Dysfunctional seed dispersal in the endemic flora of Madagascar

  • Language: R
  • Methods: linear regression, multivariate imputation by chained equations (MICE), spatial analyses
  • Associated publication: (in prep)

Load and prepare plant data

In [21]:
## Load data
pt<-read.csv("PlantTrait.csv", header=T,row.names=1,sep=";")


In [22]:

Acanthopale_madagascariensisAcanthopale Acanthaceae asterids asterids E NA NA NA NA NA ... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Achyrocalyx_decaryiAchyrocalyx Acanthaceae asterids asterids E SH 0 0 1 0 ... Thicket no yes no no no no yes no NA
Achyrocalyx_gossypinusAchyrocalyx Acanthaceae asterids asterids E SH 0 0 1 0 ... Thicket no yes no no no no yes no NA
Achyrocalyx_pungensAchyrocalyx Acanthaceae asterids asterids E SH 0 0 1 0 ... Thicket no yes no no no no yes no NA
Ambongia_perrieriAmbongia Acanthaceae asterids asterids E SH 0 0 1 0 ... Forest yes no no no no no yes no NA
Anisostachya_aequilobaAnisostachyaAcanthaceae asterids asterids E SH 0 0 1 0 ... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

This dataset contains 88 variables (incl. several versions for many variables).

We don't need all of them. Let's clean a bit.

In [17]:
## Give proper class to variables

## Log-transform data to approach a normal distribution

In [18]:
## Keep only endemic species
pt2 <-subset(pt, Origin=="E")         

## Create file with variables needed for analyses (+ potential important predictors for imputation)
pt3 <-subset(pt2,select=c(Gen,Fam,Clade2,Lform3, FrType2, FrClass2, Dcol2, FrHusk2, Pulp2, log_FrLe, log_FrWi, SeFr, log_SeLe, log_SeWi, Rarity3, Clim_Humid, Clim_Subhumid, Clim_Subarid, Clim_Dry, Clim_Montane, Veg_Forest, Veg_Bush, Veg_Shrub, Veg_Grass, Veg_Mang, Veg_Anthr, IUCN,FrOd2, SeProt2))

## Give proper class to variables
pt3$Rarity3<-factor(pt3$Rarity3, order = TRUE, levels = c("0", "1", "2", "3"))

How many endemic plant species are there in Madagascar?

In [19]:


In [32]:
## Let's have a look at the data

           Gen                  Fam                     Clade2      Lform3    
 Bulbophyllum: 189   Orchidaceae  : 751   asterids         :3220   HE  :1840  
 Impatiens   : 173   Rubiaceae    : 675   basal angiosperms: 316   LI  :1202  
 Dypsis      : 163   Acanthaceae  : 473   eudicots         : 298   SH  :3004  
 Dombeya     : 155   Euphorbiaceae: 463   gymnosperm       :   6   Tree:2522  
 Croton      : 144   Fabaceae     : 449   monocots         :1741   NA's: 220  
 Euphorbia   : 130   Asteraceae   : 439   rosids           :3207              
 (Other)     :7834   (Other)      :5538                                       
     FrType2     FrClass2         Dcol2       FrHusk2        Pulp2     
 capsule :3576   DD  :4152   brown   : 507   no   :4173   aril  : 258  
 drupe   :1667   DI  :1486   red     : 357   thick:  98   fleshy:2663  
 berry   :1237   F   :2851   black   : 217   thin : 758   no    :5225  
 achene  : 848   NA's: 299   contrast: 134   NA's :3759   other : 103  
 follicle: 355               yellow  : 131                NA's  : 539  
 (Other) : 952               (Other) : 336                             
 NA's    : 153               NA's    :7106                             
    log_FrLe        log_FrWi           SeFr            log_SeLe     
 Min.   :0.693   Min.   :-1.609   Min.   :  0.100   Min.   :-1.609  
 1st Qu.:4.749   1st Qu.: 1.705   1st Qu.:  1.000   1st Qu.: 0.000  
 Median :5.666   Median : 2.303   Median :  1.000   Median : 1.386  
 Mean   :5.234   Mean   : 2.261   Mean   :  3.326   Mean   : 1.280  
 3rd Qu.:6.082   3rd Qu.: 2.879   3rd Qu.:  3.000   3rd Qu.: 2.322  
 Max.   :6.349   Max.   : 7.454   Max.   :125.000   Max.   : 4.248  
 NA's   :4364    NA's   :5474     NA's   :5162      NA's   :5431    
    log_SeWi      Rarity3     Clim_Humid  Clim_Subhumid Clim_Subarid
 Min.   :-2.303   0   :6152   no  :4026   no  :3779     no  :6064   
 1st Qu.: 1.099   1   :1548   yes :3242   yes :3489     yes :1204   
 Median : 1.668   2   : 419   NA's:1520   NA's:1520     NA's:1520   
 Mean   : 1.556   3   : 667                                         
 3rd Qu.: 2.303   NA's:   2                                         
 Max.   : 4.212                                                     
 NA's   :6747                                                       
 Clim_Dry    Clim_Montane Veg_Forest  Veg_Bush    Veg_Shrub   Veg_Grass  
 no  :5459   no  :6633    no  :2236   no  :5854   no  :6227   no  :6303  
 yes :1809   yes : 635    yes :4377   yes : 759   yes : 386   yes : 310  
 NA's:1520   NA's:1520    NA's:2175   NA's:2175   NA's:2175   NA's:2175  
 Veg_Mang    Veg_Anthr        IUCN          FrOd2         SeProt2    
 no  :6609   no  :6319   EN     : 259   absent :  18   absent : 131  
 yes :   4   yes : 294   CR     : 176   present:  42   present: 665  
 NA's:2175   NA's:2175   VU     : 167   NA's   :8728   NA's   :7992  
                         LC     : 155                                
                         NT     :  33                                
                         (Other):  41                                
                         NA's   :7957                                

It seems that the dataset has many missing data. Let's check that.

In [33]:
## Total % NA in dataset (after having removed some unnecessary variables)
ptx <-subset(pt3,select=-c(Gen, Fam, Clade2, log_FrLe, log_SeLe, Rarity3))
percNA <- sum(is.na(ptx))/(nrow(ptx)*ncol(ptx))*100


Yes, 37% of missing data. That's rather important. Let's see whether we can decrease a bit the number of missing data.

In [34]:
## check % NA in each variable
pMiss <- function(x){sum(is.na(x))/length(x)*100}


Some variables have a very high rate of missing values. Let's remove those with more than 90% NA: FrOd2, SeProt2 and IUCN.

Now, do we have species with a high rate of missing values?

In [35]:
# check % NA in observations
pMiss <- function(x){sum(is.na(x))/length(x)*100}

pty <-subset(pt3,select=-c(Gen, Fam, Clade2, log_FrLe, log_SeLe, Rarity3, FrOd2, SeProt2, IUCN))
pt3 <- pt3[order(-pt3$percentNA),]

Venana_caulifloraVenana Celastraceae rosids NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 100
Euphorbia_ambatomenahensisEuphorbia Euphorbiaceaerosids NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 100
Euphorbia_beuginiiEuphorbia Euphorbiaceaerosids NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 100
Euphorbia_nicaiseiEuphorbia Euphorbiaceaerosids NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 100
Macaranga_madagascariensisMacaranga Euphorbiaceaerosids NA capsule NA NA NA NA NA ... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 95
Korthalsella_taenioidesKorthalsella Santalaceae eudicots LI NA NA NA NA NA 2.079442 ... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 90

There are 4 species without any data (100% NA). Let's remove them.

In [36]:
## Remove species with 100% NA (i.e. no data)
pt4 <-pt3[ ! pt3$percentNA== 100, ]

In [37]:
## Number of species removed


In [38]:
## New number of species


Now, let's check again the percentage of missing data in the dataset.

In [42]:
## Total % NA in dataset (after having removed some unnecessary variables)
ptz <-subset(pt4,select=-c(Gen, Fam, Clade2, log_FrLe, log_SeLe, Rarity3, FrOd2, SeProt2, IUCN))
percNA2 <- sum(is.na(ptz))/(nrow(ptz)*ncol(ptz))*100


In [39]:
## Number of species with all the data available (0 NA)
pt_all <-pt4[pt4$percentNA== 0, ]


Due to the random scattering of missing values across the dataset, a complete case analysis, in which all observations with one or more missing values are omitted, would cover only 281 species (i.e. just 3% of the original 8784 species). This would lead to non-negligible loss of power with misleading results and biased estimates of parameters.

We have to perform multiple imputations of missing values.

Imputation of missing data

We will perform multivariate imputations by chained equations (MICE).

In [45]:
pt5 <-read.csv("planttrait2.csv", header=T, sep=";",row.names=1)

In [46]:
## Give proper class to variables
pt5$Rarity3<-factor(pt5$Rarity3, order = TRUE, levels = c("0", "1", "2", "3"))


'data.frame':	8784 obs. of  29 variables:
 $ Gen          : Factor w/ 1049 levels "Abrahamia","Abrus",..: 6 7 7 7 39 61 61 61 61 61 ...
 $ Fam          : Factor w/ 165 levels "Acanthaceae",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Clade2       : Factor w/ 6 levels "asterids","basal angiosperms",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Lform3       : Factor w/ 4 levels "HE","LI","SH",..: NA 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ FrType2      : Factor w/ 17 levels "achene","berry",..: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
 $ FrClass2     : Factor w/ 3 levels "DD","DI","F": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Dcol2        : Factor w/ 11 levels "black","blue",..: NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ FrHusk2      : Factor w/ 3 levels "no","thick","thin": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Pulp2        : Factor w/ 4 levels "aril","fleshy",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ log_FrLe     : num  NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ log_FrWi     : num  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ SeFr         : num  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ log_SeLe     : num  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ log_SeWi     : num  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Rarity3      : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "0"<"1"<"2"<"3": 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Clim_Humid   : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": 2 1 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Clim_Subhumid: Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": 2 1 1 1 2 NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Clim_Subarid : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": 1 2 2 2 1 NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Clim_Dry     : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": 1 1 1 1 2 NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Clim_Montane : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": 1 1 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Veg_Forest   : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": NA 1 1 1 2 NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Veg_Bush     : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": NA 2 2 2 1 NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Veg_Shrub    : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": NA 1 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Veg_Grass    : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": NA 1 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Veg_Mang     : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": NA 1 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Veg_Anthr    : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": NA 1 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ IUCN         : Factor w/ 8 levels "CR","DD","EN",..: NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ FrOd2        : Factor w/ 2 levels "absent","present": NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ SeProt2      : Factor w/ 2 levels "absent","present": NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...

Legend:Gen=genus; Fam=family; Lform3=life form (HE=herb,LI=liana,SH=shrub,Tree); FrType=fruit type; FrClass2=fruit class (DD=dry dehiscent, DI=dry indehiscent, F=fleshy); Dcol2=diaspore colour; FrHusk2=fruit husk; FrLe=fruit length; FrWi=fruit width; SeFr=number of seeds per fruit; SeLe=seed length; SeWi=seed width;

We will use

  • the predictive mean matching for continuous data to preserve non-linear relationships,
  • the logistic regression for binary variables,
  • the multinomial logistic regression for categorical variables with more than two factors, and
  • the proportional odds model for ordered categorical data.

NB: for categorical data, 'cart' seems to be better than 'polyreg' and 'polr'(cf. Akande 2015); however, we have some predictors with many levels (family, genus), so it is impossible to use a method based on trees.

In [47]:
## Prepare predictor matrix

ini <- mice(pt5, maxit=0, pri=F)	# create the mids object called ini containing the default settings	
meth <- ini$meth
meth[c("Gen","Fam","Clade2","FrClass2","log_FrLe","log_SeLe", "Veg_Mang","FrOd2", "SeProt2", "IUCN")] <- ""	# Skip a variable from imputation while this variable will still be used for prediction; Veg_Mang is too unbalanced (proba to have 'no' ~1)
meth[c("Clim_Humid","Clim_Subhumid","Clim_Subarid","Clim_Dry","Clim_Montane","Veg_Forest","Veg_Bush","Veg_Shrub","Veg_Grass","Veg_Anthr")] <- "logreg"
meth[c("Lform3","FrType2","Dcol2","FrHusk2","Pulp2")] <- "polyreg"
meth[c("log_FrWi","SeFr", "log_SeWi")] <- "pmm"
meth["Rarity3"] <- "polr"

In [ ]:
## Impute missing data
imputed_Data <- mice(pt5, MaxNWts = 20000, m=20, pred=new.pred, meth=meth, maxit = 10, seed=123)

NB: the code is very long to run (5 days) so the output has been copied-pasted from a previous run in the following cell.

In [ ]:
Multiply imputed data set
mice(data = pt5, m = 20, method = meth, predictorMatrix = new.pred, 
    maxit = 10, seed = 123, MaxNWts = 20000)
Number of multiple imputations:  20
Missing cells per column:
          Gen           Fam        Clade2        Lform3       FrType2      FrClass2         Dcol2       FrHusk2         Pulp2      log_FrLe      log_FrWi 
            0             0             0           216           149           295          7102          3755           535          4360          5470 
         SeFr      log_SeLe      log_SeWi       Rarity3    Clim_Humid Clim_Subhumid  Clim_Subarid      Clim_Dry  Clim_Montane    Veg_Forest      Veg_Bush 
         5158          5427          6743             2          1516          1516          1516          1516          1516          2171          2171 
    Veg_Shrub     Veg_Grass      Veg_Mang     Veg_Anthr          IUCN         FrOd2       SeProt2 
         2171          2171          2171          2171          7953          8724          7988 
Imputation methods:
          Gen           Fam        Clade2        Lform3       FrType2      FrClass2         Dcol2       FrHusk2         Pulp2      log_FrLe      log_FrWi 
           ""            ""            ""     "polyreg"     "polyreg"            ""     "polyreg"     "polyreg"     "polyreg"            ""         "pmm" 
         SeFr      log_SeLe      log_SeWi       Rarity3    Clim_Humid Clim_Subhumid  Clim_Subarid      Clim_Dry  Clim_Montane    Veg_Forest      Veg_Bush 
        "pmm"            ""         "pmm"        "polr"      "logreg"      "logreg"      "logreg"      "logreg"      "logreg"      "logreg"      "logreg" 
    Veg_Shrub     Veg_Grass      Veg_Mang     Veg_Anthr          IUCN         FrOd2       SeProt2 
     "logreg"      "logreg"            ""      "logreg"            ""            ""            "" 
       Lform3       FrType2         Dcol2       FrHusk2         Pulp2      log_FrWi          SeFr      log_SeWi       Rarity3    Clim_Humid Clim_Subhumid 
            4             5             7             8             9            11            12            14            15            16            17 
 Clim_Subarid      Clim_Dry  Clim_Montane    Veg_Forest      Veg_Bush     Veg_Shrub     Veg_Grass      Veg_Mang     Veg_Anthr 
           18            19            20            21            22            23            24            25            26 
              Gen Fam Clade2 Lform3 FrType2 FrClass2 Dcol2 FrHusk2 Pulp2 log_FrLe log_FrWi SeFr log_SeLe log_SeWi Rarity3 Clim_Humid Clim_Subhumid Clim_Subarid
Gen             0   0      0      0       0        0     0       0     0        0        0    0        0        0       0          0             0            0
Fam             0   0      0      0       0        0     0       0     0        0        0    0        0        0       0          0             0            0
Clade2          0   0      0      0       0        0     0       0     0        0        0    0        0        0       0          0             0            0
Lform3          1   0      0      0       1        0     0       1     1        0        1    0        0        1       0          1             1            0
FrType2         0   0      0      1       0        0     1       0     0        0        1    1        0        0       0          0             1            1
FrClass2        1   1      1      1       0        0     1       1     1        0        1    1        0        1       0          1             1            0
Dcol2           1   0      1      1       1        0     0       1     1        0        1    0        0        1       0          1             0            1
FrHusk2         1   1      1      1       0        0     1       0     1        0        1    1        0        1       1          1             0            0
Pulp2           1   1      1      1       1        0     1       1     0        0        1    0        0        1       0          1             1            0
log_FrLe        1   0      0      1       1        0     1       1     1        0        0    0        0        1       1          0             0            0
log_FrWi        0   0      1      1       1        0     0       1     1        0        0    0        0        1       1          0             1            0
SeFr            1   0      1      1       1        0     0       1     1        0        1    0        0        1       0          0             0            1
log_SeLe        1   1      1      1       1        0     1       1     1        0        1    1        0        1       1          1             1            1
log_SeWi        0   0      1      1       1        0     0       1     1        0        1    1        0        0       0          1             1            0
Rarity3         0   0      0      0       0        0     0       1     0        0        0    0        0        0       0          0             1            1
Clim_Humid      0   0      0      1       0        0     1       1     1        0        0    0        0        1       1          0             1            1
Clim_Subhumid   0   0      0      1       1        0     0       0     1        0        1    0        0        1       1          1             0            1
Clim_Subarid    0   0      0      0       1        0     1       0     0        0        0    1        0        0       1          1             1            0
Clim_Dry        0   0      0      0       1        0     0       0     0        0        1    0        0        0       1          1             1            0
Clim_Montane    0   0      0      1       1        0     0       0     1        0        1    0        0        1       1          1             1            1
Veg_Forest      0   1      0      1       1        0     1       1     1        0        1    0        0        1       1          1             0            1
Veg_Bush        0   0      0      0       0        0     1       0     0        0        0    0        0        0       1          1             1            1
Veg_Shrub       0   0      0      0       0        0     0       0     1        0        1    0        0        1       1          0             1            0
Veg_Grass       0   0      0      1       0        0     0       0     1        0        0    0        0        1       1          1             1            0
Veg_Mang        0   0      0      0       0        0     0       0     0        0        0    0        0        0       1          0             0            0
Veg_Anthr       0   0      0      0       0        0     0       0     0        0        0    0        0        0       1          0             0            0
IUCN            0   0      1      0       1        0     0       0     0        0        0    0        0        1       1          0             0            1
FrOd2           1   0      1      1       0        0     0       1     0        0        1    0        0        1       0          1             1            1
SeProt2         0   1      1      1       1        0     1       1     1        0        1    0        0        1       0          1             0            0
              Clim_Dry Clim_Montane Veg_Forest Veg_Bush Veg_Shrub Veg_Grass Veg_Mang Veg_Anthr IUCN FrOd2 SeProt2
Gen                  0            0          0        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
Fam                  0            0          0        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
Clade2               0            0          0        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
Lform3               0            1          1        0         0         1        0         0    0     0       0
FrType2              1            1          1        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
FrClass2             0            0          1        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
Dcol2                0            0          1        1         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
FrHusk2              0            0          1        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
Pulp2                0            1          1        0         1         1        0         0    0     0       0
log_FrLe             0            0          1        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
log_FrWi             1            1          1        0         1         0        0         0    0     0       0
SeFr                 0            0          0        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
log_SeLe             1            1          1        0         1         0        0         0    0     0       0
log_SeWi             1            1          1        0         1         1        0         0    0     0       0
Rarity3              0            0          0        1         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
Clim_Humid           1            1          1        1         0         1        0         0    0     0       0
Clim_Subhumid        1            1          0        1         1         1        0         0    0     0       0
Clim_Subarid         0            1          1        1         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
Clim_Dry             0            1          0        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
Clim_Montane         1            0          1        0         1         1        0         0    0     0       0
Veg_Forest           0            1          0        1         1         1        0         0    0     0       0
Veg_Bush             0            0          1        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
Veg_Shrub            0            1          1        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
Veg_Grass            0            1          1        0         0         0        0         1    0     0       0
Veg_Mang             0            0          0        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
Veg_Anthr            0            0          0        0         0         1        0         0    0     0       0
IUCN                 0            0          0        1         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
FrOd2                1            1          1        1         0         1        0         0    0     0       0
SeProt2              0            0          1        0         0         0        0         0    0     0       0
Random generator seed value:  123

In [ ]:
## Save imputed dataset
Datimp <- complete(imputed_Data, "long", include=TRUE)
write.table(Datimp, file="PT-data-mice2.csv", sep=",",row.names=FALSE)