Hyper-parameter optimization in concise

Hyper-parameter optimization comes quite handy in deep learning. There are different architectures to try out, different parameters, ... On the other hand, we only have a limited amount of time to inspect the results of each modeling choice and decide on the next set of hyper-parmaeters to try out.

By hyper-parameters I refer to any parameter that are not optimized by the learning algorithm (i.e. gradient descent). Some examples are: learning rate of gradient descent, batch size, number of hidden layers, whether to use skip-connections, particular way of pre-processing the data (say data augmentation amount), etc etc.

In genomics, being able to explore a vast amount of modeling choices automatically is important. Only a handful of papers (if any) have been written for your given task at hand, hence the space of different modeling choices has not been as extensively explored as for say image classification on ImageNet.

I will guide you through the typical process of hyper-parameter optimization, using the example from PWM_initialization.ipynb.


Steps in hyper-parameter optimization

  1. Parametrize your preprocessing, model and training procedure
  2. Define a range of values (and their distribution) for all the parameters
  3. Run the optimization in a distributed fashion (on a cluster/multiple machines in parallel)
  4. Inspect the results
    • Choose the best model
    • inspect the hyper-parameter <-> evaluation loss relation

1. Parametrize your preprocessing, model and training procedure

Hyper-parameter optimization in CONCISE assumes you have defined two functions: data(...) and model(...).

data() function

First, the define data(...): a function returing the whole trainig, validation and test dataset.

  • data() - returns a tuple: (train, test) or (train, valid, test), where:

    • train = (X_train, y_train, other1, other2, ...)
    • valid = (X_valid, y_valid)
    • test = (X_test, y_test)
  • X_* is a numpy array, list of numpy arrays or a dictionary of numpy array

  • y_* is the response variable

X_train and y_train are directly feed to the .fit method of a Keras model: model.fit(x=X_train, y = y_train, ...)


In [1]:
from concise.preprocessing import encodeDNA
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Using TensorFlow backend.

In [2]:
def data(seq_length=101):
    def load(split="train"):
        dt = pd.read_csv("../data/RBP/PUM2_{0}.csv".format(split))
        # DNA/RNA sequence
        xseq = encodeDNA(dt.seq, maxlen=seq_length, seq_align='center')
        # response variable
        y = dt.binding_site.as_matrix().reshape((-1, 1)).astype("float")
        if split=="train":
            from concise.data import attract
            # add also the pwm_list
            pwm_list = attract.get_pwm_list(["129"])
            return {"seq": xseq}, y, pwm_list
            return {"seq": xseq}, y

    return load("train"), load("valid"), load("test")

In [3]:
train, valid, test = data()

model() function

model() returns a compiled Keras model. The only restriction on the parameters is that the function needs a train_data parameter. This allows you to extract the shape of your dataset.

In [101]:
import concise.layers as cl
import keras.layers as kl
import concise.initializers as ci
import concise.regularizers as cr
from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping
from keras.models import Model, load_model
from keras.optimizers import Adam

def model(train_data, filters=1, kernel_size=9, motif_init=None, lr=0.001):
    seq_length = train_data[0]["seq"].shape[1]
    pwm_list = train_data[2]
    if motif_init is not None:
        # Motif init is a dictionary with fields: "stddev" 
        kinit = ci.PSSMKernelInitializer(pwm_list, 
                                         stddev=motif_init.get("stddev", 0.05),  # if not specified, use 0.05
        binit = "zeros"
        kinit = "glorot_uniform"
        binit = "zeros"
    # sequence
    in_dna = cl.InputDNA(seq_length=seq_length, name="seq")
    x = cl.ConvDNA(filters=filters, 
    x = kl.AveragePooling1D(pool_size=4)(x)
    x = kl.Flatten()(x)
    x = kl.Dense(units=1)(x)
    m = Model(in_dna, x)
    m.compile(Adam(lr=lr), loss="binary_crossentropy", metrics=["acc"])
    return m

2. Define a search space for each hyper-parameter

Current hyper-parameters are the arguments of data and model functions:

  • data:
    • seq_length
  • model:
    • filters
    • kernel_size
    • motif_init (yes or no)
      • if yes: stddev
    • lr

Let's use a hyperopt pyll graph to define the hyper-parameter search space:

In [18]:
from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, hp, STATUS_OK, Trials

hyper_params = {
    "data": {
        "seq_length": hp.choice("d_seq_length", (101, 51, 21))
    "model": {
        "filters": hp.choice("m_filters", (1, 16)),
        "kernel_size": 15,
        "motif_init": hp.choice("m_motif_init", (
                {"stddev": hp.uniform("m_stddev", 0, 0.2)}
        "lr": hp.loguniform("m_lr", np.log(1e-4), np.log(1e-2)) # 0.0001 - 0.01
    "fit": {
        "epochs": 1,
        "patience": 5,
        "batch_size": 128,

We are saying that

  • seq_length in the data function should be 21, 51 or 101
  • we should use 1 or 16 filter
  • the learning rate should be from the range [1e-4, 1e-2], sampled on a log-scale
  • ...

Hyperopt also allows parameter nesting. This is demonstrated with the ["model"]["motif_init"] parameter: we want to try a model with and without motif initialization...and if we decide on motif initialization, we want to explore different options for the "sttdev" parameter.

Read the hyperopt documentation about defining the search space for more information.

Note that in addition to the data() and model() function arguments, we can also specify the hyper-parameters related to the training procedure (say batch_size or early-stopping patience).

3. Run the optimization

In [13]:
from concise.hyopt import CompileFN, CMongoTrials, test_fn

To run hyperopt, you need to define an objective function to minimize and the space of parameters you want to explore. Here is an example from the hyperopt tutorial:

In [16]:
import pickle
import time
from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, hp, STATUS_OK, Trials

logger = logging.getLogger()

def objective(x):
    return {'loss': x ** 2, 'status': STATUS_OK }

import logging
best = fmin(objective,
        space=hp.uniform('x', -10, 10),


{'x': -0.0037076787079246554}

For supervised learning, the objective function is the evaluation metric on the validation dataset. Concise provides a class to compile the objective function given the data() and the model() function:

In [32]:
import hyopt_example # module with data.py and model.py
# We are using the data() and model() functions defined in a file
# The reason is that the serialization doens't work with functions
# defined in the notebook
objective = CompileFN(db_name="mydb", exp_name="motif_initialization",  # experiment name
                      add_eval_metrics=["auprc", "auc"], # metrics from concise.eval_metrics, you can also use your own
                      optim_metric="auprc", # which metric to optimize for
                      optim_metric_mode="max", # maximum should be searched for
                      valid_split=None, # use valid from the data function
                      save_model='best', # checkpoint the best model
                      save_results=True, # save the results as .json (in addition to mongoDB)
                      save_dir="./saved_models/")  # place to store the models

Now, we can use hyper-opt do search the hyper-parameters:

Test if everything works

Before starting many workers, its good to try running the objective function once. It's much easier to debug it that way.

In [31]:
# Test if the objective function works on a subset of data for one random hyper-parameter set
test_fn(objective, hyper_params)

['loss', 'acc']
Train on 1000 samples, validate on 4881 samples
Epoch 1/1
0s - loss: 3.3390 - acc: 0.7110 - val_loss: 3.0101 - val_acc: 0.7630
Returned value:
{'eval': {'acc': 0.76295840740203857,
          'auc': 0.52598029221882436,
          'auprc': 0.26792649640861294,
          'loss': 3.0101253986358643},
 'history': {'loss': {'acc': [0.71100000238418581],
                      'epoch': [0],
                      'loss': [3.3390192050933836],
                      'val_acc': [0.76295841021069832],
                      'val_loss': [3.0101239079458013]},
             'params': {'batch_size': 128,
                        'do_validation': True,
                        'epochs': 1,
                        'metrics': ['loss', 'acc', 'val_loss', 'val_acc'],
                        'samples': 1000,
                        'verbose': 2}},
 'loss': -0.26792649640861294,
 'name': {'data': 'data',
          'optim_metric': 'auprc',
          'optim_metric_mode': 'auprc',
          'model': 'model'},
 'param': {'data': {'seq_length': 21},
           'fit': {'batch_size': 128,
                   'early_stop_monitor': 'val_loss',
                   'epochs': 1,
                   'patience': 5},
           'model': {'filters': 1,
                     'kernel_size': 15,
                     'lr': 0.003247782705479872,
                     'motif_init': {'stddev': 0.14415181695216578}}},
 'path': {'model': '/tmp/concise_hyopt_test//mydb/motif_initialization//train_models/87d14216-6556-434b-8ccd-fe220468e28b.h5',
          'results': '/tmp/concise_hyopt_test//mydb/motif_initialization//train_models/87d14216-6556-434b-8ccd-fe220468e28b.json'},
 'status': 'ok',
 'time': {'duration': {'dataload': 10.259849,
                       'total': 11.342775,
                       'training': 1.082926},
          'end': '2017-08-16 15:00:05.971063',
          'start': '2017-08-16 14:59:54.628288'}}

Run locally and sequentially

Trials() from hyperopt will run the jobs sequentially on a single machine

In [ ]:
cd hyopt_example

In [28]:
trials = Trials("hyopt_example")
best = fmin(objective,

['loss', 'acc']
Train on 17713 samples, validate on 4881 samples
Epoch 1/1
0s - loss: 0.6748 - acc: 0.7959 - val_loss: 0.5141 - val_acc: 0.7990
['loss', 'acc']
Train on 17713 samples, validate on 4881 samples
Epoch 1/1
0s - loss: 0.5069 - acc: 0.7957 - val_loss: 0.4666 - val_acc: 0.8007
['loss', 'acc']
Train on 17713 samples, validate on 4881 samples
Epoch 1/1
1s - loss: 0.5480 - acc: 0.7957 - val_loss: 0.4886 - val_acc: 0.7990

Running the optimization in parallel on multiple workers

MongoTrials will defer the work to multiple workers running in parallel. All the results will get stored to the MongoDB database.

In [30]:
# just replaced Trials with CMongoTrials
trials = CMongoTrials(db_name="hyopt_example", exp_name="motif_initialization")
best = fmin(objective,

2017-08-16 14:59:26,520 [WARNING] over-writing old domain trials attachment

This script waits for workers to complete the work. Start the workers by running the following bash script many times in parallel:

# Slurm parameters
#SBATCH --mem=16G
#SBATCH -c 4
# ------------------

# path to the repository containing the script
export PYTHONPATH="."

hyperopt-mongo-worker \
    --mongo=ouga03:1234/$DB \
    --poll-interval=1 \
    --reserve-timeout=3600 \

Running the workers on SLURM


$ for i in {1..20}; do sbatch start_worker.bash; done

Sidenote: Code organization

I typically organize the code in the following files:

  • data.py
    • contains data() function
  • model.py
    • contains model() function
  • train.py
    • Defines the hyper_parameter ranges
    • Runs hyperopt.fmin()

See the nbs/hyopt_example folder.

4. Inspect the results

Hyperopt keeps track of all the trials (parameters + resulting objective loss) in a Monogo database. The object hyperopt.MongoTrials provides a handle to the databse. Concise extends the class hyperopt.MongoTrials with some additional methods for easier hyper-parameter inspection.

Since the results are stored in a database, you only need to know the database and the experiment name in order to access the database from any folder:

In [173]:
trials = CMongoTrials(db_name="hyopt_example", exp_name="motif_initialization", ip="ouga03")

2017-08-16 11:54:49,098 [INFO] PROTOCOL mongo
2017-08-16 11:54:49,098 [INFO] USERNAME None
2017-08-16 11:54:49,099 [INFO] HOSTNAME ouga03
2017-08-16 11:54:49,100 [INFO] PORT 1234
2017-08-16 11:54:49,101 [INFO] PATH /hyopt_example/jobs
2017-08-16 11:54:49,101 [INFO] DB hyopt_example
2017-08-16 11:54:49,102 [INFO] COLLECTION jobs
2017-08-16 11:54:49,103 [INFO] PASS None

In [174]:
# Number of completed trials


Tidy table of hyperparameters

In [175]:
df = trials.as_df().sort_values("eval.auprc")
df.sort_values("eval.auprc", ascending=False).head()

tid loss status eval.acc eval.auc eval.auprc eval.loss name.data name.optim_metric name.optim_metric_mode name.model param.data.seq_length param.fit.batch_size param.fit.early_stop_monitor param.fit.epochs param.fit.patience param.model.filters param.model.kernel_size param.model.lr param.model.motif_init param.model.motif_init.stddev path.model path.results time.duration.dataload time.duration.total time.duration.training time.end time.start n_epoch
257 277 -0.7221 ok 0.8701 0.8693 0.7221 0.3543 data auprc auprc model 101 128 val_loss 50 5 16 15 0.0054 NaN 0.0252 ./saved_models/hyopt_... ./saved_models/hyopt_... 23.1172 52.1519 29.0347 2017-08-16 11:52:06.8... 2017-08-16 11:51:14.6... 14
137 157 -0.7218 ok 0.8689 0.8725 0.7218 0.3417 data auprc auprc model 101 128 val_loss 50 5 16 15 0.0050 NaN 0.0102 ./saved_models/hyopt_... ./saved_models/hyopt_... 28.3887 93.0859 64.6972 2017-08-16 11:46:30.3... 2017-08-16 11:44:57.2... 34
275 295 -0.7191 ok 0.8697 0.8708 0.7191 0.3504 data auprc auprc model 101 128 val_loss 50 5 16 15 0.0055 NaN 0.0253 ./saved_models/hyopt_... ./saved_models/hyopt_... 28.5676 66.6112 38.0437 2017-08-16 11:53:20.5... 2017-08-16 11:52:13.9... 21
294 314 -0.7188 ok 0.8728 0.8660 0.7188 0.3597 data auprc auprc model 101 128 val_loss 50 5 16 15 0.0090 NaN 0.0363 ./saved_models/hyopt_... ./saved_models/hyopt_... 28.3512 50.3183 21.9670 2017-08-16 11:54:08.6... 2017-08-16 11:53:18.3... 10
270 290 -0.7148 ok 0.8687 0.8686 0.7148 0.3518 data auprc auprc model 101 128 val_loss 50 5 16 15 0.0067 NaN 0.0463 ./saved_models/hyopt_... ./saved_models/hyopt_... 23.6120 58.8660 35.2540 2017-08-16 11:53:04.3... 2017-08-16 11:52:05.4... 17

We can see that the best trial achieved auPRC=0.72 on the validation set.

Was the number of evaulated trials enough?

In [176]:
best_loss = np.maximum.accumulate(df.sort_values("tid")["eval.auprc"])

In [178]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(7,7))
ax[0].plot(df.sort_values("tid")["eval.auprc"], linestyle="", marker="o")
ax[0].set(ylabel="Validation auPRC")
ax[1].set(xlabel="Iteration",ylabel="Best validation auPRC");

We can see that through time, hyperopt finds more and more good hyper-parameter configurations.

Load best model, evaluate it on the test set

In [181]:
cd hyopt_example


In [186]:
best_tid = trials.best_trial_tid()
params = trials.get_param(best_tid).to_dict()
model = trials.load_model(best_tid)

In [188]:
# Best hyper-parameters were:

{'data': {'seq_length': 101},
 'fit': {'batch_size': 128,
  'early_stop_monitor': 'val_loss',
  'epochs': 50,
  'patience': 5},
 'model': {'filters': 16,
  'kernel_size': 15,
  'lr': 0.005370016473899783,
  'motif_init': {'stddev': 0.02517910263989817}}}

In [189]:
import data

In [191]:
# Load the train, valid, test
train, valid, test = data.data(**params["data"])

In [192]:
y_pred_test = model.predict(test[0])

In [193]:
import concise.eval_metrics as cem

In [200]:
# Performance on the test-set:
cem.auprc(test[1], y_pred_test)


Training curve of the best model

In [250]:
train_hist = trials.train_history(best_tid)

In [251]:

tid epoch acc loss val_acc val_loss
0 277 0 0.8209 0.4828 0.8408 0.3954
1 277 1 0.8466 0.4031 0.8506 0.3867
2 277 2 0.8574 0.3788 0.8556 0.3778
3 277 3 0.8647 0.3633 0.8621 0.3552
4 277 4 0.8682 0.3521 0.8664 0.3770

In [261]:
plt.plot(train_hist.epoch + 1, train_hist.loss, label="Training")
plt.plot(train_hist.epoch + 1, train_hist.val_loss, label="Validation")
plt.ylabel("Cross-entropy loss")

We can see that the optimal number of epochs is 10.

Which hyper-parameters are better than others?

To draw conclusions and guide future design, its useful to inspect which hyper-parameters lead to good results. Typically, this means to plot the loss function against the hyper-parameter we are interested in. Since we already have a tidy table with the hyper-parameter experiment results, this is pretty straighforward.

Learning rate

In [218]:
plt.scatter(df["param.model.lr"], df["eval.auprc"])
plt.xlim([1e-4, 1e-2])
plt.xlabel("Learning rate")
plt.ylabel("Validation auPR");

Motif initialization

In [219]:
import seaborn as sns

In [267]:
df["motif_init_used"] = ~df["param.model.motif_init.stddev"].isnull()
sns.swarmplot("motif_init_used", "eval.auprc", data=df)
plt.ylabel("validation auPR");

Motif initialization helped to achieve better performance. We can also see that the hyper-parameter optimization algorithm has drawn more samples using it, since it figured out it yields better performance.

Additional variance on the motif initialization

In [245]:
plt.scatter(df["param.model.motif_init.stddev"], df["eval.auprc"])
plt.ylabel("validation auPR");
plt.xlabel("Added random noise to the motifs (stddev)");

Number of filters

In [247]:
sns.swarmplot("param.model.filters", "eval.auprc", data=df)
plt.ylabel("validation auPR")
plt.xlabel("Number of filters");

Sequence length

In [249]:
sns.swarmplot("param.data.seq_length", "eval.auprc", data=df)
plt.ylabel("validation auPR")
plt.xlabel("Input sequence length");