
We'll need to do the following:

  • Load up the list of references
  • Make sure that we can get the text for each one (or close to all of them)
  • Load up the list of negative references (ie the things that aren't what we are looking for)
  • Make sure that these are fine as well
  • We need to decide what 'features' we want the classifier to understand and write some methods that take in the text and return features accompanied by a number that represents that features 'strength'. For example, we could make features out of the word frequency. In this case, the feature would be the word itself, and the number is how often it occurred.
  • Finally we need to load the text for these and pass them through the Naive Bayes classifier, tagging them

In [2]:
from newspaperaccess import *

# Get the connection set up to get access to the newspaper text
n = NewspaperArchive()

# Load up the references to the pages that we know reference Abolitionists
import csv

# Month list to convert a name to a number:
MONTHS = {"january": "01", "february": "02", "march": "03", "april": "04", "may": "05", "june": "06", 
          "july": "07", "august": "08", "september": "09", "october": "10", "november": "11", "december": "12"}

# a method to open the csv file, read it in and store the references in the list
def get_references(filename):
    # Start a list to hold the references
    references = []
    with open(filename, "r") as pcsv:
        # this "DictReader" opens the csv file up and then uses the column headers
        # to work out what to call each bit of data
        reflist = csv.DictReader(pcsv)
        # now go through each row, adding them to the list
        for row in reflist:
            # a row will be something like:
            #   {"Newspaper": "Glasgow Herald", "Day": "24", "Month": "January", "Year": "1851", Page: "", etc}
            # change the month to be a number, not a name:
            row["month"] = MONTHS[row['month'].lower()]
    return references

positivereferences = get_references("positives.csv")

# There, we should have a big list draw from that spreadsheet
# Let's see what the 100th item is: (computers count from 0!)


{'article title': 'The Freedmen of America',
 'day': '3',
 'month': '07',
 'newspaper': 'The Caledonian Mercury',
 'page': '',
 'year': '1866'}

In [3]:
# Can we get the text for this reference?
doc = n.get(**positivereferences[100])

dict_keys(['0005', '0004', '0002', '0003', '0001'])

In [5]:
# What is on page 3? Just the first 500 characters anyway
print([title for title, _ in doc['0003'].values()])


Wow! Terrible OCR! Nevermind, we shall try to continue. The quality is better in other newspapers.

Let's load in the negatives now as well:

In [6]:
nonabospeechesreferences = get_references("nonabospeeches.csv")



Couldn't find 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
NoSuchNewspaper                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-0b16b4352501> in <module>()
      3 nonabospeechesreferences[10]
----> 5 print(n.get(**nonabospeechesreferences[10]))

/home/hannah/ in get(self, newspaper, year, month, day, page, *params, **otherkwparams)
    129         doc = {}
    130         if newspaper not in NEWSPAPERS:
--> 131             newspaper = self._guess_newspaper(newspaper)
    132         cname = self._cachename(newspaper, year, month, day)
    133         if cname in self._cachelist:

/home/hannah/ in _guess_newspaper(self, newspapertitle)
    101         elif shortened.startswith("the") and shortened[3:] in NEWSPAPERMAPPING:
    102             return NEWSPAPERMAPPING[shortened[3:]]
--> 103         raise NoSuchNewspaper(newspapertitle)
    105     def _cachename(self, newspaper, year, month, day):

NoSuchNewspaper: The Manchester Times and Gazette

The error here (the final line tends to be the imporant one) says "No Such Newspaper: The Manchester Times and Gazette. Looking at the list of newspapers that the newspaperaccess file knows about, there isn't a clear match here. Let's try another:

In [7]:

{'article title': 'Public Meetings',
 'day': '21',
 'month': '04',
 'newspaper': 'The Operative',
 'page': '',
 'year': '1839'}

In [6]:

VICTORIA THEATREA TUlL I The LONDON GLASGOW COTtON-SPINNERS CON, MITTEE respectfully announce to the Subscribers, their Fel- low Woskmnen, end the Public, that tkey have engaged the above commodIous Theatre for a BENEFIT, in Aid of the Fua4 for the SUPPORT of the WIVES and CHILDREN of the GLAS; G0W COTTON SPNINNERS, on WEDNESDAY, April 24. 139, when will-be presented the highly*- succ~seful Melo-drBaiB, cfflled MARY LE MORE;,or THE IRISH MANIAC. After *hltfh ibe Popular Force of A I THE ENGLISHMAN IN FRANCE. To concludewith the Gr and Scottisu Historical IDreiam of WALC. THE hERO OF SCOTLAND. Ticket ma7 eobtene o the rembr of the committee, at te Bel. Od Biley andof J Neton, S~ecretary, 1, Ste. pl,~ 1ns Bildigs;'Hoboro Loer oxe,2. 6d. Boxes, 2s Pit, s. Gller, 6d Door ope at alfpst Five. Cown- TIIEA:T~tE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. TOMORRDW EVENING-agSeries of PROMENADE CON- CERTS A LA VALENTINE, with a Band of 100 Pedformere, end the aid of Madarne Albertazzi, Mr:. Balfe, Mr. Giabelel, Mr. Stretton, Miss Poole, and Miss Romer. Admission to the Promenadc, Is.; Reierved Seats in the Boxes 2s. THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN. TO-MORROW will be perfotmed Shakspere's Tragedy of MACBETH. Macbeth, Mr. Maeready; Lady Macbeth, Mrs. Warner. To conclude with SAYINGS AND DOINGS. MADAME VESTRIS' ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE. TO-MORROW, (April 22,) w1 be presented 'THE TWO FIGAROS. Count Almaviva, Mr. J. Bleand; Col. Cherubino, Mr. C. Ma- thews; Figaro, Mr. T. Green. Countess Almaviva, Mrs. Mac. namaers Susarnae, Miss Murray ; Snsaunette, Madame Vestris. After which, DR. DILWORTH. Dr. Dilworth, Mr. Wmn. Farren; Syntax, Mr. Keeley; O'Laeghlin, Mr. Brougham; Mr. Paddington, Mr. Granby Zoe, Miss Murray Mrs. Dilworth, Mrs. Orger. To be followed by FAINT HEART NEVER WON FAIR LADY. Rny Gomez, Mr. C. Mathews; Duchess de Torrenueva, Ma. dime Vestris. To conclude with THE GARRICK FEVER. Box-office open from Ten till Four. Private Boxes only of Mr. Andrews, 167, New Bond-street. TFilATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET. Great S;ccess of the New Comedy of TOUCH and TAKE. Mr. Powe.n every Evening, and the highly attractive Orcheonic, or thl Ascending Orchestra. The LoveChase at Second Price e-Ary Thursday. 'First Appearance of Mr. W. R. Slate, of P'incipal Asnerian Theatres. "O-MORROW, (April 22,) will be performed - - POPPING THE QUESTION. After which TOUCH AND' TAKE, or, LAW OF THE KISS, ' To be folowed by O'FLANNIGAN AND THE EAIRiSS. To conclude with TOM NODDY'S SECRET. On Tuesday, My Wife's Mother, Touch and Take, and The Three Singles. On Wednesday, But However, Touch and Take, Paddy Carey, and Favourite Farce. On Thursday, Touch and Take, Irish Lion, and The Love Chase, _ THEATRE ROYAL, LYCEUM, (Late English Opera House.) The Public is respectfully informed thatthis Theatre will open TO-MORROIV (Monday, April 22), and on every Succeeding Iveoing, with a Series of MILITARY PROMENADE, CON. CERTS, by permission of her most gracious Majesty, and under the patronage of his royal highness the Duke of Cambridge. The orchestra, consisting exclusively of Wind Instruments. will be formqd by the unrivalled BAND of her Majesty's COLD- STREAM GUARDS (in fall unifosrm), who have been expressly permitted to be engaged, and will be conducted by Mr. Godfrey. -Tre doors will be opened at half-past Seven. The Concert to e'r nmence at Eight, and terminate by Eleven o'clock. Admzit- tance tt lhe Prcrmeaadc. Is. Reserved Seats in the Balcony and Boxes, !s. Private Boxes, Two Guineas arid One Guinea, to be had aWthe Box-cffice, and at all the principal Libraries. i TO READERS, CORRESPONDENTS, 4yc. "-National Rent."-We have received five shillings - (through W. Elstob) "being the proceeds of a weekly 0 subscription of four journeymen tailors."-Also five shil. o liugs from five labourers, New road, Marylebone, who have bi mede additional contributions to the National Rent box, oi at the recent meetings held in Chesney's rooms, Foley- fc street.-A good deal of money, they state, has been col- I lected at those rooms. h. "Alfred Austin's" advice to the members of Radical Associations in London, would have a good effect if fol- el lowed.-He recommends that no member should consider ol himself as having done his duty, until he has prevailed on 51 two or mc'vc individeals of his trade or calling to become tl menibers likewise, and he advises all of them 'who buy t newspapers to not lay outa- farthing on any but Chartist ei or De imicratic papers. cl "; _Mr.-Beutcf" Herefordshire.-His letters are much as too volui nnotxs for a wweekly newspaper. If he will send v us short odes; containing much of fact and as little as poE- tl sible of declamation, we shall be happy to publish them. A "One of the middle classes" Chichester. Thanks-for o his communications. We shall be happy to hear from him b again, and meanwhile shall bear in mind what he bas d suggested. t Country agents who have received their accounts to the t 31st of Marcb, are respectfully informed, that no more f papers will be sent from the office till they have made a remittaice to our publisher. We are requested by Mr. Dyson to state that the Na. C tional Petitibn lies for signature at his residence, 146, b Kingsland-road. We rejoice to hear that this gentleman r has already obtained above 400 signatures. r J. C. lYIrC}-Some of the errors of 'which he com- t plains as oocuring in his communication respecting the i1 propriety of a " Procession of the People on the Presen- t tstion of the NationalPetition" were, webelieve, correeted Q in our later editions of last week. The scriptural quota- I tion, although misprinted, would of course be understood c by all our readers; but we ought to add that Mr. Hytch wrote that the House of Commons would " reject" and c not " respect" the petition of the people." C " C. Carfoot.".-As his letter relates to the pecuniary affairs of " Tan OPERATIVE," with which we, in our ca.i pacity of Editor, have no concern, it is placed in the hands r of the Committee of Management. The communications from Lincoln and Merthyr Tydvil i arrived too late for our present week's number. HIGH WATER AT LONDON.BRtIDGE. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. The. fri. Sat. Morning .. 7 30 8 51 1017 1129 - 0 45 1 is Evening .... 8 6 9 35 10 55 1156 0 23 ) o 1 3li BUSINESS TO BE DONE IN THE GARDENJ Annulisraised In a hot bed will require transplanting into pots; and such as have been growing in pots, from small-sized ones to larger, and replaced In the flames. If the heat has ma. terially declined, they must be fresh lined with hot stable dung, ortheplantsmoved into other and warmerones. Potoffall struck cuttings of house plants; and such as are destined for flower gardens must be placed in frames, and gradually hard. ened. Dahlias should be hardened, by being placed lpilts, with very gentle heat, or nOne, but from which frost must be carefully excluded. Propagate freely all plants of which the shoets are iu good order: they are easier struck now than at any other tins of tbe year. Aurlculas smoat be carefoRy pro. tected from cpld' winds, bat not by covering close s alr they muet have, to prevent their being drawn up e nd if they get chilled, nowthatthe fower troamesare rising, It is flfty tooue -" lr opening will. The kitchen-garden, contiaueW F~~tOX "mWU tinned aready, loosening the earth. i1 qu p whl alwrays g~reatlasist vege at sI h: tb3s-sT frinet chilona fbr seed. ~~~~~,-~ ~ ~ ~~,1 DIARY FOR.THE WRRL 21st, SUNDAY, Third Sundat after E r. Sun rises 55 Omfa. after tour; sets- four min. alter seven. Abelard died, 1142. Biabop Hebet born, 1783. Rani..; 22d. MOVDAY. Kant bebeaded. Rain. 23d. TUESDAY. Shakspeare born. 1564; died,l616. Cervantes died,. 1617. Fine. 24th. WCDNESDAY. Defoe-died, 1731. Socrates died 400 2. C. Fine, and then rain. 25th. TaURSDAY.; Tasso died, 1695. Oliver Cromwell born. 1599. Cowper died. 1800. Fine. 26th. FRIDAY. D. Home born, 1717. Magellan killed, 152L1 Rain. 27th. SATURDAY. Gibbon born, 1737. S8rW. Jnses died, 1794. Rain. liberally gives us credit. We never preached in favour of exterminating half the population; we never inculcated the necessity of consigning any class or portion of the population, nor any indi- vidual of the population, to the knife, or a la lan- terne. On the contrary, we abhor violence of every description. we have ever abhorred it; we have iever repudiated and denounced it in the strongest language we could use; and it is only because this caitiff knows that we abhor and denounce it, that he now.maligns us. The very passage. in " THE - OPERATIVE" upon which he bases his misrepre. sentations, proves the abhorrence in which we hold physical force, except as a means of self-preserva- tion ; in which case the use of it is sanctified by every law human and divine. To show the wretch that wel have preached nothing of which we are f ashamed, or that we fear to preach again, when e called upon, we shall take the liberty of reprinting here the very identical words which have served him for a text, and of which so foul an advantage If has been taken to calumniate us all over the country during the last three weeks. a (From " THE OPERATIVE" of March 17.) "There is no use in mincing matters. The landlords e and capitalists of this country, including the profit-monger I- on the Inod, as well as the profit-monger of the factory, 0 must either concede the rights of the people. or they n must be exterminated. Twenty millions of people were I. not made to be either slaves or playthings for these mur- Xs derers. If tie landlord opposes armed force to the rights ie of the people, the landlord must be put to death. If the or Capitalist opposes armed force to the rights of the people, ;f the capitalist must be put to death. If the farmer, or any other description of profit-monger, opposes armed force is to the rights of the people, the farmer or profit-monger - must be put to death. it What is there in this passage, you base libeller, it that can justify your atrocious misrepresentations? , What is there in it that can warrant you in assert- ing that " the Editor of 'THE OPERATIVE' calls D, for the exterrination of half of the population 9" re Is it preaching extermination, to preach against Id men who employ armed force to enslave one por- al tion of their fellow-creatures, and to consign the itremainder to premature graves ? What right have the landlords and profit-mongers of this country of (even supposing them, with you, to constitute one- ;h half the population; which they do not) to use a Df Musket or a bayonet against me for simply doing l an act which they do themselves, namely, electing a representative to protect my interests-what Is right, I say, have they to shoot or bayonet me for re such act, more than I have to shoot or bayonet them for the like act ? Had the words in the above extract been applied to all landlords and profit- mongers, there would have been some excuse for to Your outrageous libel, but they were applied only se to such landlords and capitalists as would murder t- working men for electing members of parliament le in the same way that landlords and profit-mongers ar elect the members of the present corrupt House of n Commons. The unrepresented classes do not at- le tempt to kill or to employ armed force against in the present electoral body for making a parliament ie without their consent. Why should that electoral in body attempt to kill or employ armed force against e, the unrepresented for performing a similar act? e, Now, they either mean to do so, or they do not. of If they do not mean to employ armed force against ie 's, they have nothing to fear from us, and you, of Dn the " Free Press," are as false to them as you are to us. But if, as you insinuate, they do mean to lit employ it, then do you declare them to be wilful ., murderers, prepared to destroy us the moment we ea attempt to become free, and you leave us, the un- ,, represented, but one alternative-either to live and s' die slaves, or to repel murder by justifiable homi- tf cide. Hoow will you get over this, you base it hireling? If, when you penned your libel, you Ln believed that the landlords and profit-mongers will no not employ armed force against us, you must have )nm known that our words "put to death" could 'not ror possibly apply to them, and therefore you are a D- wilful calumniator. If, on the contrary, you did ile believe that they will or would employ armed force er againstus, then I know no language capable of de- ira scribing your baseness; for, with such a belief, it tes was the landlords and capitalists you ought to have et, denounced as would-be exterminators, and not the ch Editor of " THE OPERATIVE," who showed his rs, abhorrence of physical force, by menacing all who Ice should resort to it, with national justice. There, or. men' of Bolton, is a dilemma from the horns of Itet which we defy the unprincipled hack of the " Free iw Press" to escape, es; " Mr. O'Brien," he says, " talks of the farmer on and shopkeeper as men more worthy of being put to death than burglars or highWaymen "I This is he another infamous falsehood. ' Mr. O'Brien's lan- all guage applies only to such farmers and shopkeepers ice as would employ or sanction armed force to prevent the emancipation of the unrepresented classes. Its, Such farmers and shopkeepers, be has no hesitation of in saying, are many times worse than burglars or no highwaymen'; and were.they to kill any portion of ld the working classes while in the peaceable pursuit ast of their rights, they would be infinitely greater cri- minals than any description of felon or murderer ect known to our present laws. To rob a man of his Ise purse, or even of his whole property, is but to rob to hiln of a casual and temporary possession, which hb try eier recover through the laws, or the loss o' ted which he may afterwards make up for by futus soidustry. But to rob an entire Cass of peep1 50anadthat the most numerous and useful cluums-g FEARGUS O'CONNOR. [E At last this brave and indefatigable friend of al 411 the people is about to suffer for the incalculable services he has rendered his country. It will be C seen by our legal intelligence, that a criminal infor- er mnation has been filed against him by the Attorney- h s0 se General, for an alleged libel on the guardians of b ZG the poor of the Union of Warminster, in Wiltshire. c a It is a most paltry, cowardly proceeding. It is an le attempt, under pretence of vindicating the charac- 'ly ters of a few worthless creatures, to do what the a id government has long wished, but had not the man- c liness to do on its own responsibility-namely, to o victimise the man who, under Providence, has been re the main instrument of their approaching downfall. D Feargus O'Connor has done more for the liberties d _ of Britain than was ever before done by any one c ie private individual for the liberties of any other c Is country, antient or modern, in the same period of t E- time. In this lies the secret of the information 1 against him-the whole "head and front of his t htoffending." Had he not been the prime mover- the alpha and omega, as it were, of the present b glorious movement, he might have published what .she liked, about Warminster or any other Union, i with impunity. The Attorhey-General, in moving for the rule, S talked of the mis-statements in the s Star," and i4- of the necessity of protecting character. But were ck that the sole object intended, the parties would l of have proceeded by action, and not by a criminal t information. In an action for libel the defendant _ is allowed to prove the truth of his published state. ments. No such liberty is allowed him in an in- he formation. Neither truth nor the vindication of K character can 'therefore have anything to do with I Ir. the present proceeding. In truth, men capable of Ar accepting guardianships of the poor, under the id, existing system, can have no characters worth e; protecting. &. Were it possible to add to Feargus O'Connor's I- popularity, this new Whig manceuvre will have E _ that effect. l nd SHAH-RADICAL RASCALITY. 4r. A country correspondent calls our attention to in a slanderous article published in the " Bolton Free I n Press"-an obscure northern print, of whose exist- meence we had no previous knowledge. The article ghin question is an editorial commentary on our an address to the working classes, which appeared on l l the 17th of last month, and which gained us the I o0 honour of a vote of' thanks from the Bolton Its Ice Worling Men's Association. Whether it was the at, address itself, or the vote of thanks given to us in edconsequence, that excited our contemporary's bile, l nd we know not; but whatever the exciting cause, .ch we challenge the " Free Press" to furnish out of red the' annals of literary rascality a parallel to the tce following tissue of outrageous calumny and brazen I k falsehoods:- n- his is a fair specimen of the insane doctrines, taught re, by MaratO'Brien, in bis journal called "TnzOPERATIVN.. re't The real Marat, Mr. O'Brien's precursor, during the heat ts of the French Revolution, in his paper called Ami da Ms Peuple, demanded the " heads of 260,000 aristwcrats." eel The editor of " TuE OPERATIVE," is not content with so to small a niumber: he calls for the exterrninetion of half sw the population. All profit-mongerrs must be - put to ,ble death," unless the rights of the people are conceded. It est would, perhaps, be as well were Mr. O'Brien to ascertain his what proportion these " odious profit.mongers" bear to the td working-men of Great Britain, before lie consigns them to of the knife, or la lanterne. In justice to the delegate from eir Leigh, we incline to believe, that his sympathy for au. the working classes has had an injurious effect on his in- &ttellect. No sane person, no man who wishes the people his to obtain Universal Suffrage, would ever use such Ian. r; guage. Mr. O'Brien talks of the farmer and shopkeeper ebt, as men more worthy of being put to death than burglars se. or highwaymen. He talks as if Universal Suffrage would Ieir instantly annihilate all these classes whom lie denominates ery ' profit-mongers ;" but all the white he chooses to forget, the that even in Republican America, the proportion which rpo the farmers, the shopkeepers, and all other profit-mongers, ied bear to the working men, is at least as great as it is in the this country. Mr. O'Brien is one of those who denounce and taking interest on money, as downrightrobbery of the poor. lht Does lie not know, that in Republican America, the rate eerof interest is eight or nine per cent., while in England it is not more than four per cent? Does he not also know, that in whatever manufacturing nation the rate of interest n is high, the wages of working men are high also ?-i oitea arFree Prcssal. -g t ree Thi extract affords a striking illustration of the e ort of artillery by which the Wise and good of all J. ages have been immolated at the shrine of avarice O.'s and usurpation. Unable to refute our arguments, FAn and not daring to contravene our statements of fce, facts the base editor of the " Free Press" has no Mr. ' eet. other weapon to employ against us, than the old seet: hackneyed ones of calumny and falsehood. Almost erg- every sentence in his " leader" is either a direct Mrlie, or a fraudulent conclusion deduced from false [ 6 premises.-" Marat O'Brien," as he is pleased to res- designate us, holds none of the sanguinary og« doctrines he attributes to us; has never suggested any of the sanguinary couresa for which he so I: i OTTICE.-To the Members of the TIN- t( N PLATE WORKERS' SOCIFTY of LONDON-the BUSINESS of their SOCIETY will be REMOVED from the ti PEWTER PL&'TER, St John-stteet, to-the GLOBE, Hatto5 ti Garden. The first meeting night at the above house, will bet held on the FIRST TUESDAY in M&T11; t Seven o'clock. C. JOHNSON, Secretary. V T>ENEVOLENT INSURANCE and NA. BD T10ONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY. o h No Person need fear being obliged to gooe the WORKiHOUSE If, during youth and health, they will avail thenselves of the advantages offered by this Society, which enable them, bysmall ti Weeitly or Monthly Payments, to provide a Weekly Sam forS themselve and faumilies, when, from Sicknesi or Accident, they S cannot work. S To secure a Sam of Money, to be received every year after B they arrive at a time of life when they can no longer wdrk, so as to enable them to spend the remainder of their days in 46es O and iIndependence; and a sum to be paid to their Famiflies on t their Death; also a sum to be received on a Child attaining a certain age. I Household Goods, Tools, and Small Stocks in Trpde, from a L.20 toLtre1O, are INSURED AGAINST FIRE by Qearterly t Payments, so thatthe providentiman need not fear either losiug the means by which he works and lives, or the advantages and g comforts arising from his Stock in Trade and Furniture, Ii Particolars, with a List of the Patrons and Directors, showing other very im~portant advantages wnhich are offered by this So- ciety to thle producIng classes, to whose attentiosi they are more tl particularly directed mn~y be had at the Office, No. 50, LLncoln s Inn-felds. O DUBLIC MEETINGS in SUPPORT of the P P Principles ofthe NATIONAL PETITION and PEOPLES C CHARTER will he held, On MONDAY EVENING, April 22. in SMITHFIELD MAR- tC KET. Chair to be taken at Six o'clock. a On TUESDAY EVENING, April 23, at the ARCHERY ROOMS, Bath-place, New-road. Chair to be taken at Eight 0 o'clockc. Delegates from the General Convention will atetend each g Meeting. By Order of the Council of the West London Democratic As- II sguciation, THOS. WALL, Sec. pI E LECTION FOR - EAST SURREY, TIlE CHARTERI THE CHARTER1t A PUBLIC MEETING will be held on KENNINGTON COM- a MON,; on;iMONDAY NEXT, April 22, 1839, at Twelve o'clock t precisely, for the purpose of ELECTIKG a DELEGATE to the GENERAL CONVENTION, for the EASTERN DIVISION of i the COUNTY of SURREY, end in SUPPORT of the PEOPLE'Si CHARTER. RADICALS OF LkNDON. rrHE NATIONAL PETITION lies at the - .i following places for signature:-" THe OPSRATIVK" Office, 12, Catherine street, Strand1 Charter Office, 16, ditto;C Mr. lletheeington, 12S, Strand ; Mr. Cleave, 1, Shoe-lane; Mr. t Watson, 15, City-road; Mr. Hasell, S. ~Horseferry-road - Mr. Rogers, lligh-street, Blnoosbury Portinan Arms, Milton- street, Dorset square ; Duchess of Clarence, Vauxhall-road, e minlco; Mr. Sherman, 28, Little Trinity-lane, Queenhithe; .Mr. llunter,l.Jubilee-place, Commercial-road East; Working Men's Associatinn, 6, Upper North-place, Gray's Inn-road ; Mr. Kiliingback, 105, Alderegate-street; Mr. Harrison, 37, Haemp- stead.ioad. t TO THE INHABITANTS OF LONDON;- , J From the COMMITTEE appointed at the CROWN and , ANCHOR MEETING of TUESDAY, to collect SUBSCRIP.. rIONS in the Metropolis for the DEFENCE of the RHe. Mr. STEPHENS. - 1. We, the undersigned, members of the sbove Committee, in pursuence of tbe resolutiona passed at the aforesaid meeting, hereby caII upon the inhabitants of London and its environs, ] to come forward and aid their brethren of the North to rescue our noble friend and champion Stephens from the fangs of his and our oppressors. After all that has transpired through the press in relation to Mr. Stephens's arresl and comrit- ment, it weuld be superfluous for us to state why a Christian a minister distinguished by so many public end private virtues as t Mr. Stephens is known to have displayed throughout the whole of his politicalcareer, should have been placed in the situation I of an enemy of his country. It will suffice to say that he hrs been arrested either at the instigation, or with theconnivance I of the present Whig government, and is now awaiting his trial for the offence of making a speech. Six weeks beforehisarrest, 8 which was never reported, and of which the witnesses against him could only recollect a few disjointeg phrases and isolated C words, without their context, which, they say be uttered, and which are said to be illegal, those witnesses having, on their erose-exarninatlon, Satly contradicted themselves end each other. Under these circumstances we deem It wholly unneces Iary to argue Mr. Stephen's case, in this appeal, being convinced t that the w. Il-known character of the man is sufficient evidence f that he could not be guilty of the crimes laid to his charge, whilst the notorious character of his enemies, and the peculiar f circumstances of his arrest and commitment are not less con- clusive evidence that his prosecution Is the work of secret per- stonal malice and tyrannical injuslice-we shall, therefore i withoat further comment, leave the public to judge at once of I the motives of his oppressoss, and of the necessity that exitis for yielding him prompt and efficient succoor With respect to those who have hitherto known Mr. Stephens r only ihrough the misrepresentstons of his euemies, we feel bound, as Englishmen and Christlans, to call upon them to dismiss their prejudiesa, and to consult those who best know the maan before they condem him. By dolng so, they will leapn that he iseone of the best of husbanlds cnd fathersa, one of thce best of Christian ministers, and one of tbe best and bravest friends of humanity, peace, and order, that ever adorned this or any other country. Let theem but enquire, before they judge, and we feel assured that if they be good men and . Christians, they will soon be found amongst the most ardent of I his friends. They will accord him their sympathies, their prayers, and ais far as fortune has favoured them, those pecaet niary and other aid which may enable him to meet lbs lheavy expenses of a trial in Weetminler. ( more than 200 miles distant from the place of his alleged offence) and to dernonetratt his I rinnocence before a British ]ndge and jury. Stepbens is poor; .those wrho best knowr him are likewvise poor; his enemiiesI jare rich and powerful, and have shown to he also malignant. It they succeed iD crushing Stephens, their appetite for perse-4 cutionl will be whetted, they will bunt out new victims, andtheir rage, encouraged by success, will know nO respite, until every a other friend of humanity has been consigned either to a dungeon 1 orto Ignominin s silencel The causc of Stephens istherefore the causeof all-every good man, every rentaChritianeveryloverpf v justice-every sufferer from oppression is personally concerned in it. Hlscondemnation would practically operate to the con- demnation of our causc; his triumph will be in reality the s trtumph of twenty mIllions of onrepresented, oppressed, and injured people. Say, then, men of London, shaU this upright man be left alone in the hour of his need I Shall he be de. serted in the day of his persecution I We know your answer will be-" NO, IT SHALL NOT BE ;" . Signed, in behalf of the Committee, WM. D. SAUL, Chairman. WILLIAM CARDO, Sec. Coxwtvras.-Messrs. Rngers, Swain, O'Brien, Erratt, Car. penter, Day, Thomsou, Barney, Beck, Crabtree, AlIsop, Nee- s som, Hetherington, J. Olddeld, Sharpe, Hartwell, Sherman, Watson, Tilly. W. D. SAUnL. Treasurer. W. Cwano, Secrittary. to Subacriptions will be received for the support of the Rev. J. .d R. Stephens atthe following places: viz., Jones, Loyd, and Co.'s . Bank, to be placed to the credit of Thomas Fielden, Esq., and Mathew Fletcher, Esq., or Bury, Lancashire; "TTuz Opsaa. Lit TIVa" Office, 12, Catherine-street, Strand; " Charter" Office, or Catherine-itreet, Strand) Champion Office, 137, Strand, Mr. d- Hetherington, 126, Strand; Mr. Cleave, 1, Shoe-lane, Pleet. a, street; Mr.:Rufly Ridley, 19, D'Oyley-street, Cadogan-place, be Chelsea;* Mr. White, Republic Brewery Tap, North-street, me Knightsbridge; Mr. Smith, 16, Little Clarendon-square, Somers- at town; Mr. Burrows, Baker, Skinner-street, Somers-town; Mr. o- Hodge. 21, Smith-street, Brewer-street, Sormers-town; Mr. ay Harris, 14, :New-road, Fitzroy-square; Mr. Christopher, I, et George-street, Foley-place, Portland-place; Mr. J. Moore, 6, pe Deas-Street, Holborn; Mr. Wyatt, Barley Mow, Upper Thames. SU OU-4rW. D. SaulAldersgate-street) and Mr. W. Cardo, h Be re. Johnson's Tavern, Bolt-ourt, Fleat-street, P W.B. The Committee will meet agr'- : ! 6^- -,t-son' TaverA, bolt-court. on Thursday ne 0t X f 1 THE 'OPERATIVE. r . LONDOW, APRIL21, 1839. The Editor of " THs OPERATI ," James Bron- terre..O'Brien, will visit the -Men of South Lanca- shire ih a few days, at the command of hisrespected coiistituents of Leigh. He. will write to Mr. Wheeler, of Manchester, informing him of the day whereon he may be expected in that town. J.: B.B O'Brien takes this opportunity of express- i~ig- his regret that he is compelled, for the present, to decline the many pressing invitations be is daily receiving from the Southern Counties, more par- ticularly from Sussex and Kent, but he will take the earliest possible opportunity of paying them a visit after his return from the North.

{'day': '5', 'month': '05', 'newspaper': 'The Dundee Courier', 'page': '', 'year': '1846'}

from newspaperaccess import NewspaperArchive

n = NewspaperArchive()

doc = n.get(newspaper = "ANJO", year = "1846", month = "05", day = "31")



In [8]:
from feature import get_common_wordlist

# create the word frequency distribution from the newspaper references we have for positive matches

pos_worddist, nn = get_common_wordlist([(x['newspaper'], x['year'], x['month'], x['day']) for x in positivereferences])

1851 24/01
1851 29/01
Couldn't find 'Dundee Courier' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee Courier' for date '['1851', '01', '29']'
Dundee Courier
1851 12/02
1851 19/02
1851 12/04
1851 29/03
Couldn't find 'The York Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald' for date '['1851', '03', '29']'
The York Herald
1855 23/02
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties' for date '['1855', '02', '23']'
The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties
1856 23/10
1857 12/09
Couldn't find 'Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle' for date '['1857', '09', '12']'
Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle
1838 21/04
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield Independent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield Independent' for date '['1838', '04', '21']'
The Sheffield Independent
1838 19/05
Couldn't find 'The Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1838', '05', '19']'
The Leicester Chronicle
1838 19/05
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser' for date '['1838', '05', '19']'
The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser
1838 26/05
Couldn't find 'The Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1838', '05', '26']'
The Leicester Chronicle
1839 1/02
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties' for date '['1839', '02', '1']'
The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties
1839 6/07
Couldn't find 'Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian' for date '['1839', '07', '6']'
Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian
1839 13/07
Couldn't find 'Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian' for date '['1839', '07', '13']'
Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian
1839 27/07
Couldn't find 'Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian' for date '['1839', '07', '27']'
Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian
1839 12/10
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent' for date '['1839', '10', '12']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent
1840 15/02
1840 5/03
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1840', '03', '5']'
The Bradford Observer
1840 12/03
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1840', '03', '12']'
The Bradford Observer
1840 13/03
1840 2/09
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties' for date '['1840', '09', '2']'
The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties
1841 23/01
Couldn't find 'Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian' for date '['1841', '01', '23']'
Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian
1841 25/09
Couldn't find 'Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian' for date '['1841', '09', '25']'
Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian
1842 16/12
Couldn't find 'The Hull Packet and East Riding Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Hull Packet and East Riding Times' for date '['1842', '12', '16']'
The Hull Packet and East Riding Times
1843 16/03
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter' for date '['1843', '03', '16']'
The Bradford Observer and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter
1846 8/07
1847 11/03
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter' for date '['1847', '03', '11']'
The Bradford Observer and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter
1847 13/03
1847 20/03
1857 5/11
Couldn't find 'Nottinghamshire Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Nottinghamshire Guardian' for date '['1857', '11', '5']'
Nottinghamshire Guardian
1861 12/02
Couldn't find 'The Bury and Norwich Post and Suffolk Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bury and Norwich Post and Suffolk Herald' for date '['1861', '02', '12']'
The Bury and Norwich Post and Suffolk Herald
1861 12/03
Couldn't find 'The Bury and Norwich Post and Suffolk Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bury and Norwich Post and Suffolk Herald' for date '['1861', '03', '12']'
The Bury and Norwich Post and Suffolk Herald
1876 6/09
Couldn't find 'The Morning Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Morning Post' for date '['1876', '09', '6']'
The Morning Post
1876 7/09
1876 9/09
Couldn't find 'Blackburn Standard and North East Lancashire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Blackburn Standard and North East Lancashire Advertiser' for date '['1876', '09', '9']'
Blackburn Standard and North East Lancashire Advertiser
1876 23/09
Couldn't find 'Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle' for date '['1876', '09', '23']'
Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle
1876 15/12
Couldn't find 'Nottinghamshire Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Nottinghamshire Guardian' for date '['1876', '12', '15']'
Nottinghamshire Guardian
1877 30/01
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent' for date '['1877', '01', '30']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent
1877 3/02
Couldn't find 'Cheshire Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Cheshire Observer' for date '['1877', '02', '3']'
Cheshire Observer
1877 3/02
Couldn't find 'The Hampshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Hampshire Advertiser' for date '['1877', '02', '3']'
The Hampshire Advertiser
1877 3/02
1877 3/02
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent' for date '['1877', '02', '3']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent
1877 4/02
Couldn't find 'Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper' for date '['1877', '02', '4']'
Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
1877 8/02
1877 6/03
1877 6/03
1877 7/03
Couldn't find 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' for date '['1877', '03', '7']'
The Dundee Courier and Argus
1877 8/03
Couldn't find 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' for date '['1877', '03', '8']'
The Dundee Courier and Argus
1877 8/03
1877 9/03
Couldn't find 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' for date '['1877', '03', '9']'
The Dundee Courier and Argus
1877 9/03
Couldn't find 'The York Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald' for date '['1877', '03', '9']'
The York Herald
1877 13/03
Couldn't find 'Dundee Courier and Argus and Northern Warder' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee Courier and Argus and Northern Warder' for date '['1877', '03', '13']'
Dundee Courier and Argus and Northern Warder
1877 23/04
1893 24/04
Couldn't find 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' for date '['1893', '04', '24']'
Aberdeen Weekly Journal
1893 25/04
Couldn't find 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' for date '['1893', '04', '25']'
Aberdeen Weekly Journal
1893 3/05
1893 5/05
1894 3/04
1894 12/04
Couldn't find 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' for date '['1894', '04', '12']'
The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post
1894 19/04
Couldn't find 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' for date '['1894', '04', '19']'
The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post
1894 10/05
1894 18/05
1893 23/05
Couldn't find 'The Star' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Star' for date '['1893', '05', '23']'
The Star
1894 1/06
Couldn't find 'The North Eastern Daily Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The North Eastern Daily Gazette' for date '['1894', '06', '1']'
The North Eastern Daily Gazette
1894 3/06
1894 7/06
Couldn't find 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' for date '['1894', '06', '7']'
Aberdeen Weekly Journal
1894 8/06
Couldn't find 'The Yorkshire Herald and the York Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Yorkshire Herald and the York Herald' for date '['1894', '06', '8']'
The Yorkshire Herald and the York Herald
1894 16/06
1894 6/07
1894 26/07
1850 19/01
1850 20/04
1851 6/01
1851 7/01
1851 19/02
1851 2/08
1852 7/08
1854 4/08
1850 7/12
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent' for date '['1850', '12', '7']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent
1851 22/01
1851 8/02
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1851', '02', '8']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1851 12/02
1851 24/05
Couldn't find 'The York Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald' for date '['1851', '05', '24']'
The York Herald
1840 27/06
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1840', '06', '27']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1841 5/08
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1841', '08', '5']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1841 15/10
1859 24/12
1860 14/01
1860 6/10
1862 18/01
1863 8/01
1863 16/02
1863 24/03
1863 7/05
1863 12/05
1863 5/09
Couldn't find 'The Preston Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Preston Guardian' for date '['1863', '09', '5']'
The Preston Guardian
1863 25/12
Couldn't find 'The Hull Packet and East Riding Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Hull Packet and East Riding Times' for date '['1863', '12', '25']'
The Hull Packet and East Riding Times
1865 11/07
1866 3/07
1866 23/11
1866 24/11
Couldn't find 'The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' for date '['1866', '11', '24']'
The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser
1867 16/02
Couldn't find 'The Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1867', '02', '16']'
The Leicester Chronicle
1867 8/06
1868 1/02
1886 19/10
1886 20/10
Couldn't find 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' for date '['1886', '10', '20']'
The Dundee Courier and Argus
1886 21/10
1860 14/01
1860 19/01
Couldn't find 'The Daily Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Daily Post' for date '['1860', '01', '19']'
The Daily Post
1860 31/01
1860 1/02
Couldn't find 'The Glasgow Daily Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Glasgow Daily Herald' for date '['1860', '02', '1']'
The Glasgow Daily Herald
1860 4/02
Couldn't find 'Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1860', '02', '4']'
Leicester Chronicle
1860 8/02
Couldn't find 'Dumfries and Galloway Standard and Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dumfries and Galloway Standard and Advertiser' for date '['1860', '02', '8']'
Dumfries and Galloway Standard and Advertiser
1860 14/02
Couldn't find 'Dundee Perth and Cupar Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee Perth and Cupar Advertiser' for date '['1860', '02', '14']'
Dundee Perth and Cupar Advertiser
1860 15/02
Couldn't find 'The Glasgow Daily Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Glasgow Daily Herald' for date '['1860', '02', '15']'
The Glasgow Daily Herald
1860 23/02
Couldn't find 'North and South Shields Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'North and South Shields Gazette' for date '['1860', '02', '23']'
North and South Shields Gazette
1860 24/02
1860 25/02
Couldn't find 'The Newcastle Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Newcastle Guardian' for date '['1860', '02', '25']'
The Newcastle Guardian
1860 25/02
Couldn't find 'The Newcastle Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Newcastle Guardian' for date '['1860', '02', '25']'
The Newcastle Guardian
1860 1/03
Couldn't find 'North and South Shields Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'North and South Shields Gazette' for date '['1860', '03', '1']'
North and South Shields Gazette
1860 15/03
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1860', '03', '15']'
The Bradford Observer
1860 27/03
Couldn't find 'The Glasgow Daily Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Glasgow Daily Herald' for date '['1860', '03', '27']'
The Glasgow Daily Herald
1862 26/11
1862 29/11
Couldn't find 'The Saturday Press' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Saturday Press' for date '['1862', '11', '29']'
The Saturday Press
1862 1/12
1862 1/12
Couldn't find 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' for date '['1862', '12', '1']'
The Dundee Courier and Argus
1847 6/03
Couldn't find 'Leicestershire Mercury' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Leicestershire Mercury' for date '['1847', '03', '6']'
Leicestershire Mercury
1847 12/03
1847 13/03
Couldn't find 'The Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1847', '03', '13']'
The Leicester Chronicle
1847 19/03
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser ' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser ' for date '['1847', '03', '19']'
The Essex Standard and General Advertiser 
1847 19/03
1847 27/03
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent' for date '['1847', '03', '27']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent
1847 2/01
1847 2/01
Couldn't find 'The Newcastle Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Newcastle Guardian' for date '['1847', '01', '2']'
The Newcastle Guardian
1847 2/01
Couldn't find 'The Newcastle Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Newcastle Guardian' for date '['1847', '01', '2']'
The Newcastle Guardian
1847 9/01
Couldn't find 'The Newcastle Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Newcastle Guardian' for date '['1847', '01', '9']'
The Newcastle Guardian
1847 16/01
Couldn't find 'The Leeds Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leeds Times' for date '['1847', '01', '16']'
The Leeds Times
1847 16/01
Couldn't find 'The Newcastle Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Newcastle Guardian' for date '['1847', '01', '16']'
The Newcastle Guardian
1847 20/01
Couldn't find 'The Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser' for date '['1847', '01', '20']'
The Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser
1847 21/01
Couldn't find 'The Bradford and Wakefield Observer and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford and Wakefield Observer and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter' for date '['1847', '01', '21']'
The Bradford and Wakefield Observer and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter
1847 21/01
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1847', '01', '21']'
The Bradford Observer
1847 22/01
Couldn't find 'Coventry Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Coventry Herald' for date '['1847', '01', '22']'
Coventry Herald
1847 23/01
Couldn't find 'The Leeds Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leeds Times' for date '['1847', '01', '23']'
The Leeds Times
1847 23/01
1847 29/01
Couldn't find 'Coventry Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Coventry Herald' for date '['1847', '01', '29']'
Coventry Herald
1847 2/01
There was an issue accessing the 'The Belfast News-Letter' for date '['1847', '01', '2']'

1847 6/01
There was an issue accessing the 'The Belfast News-Letter' for date '['1847', '01', '6']'

1846 9/01
1846 12/01
Couldn't find 'The Cork Examiner' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Cork Examiner' for date '['1846', '01', '12']'
The Cork Examiner
1846 30/01
Couldn't find 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' for date '['1846', '01', '30']'
Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser
1846 2/12
Couldn't find 'Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser' for date '['1846', '12', '2']'
Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser
1848 5/12
1846 26/12
Couldn't find 'The Leeds Intelligencer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leeds Intelligencer' for date '['1846', '12', '26']'
The Leeds Intelligencer
1846 26/12
Couldn't find 'The Leeds Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leeds Times' for date '['1846', '12', '26']'
The Leeds Times
1851 29/05
Couldn't find 'Bath Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Bath Chronicle' for date '['1851', '05', '29']'
Bath Chronicle
1859 10/12
Couldn't find 'The Bury Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bury Times' for date '['1859', '12', '10']'
The Bury Times
1859 10/12
1859 11/12
Couldn't find 'Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper' for date '['1859', '12', '11']'
Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
1859 20/12
1859 24/12
Couldn't find 'The Hampshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Hampshire Advertiser' for date '['1859', '12', '24']'
The Hampshire Advertiser
1859 24/12
Couldn't find 'The Leeds Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leeds Times' for date '['1859', '12', '24']'
The Leeds Times
1859 24/12
Couldn't find 'The Leeds Intelligencer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leeds Intelligencer' for date '['1859', '12', '24']'
The Leeds Intelligencer
1859 29/12
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1859', '12', '29']'
The Bradford Observer
1849 19/10
Couldn't find 'Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Herts.' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Herts.' for date '['1849', '10', '19']'
Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Herts.
1846 2/09
Couldn't find 'Worcestershire Chronicle and Provincial Railway Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Worcestershire Chronicle and Provincial Railway Gazette' for date '['1846', '09', '2']'
Worcestershire Chronicle and Provincial Railway Gazette
1846 3/09
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1846', '09', '3']'
The Bradford Observer
1846 5/09
Couldn't find 'The Bristol Mercury and Western Counties Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bristol Mercury and Western Counties Advertiser' for date '['1846', '09', '5']'
The Bristol Mercury and Western Counties Advertiser
1846 5/09
Couldn't find 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' for date '['1846', '09', '5']'
Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser
1846 5/09
Couldn't find 'Hertford Mercury' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Hertford Mercury' for date '['1846', '09', '5']'
Hertford Mercury
1846 5/09
Couldn't find 'The Western Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Western Times' for date '['1846', '09', '5']'
The Western Times
1846 5/09
Couldn't find 'The Western Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Western Times' for date '['1846', '09', '5']'
The Western Times
1846 7/09
Couldn't find 'Cork Examiner' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Cork Examiner' for date '['1846', '09', '7']'
Cork Examiner
1846 9/09
Couldn't find 'Worcestershire Chronicle and Provincial Railway Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Worcestershire Chronicle and Provincial Railway Gazette' for date '['1846', '09', '9']'
Worcestershire Chronicle and Provincial Railway Gazette
1846 12/09
Couldn't find 'Carlisle Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Carlisle Journal' for date '['1846', '09', '12']'
Carlisle Journal
1846 12/09
Couldn't find 'Sheffield and Rotherham Independent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Sheffield and Rotherham Independent' for date '['1846', '09', '12']'
Sheffield and Rotherham Independent
1846 18/09
1846 19/09
1846 23/09
Couldn't find 'Inverness Courier' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Inverness Courier' for date '['1846', '09', '23']'
Inverness Courier
1846 28/09
1845 8/09
1845 13/09
1845 18/09
1845 24/09
1846 2/10
1846 6/10
1846 6/10
1846 10/10
1846 14/10
Couldn't find 'London Daily News' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'London Daily News' for date '['1846', '10', '14']'
London Daily News
1846 14/10
Couldn't find 'Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser' for date '['1846', '10', '14']'
Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser
1846 14/10
1846 16/10
1845 29/10
Couldn't find 'Cork Examiner' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Cork Examiner' for date '['1845', '10', '29']'
Cork Examiner
1846 29/10
Couldn't find 'Fife Herald and Kinross, Strathearn and Clackmanan Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Fife Herald and Kinross, Strathearn and Clackmanan Advertiser' for date '['1846', '10', '29']'
Fife Herald and Kinross, Strathearn and Clackmanan Advertiser
1845 20/10
Couldn't find 'The Cork Examiner' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Cork Examiner' for date '['1845', '10', '20']'
The Cork Examiner
1845 27/10
Couldn't find 'The Cork Examiner' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Cork Examiner' for date '['1845', '10', '27']'
The Cork Examiner
1846 5/11
Couldn't find 'The Fife Herald and Kinross, Strathearn and Clackmannan Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Fife Herald and Kinross, Strathearn and Clackmannan Advertiser' for date '['1846', '11', '5']'
The Fife Herald and Kinross, Strathearn and Clackmannan Advertiser
1846 7/11
Couldn't find 'Leeds Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Leeds Times' for date '['1846', '11', '7']'
Leeds Times
1846 14/11
1846 20/11
1845 7/11
Couldn't find 'Supplement to the Cork Examiner' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Supplement to the Cork Examiner' for date '['1845', '11', '7']'
Supplement to the Cork Examiner
1845 15/11
Couldn't find 'The Leeds Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leeds Times' for date '['1845', '11', '15']'
The Leeds Times
1846 1/05
Couldn't find 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' for date '['1846', '05', '1']'
Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser
1846 6/05
Couldn't find 'Inverness Courier' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Inverness Courier' for date '['1846', '05', '6']'
Inverness Courier
1846 7/05
1846 8/05
Couldn't find 'Elgin Courant, and Morayshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Elgin Courant, and Morayshire Advertiser' for date '['1846', '05', '8']'
Elgin Courant, and Morayshire Advertiser
1846 11/05
1846 13/05
Couldn't find 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' for date '['1846', '05', '13']'
Aberdeen Weekly Journal
1846 30/05
Couldn't find 'The Leeds Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leeds Times' for date '['1846', '05', '30']'
The Leeds Times
1846 13/03
Couldn't find 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' for date '['1846', '03', '13']'
Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser
1846 17/03
Couldn't find 'Dundee Courier   ' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee Courier   ' for date '['1846', '03', '17']'
Dundee Courier   
1846 20/03
Couldn't find 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' for date '['1846', '03', '20']'
Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser
1846 12/06
Couldn't find 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' for date '['1846', '06', '12']'
Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser
1846 16/06
Couldn't find 'Dundee Courier' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee Courier' for date '['1846', '06', '16']'
Dundee Courier
1846 17/06
Couldn't find 'Inverness Courier' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Inverness Courier' for date '['1846', '06', '17']'
Inverness Courier
1846 19/06
1846 1/07
Couldn't find 'Worcestershire Chronicle and Provincial Railway Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Worcestershire Chronicle and Provincial Railway Gazette' for date '['1846', '07', '1']'
Worcestershire Chronicle and Provincial Railway Gazette
1846 14/07
Couldn't find 'Dundee Courier' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee Courier' for date '['1846', '07', '14']'
Dundee Courier
1847 13/02
Couldn't find 'The Newcastle Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Newcastle Guardian' for date '['1847', '02', '13']'
The Newcastle Guardian
1847 27/02
Couldn't find 'Leicestershire Mercury' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Leicestershire Mercury' for date '['1847', '02', '27']'
Leicestershire Mercury
1847 27/02
Couldn't find 'The Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard' for date '['1847', '02', '27']'
The Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard
1846 3/02
Couldn't find 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' for date '['1846', '02', '3']'
Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser
1846 10/02
Couldn't find 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser' for date '['1846', '02', '10']'
Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser
1846 10/02
Couldn't find 'Dundee Courier' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee Courier' for date '['1846', '02', '10']'
Dundee Courier
1845 9/12
1846 8/08
Couldn't find 'Newcastle Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Newcastle Guardian' for date '['1846', '08', '8']'
Newcastle Guardian
1846 22/08
Couldn't find 'Carlisle Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Carlisle Journal' for date '['1846', '08', '22']'
Carlisle Journal
1846 22/08
Couldn't find 'Carlisle Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Carlisle Journal' for date '['1846', '08', '22']'
Carlisle Journal
1846 22/08
1846 29/08
1846 29/08
Couldn't find 'Carlisle Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Carlisle Journal' for date '['1846', '08', '29']'
Carlisle Journal
1847 3/04
Couldn't find 'The Newcastle Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Newcastle Guardian' for date '['1847', '04', '3']'
The Newcastle Guardian
1847 3/04
Couldn't find 'The Northampton Mercury' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Northampton Mercury' for date '['1847', '04', '3']'
The Northampton Mercury
1847 3/04
1846 23/04
Couldn't find 'The Fife Herald and Kinross, Strathearn and Clackmannan Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Fife Herald and Kinross, Strathearn and Clackmannan Advertiser' for date '['1846', '04', '23']'
The Fife Herald and Kinross, Strathearn and Clackmannan Advertiser
1846 30/04
1849 15/08
Couldn't find 'The Blackburn Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Blackburn Standard' for date '['1849', '08', '15']'
The Blackburn Standard
1849 16/10
1850 5/11
1850 8/11
1850 9/11
1850 13/11
Couldn't find 'The Blackburn Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Blackburn Standard' for date '['1850', '11', '13']'
The Blackburn Standard
1850 14/11
Couldn't find 'Nottinghamshire Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Nottinghamshire Guardian' for date '['1850', '11', '14']'
Nottinghamshire Guardian
1850 15/11
1851 2/04
Couldn't find 'The Blackburn Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Blackburn Standard' for date '['1851', '04', '2']'
The Blackburn Standard
1851 5/07
Couldn't find 'The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' for date '['1851', '07', '5']'
The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser
1851 16/08
1852 23/12
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1852', '12', '23']'
The Bradford Observer
1852 26/12
Couldn't find 'Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper' for date '['1852', '12', '26']'
Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
1853 5/03
Couldn't find 'The Preston Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Preston Guardian' for date '['1853', '03', '5']'
The Preston Guardian
1854 1/06
Couldn't find 'Nottinghamshire Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Nottinghamshire Guardian' for date '['1854', '06', '1']'
Nottinghamshire Guardian
1855 14/04

In [50]:
print("Wordlist length: {0}\n Top 10 words:".format(len(pos_worddist)))

Wordlist length: 1706359
 Top 10 words:
[('next', 96), ('fire', 96), ('twelve', 96), ('greatly', 96), ('five', 96), ('days', 96), ('rather', 96), ('letter', 96), ('point', 96), ('d.', 96), ('night', 96), ('11', 96), ('hope', 96), ('cannot', 96), ('country,', 96), ('felt', 96), ('going', 96), ('long', 96), ('much', 96), ('left', 96), ('hold', 96), ('b', 96), ('no.', 96), ('party', 96), ('saturday,', 96), ('sent', 96), ('london,', 96), ('regard', 96), ('monday', 96), ('de-', 96), ('h', 96), ('attended', 96), ('business', 96), ('14', 96), ('us', 96), ('took', 96), ('aid', 96), ('place,', 96), ('al', 96), ('queen', 96), ('5', 96), ('supply', 96), ('obtained', 96), ('20', 96), ('taken', 96), ('these', 96), ('f', 96), ('4', 96), ('life', 96), ('house,', 96), ('within', 96), ('duty', 96), ('members', 96), ('country', 96), ('addressed', 96), ('and,', 96), ('d', 96), ('must', 96), ('receive', 96), ('effect', 96), ('entered', 96), ('ti', 96), ('due', 96), ('told', 96), ('six', 96), ('extent', 96), ('oil', 96), ('free', 96), ('capital', 96), ('r', 96), ('moved', 96), ('considerable', 96), ('week', 96), ('south', 96), ('amount', 96), ('north', 96), ('hour', 96), ('since', 96), ('still', 96), ('ground', 96), ('carried', 96), ('portion', 96), ('irish', 96), ('died', 96), ('g.', 96), ('great', 96), ('many', 96), ('kind', 96), ('almost', 96), ('w', 96), ('pro-', 96), ('-', 96), ('an', 96), ('good', 96), ('town', 96), ('which,', 96), ('year.', 96), ('young', 96), ('back', 96), ('they', 96)]

In [12]:
# create the word frequency distribution from the newspaper references we have for negative matches

neg_worddist, negn = get_common_wordlist([(x['newspaper'], x['year'], x['month'], x['day']) for x in negativereferences])
print("Wordlist length: {0}\n Top 10 words:".format(len(neg_worddist)))

1869 11/12
Couldn't find 'Lancaster Gazette and General Advertiser for Lancashire, Westmorland, Yorkshire etc.' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Lancaster Gazette and General Advertiser for Lancashire, Westmorland, Yorkshire etc.' for date '['1869', '12', '11']'
Lancaster Gazette and General Advertiser for Lancashire, Westmorland, Yorkshire etc.
1844 22/05
1850 12/10
Couldn't find 'The Northern Star and National Trades' Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Northern Star and National Trades' Journal' for date '['1850', '10', '12']'
The Northern Star and National Trades' Journal
1861 14/01
Couldn't find 'Dundee Courier' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee Courier' for date '['1861', '01', '14']'
Dundee Courier
1861 12/08
Couldn't find 'Dundee Courier and Daily Argus' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Dundee Courier and Daily Argus' for date '['1861', '08', '12']'
Dundee Courier and Daily Argus
1874 18/04
Couldn't find 'Lancaster Gazette and General Advertiser for Lancashire, Westmorland, Yorkshire etc.' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Lancaster Gazette and General Advertiser for Lancashire, Westmorland, Yorkshire etc.' for date '['1874', '04', '18']'
Lancaster Gazette and General Advertiser for Lancashire, Westmorland, Yorkshire etc.
1879 2/06
1884 3/01
1888 26/02
Couldn't find 'Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper' for date '['1888', '02', '26']'
Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
1838 1/01
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1838', '01', '1']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1838 6/10
Couldn't find 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' for date '['1838', '10', '6']'
The Manchester Times and Gazette
1838 18/10
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1838', '10', '18']'
The Bradford Observer
1838 20/10
1838 20/10
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1838', '10', '20']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1838 21/10
Couldn't find 'The Champion and Weekly Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Champion and Weekly Herald' for date '['1838', '10', '21']'
The Champion and Weekly Herald
1838 11/11
Couldn't find 'The Champion and Weekly Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Champion and Weekly Herald' for date '['1838', '11', '11']'
The Champion and Weekly Herald
1839 21/04
1839 6/07
Couldn't find 'The Northern Star and National Trades' Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Northern Star and National Trades' Journal' for date '['1839', '07', '6']'
The Northern Star and National Trades' Journal
1840 23/01
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1840', '01', '23']'
The Bradford Observer
1840 29/02
Couldn't find 'The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser' for date '['1840', '02', '29']'
The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser
1841 23/01
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1841', '01', '23']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1841 25/01
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1841', '01', '25']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1841 25/01
Couldn't find 'The Morning Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Morning Post' for date '['1841', '01', '25']'
The Morning Post
1841 23/10
Couldn't find 'The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser' for date '['1841', '10', '23']'
The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser
1842 19/02
Couldn't find 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' for date '['1842', '02', '19']'
The Manchester Times and Gazette
1842 16/04
Couldn't find 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' for date '['1842', '04', '16']'
The Manchester Times and Gazette
1842 31/12
1842 31/12
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1842', '12', '31']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1842 31/12
Couldn't find 'The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser' for date '['1842', '12', '31']'
The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser
1843 7/01
Couldn't find 'The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser' for date '['1843', '01', '7']'
The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser
1843 20/04
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Oberver and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Oberver and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter' for date '['1843', '04', '20']'
The Bradford Oberver and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter
1843 28/04
1843 28/06
1843 2/07
Couldn't find 'Lloyd's Weekly London Newspaper' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Lloyd's Weekly London Newspaper' for date '['1843', '07', '2']'
Lloyd's Weekly London Newspaper
1843 6/10
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties' for date '['1843', '10', '6']'
The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties
1843 23/12
1844 13/01
1844 3/02
1844 23/02
1844 9/12
1847 20/02
1848 2/05
Couldn't find 'The Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Standard' for date '['1848', '05', '2']'
The Standard
1851 19/04
Couldn't find 'The Northern Star and National Trades' Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Northern Star and National Trades' Journal' for date '['1851', '04', '19']'
The Northern Star and National Trades' Journal
1858 9/12
Couldn't find 'The Morning Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Morning Post' for date '['1858', '12', '9']'
The Morning Post
1858 11/12
1860 22/01
Couldn't find 'Reynolds's Newspaper' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Reynolds's Newspaper' for date '['1860', '01', '22']'
Reynolds's Newspaper
1865 17/12
Couldn't find 'Reynolds's Newspaper' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Reynolds's Newspaper' for date '['1865', '12', '17']'
Reynolds's Newspaper
1866 31/08
1866 19/09
1866 6/10
1866 10/11
Couldn't find 'Cheshire Observer and Chester, Birkenhead, Crewe and North Wales Times' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Cheshire Observer and Chester, Birkenhead, Crewe and North Wales Times' for date '['1866', '11', '10']'
Cheshire Observer and Chester, Birkenhead, Crewe and North Wales Times
1868 12/05
1868 14/10
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1868', '10', '14']'
The Bradford Observer
1870 18/01
Couldn't find 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' for date '['1870', '01', '18']'
The Dundee Courier and Argus
1870 21/01
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1870', '01', '21']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1870 26/01
1870 5/02
1870 12/05
1871 6/06
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1871', '06', '6']'
The Bradford Observer
1872 22/04
1872 11/05
Couldn't find 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' for date '['1872', '05', '11']'
The Dundee Courier and Argus
1872 30/11
1873 13/01
Couldn't find 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' for date '['1873', '01', '13']'
The Dundee Courier and Argus
1873 17/01
1873 18/01
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1873', '01', '18']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1873 7/02
1873 11/03
1873 17/03
1873 10/12
1874 17/01
Couldn't find 'Berrow's Worcester Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Berrow's Worcester Journal' for date '['1874', '01', '17']'
Berrow's Worcester Journal
1874 29/01
1874 26/02
Couldn't find 'The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle' for date '['1874', '02', '26']'
The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle
1874 28/02
Couldn't find 'The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' for date '['1874', '02', '28']'
The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser
1874 28/02
Couldn't find 'The York Herald ' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald ' for date '['1874', '02', '28']'
The York Herald 
1874 27/03
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette, and Eastern Counties' Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette, and Eastern Counties' Advertiser' for date '['1874', '03', '27']'
The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette, and Eastern Counties' Advertiser
1874 14/10
Couldn't find 'The Daily Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Daily Gazette' for date '['1874', '10', '14']'
The Daily Gazette
1875 13/01
1875 9/03
1875 25/11
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leeds Mercury' for date '['1875', '11', '25']'

1876 1/02
Couldn't find 'The York Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald' for date '['1876', '02', '1']'
The York Herald
1876 5/02
Couldn't find 'The York Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald' for date '['1876', '02', '5']'
The York Herald
1876 23/02
1876 15/05
1876 20/05
Couldn't find 'The Isle of Man Times and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Isle of Man Times and General Advertiser' for date '['1876', '05', '20']'
The Isle of Man Times and General Advertiser
1877 12/04
1877 14/04
Couldn't find 'The York Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald' for date '['1877', '04', '14']'
The York Herald
1878 16/02
Couldn't find 'The Daily Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Daily Gazette' for date '['1878', '02', '16']'
The Daily Gazette
1878 28/08
1878 27/11
Couldn't find 'The Hampshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Hampshire Advertiser' for date '['1878', '11', '27']'
The Hampshire Advertiser
1879 12/02
1879 15/02
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1879', '02', '15']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1880 24/01
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1880', '01', '24']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1880 4/02
1880 10/04
1880 13/10
Couldn't find 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Dundee Courier and Argus' for date '['1880', '10', '13']'
The Dundee Courier and Argus
1880 22/10
Couldn't find 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' for date '['1880', '10', '22']'
The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post
1880 3/11
Couldn't find 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' for date '['1880', '11', '3']'
The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post
1880 9/12
1881 14/02
1881 10/03
Couldn't find 'Women's Suffrage Meeting at Cardiff' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Women's Suffrage Meeting at Cardiff' for date '['1881', '03', '10']'
Women's Suffrage Meeting at Cardiff
1881 17/03
1881 14/10
Couldn't find 'The Royal Cornwall Gazett Falmouth Packet, Cornish Weekly News, & General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Royal Cornwall Gazett Falmouth Packet, Cornish Weekly News, & General Advertiser' for date '['1881', '10', '14']'
The Royal Cornwall Gazett Falmouth Packet, Cornish Weekly News, & General Advertiser
1882 21/02
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1882', '02', '21']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1882 22/02
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1882', '02', '22']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1882 1/03
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1882', '03', '1']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1882 22/03
Couldn't find 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' for date '['1882', '03', '22']'
The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post
1882 24/10
1883 27/01
1883 5/04
Couldn't find 'The York Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald' for date '['1883', '04', '5']'
The York Herald
1883 21/11
1883 29/11
1883 11/12
1884 4/03
Couldn't find 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' for date '['1884', '03', '4']'
The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post
1884 7/03
Couldn't find 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' for date '['1884', '03', '7']'
The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post
1884 12/07
1885 6/02
Couldn't find 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' for date '['1885', '02', '6']'
The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post
1885 13/02
Couldn't find 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' for date '['1885', '02', '13']'
The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post
1885 17/09
Couldn't find 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' for date '['1885', '09', '17']'
Aberdeen Weekly Journal
1885 11/12
1885 11/12
Couldn't find 'The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle' for date '['1885', '12', '11']'
The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle
1886 17/04
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette, and Eastern Counties' Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette, and Eastern Counties' Advertiser' for date '['1886', '04', '17']'
The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette, and Eastern Counties' Advertiser
1886 27/04
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette, and Eastern Counties' Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette, and Eastern Counties' Advertiser' for date '['1886', '04', '27']'
The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette, and Eastern Counties' Advertiser
1887 23/04
Couldn't find 'Berrow's Worcester Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Berrow's Worcester Journal' for date '['1887', '04', '23']'
Berrow's Worcester Journal
1888 13/02
Couldn't find 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' for date '['1888', '02', '13']'
The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post
1889 4/03
Couldn't find 'The York Herald' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald' for date '['1889', '03', '4']'
The York Herald
1890 16/01
Couldn't find 'The Royal Cornwall Gazett Falmouth Packet, Cornish Weekly News, & General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Royal Cornwall Gazett Falmouth Packet, Cornish Weekly News, & General Advertiser' for date '['1890', '01', '16']'
The Royal Cornwall Gazett Falmouth Packet, Cornish Weekly News, & General Advertiser
1891 9/02
Couldn't find 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post' for date '['1891', '02', '9']'
The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post
1892 12/04
1893 6/12
Couldn't find 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' for date '['1893', '12', '6']'
Aberdeen Weekly Journal
1894 22/02
1894 17/03
Couldn't find 'Nottinghamshire Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Nottinghamshire Guardian' for date '['1894', '03', '17']'
Nottinghamshire Guardian
1832 31/10
Couldn't find 'The Bury and Norwich Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bury and Norwich Post' for date '['1832', '10', '31']'
The Bury and Norwich Post
1833 13/07
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1833', '07', '13']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1833 27/07
Couldn't find 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' for date '['1833', '07', '27']'
The Manchester Times and Gazette
1833 24/08
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1833', '08', '24']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1833 26/10
1834 10/04
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1834', '04', '10']'
The Bradford Observer
1834 7/06
1834 15/07
1834 17/07
1834 8/08
1834 1/09
Couldn't find 'The Morning Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Morning Post' for date '['1834', '09', '1']'
The Morning Post
1834 13/09
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1834', '09', '13']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1834 27/11
Couldn't find 'The Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Standard' for date '['1834', '11', '27']'
The Standard
1834 28/11
1834 11/12
1834 11/12
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1834', '12', '11']'
The Bradford Observer
1834 13/12
Couldn't find 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' for date '['1834', '12', '13']'
The Manchester Times and Gazette
1834 13/12
Couldn't find 'The Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1834', '12', '13']'
The Leicester Chronicle
1835 29/01
Couldn't find 'The Morning Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Morning Post' for date '['1835', '01', '29']'
The Morning Post
1835 8/04
1835 16/04
1835 18/04
1835 3/10
1835 6/10
Couldn't find 'The Morning Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Morning Post' for date '['1835', '10', '6']'
The Morning Post
1835 6/10
Couldn't find 'The Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Standard' for date '['1835', '10', '6']'
The Standard
1836 14/03
1836 12/10
1836 29/10
Couldn't find 'The Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1836', '10', '29']'
The Leicester Chronicle
1836 29/11
Couldn't find 'Brighton Patriot and South of England Free Press' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Brighton Patriot and South of England Free Press' for date '['1836', '11', '29']'
Brighton Patriot and South of England Free Press
1836 22/12
1836 31/12
Couldn't find 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Manchester Times and Gazette' for date '['1836', '12', '31']'
The Manchester Times and Gazette
1836 31/12
1836 31/12
1837 13/01
1837 16/01
Couldn't find 'Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle' for date '['1837', '01', '16']'
Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle
1837 27/01
1837 4/02
Couldn't find 'The Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1837', '02', '4']'
The Leicester Chronicle
1837 10/02
Couldn't find 'The Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Standard' for date '['1837', '02', '10']'
The Standard
1837 21/02
Couldn't find 'Brighton Patriot and South of England Free Press' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Brighton Patriot and South of England Free Press' for date '['1837', '02', '21']'
Brighton Patriot and South of England Free Press
1837 23/03
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1837', '03', '23']'
The Bradford Observer
1837 31/03
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard, and Colchester, Chelmsford, Maldon, Harwich and General County Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard, and Colchester, Chelmsford, Maldon, Harwich and General County Advertiser' for date '['1837', '03', '31']'
The Essex Standard, and Colchester, Chelmsford, Maldon, Harwich and General County Advertiser
1837 5/04
1837 7/04
Couldn't find 'The Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Standard' for date '['1837', '04', '7']'
The Standard
1837 13/04
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1837', '04', '13']'
The Bradford Observer
1837 22/04
1837 5/05
1837 23/05
Couldn't find 'The Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Standard' for date '['1837', '05', '23']'
The Standard
1837 19/08
1837 24/08
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1837', '08', '24']'
The Bradford Observer
1837 2/09
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1837', '09', '2']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1837 9/09
Couldn't find 'The Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1837', '09', '9']'
The Leicester Chronicle
1837 6/10
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard and Colchester, Chelmsford, Maldon, Harwich and General County Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard and Colchester, Chelmsford, Maldon, Harwich and General County Advertiser' for date '['1837', '10', '6']'
The Essex Standard and Colchester, Chelmsford, Maldon, Harwich and General County Advertiser
1837 9/12
Couldn't find 'The Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1837', '12', '9']'
The Leicester Chronicle
1838 12/03
1838 13/05
1838 8/09
Couldn't find 'The Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1838', '09', '8']'
The Leicester Chronicle
1838 4/10
Couldn't find 'Berrow's Worcester Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Berrow's Worcester Journal' for date '['1838', '10', '4']'
Berrow's Worcester Journal
1838 11/10
1838 17/10
1838 3/11
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1838', '11', '3']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1838 21/12
1838 25/12
1839 5/01
1839 15/01
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1839', '01', '15']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1839 31/01
1839 15/02
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties' for date '['1839', '02', '15']'
The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties
1839 7/03
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1839', '03', '7']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1839 8/03
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties' for date '['1839', '03', '8']'
The Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties
1839 20/06
1839 3/07
1839 9/07
1849 11/05
1849 21/07
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1849', '07', '21']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1849 25/08
Couldn't find 'The Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1849', '08', '25']'
The Leicester Chronicle
1849 3/11
1849 5/11
1850 13/02
1850 10/04
1850 25/05
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1850', '05', '25']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1850 20/08
Couldn't find 'The Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Standard' for date '['1850', '08', '20']'
The Standard
1850 24/08
1850 14/09
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1850', '09', '14']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1850 21/09
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1850', '09', '21']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1850 14/11
1850 23/11
Couldn't find 'The Preston Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Preston Guardian' for date '['1850', '11', '23']'
The Preston Guardian
1850 27/11
Couldn't find 'The Bury and Norwich Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bury and Norwich Post' for date '['1850', '11', '27']'
The Bury and Norwich Post
1850 6/12
1850 10/12
Couldn't find 'The Morning Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Morning Post' for date '['1850', '12', '10']'
The Morning Post
1851 20/02
1851 12/04
Couldn't find 'The Lancaster Gazette' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Lancaster Gazette' for date '['1851', '04', '12']'
The Lancaster Gazette
1851 13/12
1852 29/01
1852 7/02
Couldn't find 'The Preston Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Preston Guardian' for date '['1852', '02', '7']'
The Preston Guardian
1852 7/02
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1852', '02', '7']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1852 10/02
Couldn't find 'The Preston Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Preston Guardian' for date '['1852', '02', '10']'
The Preston Guardian
1852 15/04
Couldn't find 'Berrow's Worcester Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Berrow's Worcester Journal' for date '['1852', '04', '15']'
Berrow's Worcester Journal
1858 24/12
1859 3/02
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1859', '02', '3']'
The Bradford Observer
1859 19/04
1859 12/10
1859 10/12
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1859', '12', '10']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1860 9/05
1833 30/03
1834 1/03
1834 19/04
1834 13/09
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser' for date '['1834', '09', '13']'
The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser
1834 20/09
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1834', '09', '20']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1834 17/10
1834 1/11
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser' for date '['1834', '11', '1']'
The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser
1835 17/01
Couldn't find 'The Leicester Chronicle' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Leicester Chronicle' for date '['1835', '01', '17']'
The Leicester Chronicle
1835 7/03
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser' for date '['1835', '03', '7']'
The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser
1835 20/11
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard, and Colchester, Chelmsford, Maldon, Harwich and General County Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard, and Colchester, Chelmsford, Maldon, Harwich and General County Advertiser' for date '['1835', '11', '20']'
The Essex Standard, and Colchester, Chelmsford, Maldon, Harwich and General County Advertiser
1836 30/01
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1836', '01', '30']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1836 29/03
1836 16/07
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser' for date '['1836', '07', '16']'
The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser
1837 28/07
1837 2/12
1838 18/01
Couldn't find 'Berrow's Worcester Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Berrow's Worcester Journal' for date '['1838', '01', '18']'
Berrow's Worcester Journal
1838 19/01
1838 27/01
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1838', '01', '27']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1838 14/07
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser' for date '['1838', '07', '14']'
The Sheffield Independent and Yorkshire and Derbyshire Advertiser
1838 16/10
Couldn't find 'Brighton Patriot and South of England Free Press' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Brighton Patriot and South of England Free Press' for date '['1838', '10', '16']'
Brighton Patriot and South of England Free Press
1839 21/02
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1839', '02', '21']'
The Bradford Observer
1839 5/04
1839 12/09
1840 25/04
1840 13/06
1840 25/06
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1840', '06', '25']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1840 3/10
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1840', '10', '3']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1840 5/12
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1840', '12', '5']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1840 4/12
1840 31/12
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1840', '12', '31']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1841 1/01
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1841', '01', '1']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1841 5/01
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1841', '01', '5']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1841 31/03
Couldn't find 'The Bury and Norwich Post, and East Anglian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bury and Norwich Post, and East Anglian' for date '['1841', '03', '31']'
The Bury and Norwich Post, and East Anglian
1841 7/04
Couldn't find 'The Bury and Norwich Post, and East Anglian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bury and Norwich Post, and East Anglian' for date '['1841', '04', '7']'
The Bury and Norwich Post, and East Anglian
1841 21/08
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1841', '08', '21']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1842 15/03
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1842', '03', '15']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1842 3/11
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1842', '11', '3']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1842 19/08
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1842', '08', '19']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1843 8/07
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1843', '07', '8']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1843 1/09
Couldn't find 'The Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Standard' for date '['1843', '09', '1']'
The Standard
1843 16/09
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1843', '09', '16']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1843 30/09
1844 9/12
1844 27/12
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1844', '12', '27']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1845 6/09
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1845', '09', '6']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1847 9/01
1847 28/10
Couldn't find 'The Bradford & Wakefield Observer, and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford & Wakefield Observer, and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter' for date '['1847', '10', '28']'
The Bradford & Wakefield Observer, and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter
1847 10/11
Couldn't find 'The Blackburn Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Blackburn Standard' for date '['1847', '11', '10']'
The Blackburn Standard
1848 23/03
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer, and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer, and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter' for date '['1848', '03', '23']'
The Bradford Observer, and Halifax, Huddersfield and Keighley Reporter
1849 11/07
Couldn't find 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser' for date '['1849', '07', '11']'
Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser
1849 2/10
1849 30/10
1849 4/12
1849 4/12
Couldn't find 'The Standard' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Standard' for date '['1849', '12', '4']'
The Standard
1850 12/07
1850 3/08
1850 28/09
Couldn't find 'The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' for date '['1850', '09', '28']'
The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser
1850 15/10
1850 3/12
1851 7/01
1851 23/05
1851 18/10
Couldn't find 'The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' for date '['1851', '10', '18']'
The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser
1852 10/01
Couldn't find 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald and General Advertiser' for date '['1852', '01', '10']'
The York Herald and General Advertiser
1852 16/12
1853 1/01
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1853', '01', '1']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1853 29/10
Couldn't find 'The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' for date '['1853', '10', '29']'
The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser
1855 16/07
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1855', '07', '16']'
The Bradford Observer
1856 15/11
1856 10/12
1856 27/12
Couldn't find 'Cheshire Observer and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Cheshire Observer and General Advertiser' for date '['1856', '12', '27']'
Cheshire Observer and General Advertiser
1857 17/01
Couldn't find 'Cheshire Observer and General Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Cheshire Observer and General Advertiser' for date '['1857', '01', '17']'
Cheshire Observer and General Advertiser
1858 3/07
Couldn't find 'Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian' for date '['1858', '07', '3']'
Hampshire Advertiser and Salisbury Guardian
1859 17/02
1859 20/02
1859 28/02
1859 27/12
1859 28/12
1859 31/12
1860 21/01
Couldn't find 'The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser' for date '['1860', '01', '21']'
The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser
1860 21/10
1860 14/11
Couldn't find 'The Morning Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Morning Post' for date '['1860', '11', '14']'
The Morning Post
1861 24/04
1861 8/05
1861 23/08
1862 22/04
1862 17/07
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1862', '07', '17']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1862 27/09
1863 29/10
1863 3/12
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1863', '12', '3']'
The Bradford Observer
1864 20/10
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1864', '10', '20']'
The Bradford Observer
1864 15/11
Couldn't find 'The Morning Post' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Morning Post' for date '['1864', '11', '15']'
The Morning Post
1875 30/10
1875 6/11
Couldn't find 'The Bradford Observer' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Bradford Observer' for date '['1875', '11', '6']'
The Bradford Observer
1875 11/11
Couldn't find 'The York Herald  ' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The York Herald  ' for date '['1875', '11', '11']'
The York Herald  
1876 14/04
Couldn't find 'Nottinghamshire Guardian' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Nottinghamshire Guardian' for date '['1876', '04', '14']'
Nottinghamshire Guardian
1876 5/07
1876 3/08
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1876', '08', '3']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1877 30/01
Couldn't find 'The Dundee Courier & Argus and Northern Warder' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Dundee Courier & Argus and Northern Warder' for date '['1877', '01', '30']'
The Dundee Courier & Argus and Northern Warder
1877 7/02
Couldn't find 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal' for date '['1877', '02', '7']'
Aberdeen Weekly Journal
1877 27/12
1887 22/01
Couldn't find 'The Hampshire Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Hampshire Advertiser' for date '['1887', '01', '22']'
The Hampshire Advertiser
1887 2/04
Couldn't find 'The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette and Eastern Counties' Advertiser' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette and Eastern Counties' Advertiser' for date '['1887', '04', '2']'
The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette and Eastern Counties' Advertiser
1887 7/05
1887 6/07
Couldn't find 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent' for date '['1887', '07', '6']'
The Sheffield and Rotherham Indepedent
1887 12/11
Couldn't find 'Leicester Chronicle ' in the Newspaper mapping
There was an issue accessing the 'Leicester Chronicle ' for date '['1887', '11', '12']'
Leicester Chronicle 
1887 30/12
Wordlist length: 2133960
 Top 10 words:
[('fire', 145), ('front', 145), ('five', 145), ('thle', 145), ('d.', 145), (';', 145), ('left', 145), ('lord', 145), ('one', 145), ('first', 145)]

In [13]:
# store these wordlists so we don't have to recreate them later on
import json

with open("pos_worddist.json", "w") as pfp:
    json.dump(pos_worddist, pfp)
with open("neg_worddist.json", "w") as nfp:
    json.dump(neg_worddist, nfp)

# create a wordlist from the positive set of words that do not appear in the negative set
only_pos_worddist = pos_worddist.copy()

for item in set(pos_worddist).intersection(set(neg_worddist)):
    del only_pos_worddist[item]

# Most common positive only words?

[('slaveholder', 14), ('detersive', 13), ('pro-slavery', 13), ('slaveholding', 13), ('slaveholder,', 12), ('.......3', 11), ('respectble', 10), ('slow;', 9), ('brokes', 9), ('release,', 9)]

In [14]:
# let's store this word dist too, just because

with open("only_pos_worddist.json", "w") as ofp:
    json.dump(only_pos_worddist, ofp)

In [26]:
# So we have some basic feature sets we could use (common words overall, top 1000 words from just the positives, and so on)
# We also have the set of documents to train on.
import nltk

# Let's make a little method to return a featureset created a newpaper reference and a word dist
def get_features(worddist, **newspaper_ref):
    if n.exists(newspaper_ref['newspaper'], newspaper_ref['year'], newspaper_ref['month'], newspaper_ref['day']):
        features = {"has({0})".format(fword): False for fword,_ in worddist}
        features.update({"count({0})".format(fword): 0 for fword,_ in worddist})
        # create freq dist for the newspaper but only for the words we care about
        doc = n.get(**newspaper_ref)
        fdoc = nltk.FreqDist(w.lower() for w in " ".join(doc.values()).split(" ") if w in worddist)
        features.update({"has({0})".format(fword): True for fword, _ in fdoc})
        features.update({"count({0})".format(fword): c for fword, c in worddist})
        return features

In [27]:
# n.get(**positivereferences[100]) -> is in JISC1
featureset = get_features(only_pos_worddist, **positivereferences[100])

In [28]:


In [38]:
# Too many features is often a key step in over-fitting our model to the training data
# This is a bad thing! Let's alter that features method to only use the 2000 most common words

def get_features(total_worddist, features_to_take=2000, **newspaper_ref):
    if n.exists(newspaper_ref['newspaper'], newspaper_ref['year'], newspaper_ref['month'], newspaper_ref['day']):
        worddist = total_worddist.most_common()[:features_to_take]
        features = {"has({0})".format(fword): False for fword, _ in worddist}
        features.update({"count({0})".format(fword): 0 for fword, _ in worddist})
        # create freq dist for the newspaper but only for the words we care about
        doc = n.get(**newspaper_ref)
        fdoc = nltk.FreqDist(w.lower() for w in " ".join(doc.values()).split(" ") if w in worddist)
        features.update({"has({0})".format(fword): True for fword, _ in fdoc})
        features.update({"count({0})".format(fword): c for fword, c in worddist})
        return features

In [39]:
# Let's try that again
featureset = get_features(only_pos_worddist, **positivereferences[100])



In [46]:
'has(slaveholder)' in featureset


In [47]:

[('has(ersonal)', False),
 ('count(011cc)', 4),
 ('count(amputated)', 6),
 ('has(attei)', False),
 ('has(sohi)', False),
 ('has(upton.)', False),
 ('has(btthe)', False),
 ('count(peebles,)', 5),
 ('count(o......)', 7),
 ('has(yelp)', False)]

In [48]:
# let's make a teeny tiny classifer now..

refs = {'p':[], 'n':[]}
while len(refs['p']) <= 10:
    for item in positivereferences:
        if n.exists(item['newspaper'], item['year'], item['month'], item['day']):

while len(refs['n']) <= 10:
    for item in negativereferences:
        if n.exists(item['newspaper'], item['year'], item['month'], item['day']):

# get featuresets for the small set
featuressets = [(get_features(only_pos_wordlist, **ref), label) for label, ref in refs.items()]

#split the set in half to train and test
train_set, test_set = featuresets[:10], featuresets[-10:]

# Train on one half
classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train_set)

# test with 2nd half
print(nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier, test_set))

Couldn't find 'Dundee Courier' in the Newspaper mapping
NoSuchNewspaper                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-48-6c35019aa2fe> in <module>()
      4 while len(refs['p']) <= 10:
      5     for item in positivereferences:
----> 6         if n.exists(item['newspaper'], item['year'], item['month'], item['day']):
      7             refs['p'].append(item)

/home/hannah/ in exists(self, newspaper, year, month, day)
    115     def exists(self, newspaper, year, month, day, **otherkwparams):
    116         if newspaper not in NEWSPAPERS:
--> 117             newspaper = self._guess_newspaper(newspaper)
    118         ppath = papertopath(newspaper, year, month, day, archive = self.archive)
    119         return os.path.isfile(ppath)

/home/hannah/ in _guess_newspaper(self, newspapertitle)
    100         elif shortened.startswith("the") and shortened[3:] in NEWSPAPERMAPPING:
    101             return NEWSPAPERMAPPING[shortened[3:]]
--> 102         raise NoSuchNewspaper(newspapertitle)
    104     def _cachename(self, newspaper, year, month, day):

NoSuchNewspaper: Dundee Courier

In [51]:

[('slaveholder', 14), ('detersive', 13), ('pro-slavery', 13), ('slaveholding', 13), ('slaveholder,', 12), ('.......3', 11), ('respectble', 10), ('slow;', 9), ('brokes', 9), ('release,', 9), ('busiuess', 9), ('cayley', 9), ('drss', 9), ('harney', 9), ('last)', 9), ('709', 9), ('enland', 9), ('vears.', 9), ('hardie', 8), ('168.', 8), ('"di', 8), ('termsa', 8), ('battalion.', 8), ('sister-in-law', 8), ('harvey.', 8), ('7.-', 8), ('cousiderable', 8), ('rennet', 8), ('comupany,', 8), ('singh', 8), ('549', 8), ('terrify', 8), ('effct', 8), ('fermoy', 7), ('antly', 7), ('debs', 7), ('glans', 7), ('durban,', 7), ('gaiter', 7), ('pove', 7), ('houe.', 7), (';-each', 7), ('o......', 7), ('-28', 7), ('dockyard.', 7), ('en"', 7), ('paddle-wheel', 7), ('redouble', 7), ("'ic.", 7), ('giin', 7), ('haughton', 7), ('7/0', 7), ('guys', 7), ('theobald', 7), ('850.', 7), ('thetown', 7), ('iaod', 7), ('occupa.', 7), ('2-s.', 7), ('heroby', 7), ('acadia,', 7), ('(day', 7), ('disguise.', 7), ('bedford-street', 7), ('earth,"', 7), ('nly,', 7), ('ollicial', 7), ('bods', 7), ('roofing.', 7), ('trustee;', 7), ('steam..', 7), ('"glorious', 7), (',go', 7), ('twins', 7), ('roen', 7), ('carleton,', 7), ('f6d.', 7), ('ttls', 7), ('1894', 7), ('jais', 7), ('railways;', 7), ('ii;.', 7), ('529', 7), ('commeree', 7), ('beehive', 7), ('ustual', 7), ('america:', 7), ('spicer', 7), ('brechin,', 7), ('thion', 7), ('gives.', 7), ('fire-fly,', 7), ('wih.', 7), ('"uncle', 7), ('warded,', 7), ('lson,', 7), ('couper,', 7), ('whiist', 7), ('corer,', 7), ('san;', 7)]

In [ ]: