H2O GBM Tuning Tutorial for Python

Arno Candel, PhD, Chief Architect, H2O.ai

Ported to Python by Navdeep Gill, M.S., Hacker/Data Scientist, H2O.ai

In this tutorial, we show how to build a well-tuned H2O GBM model for a supervised classification task. We specifically don't focus on feature engineering and use a small dataset to allow you to reproduce these results in a few minutes on a laptop. This script can be directly transferred to datasets that are hundreds of GBs large and H2O clusters with dozens of compute nodes.

You can download the source from H2O's github repository.

Ports to R Markdown and Flow UI (now part of Example Flows) are available as well.

Installation of the H2O Python Package

Either download H2O from H2O.ai's website or install the latest version of H2O into Python with the following set of commands:

Install dependencies from command line (prepending with sudo if needed):

[sudo] pip install -U requests
[sudo] pip install -U tabulate
[sudo] pip install -U future
[sudo] pip install -U six

The following command removes the H2O module for Python.

[sudo] pip uninstall h2o

Next, use pip to install this version of the H2O Python module.

[sudo] pip install http://h2o-release.s3.amazonaws.com/h2o/rel-zahradnik/3/Python/h2o-

Launch an H2O cluster on localhost

In [1]:
import h2o
import numpy as np
import math
from h2o.estimators.gbm import H2OGradientBoostingEstimator
from h2o.grid.grid_search import H2OGridSearch
h2o.init(nthreads=-1, strict_version_check=True)
## optional: connect to a running H2O cluster
#h2o.init(ip="mycluster", port=55555)

Checking whether there is an H2O instance running at http://localhost:54321 ..... not found.
Attempting to start a local H2O server...
  Java Version: java version "1.8.0_231"; Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_231-b11); Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.231-b11, mixed mode)
  Starting server from /Users/nmashayekhi/anaconda3/envs/py_36_new/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h2o/backend/bin/h2o.jar
  Ice root: /var/folders/pf/w6ctt7r5639fbfclslj7nw2c0000gp/T/tmp4c3rdmax
  JVM stdout: /var/folders/pf/w6ctt7r5639fbfclslj7nw2c0000gp/T/tmp4c3rdmax/h2o_nmashayekhi_started_from_python.out
  JVM stderr: /var/folders/pf/w6ctt7r5639fbfclslj7nw2c0000gp/T/tmp4c3rdmax/h2o_nmashayekhi_started_from_python.err
  Server is running at
Connecting to H2O server at ... successful.
H2O_cluster_uptime: 01 secs
H2O_cluster_timezone: America/Los_Angeles
H2O_data_parsing_timezone: UTC
H2O_cluster_version_age: 8 days
H2O_cluster_name: H2O_from_python_nmashayekhi_sfscj0
H2O_cluster_total_nodes: 1
H2O_cluster_free_memory: 3.556 Gb
H2O_cluster_total_cores: 16
H2O_cluster_allowed_cores: 16
H2O_cluster_status: accepting new members, healthy
H2O_connection_proxy: {"http": null, "https": null}
H2O_internal_security: False
H2O_API_Extensions: Amazon S3, XGBoost, Algos, AutoML, Core V3, TargetEncoder, Core V4
Python_version: 3.6.9 final

Import the data into H2O

Everything is scalable and distributed from now on. All processing is done on the fully multi-threaded and distributed H2O Java-based backend and can be scaled to large datasets on large compute clusters. Here, we use a small public dataset (Titanic), but you can use datasets that are hundreds of GBs large.

In [2]:
## 'path' can point to a local file, hdfs, s3, nfs, Hive, directories, etc.
df = h2o.import_file(path = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/h2o-public-test-data/smalldata/gbm_test/titanic.csv")

## pick a response for the supervised problem
response = "survived"

## the response variable is an integer, we will turn it into a categorical/factor for binary classification
df[response] = df[response].asfactor()           

## use all other columns (except for the name & the response column ("survived")) as predictors
predictors = df.columns
del predictors[1:3]

Parse progress: |█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
[1309, 14]
pclass survivedname sex age sibsp parch ticket farecabin embarked boat bodyhome.dest
1 1Allen Miss. Elisabeth Walton female29 0 0 24160211.338 B5 S 2 nanSt Louis MO
1 1Allison Master. Hudson Trevor male 0.9167 1 2 113781151.55 C22 C26S 11 nanMontreal PQ / Chesterville ON
1 0Allison Miss. Helen Loraine female 2 1 2 113781151.55 C22 C26S nan nanMontreal PQ / Chesterville ON
1 0Allison Mr. Hudson Joshua Creighton male 30 1 2 113781151.55 C22 C26S nan 135Montreal PQ / Chesterville ON
1 0Allison Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessie Waldo Daniels)female25 1 2 113781151.55 C22 C26S nan nanMontreal PQ / Chesterville ON
1 1Anderson Mr. Harry male 48 0 0 19952 26.55 E12 S 3 nanNew York NY
1 1Andrews Miss. Kornelia Theodosia female63 1 0 13502 77.9583D7 S 10 nanHudson NY
1 0Andrews Mr. Thomas Jr male 39 0 0 112050 0 A36 S nan nanBelfast NI
1 1Appleton Mrs. Edward Dale (Charlotte Lamson) female53 2 0 11769 51.4792C101 S nan nanBayside Queens NY
1 0Artagaveytia Mr. Ramon male 71 0 0 nan 49.5042 C nan 22Montevideo Uruguay
<bound method H2OFrame.head of >
pclass survivedname sex age sibsp parch ticket farecabin embarked boat bodyhome.dest
1 1Allen Miss. Elisabeth Walton female29 0 0 24160211.338 B5 S 2 nanSt Louis MO
1 1Allison Master. Hudson Trevor male 0.9167 1 2 113781151.55 C22 C26S 11 nanMontreal PQ / Chesterville ON
1 0Allison Miss. Helen Loraine female 2 1 2 113781151.55 C22 C26S nan nanMontreal PQ / Chesterville ON
1 0Allison Mr. Hudson Joshua Creighton male 30 1 2 113781151.55 C22 C26S nan 135Montreal PQ / Chesterville ON
1 0Allison Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessie Waldo Daniels)female25 1 2 113781151.55 C22 C26S nan nanMontreal PQ / Chesterville ON
1 1Anderson Mr. Harry male 48 0 0 19952 26.55 E12 S 3 nanNew York NY
1 1Andrews Miss. Kornelia Theodosia female63 1 0 13502 77.9583D7 S 10 nanHudson NY
1 0Andrews Mr. Thomas Jr male 39 0 0 112050 0 A36 S nan nanBelfast NI
1 1Appleton Mrs. Edward Dale (Charlotte Lamson) female53 2 0 11769 51.4792C101 S nan nanBayside Queens NY
1 0Artagaveytia Mr. Ramon male 71 0 0 nan 49.5042 C nan 22Montevideo Uruguay
<bound method H2OFrame.tail of >
pclass survivedname sex age sibsp parch ticket farecabin embarked boat bodyhome.dest
1 1Allen Miss. Elisabeth Walton female29 0 0 24160211.338 B5 S 2 nanSt Louis MO
1 1Allison Master. Hudson Trevor male 0.9167 1 2 113781151.55 C22 C26S 11 nanMontreal PQ / Chesterville ON
1 0Allison Miss. Helen Loraine female 2 1 2 113781151.55 C22 C26S nan nanMontreal PQ / Chesterville ON
1 0Allison Mr. Hudson Joshua Creighton male 30 1 2 113781151.55 C22 C26S nan 135Montreal PQ / Chesterville ON
1 0Allison Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessie Waldo Daniels)female25 1 2 113781151.55 C22 C26S nan nanMontreal PQ / Chesterville ON
1 1Anderson Mr. Harry male 48 0 0 19952 26.55 E12 S 3 nanNew York NY
1 1Andrews Miss. Kornelia Theodosia female63 1 0 13502 77.9583D7 S 10 nanHudson NY
1 0Andrews Mr. Thomas Jr male 39 0 0 112050 0 A36 S nan nanBelfast NI
1 1Appleton Mrs. Edward Dale (Charlotte Lamson) female53 2 0 11769 51.4792C101 S nan nanBayside Queens NY
1 0Artagaveytia Mr. Ramon male 71 0 0 nan 49.5042 C nan 22Montevideo Uruguay
<bound method H2OFrame.describe of >
['pclass', 'sex', 'age', 'sibsp', 'parch', 'ticket', 'fare', 'cabin', 'embarked', 'boat', 'body', 'home.dest']

From now on, everything is generic and directly applies to most datasets. We assume that all feature engineering is done at this stage and focus on model tuning. For multi-class problems, you can use h2o.logloss() or h2o.confusion_matrix() instead of h2o.auc() and for regression problems, you can use h2o.mean_residual_deviance() or h2o.mse().

Split the data for Machine Learning

We split the data into three pieces: 60% for training, 20% for validation, 20% for final testing. Here, we use random splitting, but this assumes i.i.d. data. If this is not the case (e.g., when events span across multiple rows or data has a time structure), you'll have to sample your data non-randomly.

In [3]:
train, valid, test = df.split_frame(

Establish baseline performance

As the first step, we'll build some default models to see what accuracy we can expect. Let's use the AUC metric for this demo, but you can use h2o.logloss() and stopping_metric="logloss" as well. It ranges from 0.5 for random models to 1 for perfect models.

The first model is a default GBM, trained on the 60% training split

In [4]:
#We only provide the required parameters, everything else is default
gbm = H2OGradientBoostingEstimator()
gbm.train(x=predictors, y=response, training_frame=train)

## Show a detailed model summary

gbm Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
Model Details
H2OGradientBoostingEstimator :  Gradient Boosting Machine
Model Key:  GBM_model_python_1590166894817_1

Model Summary: 
number_of_trees number_of_internal_trees model_size_in_bytes min_depth max_depth mean_depth min_leaves max_leaves mean_leaves
0 50.0 50.0 22644.0 2.0 5.0 4.94 3.0 21.0 13.02

ModelMetricsBinomial: gbm
** Reported on train data. **

MSE: 0.020967191978133064
RMSE: 0.1448005247854201
LogLoss: 0.0878847344331042
Mean Per-Class Error: 0.025960784857711583
AUC: 0.9960535168089666
AUCPR: 0.9948602636749849
Gini: 0.9921070336179332

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.49928839180236295: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 0 478.0 1.0 0.0021 (1.0/479.0)
1 1 15.0 286.0 0.0498 (15.0/301.0)
2 Total 493.0 287.0 0.0205 (16.0/780.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
0 max f1 0.499288 0.972789 164.0
1 max f2 0.140574 0.970684 190.0
2 max f0point5 0.499288 0.986888 164.0
3 max accuracy 0.499288 0.979487 164.0
4 max precision 0.996316 1.000000 0.0
5 max recall 0.056272 1.000000 234.0
6 max specificity 0.996316 1.000000 0.0
7 max absolute_mcc 0.499288 0.957042 164.0
8 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.275850 0.966777 173.0
9 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.499288 0.974039 164.0
10 max tns 0.996316 479.000000 0.0
11 max fns 0.996316 300.000000 0.0
12 max fps 0.009568 479.000000 399.0
13 max tps 0.056272 301.000000 234.0
14 max tnr 0.996316 1.000000 0.0
15 max fnr 0.996316 0.996678 0.0
16 max fpr 0.009568 1.000000 399.0
17 max tpr 0.056272 1.000000 234.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 38.59 %, avg score: 38.61 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate score cumulative_response_rate cumulative_score capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain
0 1 0.010256 0.993452 2.591362 2.591362 1.000000 0.994604 1.000000 0.994604 0.026578 0.026578 159.136213 159.136213
1 2 0.020513 0.993000 2.591362 2.591362 1.000000 0.993156 1.000000 0.993880 0.026578 0.053156 159.136213 159.136213
2 3 0.032051 0.992791 2.591362 2.591362 1.000000 0.992868 1.000000 0.993516 0.029900 0.083056 159.136213 159.136213
3 4 0.041026 0.992701 2.591362 2.591362 1.000000 0.992748 1.000000 0.993348 0.023256 0.106312 159.136213 159.136213
4 5 0.050000 0.992637 2.591362 2.591362 1.000000 0.992662 1.000000 0.993225 0.023256 0.129568 159.136213 159.136213
5 6 0.100000 0.992117 2.591362 2.591362 1.000000 0.992382 1.000000 0.992803 0.129568 0.259136 159.136213 159.136213
6 7 0.150000 0.991556 2.591362 2.591362 1.000000 0.991763 1.000000 0.992457 0.129568 0.388704 159.136213 159.136213
7 8 0.200000 0.988665 2.591362 2.591362 1.000000 0.990535 1.000000 0.991976 0.129568 0.518272 159.136213 159.136213
8 9 0.300000 0.966197 2.591362 2.591362 1.000000 0.984540 1.000000 0.989498 0.259136 0.777409 159.136213 159.136213
9 10 0.400000 0.196833 1.893688 2.416944 0.730769 0.639667 0.932692 0.902040 0.189369 0.966777 89.368771 141.694352
10 11 0.502564 0.074133 0.226744 1.969964 0.087500 0.113804 0.760204 0.741175 0.023256 0.990033 -77.325581 96.996407
11 12 0.605128 0.043622 0.097176 1.652542 0.037500 0.051864 0.637712 0.624343 0.009967 1.000000 -90.282392 65.254237
12 13 0.700000 0.030071 0.000000 1.428571 0.000000 0.037125 0.551282 0.544757 0.000000 1.000000 -100.000000 42.857143
13 14 0.800000 0.017463 0.000000 1.250000 0.000000 0.021712 0.482372 0.479376 0.000000 1.000000 -100.000000 25.000000
14 15 0.919231 0.012569 0.000000 1.087866 0.000000 0.014086 0.419805 0.419025 0.000000 1.000000 -100.000000 8.786611
15 16 1.000000 0.009568 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.011730 0.385897 0.386128 0.000000 1.000000 -100.000000 0.000000

Scoring History: 
timestamp duration number_of_trees training_rmse training_logloss training_auc training_pr_auc training_lift training_classification_error
0 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.014 sec 0.0 0.486807 0.666878 0.500000 0.385897 1.000000 0.614103
1 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.132 sec 1.0 0.454407 0.603361 0.885112 0.902207 2.591362 0.089744
2 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.158 sec 2.0 0.426777 0.553098 0.885143 0.902272 2.591362 0.088462
3 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.175 sec 3.0 0.403201 0.512260 0.885143 0.902272 2.591362 0.088462
4 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.195 sec 4.0 0.383119 0.478502 0.885143 0.902272 2.591362 0.088462
5 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.216 sec 5.0 0.366062 0.450252 0.885143 0.902272 2.591362 0.088462
6 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.234 sec 6.0 0.351626 0.426397 0.885143 0.902272 2.591362 0.088462
7 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.250 sec 7.0 0.339453 0.406113 0.885143 0.902272 2.591362 0.088462
8 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.266 sec 8.0 0.329226 0.388770 0.885143 0.902272 2.591362 0.088462
9 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.282 sec 9.0 0.320665 0.373875 0.885143 0.902272 2.591362 0.088462
10 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.297 sec 10.0 0.313521 0.361032 0.885143 0.902272 2.591362 0.088462
11 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.321 sec 11.0 0.298956 0.335652 0.936329 0.946288 2.591362 0.057692
12 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.335 sec 12.0 0.281305 0.306328 0.985674 0.982561 2.591362 0.044872
13 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.349 sec 13.0 0.266289 0.282418 0.986430 0.983468 2.591362 0.044872
14 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.362 sec 14.0 0.253452 0.262377 0.987068 0.984323 2.591362 0.042308
15 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.373 sec 15.0 0.250758 0.255755 0.987068 0.984323 2.591362 0.042308
16 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.387 sec 16.0 0.240112 0.239150 0.987262 0.984595 2.591362 0.041026
17 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.399 sec 17.0 0.230945 0.224730 0.987262 0.984595 2.591362 0.041026
18 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.411 sec 18.0 0.223221 0.212365 0.987522 0.984743 2.591362 0.041026
19 2020-05-22 10:01:40 0.422 sec 19.0 0.216215 0.201602 0.988053 0.985439 2.591362 0.038462
See the whole table with table.as_data_frame()

Variable Importances: 
variable relative_importance scaled_importance percentage
0 boat 630.076111 1.000000 0.722770
1 home.dest 118.952690 0.188791 0.136452
2 sex 64.176628 0.101855 0.073618
3 ticket 16.090433 0.025537 0.018458
4 fare 12.728808 0.020202 0.014601
5 age 11.578969 0.018377 0.013282
6 cabin 5.559652 0.008824 0.006378
7 embarked 3.775484 0.005992 0.004331
8 parch 3.281273 0.005208 0.003764
9 body 3.274645 0.005197 0.003756
10 sibsp 1.725591 0.002739 0.001979
11 pclass 0.531737 0.000844 0.000610

In [5]:
## Get the AUC on the validation set
perf = gbm.model_performance(valid)


The AUC is 95%, so this model is highly predictive!

The second model is another default GBM, but trained on 80% of the data (here, we combine the training and validation splits to get more training data), and cross-validated using 4 folds. Note that cross-validation takes longer and is not usually done for really large datasets.

In [6]:
## rbind() makes a copy here, so it's better to use split_frame with `ratios = c(0.8)` instead above
cv_gbm = H2OGradientBoostingEstimator(nfolds = 4, seed = 0xDECAF)
cv_gbm.train(x = predictors, y = response, training_frame = train.rbind(valid))

gbm Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%

We see that the cross-validated performance is similar to the validation set performance:

In [7]:
## Show a detailed summary of the cross validation metrics
## This gives you an idea of the variance between the folds
cv_summary = cv_gbm.cross_validation_metrics_summary().as_data_frame()
#print(cv_summary) ## Full summary of all metrics
#print(cv_summary.iloc[4]) ## get the row with just the AUCs

## Get the cross-validated AUC by scoring the combined holdout predictions.
## (Instead of taking the average of the metrics across the folds)
perf_cv = cv_gbm.model_performance(xval=True)


Next, we train a GBM with "I feel lucky" parameters. We'll use early stopping to automatically tune the number of trees using the validation AUC. We'll use a lower learning rate (lower is always better, just takes more trees to converge). We'll also use stochastic sampling of rows and columns to (hopefully) improve generalization.

In [8]:
gbm_lucky = H2OGradientBoostingEstimator(
  ## more trees is better if the learning rate is small enough 
  ## here, use "more than enough" trees - we have early stopping
  ntrees = 10000,                                                            

  ## smaller learning rate is better (this is a good value for most datasets, but see below for annealing)
  learn_rate = 0.01,                                                         

  ## early stopping once the validation AUC doesn't improve by at least 0.01% for 5 consecutive scoring events
  stopping_rounds = 5, stopping_tolerance = 1e-4, stopping_metric = "AUC", 

  ## sample 80% of rows per tree
  sample_rate = 0.8,                                                       

  ## sample 80% of columns per split
  col_sample_rate = 0.8,                                                   

  ## fix a random number generator seed for reproducibility
  seed = 1234,                                                             

  ## score every 10 trees to make early stopping reproducible (it depends on the scoring interval)
  score_tree_interval = 10)

gbm_lucky.train(x=predictors, y=response, training_frame=train, validation_frame=valid)

gbm Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%

This model doesn't seem to be better than the previous models:

In [9]:
perf_lucky = gbm_lucky.model_performance(valid)


For this small dataset, dropping 20% of observations per tree seems too aggressive in terms of adding regularization. For larger datasets, this is usually not a bad idea. But we'll let this parameter tune freshly below, so no worries.

Next, we'll do real hyper-parameter optimization to see if we can beat the best AUC so far (around 94%).

The key here is to start tuning some key parameters first (i.e., those that we expect to have the biggest impact on the results). From experience with gradient boosted trees across many datasets, we can state the following "rules":

  1. Build as many trees (ntrees) as it takes until the validation set error starts increasing.
  2. A lower learning rate (learn_rate) is generally better, but will require more trees. Using learn_rate=0.02and learn_rate_annealing=0.995 (reduction of learning rate with each additional tree) can help speed up convergence without sacrificing accuracy too much, and is great to hyper-parameter searches. For faster scans, use values of 0.05 and 0.99 instead.
  3. The optimum maximum allowed depth for the trees (max_depth) is data dependent, deeper trees take longer to train, especially at depths greater than 10.
  4. Row and column sampling (sample_rate and col_sample_rate) can improve generalization and lead to lower validation and test set errors. Good general values for large datasets are around 0.7 to 0.8 (sampling 70-80 percent of the data) for both parameters. Column sampling per tree (col_sample_rate_per_tree) can also be tuned. Note that it is multiplicative with col_sample_rate, so setting both parameters to 0.8 results in 64% of columns being considered at any given node to split.
  5. For highly imbalanced classification datasets (e.g., fewer buyers than non-buyers), stratified row sampling based on response class membership can help improve predictive accuracy. It is configured with sample_rate_per_class (array of ratios, one per response class in lexicographic order).
  6. Most other options only have a small impact on the model performance, but are worth tuning with a Random hyper-parameter search nonetheless, if highest performance is critical.

First we want to know what value of max_depth to use because it has a big impact on the model training time and optimal values depend strongly on the dataset. We'll do a quick Cartesian grid search to get a rough idea of good candidate max_depth values. Each model in the grid search will use early stopping to tune the number of trees using the validation set AUC, as before. We'll use learning rate annealing to speed up convergence without sacrificing too much accuracy.

In [10]:
## Depth 10 is usually plenty of depth for most datasets, but you never know
hyper_params = {'max_depth' : list(range(1,30,2))}
#hyper_params = {max_depth = [4,6,8,12,16,20]} ##faster for larger datasets

#Build initial GBM Model
gbm_grid = H2OGradientBoostingEstimator(
        ## more trees is better if the learning rate is small enough 
        ## here, use "more than enough" trees - we have early stopping
        ## smaller learning rate is better
        ## since we have learning_rate_annealing, we can afford to start with a 
        #bigger learning rate
        ## learning rate annealing: learning_rate shrinks by 1% after every tree 
        ## (use 1.00 to disable, but then lower the learning_rate)
        learn_rate_annealing = 0.99,
        ## sample 80% of rows per tree
        sample_rate = 0.8,
        ## sample 80% of columns per split
        col_sample_rate = 0.8,
        ## fix a random number generator seed for reproducibility
        seed = 1234,
        ## score every 10 trees to make early stopping reproducible 
        #(it depends on the scoring interval)
        score_tree_interval = 10, 
        ## early stopping once the validation AUC doesn't improve by at least 0.01% for 
        #5 consecutive scoring events
        stopping_rounds = 5,
        stopping_metric = "AUC",
        stopping_tolerance = 1e-4)

#Build grid search with previously made GBM and hyper parameters
grid = H2OGridSearch(gbm_grid,hyper_params,
                         grid_id = 'depth_grid',
                         search_criteria = {'strategy': "Cartesian"})

#Train grid search
           training_frame = train,
           validation_frame = valid)

gbm Grid Build progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%

In [11]:
## by default, display the grid search results sorted by increasing logloss (since this is a classification task)

     max_depth            model_ids              logloss
0           13   depth_grid_model_7  0.20109637892392757
1            9   depth_grid_model_5  0.20160720998146248
2            7   depth_grid_model_4  0.20246242267462608
3            5   depth_grid_model_3  0.20290080343982356
4           11   depth_grid_model_6   0.2034349464898852
5           19  depth_grid_model_10  0.20446595941168919
6           21  depth_grid_model_11  0.20446595941168919
7           23  depth_grid_model_12  0.20446595941168919
8           25  depth_grid_model_13  0.20446595941168919
9           27  depth_grid_model_14  0.20446595941168919
10          29  depth_grid_model_15  0.20446595941168919
11          17   depth_grid_model_9  0.20446595968647824
12          15   depth_grid_model_8  0.20463752833415866
13           3   depth_grid_model_2  0.20971798928576332
14           1   depth_grid_model_1  0.23401163708609643

In [12]:
## sort the grid models by decreasing AUC
sorted_grid = grid.get_grid(sort_by='auc',decreasing=True)

     max_depth            model_ids                 auc
0           13   depth_grid_model_7  0.9525218371372218
1            9   depth_grid_model_5  0.9519019442096365
2           11   depth_grid_model_6  0.9512820512820513
3            7   depth_grid_model_4  0.9512256973795435
4            5   depth_grid_model_3  0.9511411665257818
5           19  depth_grid_model_10  0.9505494505494505
6           21  depth_grid_model_11  0.9505494505494505
7           23  depth_grid_model_12  0.9505494505494505
8           25  depth_grid_model_13  0.9505494505494505
9           27  depth_grid_model_14  0.9505494505494505
10          29  depth_grid_model_15  0.9505494505494505
11          17   depth_grid_model_9  0.9505494505494505
12          15   depth_grid_model_8  0.9503240349394196
13           1   depth_grid_model_1  0.9462383770076077
14           3   depth_grid_model_2  0.9458157227387998

It appears that max_depth values of 5 to 13 are best suited for this dataset, which is unusally deep!

In [13]:
max_depths = sorted_grid.sorted_metric_table()['max_depth'][0:5]
new_max = int(max(max_depths, key=int))
new_min = int(min(max_depths, key=int))

print("MaxDepth", new_max)
print("MinDepth", new_min)

MaxDepth 13
MinDepth 5

Now that we know a good range for max_depth, we can tune all other parameters in more detail. Since we don't know what combinations of hyper-parameters will result in the best model, we'll use random hyper-parameter search to "let the machine get luckier than a best guess of any human".

In [14]:
# create hyperameter and search criteria lists (ranges are inclusive..exclusive))
hyper_params_tune = {'max_depth' : list(range(new_min,new_max+1,1)),
                'sample_rate': [x/100. for x in range(20,101)],
                'col_sample_rate' : [x/100. for x in range(20,101)],
                'col_sample_rate_per_tree': [x/100. for x in range(20,101)],
                'col_sample_rate_change_per_level': [x/100. for x in range(90,111)],
                'min_rows': [2**x for x in range(0,int(math.log(train.nrow,2)-1)+1)],
                'nbins': [2**x for x in range(4,11)],
                'nbins_cats': [2**x for x in range(4,13)],
                'min_split_improvement': [0,1e-8,1e-6,1e-4],
                'histogram_type': ["UniformAdaptive","QuantilesGlobal","RoundRobin"]}
search_criteria_tune = {'strategy': "RandomDiscrete",
                   'max_runtime_secs': 3600,  ## limit the runtime to 60 minutes
                   'max_models': 100,  ## build no more than 100 models
                   'seed' : 1234,
                   'stopping_rounds' : 5,
                   'stopping_metric' : "AUC",
                   'stopping_tolerance': 1e-3

In [15]:
gbm_final_grid = H2OGradientBoostingEstimator(distribution='bernoulli',
                    ## more trees is better if the learning rate is small enough 
                    ## here, use "more than enough" trees - we have early stopping
                    ## smaller learning rate is better
                    ## since we have learning_rate_annealing, we can afford to start with a 
                    #bigger learning rate
                    ## learning rate annealing: learning_rate shrinks by 1% after every tree 
                    ## (use 1.00 to disable, but then lower the learning_rate)
                    learn_rate_annealing = 0.99,
                    ## score every 10 trees to make early stopping reproducible 
                    #(it depends on the scoring interval)
                    score_tree_interval = 10,
                    ## fix a random number generator seed for reproducibility
                    seed = 1234,
                    ## early stopping once the validation AUC doesn't improve by at least 0.01% for 
                    #5 consecutive scoring events
                    stopping_rounds = 5,
                    stopping_metric = "AUC",
                    stopping_tolerance = 1e-4)
#Build grid search with previously made GBM and hyper parameters
final_grid = H2OGridSearch(gbm_final_grid, hyper_params = hyper_params_tune,
                                    grid_id = 'final_grid',
                                    search_criteria = search_criteria_tune)
#Train grid search
           ## early stopping based on timeout (no model should take more than 1 hour - modify as needed)
           max_runtime_secs = 3600, 
           training_frame = train,
           validation_frame = valid)


gbm Grid Build progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
      col_sample_rate col_sample_rate_change_per_level  \
0                0.49                             1.04   
1                0.92                             0.93   
2                0.35                             1.09   
3                 0.5                             0.94   
4                0.97                             0.96   
.. ..             ...                              ...   
95                0.5                             1.03   
96               0.96                             0.94   
97               0.61                             0.97   
98               0.87                              1.0   
99               0.24                             1.08   

   col_sample_rate_per_tree   histogram_type max_depth min_rows  \
0                      0.94  QuantilesGlobal         9      2.0   
1                      0.56  QuantilesGlobal         6      4.0   
2                      0.83  QuantilesGlobal         5      4.0   
3                      0.92       RoundRobin        13      2.0   
4                      0.96  QuantilesGlobal         6      1.0   
..                      ...              ...       ...      ...   
95                     0.45       RoundRobin        13    256.0   
96                     0.62  QuantilesGlobal         8    256.0   
97                     0.36  QuantilesGlobal         8    256.0   
98                      0.2       RoundRobin        12    256.0   
99                      0.3  UniformAdaptive         5    256.0   

   min_split_improvement nbins nbins_cats sample_rate            model_ids  \
0                    0.0    32        256        0.86  final_grid_model_69   
1                    0.0   128        128        0.93  final_grid_model_97   
2                 1.0E-8    64        128        0.69  final_grid_model_39   
3                    0.0   128       2048        0.61  final_grid_model_15   
4                 1.0E-4  1024         64        0.32  final_grid_model_76   
..                   ...   ...        ...         ...                  ...   
95                1.0E-8   512         16        0.28  final_grid_model_59   
96                1.0E-6    64       4096        0.57  final_grid_model_96   
97                1.0E-6   128       1024        0.65  final_grid_model_99   
98                1.0E-6   512       1024        0.97  final_grid_model_52   
99                1.0E-4    32         64        0.97  final_grid_model_45   

0   0.17067246483917042  
1   0.17808872698061212  
2   0.18137723622439125  
3   0.18761536132107057  
4    0.1888167753055619  
..                  ...  
95   0.5440442492091072  
96   0.5450334515467662  
97   0.5488192692893163  
98   0.5501161246099107  
99   0.5827120934746953  

[100 rows x 13 columns]

We can see that the best models have even better validation AUCs than our previous best models, so the random grid search was successful!

In [16]:
## Sort the grid models by AUC
sorted_final_grid = final_grid.get_grid(sort_by='auc',decreasing=True)


      col_sample_rate col_sample_rate_change_per_level  \
0                0.92                             0.93   
1                0.49                             1.04   
2                0.35                             1.09   
3                0.61                             1.04   
4                0.81                             0.94   
.. ..             ...                              ...   
95                0.5                             1.03   
96               0.87                              1.0   
97               0.24                             1.08   
98               0.57                              1.1   
99               0.96                             0.94   

   col_sample_rate_per_tree   histogram_type max_depth min_rows  \
0                      0.56  QuantilesGlobal         6      4.0   
1                      0.94  QuantilesGlobal         9      2.0   
2                      0.83  QuantilesGlobal         5      4.0   
3                      0.61  UniformAdaptive        11      1.0   
4                      0.89  QuantilesGlobal         8     16.0   
..                      ...              ...       ...      ...   
95                     0.45       RoundRobin        13    256.0   
96                      0.2       RoundRobin        12    256.0   
97                      0.3  UniformAdaptive         5    256.0   
98                     0.68       RoundRobin        12    256.0   
99                     0.62  QuantilesGlobal         8    256.0   

   min_split_improvement nbins nbins_cats sample_rate            model_ids  \
0                    0.0   128        128        0.93  final_grid_model_97   
1                    0.0    32        256        0.86  final_grid_model_69   
2                 1.0E-8    64        128        0.69  final_grid_model_39   
3                 1.0E-4    64         16        0.69  final_grid_model_82   
4                 1.0E-8  1024         32        0.71  final_grid_model_70   
..                   ...   ...        ...         ...                  ...   
95                1.0E-8   512         16        0.28  final_grid_model_59   
96                1.0E-6   512       1024        0.97  final_grid_model_52   
97                1.0E-4    32         64        0.97  final_grid_model_45   
98                   0.0    16       4096        0.58   final_grid_model_9   
99                1.0E-6    64       4096        0.57  final_grid_model_96   

0    0.974218089602705  
1   0.9738799661876585  
2   0.9698224852071006  
3   0.9691462383770075  
4   0.9684699915469147  
..                 ...  
95  0.7997464074387151  
96  0.7965624119470274  
97  0.7854888701042547  
98  0.7836573682727528  
99  0.7608058608058608  

[100 rows x 13 columns]

You can also see the results of the grid search in Flow:

Model Inspection and Final Test Set Scoring

Let's see how well the best model of the grid search (as judged by validation set AUC) does on the held out test set:

In [17]:
#Get the best model from the list (the model name listed at the top of the table)
best_model = h2o.get_model(sorted_final_grid.sorted_metric_table()['model_ids'][0])
performance_best_model = best_model.model_performance(test)


Good news. It does as well on the test set as on the validation set, so it looks like our best GBM model generalizes well to the unseen test set:

We can inspect the winning model's parameters:

In [18]:
params_list = []
for key, value in best_model.params.items():
    params_list.append(str(key)+" = "+str(value['actual']))

["model_id = {'__meta': {'schema_version': 3, 'schema_name': 'ModelKeyV3', 'schema_type': 'Key<Model>'}, 'name': 'final_grid_model_97', 'type': 'Key<Model>', 'URL': '/3/Models/final_grid_model_97'}",
 "training_frame = {'__meta': {'schema_version': 3, 'schema_name': 'FrameKeyV3', 'schema_type': 'Key<Frame>'}, 'name': 'train.hex', 'type': 'Key<Frame>', 'URL': '/3/Frames/train.hex'}",
 "validation_frame = {'__meta': {'schema_version': 3, 'schema_name': 'FrameKeyV3', 'schema_type': 'Key<Frame>'}, 'name': 'valid.hex', 'type': 'Key<Frame>', 'URL': '/3/Frames/valid.hex'}",
 'nfolds = 0',
 'keep_cross_validation_models = True',
 'keep_cross_validation_predictions = False',
 'keep_cross_validation_fold_assignment = False',
 'score_each_iteration = False',
 'score_tree_interval = 10',
 'fold_assignment = AUTO',
 'fold_column = None',
 "response_column = {'__meta': {'schema_version': 3, 'schema_name': 'ColSpecifierV3', 'schema_type': 'VecSpecifier'}, 'column_name': 'survived', 'is_member_of_frames': None}",
 "ignored_columns = ['name']",
 'ignore_const_cols = True',
 'offset_column = None',
 'weights_column = None',
 'balance_classes = False',
 'class_sampling_factors = None',
 'max_after_balance_size = 5.0',
 'max_confusion_matrix_size = 20',
 'max_hit_ratio_k = 0',
 'ntrees = 10000',
 'max_depth = 6',
 'min_rows = 4.0',
 'nbins = 128',
 'nbins_top_level = 1024',
 'nbins_cats = 128',
 'r2_stopping = 1.7976931348623157e+308',
 'stopping_rounds = 5',
 'stopping_metric = AUC',
 'stopping_tolerance = 0.0001',
 'max_runtime_secs = 3542.137',
 'seed = 1234',
 'build_tree_one_node = False',
 'learn_rate = 0.05',
 'learn_rate_annealing = 0.99',
 'distribution = bernoulli',
 'quantile_alpha = 0.5',
 'tweedie_power = 1.5',
 'huber_alpha = 0.9',
 'checkpoint = None',
 'sample_rate = 0.93',
 'sample_rate_per_class = None',
 'col_sample_rate = 0.92',
 'col_sample_rate_change_per_level = 0.93',
 'col_sample_rate_per_tree = 0.56',
 'min_split_improvement = 0.0',
 'histogram_type = QuantilesGlobal',
 'max_abs_leafnode_pred = 1.7976931348623157e+308',
 'pred_noise_bandwidth = 0.0',
 'categorical_encoding = AUTO',
 'calibrate_model = False',
 'calibration_frame = None',
 'custom_metric_func = None',
 'custom_distribution_func = None',
 'export_checkpoints_dir = None',
 'monotone_constraints = None',
 'check_constant_response = True']

Now we can confirm that these parameters are generally sound, by building a GBM model on the whole dataset (instead of the 60%) and using internal 5-fold cross-validation (re-using all other parameters including the seed):

In [19]:
gbm = h2o.get_model(sorted_final_grid.sorted_metric_table()['model_ids'][0])
#get the parameters from the Random grid search model and modify them slightly
params = gbm.params
new_params = {"nfolds":5, "model_id":None, "training_frame":None, "validation_frame":None, 
              "response_column":None, "ignored_columns":None}
for key in new_params.keys():
    params[key]['actual'] = new_params[key] 
gbm_best = H2OGradientBoostingEstimator()
for key in params.keys():
    if key in dir(gbm_best) and getattr(gbm_best,key) != params[key]['actual']:

In [20]:
gbm_best.train(x=predictors, y=response, training_frame=df)

gbm Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%

In [21]:

Cross-Validation Metrics Summary: 
mean sd cv_1_valid cv_2_valid cv_3_valid cv_4_valid cv_5_valid
0 accuracy 0.94809973 0.0063140313 0.9400749 0.94833946 0.9457364 0.9488189 0.95752895
1 auc 0.9743477 0.009550297 0.9674539 0.9610417 0.9794005 0.9819927 0.98184973
2 aucpr 0.97158337 0.008698236 0.96870947 0.9577326 0.9746778 0.9785839 0.978213
3 err 0.051900264 0.0063140313 0.059925094 0.051660515 0.054263566 0.051181104 0.042471044
4 err_count 13.6 1.8165902 16.0 14.0 14.0 13.0 11.0
5 f0point5 0.95091534 0.017722148 0.9623016 0.95454544 0.944206 0.92402464 0.96949893
6 f1 0.9295287 0.007824828 0.9238095 0.9230769 0.9263158 0.93264246 0.9417989
7 f2 0.9096094 0.02097295 0.88827837 0.89361703 0.90909094 0.9414226 0.91563785
8 lift_top_group 2.6258688 0.15794739 2.3839285 2.8229167 2.632653 2.6736841 2.6161616
9 logloss 0.19542515 0.024004849 0.20480314 0.23214972 0.19031271 0.17594479 0.17391542
10 max_per_class_error 0.102922216 0.031553145 0.13392857 0.125 0.10204082 0.05263158 0.1010101
11 mcc 0.89094704 0.011998705 0.8800855 0.8873967 0.8845431 0.89166886 0.911041
12 mean_per_class_accuracy 0.9385944 0.008472207 0.9298099 0.9317857 0.93647957 0.948527 0.94636995
13 mean_per_class_error 0.061405573 0.008472207 0.070190094 0.06821428 0.06352041 0.05147302 0.05363005
14 mse 0.051655047 0.006927098 0.05615356 0.061237488 0.049908444 0.04610445 0.0448713
15 pr_auc 0.97158337 0.008698236 0.96870947 0.9577326 0.9746778 0.9785839 0.978213
16 precision 0.9660636 0.029850759 0.9897959 0.9767442 0.95652175 0.9183673 0.98888886
17 r2 0.7805782 0.031156946 0.7694049 0.73230106 0.788131 0.80308014 0.809974
18 recall 0.8970778 0.031553145 0.8660714 0.875 0.8979592 0.94736844 0.8989899
19 rmse 0.22687589 0.0150988605 0.23696741 0.2474621 0.22340198 0.21471947 0.21182847
See the whole table with table.as_data_frame()

It looks like the winning model performs slightly better on the validation and test sets than during cross-validation on the training set as the mean AUC on the 5 folds is estimated to be only 97.4%, but with a fairly large standard deviation of 0.9%. For small datasets, such a large variance is not unusual. To get a better estimate of model performance, the Random hyper-parameter search could have used nfolds = 5 (or 10, or similar) in combination with 80% of the data for training (i.e., not holding out a validation set, but only the final test set). However, this would take more time, as nfolds+1 models will be built for every set of parameters.

Instead, to save time, let's just scan through the top 5 models and cross-validate their parameters with nfolds=5 on the entire dataset:

In [22]:
for i in range(5): 
    gbm = h2o.get_model(sorted_final_grid.sorted_metric_table()['model_ids'][i])
    #get the parameters from the Random grid search model and modify them slightly
    params = gbm.params
    new_params = {"nfolds":5, "model_id":None, "training_frame":None, "validation_frame":None, 
              "response_column":None, "ignored_columns":None}
    for key in new_params.keys():
        params[key]['actual'] = new_params[key]
    new_model = H2OGradientBoostingEstimator()
    for key in params.keys():
        if key in dir(new_model) and getattr(new_model,key) != params[key]['actual']:
    new_model.train(x = predictors, y = response, training_frame = df)  
    cv_summary = new_model.cross_validation_metrics_summary().as_data_frame()
    print(cv_summary.iloc[1]) ## AUC

gbm Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
mean            0.9743477
sd            0.009550297
cv_1_valid      0.9674539
cv_2_valid      0.9610417
cv_3_valid      0.9794005
cv_4_valid      0.9819927
cv_5_valid     0.98184973
Name: 1, dtype: object
gbm Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
mean            0.9741264
sd            0.009261287
cv_1_valid     0.96854836
cv_2_valid      0.9610417
cv_3_valid     0.97665817
cv_4_valid      0.9807349
cv_5_valid       0.983649
Name: 1, dtype: object
gbm Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
mean            0.9724971
sd            0.009157102
cv_1_valid      0.9625576
cv_2_valid      0.9624107
cv_3_valid     0.97927296
cv_4_valid     0.97835153
cv_5_valid      0.9798927
Name: 1, dtype: object
gbm Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
mean            0.9690046
sd            0.010956372
cv_1_valid     0.96209675
cv_2_valid      0.9530357
cv_3_valid     0.97793365
cv_4_valid      0.9755048
cv_5_valid       0.976452
Name: 1, dtype: object
gbm Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
mean           0.97103506
sd            0.008409648
cv_1_valid     0.96313363
cv_2_valid     0.96068454
cv_3_valid     0.97589284
cv_4_valid      0.9776233
cv_5_valid      0.9778409
Name: 1, dtype: object

The avid reader might have noticed that we just implicitly did further parameter tuning using the "final" test set (which is part of the entire dataset df), which is not good practice - one is not supposed to use the "final" test set more than once. Hence, we're not going to pick a different "best" model, but we're just learning about the variance in AUCs. It turns out, for this tiny dataset, that the variance is rather large, which is not surprising.

Keeping the same "best" model, we can make test set predictions as follows:

In [23]:
preds = best_model.predict(test)

gbm prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
predict p0 p1
00.942511 0.0574889
00.965239 0.0347607
00.837052 0.162948
00.818008 0.181992
00.893662 0.106338

Note that the label (survived or not) is predicted as well (in the first predict column), and it uses the threshold with the highest F1 score (here: 0.528098) to make labels from the probabilities for survival (p1). The probability for death (p0) is given for convenience, as it is just 1-p1.

In [24]:

ModelMetricsBinomial: gbm
** Reported on test data. **

MSE: 0.045961929072573966
RMSE: 0.21438733421677217
LogLoss: 0.17808872698061212
Mean Per-Class Error: 0.06486334178641873
AUC: 0.974218089602705
AUCPR: 0.9723275034473811
Gini: 0.9484361792054099

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.41524673411844065: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 0 168.0 1.0 0.0059 (1.0/169.0)
1 1 13.0 92.0 0.1238 (13.0/105.0)
2 Total 181.0 93.0 0.0511 (14.0/274.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
0 max f1 0.415247 0.929293 92.0
1 max f2 0.207864 0.924528 109.0
2 max f0point5 0.523349 0.970149 90.0
3 max accuracy 0.523349 0.948905 90.0
4 max precision 0.990276 1.000000 0.0
5 max recall 0.057998 1.000000 205.0
6 max specificity 0.990276 1.000000 0.0
7 max absolute_mcc 0.523349 0.894631 90.0
8 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.207864 0.928994 109.0
9 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.415247 0.935137 92.0
10 max tns 0.990276 169.000000 0.0
11 max fns 0.990276 104.000000 0.0
12 max fps 0.023439 169.000000 267.0
13 max tps 0.057998 105.000000 205.0
14 max tnr 0.990276 1.000000 0.0
15 max fnr 0.990276 0.990476 0.0
16 max fpr 0.023439 1.000000 267.0
17 max tpr 0.057998 1.000000 205.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 38.32 %, avg score: 38.27 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate score cumulative_response_rate cumulative_score capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain
0 1 0.010949 0.988119 2.609524 2.609524 1.000000 0.989972 1.000000 0.989972 0.028571 0.028571 160.952381 160.952381
1 2 0.021898 0.986938 2.609524 2.609524 1.000000 0.987364 1.000000 0.988668 0.028571 0.057143 160.952381 160.952381
2 3 0.032847 0.986034 2.609524 2.609524 1.000000 0.986492 1.000000 0.987943 0.028571 0.085714 160.952381 160.952381
3 4 0.040146 0.985732 2.609524 2.609524 1.000000 0.985849 1.000000 0.987562 0.019048 0.104762 160.952381 160.952381
4 5 0.051095 0.984548 2.609524 2.609524 1.000000 0.985250 1.000000 0.987067 0.028571 0.133333 160.952381 160.952381
5 6 0.102190 0.979817 2.609524 2.609524 1.000000 0.982113 1.000000 0.984590 0.133333 0.266667 160.952381 160.952381
6 7 0.149635 0.973183 2.609524 2.609524 1.000000 0.976112 1.000000 0.981902 0.123810 0.390476 160.952381 160.952381
7 8 0.200730 0.958581 2.609524 2.609524 1.000000 0.967963 1.000000 0.978354 0.133333 0.523810 160.952381 160.952381
8 9 0.299270 0.882939 2.609524 2.609524 1.000000 0.929247 1.000000 0.962185 0.257143 0.780952 160.952381 160.952381
9 10 0.401460 0.207375 1.491156 2.324848 0.571429 0.461806 0.890909 0.834816 0.152381 0.933333 49.115646 132.484848
10 11 0.500000 0.120609 0.289947 1.923810 0.111111 0.165084 0.737226 0.702825 0.028571 0.961905 -71.005291 92.380952
11 12 0.598540 0.078934 0.000000 1.607085 0.000000 0.095367 0.615854 0.602816 0.000000 0.961905 -100.000000 60.708479
12 13 0.700730 0.061823 0.279592 1.413492 0.107143 0.069434 0.541667 0.525032 0.028571 0.990476 -72.040816 41.349206
13 14 0.806569 0.055147 0.089984 1.239819 0.034483 0.058027 0.475113 0.463750 0.009524 1.000000 -91.001642 23.981900
14 15 0.897810 0.047655 0.000000 1.113821 0.000000 0.050896 0.426829 0.421794 0.000000 1.000000 -100.000000 11.382114
15 16 1.000000 0.023439 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.039518 0.383212 0.382729 0.000000 1.000000 -100.000000 0.000000


In [25]:
# Key of best model:


You can also see the "best" model in more detail in Flow:

The model and the predictions can be saved to file as follows:

In [26]:
# uncomment if you want to export the best model
# h2o.save_model(best_model, "/tmp/bestModel.csv", force=True)
# h2o.export_file(preds, "/tmp/bestPreds.csv", force=True)

In [27]:
# print pojo to screen, or provide path to download location
# h2o.download_pojo(best_model)

The model can also be exported as a plain old Java object (POJO) for H2O-independent (standalone/Storm/Kafka/UDF) scoring in any Java environment.

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

  AUTOGENERATED BY H2O at 2016-07-17T18:38:50.337-07:00

  Standalone prediction code with sample test data for GBMModel named final_grid_model_45

  How to download, compile and execute:
      mkdir tmpdir
      cd tmpdir
      curl > h2o-genmodel.jar
      curl > final_grid_model_45.java
      javac -cp h2o-genmodel.jar -J-Xmx2g -J-XX:MaxPermSize=128m final_grid_model_45.java

     (Note:  Try java argument -XX:+PrintCompilation to show runtime JIT compiler behavior.)
import java.util.Map;
import hex.genmodel.GenModel;
import hex.genmodel.annotations.ModelPojo;

class final_grid_model_45_Tree_0_class_0 {
  static final double score0(double[] data) {
    double pred =      (Double.isNaN(data[1]) || !GenModel.bitSetContains(GRPSPLIT0, 0, data[1 /* sex */]) ? 
         (Double.isNaN(data[7]) || !GenModel.bitSetContains(GRPSPLIT1, 13, data[7 /* cabin */]) ? 
             (Double.isNaN(data[7]) || !GenModel.bitSetContains(GRPSPLIT2, 9, data[7 /* cabin */]) ? 
                 (Double.isNaN(data[7]) || !GenModel.bitSetContains(GRPSPLIT3, 9, data[7 /* cabin */]) ? 
                     (data[2 /* age */] <1.4174492f ? 
                        0.13087687f : 
                         (Double.isNaN(data[7]) || !GenModel.bitSetContains(GRPSPLIT4, 9, data[7 /* cabin */]) ? 
                             (Double.isNaN(data[3]) || data[3 /* sibsp */] <1.000313f ? 
                                 (data[6 /* fare */] <7.91251f ? 
                                     (Double.isNaN(data[5]) || data[5 /* ticket */] <368744.5f ? 
                                        -0.08224204f : 
                                         (Double.isNaN(data[2]) || data[2 /* age */] <13.0f ? 
                                            -0.028962314f : 
                                            -0.08224204f)) : 
                                     (Double.isNaN(data[7]) || !GenModel.bitSetContains(GRPSPLIT5, 9, data[7 /* cabin */]) ? 
                                         (data[6 /* fare */] <7.989957f ? 
                                             (Double.isNaN(data[3]) || data[3 /* sibsp */] <0.0017434144f ? 
                                                0.07759714f : 
                                                0.13087687f) : 
                                             (data[6 /* fare */] <12.546303f ? 
                                                -0.07371729f : 
                                                 (Double.isNaN(data[4]) || data[4 /* parch */] <1.0020853f ? 
                                                    -0.037374903f : 
                                                    -0.08224204f))) : 
                                        0.0f)) : 
                                -0.08224204f) : 
                            0.0f)) : 
                    0.0f) : 
                -0.08224204f) : 
            -0.08224204f) :  

Ensembling Techniques

After learning above that the variance of the test set AUC of the top few models was rather large, we might be able to turn this into our advantage by using ensembling techniques. The simplest one is taking the average of the predictions (survival probabilities) of the top k grid search model predictions (here, we use k=10):

In [28]:
prob = None
for i in range(0,k): 
    gbm = h2o.get_model(sorted_final_grid.sorted_metric_table()['model_ids'][i])
    if (prob is None):
        prob = gbm.predict(test)["p1"]
        prob = prob + gbm.predict(test)["p1"]
prob = prob/k

gbm prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
gbm prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
gbm prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
gbm prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
gbm prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
gbm prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
gbm prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
gbm prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
gbm prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
gbm prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%

We now have a blended probability of survival for each person on the Titanic.

In [29]:


We can bring those ensemble predictions to our Python session's memory space and use other Python packages.

In [30]:
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
# convert prob and test[response] h2oframes to pandas' frames and then convert them each to numpy array
np_array_prob = prob.as_data_frame().values
np_array_test = test[response].as_data_frame().values
probInPy = np_array_prob
labeInPy = np_array_test
# compare true scores (test[response]) to probability scores (prob)
roc_auc_score(labeInPy, probInPy)


This simple blended ensemble test set prediction has an even higher AUC than the best single model, but we need to do more validation studies, ideally using cross-validation. We leave this as an exercise for the reader - take the parameters of the top 10 models, retrain them with nfolds=5 on the full dataset, set keep_holdout_predictions=True and sum up their predicted probabilities, then score that with sklearn's roc_auc_score as shown above.

For more sophisticated ensembling approaches, such as stacking via a superlearner, we refer to the H2O Ensemble github page.


We learned how to build H2O GBM models for a binary classification task on a small but realistic dataset with numerical and categorical variables, with the goal to maximize the AUC (ranges from 0.5 to 1). We first established a baseline with the default model, then carefully tuned the remaining hyper-parameters without "too much" human guess-work. We used both Cartesian and Random hyper-parameter searches to find good models. We were able to get the AUC on a holdout test set from 95% range with the default model to 97% range after tuning, and to above 98% with some simple ensembling technique known as blending. We performed simple cross-validation variance analysis to learn that results were slightly "lucky" due to the specific train/valid/test set splits, and settled to expect 97% AUCs instead.

Note that this script and the findings therein are directly transferrable to large datasets on distributed clusters including Spark/Hadoop environments.

More information can be found here http://www.h2o.ai/docs/.