]

def ZL_std(h): intervals =[[-2.0,-1.1],[-1.0,-0.6],[-0.5,-0.1],[0.0,0.4],[0.5,0.9],[1.0,1.4], [1.5,1.9],[2.0,2.4],[2.5,2.9],[3.0,3.4],[3.5,3.9],[4.0,5.0]] if not all(h==0): sum_i1 = 0 sum_i2 = 0 for i in range(1,len(h)): p = h[i]/100 v1,v2 = intervals[i] sum_i1 += p(v23 - v13)/(3(v2-v1)) sum_i2 += p(v22 - v12)/(2(v2-v1)) zl_std = np.sqrt(sum_i1 - sum_i2**2) else: zl_std = float('nan')
return zl_std

In [118]:
def Hist_std(h):
    if not all(h==0):
        bins =np.array([-2.0,-1.0,-0.5,0.0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,5.0])  
        orig_hist = np.array(h).astype(float)
        norm_hist = orig_hist/float(np.sum(orig_hist))
        mid_points = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])/2
        MeanCrude =,mid_points)
        VarCrude  =,(mid_points-MeanCrude)**2)
        bin_widths = np.diff(bins)
        BinWidth = bin_widths.mean()
        VarSheppard = VarCrude - (BinWidth**2)/12       #variance, Sheppard's correction
        if VarSheppard>0:
            hist_std = np.sqrt(VarSheppard)
            hist_std = np.sqrt(VarCrude)
        hist_std = float('nan')
    return hist_std

In [119]:
years = [year for year in range(2010,2017)]

In [120]:

[2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016]

In [124]:
#writer = pd.ExcelWriter(out_data + 'SPF-aggregate-moments.xlsx')
#years = [2015]
years = [year for year in range(2010,2017)]
quarters = [1,2,3,4]
months = ['Dec','Mar','Jun','Sep']
dfList = []

In [125]:
for year in years:
    for q in quarters:
        f = str(year) + 'Q' + str(q)
        fname = f + '.csv'
        if os.path.isfile(raw_data_path + '\\' + fname):
            raw_df = pd.read_csv(raw_data_path + '\\' + fname,header = 1)
            # find the row where the growth expectations start
            dum = raw_df[raw_df['TARGET_PERIOD'] == 'GROWTH EXPECTATIONS; YEAR-ON-YEAR CHANGE IN REAL GDP'].index[0]
            mask_columns = ~raw_df.columns.str.contains('Unnamed')
            df = raw_df.iloc[0:dum-1,mask_columns]    
            df['source'] = str(year) + '-Q' + str(q)
            df = df.rename(columns={'TARGET_PERIOD':'target','FCT_SOURCE':'id','POINT':'point',
            df = df[['source','target','id','point','[-2.0,-1.1]','[-1.0,-0.6]','[-0.5,-0.1]',
                     '[3.0,3.4]','[3.5,3.9]', '[4.0,5.0]']]
            # remove rows where point is missing
            maskNaN = df.point.isnull()
            df = df[~maskNaN]                    
            df.fillna(0,inplace = True)
            for colname in df.columns[3:]:
                df[colname] = df[colname].astype('float')
            mask = df.columns.str.contains(',')
#            df['GA_std'] = df.iloc[:,mask].apply(fit_normal_to_hist,axis=1)
#            df['ZL_std'] = df.iloc[:,mask].apply(ZL_std,axis=1)
            df['Hist_std'] = df.iloc[:,mask].apply(Hist_std,axis=1)
            df = df[['source','target','id','point','Hist_std']]
            df['id'] = df['id'].astype('int')
            df['point'] = df['point'].astype('float32')
            # create time series representation of the targets
            mask_t0 = str(year)
            mask_t1 = str(year+1)
            mask_t2 = str(year+2)
            if q<3:
                mask_t4or5 = str(year+4)
                mask_t4or5 = str(year+5)
            if q==1:
                mask_Rt1 = str(year) + months[q-1]
                mask_Rt2 = str(year+1) + months[q-1]
                mask_Rt1 = str(year+1) + months[q-1]
                mask_Rt2 = str(year+2) + months[q-1]
            df.loc[df.loc[:,'target'] == mask_t0,'targetNew'] = 't'
            df.loc[df.loc[:,'target'] == mask_t1,'targetNew'] = 't+1'
            df.loc[df.loc[:,'target'] == mask_t2,'targetNew'] = 't+2'
            df.loc[df.loc[:,'target'] == mask_t4or5,'targetNew'] = 't+4'
            df.loc[df.loc[:,'target'] == mask_Rt1,'targetNew'] = 'roll 1'
            df.loc[df.loc[:,'target'] == mask_Rt2,'targetNew'] = 'roll 2'

In [126]:
# Define the aggregation calculations
aggregations = {
    'point': { # 
        'std': 'std',  # 
    'Hist_std': {
        'mean': 'mean',

In [127]:
dfAll = pd.concat(dfList,axis=0)

In [128]:

source target id point Hist_std targetNew
0 2010-Q1 2010 1 1.0 0.623333 t
1 2010-Q1 2010 2 1.4 0.611673 t
2 2010-Q1 2010 4 1.4 0.451130 t
3 2010-Q1 2010 7 1.0 NaN t
4 2010-Q1 2010 8 1.3 0.575429 t

In [129]:

source target id point Hist_std targetNew
335 2016-Q1 2020 102 1.4 0.329421 t+4
336 2016-Q1 2020 103 1.8 0.690219 t+4
337 2016-Q1 2020 105 2.2 0.107905 t+4
339 2016-Q1 2020 112 2.0 0.627809 t+4
340 2016-Q1 2020 114 1.5 0.844241 t+4

In [130]:
grouped = dfAll.groupby(['source','targetNew']).agg(aggregations)

In [131]:

point Hist_std
std mean
source targetNew
2010-Q1 roll 1 0.379926 0.570146
roll 2 0.386152 0.628710
t 0.210075 0.478055
t+1 0.412391 0.568893
t+4 0.223462 0.655118

In [132]:
grouped['AggVar']= grouped['point']['std'] + grouped['Hist_std']['mean']

In [133]:

point Hist_std AggVar
std mean
source targetNew
2010-Q1 roll 1 0.379926 0.570146 0.950073
roll 2 0.386152 0.628710 1.014862
t 0.210075 0.478055 0.688130
t+1 0.412391 0.568893 0.981285
t+4 0.223462 0.655118 0.878579
2010-Q2 roll 1 0.321718 0.517251 0.838969
roll 2 0.339143 0.572631 0.911774
t 0.215482 0.422376 0.637857
t+1 0.343113 0.515379 0.858492
t+4 0.170838 0.626043 0.796881

In [134]:

array(['t', 'roll 1', 't+1', 'roll 2', 't+4', 't+2'], dtype=object)

In [135]:

point Hist_std AggVar
std mean
2010-Q1 0.223462 0.655118 0.878579
2010-Q2 0.170838 0.626043 0.796881
2010-Q3 0.272371 0.631932 0.904302
2010-Q4 0.289806 0.665188 0.954994
2011-Q1 0.255767 0.596972 0.852739
2011-Q2 0.202176 0.621294 0.823470
2011-Q3 0.214857 0.633878 0.848735
2011-Q4 0.267817 0.624849 0.892666
2012-Q1 0.197640 0.648206 0.845846
2012-Q2 0.320977 0.651167 0.972144
2012-Q3 0.222922 0.648010 0.870933
2012-Q4 0.268997 0.673533 0.942530
2013-Q1 0.216292 0.642344 0.858635
2013-Q2 0.206506 0.655308 0.861814
2013-Q3 0.238225 0.634926 0.873151
2013-Q4 0.254614 0.627572 0.882185
2014-Q1 0.201399 0.642977 0.844377
2014-Q2 0.187420 0.649761 0.837181
2014-Q3 0.276752 0.619263 0.896015
2014-Q4 0.181649 0.635252 0.816901
2015-Q1 0.211796 0.626370 0.838165
2015-Q2 0.179172 0.666846 0.846018
2015-Q3 0.207662 0.641744 0.849407
2015-Q4 0.195837 0.638468 0.834305
2016-Q1 0.223398 0.627756 0.851153

In [ ]:
for h in dfAll.loc[:,'targetNew'].unique():
    df_h = grouped.xs(h,level=1).sortlevel(0,axis=1)