To highlight a potential dysfunctional seed dispersal in a plant species, we need a new variable: the number of potential seed dispersers for each plant species. In other words, we have to count the number of dispersers that are able to ingest a species' seeds, given the seed size.
To have this variable, we will compare the seed size of each plant species to the size of the largest seed able to be ingested by each disperser.
Now we have imputed our plant dataset, we have the seed size of every plant species but we still need to know the size of the largest seed able to be ingested by each disperser. Actually, we have this data (from fieldwork observations) for most dispersers but not for all: we lack the data for some lemur species. How can we do then?
Let's see whether we can predict the missing values from other data.
From the litterature, we have learnt that the maximum ingestible food size in lemurs is linked to their body mass. Let's check that with our data. We can fit a linear model with the width of the largest seed ingested by each frugivore (Vb) as a dependent variable and the body mass as an independent variable.
In [2]:
## Lemur species that have empirical Vb measurements. We will use these data to predict the Vb of the other species
vb<-read.csv("empirical_Vb_measurements.csv", sep=";")
In [3]:
## Lemur species for which we need to predict Vb
topredict<-read.csv("Body_mass_for_Vb_estimates.csv", sep=";")
In [4]:
## Log transform data
## Run a linear regression of lg Vb ~ log body mass to establish the predictive value
trait<-lm(vb~mass, data=vb)
In [5]:
plot(vb~mass, data=vb, pch=16, xlab="log(mass)")
abline(trait, col="black")
OK, so we've established a strong linear relationship between body mass and Vb. Now, let's predict the Vb of the remaining frugivorous lemurs with their body mass.
In [6]:
output=matrix(nrow=length(topredict$mass), ncol=4)
for (i in 1:length(topredict$mass)){
newdata <- data.frame(mass=topredict$mass[i])
output[i,1:3] <- predict(trait, newdata, interval="confidence")
output[i,-1] <- exp(output[i,1])*10
colnames(output) <- c("Predicted Vb (log)", "Low-Interval", "High-Interval", "Predicted Vb (mm)")
rownames(output) <- topredict$Species
head(output ) # predicted vb values and their 95% confidence intervals
In [7]:
plot(vb~mass, data=vb, ylim=c(-0.6,2.5), xlim=c(-3,5), col="black", pch=16, xlab="log(mass)")
abline(trait, col="black")
## map the predicted Vb values onto the regression line
points(topredict$mass,output[,1], col= "red", pch=16)
## make a vector of all body mass data so that we can plot the 95% confidence intervals
newx<-sort(c(vb$mass, topredict$mass))
## generate confidence intervals for the entire dataset
a<-predict(trait, newdata=data.frame(mass=newx), interval="confidence")
## add 95% confidence interval lines
lines(newx, a[,2], lty=3)
lines(newx, a[,3], lty=3)
In [8]:
planttraitimp <-read.csv("PT-data-mice2.csv", header=T,sep=",")
In [42]:
## Keep only imputed datasets (1=>20) by removing the original dataset (0)
planttraitimp2 <-planttraitimp[ ! planttraitimp$.imp== "0", ]
In [43]:
## Give proper class to variables
planttraitimp2$Rarity3 <- factor(planttraitimp2$Rarity3, order = TRUE, levels = c("0", "1", "2", "3"))
We will create some additional variables by combining some of the old ones. This will makes the analyses easier.
In [44]:
## Combine pulp types into two categories: pulp/no_pulp
planttraitimp2$Pulp3 <- ifelse(planttraitimp2$Pulp2=="NA", "NA",
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Pulp2=="no", "no_pulp", "pulp"))
planttraitimp2$Pulp3 <- factor(planttraitimp2$Pulp3)
## Combine bioclimates
planttraitimp2$Clim_Humid2<- ifelse(planttraitimp2$Clim_Humid=="NA", "NA",
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Clim_Humid=="yes"|planttraitimp2$Clim_Subhumid=="yes"| planttraitimp2$Clim_Montane=="yes","yes", "no"))
planttraitimp2$Clim_Humid2 <- factor(planttraitimp2$Clim_Humid2)
planttraitimp2$Clim_Dry2<- ifelse(planttraitimp2$Clim_Humid=="NA", "NA",
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Clim_Subarid=="yes"|planttraitimp2$Clim_Dry=="yes","yes", "no"))
planttraitimp2$Clim_Dry2 <- factor(planttraitimp2$Clim_Dry2)
## Combine vegetation formations
planttraitimp2$Veg_Closed<- ifelse(planttraitimp2$Veg_Forest=="NA", "NA",
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Veg_Forest=="yes"|planttraitimp2$Veg_Bush=="yes", "yes", "no"))
planttraitimp2$Veg_Closed <- factor(planttraitimp2$Veg_Closed)
planttraitimp2$Veg_OnlyForest<- ifelse(planttraitimp2$Veg_Forest=="NA", "NA",
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Veg_Forest=="yes" & planttraitimp2$Veg_Bush=="no" & planttraitimp2$Veg_Shrub=="no" & planttraitimp2$Veg_Grass=="no" & planttraitimp2$Veg_Mang=="no" & planttraitimp2$Veg_Anthr=="no" ,"yes", "no"))
planttraitimp2$Veg_OnlyForest <- factor(planttraitimp2$Veg_OnlyForest)
Now, we have to assign seed dispersal syndromes to each plant species.
But, what's a seed dispersal syndrome?
It is a set of fruit/seed/plant traits used to predict the most likely dispersal agents. For example, when we have a seed with a pappus or a wing, then it is likely to be dispersed by wind (anemochory). If a seed displays hooks, then it is probably dispersed while attached to the fur of animals (epizoochory). Fleshy fruits are mainly dispersed through the guts of animals (endozoochory).
So, first, we define endozoochorous (with pulp or mimetic seeds) and non-endozoochorous species, to separate plant species that are dispersed by animals from other plant species.
In [45]:
# endozoochorous (biotic)/non-endozoochorous (abiotic)
planttraitimp2$SyndAB2 <- ifelse(planttraitimp2$Pulp3=="NA", "NA",
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Gen=="Adenanthera"|planttraitimp2$Gen=="Erythrina"|planttraitimp2$.id=="Abrus_aureus"|planttraitimp2$.id=="Abrus_diversifoliolatus"|planttraitimp2$.id=="Abrus_parvifolius", "Biotic", # mimetic seeds
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Pulp3=="pulp", "Biotic","Abiotic")))
planttraitimp2$SyndAB2 <- factor(planttraitimp2$SyndAB2)
Then, among animal_dispersed plant species, we define the bird-syndrome and the primate-syndrome as following:
Note: When we say that a species displays a primate-syndrome, it doesn't mean that it is dispersed only by primates. It just means that this species is probably best adapted to be dispersed by primates but it can still be dispersed (though probably less effectively) by other dispersers. A plant species often has a variety of dispersers.
In [46]:
# syndBPMAD4 = colour
planttraitimp2$SyndBPMAD4 <- ifelse(planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="NA", "NA",
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SyndAB2=="Abiotic", NA,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Gen=="Eriosema"|planttraitimp2$Gen=="Oxalis", NA,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="contrast"|planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="blue"|planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="purple", "Bird",
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="green"|planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="brown"|planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="white", "Primate", NA)))))
planttraitimp2$SyndBPMAD4 <- factor(planttraitimp2$SyndBPMAD4)
# syndBPMADH4 = colour + husk
planttraitimp2$SyndBPMADH4 <- ifelse(planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="NA", "NA",
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SyndAB2=="Abiotic", NA,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Gen=="Eriosema"|planttraitimp2$Gen=="Oxalis", NA,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$FrHusk2=="thick", "Primate",
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="contrast"|planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="blue"|planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="purple", "Bird",
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="green"|planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="brown"|planttraitimp2$Dcol2=="white", "Primate", NA))))))
planttraitimp2$SyndBPMADH4 <- factor(planttraitimp2$SyndBPMADH4)
Now, it is time to count the number of potential seed dispersers for each plant species.
We will use the data on animals that we have already prepared.
We will compare the seed size of each plant and the size of the largest seed able to be ingested by each disperser.
To have a comprehensive count, we won't focus on primate/bird-syndromes and take into account all endozoochorous species.
In [50]:
planttraitimp2$SeWi <- exp(planttraitimp2$log_SeWi)
planttraitimp2$SeWi <- as.numeric(planttraitimp2$SeWi)
# Number of potential primate dispersers
planttraitimp2$Nprimate <-ifelse(planttraitimp2$Pulp3=="no_pulp", NA,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi<=5.3, 20, # any seed smaller than 5.3 mm may be ingested by any of the 20 lemur dispersers
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>5.3 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=6, 19, # any seed between 5.3 and 6 mm may be ingested by 19 lemur dispersers
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>6 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=8, 18, # any seed between 6 and 8 mm may be ingested by 18 lemur dispersers
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>8 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=10, 16, # ...
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>10 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=11, 15,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>11 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=13, 14,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>13 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=14.9, 13,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>14 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=15.6, 12,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>15.6 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=16.8, 10,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>16.8 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=17.1, 9,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>17.1 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=17.7, 7,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>17.7 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=18, 6,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>18 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=19.5, 5,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>19.5 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=24.55, 4,0)))))))))))))))
planttraitimp2$Nprimate <- as.numeric(planttraitimp2$Nprimate)
# Number of potential bird dispersers
planttraitimp2$Nbird <-ifelse(planttraitimp2$SyndAB2=="Abiotic", NA,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi<=4.9, 5,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>4.9 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=6, 3,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>6 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=10.7, 2,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>10.7 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=11.88, 1,0)))))
planttraitimp2$Nbird <- as.numeric(planttraitimp2$Nbird)
# Number of potential bat dispersers
planttraitimp2$Nbat <-ifelse(planttraitimp2$Pulp3=="no_pulp", NA,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi<=3, 3,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>3 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=6.43, 2,
ifelse(planttraitimp2$SeWi>6.43 & planttraitimp2$SeWi<=9.6, 1,0))))
planttraitimp2$Nbat <- as.numeric(planttraitimp2$Nbat)
# Total number of dispersers
planttraitimp2$Total_disp<-apply(planttraitimp2[,c("Nbird","Nprimate","Nbat")],1,function(x){z <- x[!]; ifelse(length(z), sum(z), NA)})
planttraitimp2$Total_disp <- as.numeric(planttraitimp2$Total_disp)
Some plant species have 0 potential disperser. Their seeds are too large to be dispersed by any extant disperser. They were probably adapted to be dispersed by now extinct large animals (giant lemurs, elephant birds...).
That's why we define these plants as anachronistic.
In [51]:
# Anachronistic species
planttraitimp2$AnachSeExtr<-ifelse(planttraitimp2$Nbird=="NA", "NA",
ifelse(planttraitimp2$Total_disp == 0, "yes", "no"))
planttraitimp2$AnachSeExtr <- factor(planttraitimp2$AnachSeExtr)
In [52]:
In [ ]:
# Save the data
write.table(planttraitimp2, file="PT-data-miceP.csv", sep=",",row.names=FALSE)
In [10]:
# Load data
planttraitimp <- read.csv("PT-data-miceP.csv", header=T,sep=",")
# Give proper class to variables
planttraitimp$Rarity3 <- factor(planttraitimp$Rarity3, order = TRUE, levels = c("0", "1", "2", "3"))
planttraitimp$SyndAB2 <- factor(planttraitimp$SyndAB2)
planttraitimp$AnachSeExtr <- factor(planttraitimp$AnachSeExtr)
# Format the file
implist<-split(planttraitimp, list(planttraitimp$.imp))
In [63]:
# Percentage of each level of factor in the Madagascan flora
varnames3 <- c("SyndAB2", "SyndBPMAD4", "SyndBPMADH4", "Veg_Closed","Veg_OnlyForest")
for (i in seq_along(varnames3)) {
listvar<-lapply(implist, `[`, varnames3[i]) # list with each imputed dataset as elements, with only one variable (varnames3[i])
tabfun<-function(x) table(x,useNA="always")
freq1 <- sapply(listvar, tabfun) # calculate the frequency of each level in each dataset
grandm <- apply(freq1,1, mean) # calculate the mean of frequencies of each level
names(grandm)[length(grandm)] <- "NAs"
grandm2$percent <- round(grandm2$freq/sum(grandm2$freq)*100,2)
output.format1(stringtype="." , label =varnames3[i], rep.N=1 ,stringlength = 40)
=> We have several interesting outputs:
1) Only 1/3 of the Madagascan plant species are endozoochorous, which is low compared to other tropical areas.
2) Primate-dispersed plants dominate, contrary to other tropical areas where bird-dispersed plants form the majority (whatever the definition SyndBPMAD4 or SyndBPMADH4.
3) 3/4 of the Madagascan flora occur in closed vegetation (i.e. forest, woodland, bushland or thicket).
4) Just under half the species (46%) were only found in forests! Given the high deforestation rate in Madagascar. We have to worry a lot!