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## PDF output using pandoc
## For a clean export resetart kernel and clear output
import os
### Export this notebook as markdown
commandLineSyntax = 'ipython nbconvert --to markdown 20190306_Global_Address_Wars_Presentation.ipynb'
print (commandLineSyntax)
### Export this notebook and the document header as PDF using Pandoc
commandLineSyntax = 'pandoc -f markdown -t latex -N -V geometry:margin=1in DocumentHeader.md 20190306_Global_Address_Wars_Presentation.md --filter pandoc-citeproc --latex-engine=xelatex --toc -o 20190306_Global_Address_Wars_Presentation.pdf '
To convert and run this as a static presentation run the following command:
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# Notes don't show in a python3 environment
!jupyter nbconvert 20190306_Global_Address_Wars_Presentation.ipynb --to slides --post serve
To close this instances press control 'c' in the ipython notebook terminal console
Static presentations allow the presenter to see speakers notes (use the 's' key)
If running dynamically run the scripts below
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#Future proof python 2
from __future__ import print_function #For python3 print syntax
from __future__ import division
# def
import IPython.core.display
# A function to collect user input - ipynb_input(varname='username', prompt='What is your username')
def ipynb_input(varname, prompt=''):
"""Prompt user for input and assign string val to given variable name."""
js_code = ("""
var value = prompt("{prompt}","");
var py_code = "{varname} = '" + value + "'";
""").format(prompt=prompt, varname=varname)
return IPython.core.display.Javascript(js_code)
# inline
%pylab inline
AddressBase is available at three levels of granularity (lite, plus and premium).
AddressBase supports the UK Location Strategy concept of a 'core reference geography', including the key principles of the European Union INSPIRE directive, that data should only be collected once and kept where it can be maintained most effectively (see AddressBase products user guide). It's probably worthwhile mentioning that this is not an open address layer - however, a 2104 feasibility study sponsored by the department of Business, Innovation and Skills included a recommendation that AddressBase lite is made openly available.
A credible service providing a mutlitude of efficiencies (@_addressing_2012, pp.50 - 54)
The World Bank has taken a street addressing view-point (@_addressing_2012, p.57). This requires up-to-date mapping and bureacracy (to deliver a street gazetteer and to provide the street infrastructure (furniture)). However, (@_addressing_2012, p.44) demonstrates that this is a cumbersome process with a number of issues, not the least:
It is almost impossible for individuals to be part of society without a legal identity.
4 billion people are excluded from the rule of law because they do not have a legal identity, and that establishing such an identity often depends on having an official address.
Addresses appear to be a key element in aiding the delivery of policies at national and international levels ....
@_addressing_2012 p. 6
... particularly with regard to:
@_addressing_2012 p. 6
This century is witnessing a fundamental change in our way of life; for the first time in history, half of the world’s population lives in towns and cities.
Urban areas are growing faster in developing countries, mostly through informal settlements.
The lack of an address, particularly in informal settlements, can also mean the lack of legal identity, equal opportunities for employment and social integration.
@_addressing_2012 p. 6
Addresses are becoming a basic human right.
The situation is best summarised by the open access Danish addressing commons [@_addressing_2012 p. 54]:
The re-use statistics are staggering:
There is no such thing as an unmatched address.
Is there a universal approach which allows all avenues to be satisfied?
the lack of a consistent and transparent legal and policy framework for sharing spatial data continues to be an additional roadblock.
BCS examples (in alphabetical order):
Bob Barr has described core reference geographies as geographic data which:
Global addresses are a core reference geography.
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