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%install_ext https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rasbt/python_reference/master/ipython_magic/watermark.py
%load_ext watermark
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!pip list
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# def
import IPython.core.display
# A function to collect user input - ipynb_input(varname='username', prompt='What is your username')
def ipynb_input(varname, prompt=''):
"""Prompt user for input and assign string val to given variable name."""
js_code = ("""
var value = prompt("{prompt}","");
var py_code = "{varname} = '" + value + "'";
""").format(prompt=prompt, varname=varname)
return IPython.core.display.Javascript(js_code)
# inline
%pylab inline
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It's not just postal addressing
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Address credibility is critical
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Utilities see the full life-cycle of an address - especially the birth and death
In a postal system:
The postal challenge is to solve the last 100 meters. In such a scenario the post person is critical.
DPs were collected by the Royal Mail for their operational activities and sold under licence as the Postal Address File (PAF). PAF is built around the 8-character Unique Delivery Point Reference Number (UDPRN). The problem with PAF is that the spatial context is not incorporated into the product. Delivery points are decoupled from their spatial context - a delivery point with a spatial context should provide the clear location of the point of delivery (a door in a house, a post-room at an office etc.).
An LLPG (Local Land and Property Gazetteer) is a collection of address and location data created by a local authority.
It is an Asset/Facilities Management tool to support public service delivery:
It incorporates:
Non postal addresses (i.e. something that the Royal Mail wouldn't deliver post to)
a 12-digit Unique Property Reference Number for every building and plot of land
Prior to the initialization of the LLPGs, local authorities would have different address data held across different departments and the purpose of the Local Land and Property Gazetteers was to rationalize the data, so that a property or a particular plot of land is referred to as the same thing, even if they do have different names.
The World Bank has taken a street addressing view-point (@_addressing_2012, p.57). This requires up-to-date mapping and bureacracy (to deliver a street gazetteer and to provide the street infrastructure (furniture)). However, (@_addressing_2012, p.44) demonstrates that this is a cumbersome process with a number of issues, not the least:
A credible service providing a mutlitude of efficiencies (@_addressing_2012, pp.50 - 54)
AddressBase is available at three levels of granularity (lite, plus and premium).
AddressBase supports the UK Location Strategy concept of a 'core reference geography', including the key principles of the European Union INSPIRE directive, that data should only be collected once and kept where it can be maintained most effectively (see AddressBase products user guide). It's probably worthwhile mentioning that this is not an open address layer - however, a 2104 feasibility study sponsored by the department of Business, Innovation and Skills included a recommendation that AddressBase lite is made openly available.
This has seen companies incorporating AddressBase Premium into their business systems to replace PAF or bespoke addressing frameworks - in theory the ability to authoritatively access the address lifecycle provides greater certainty for a number of business operations.
At United Utilites (UU) AddressBase Premium is replacing a multitude of bespoke and PAF based addressing products.
The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) on the need for an Open National Address Gazetteer commissioned a review of open addressing which was published January 2014.
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It recommended:
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AddressBase Lite was proposed with an annual release cycle. Critically this contains the UPRN which could be be key for product interoperability.
With the exception of the PAF advisory board and Royal Mail there was support for the BIS review across the respondants with some notable calls for the Totally Open option (particularly from those organisations who are not part of the Public Sector Mapping Agreement) and that the UPRN should be released under an open data licence (as a core reference data set that encourages product interoperability).
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A number of quotes have been selected below:
....Address data and specific locations attached to them are part of Core Reference data sets recognised by government as a key component of our National Information Infrastructure (as long argued by APPSI). The report published by BIS gives us a chance to democratise access to addressing data and meet many of the Government’s avowed intentions. We urge acceptance of Option 6 (freemium) or 7 (an independent open data product).
David Rhind Chair of the Advisory Panel on Public Sector Information
....Freely available data are much more likely to be adopted by users and embedded in operational systems. A national register, free at the point of delivery will undoubtedly help in joining up services, increasing efficiency and reducing duplication.
Office of National Statistics
... we expressed concern that, for almost all other potential customers (non-public sector), the prices are prohibitive, and appear designed to protect OS’s existing policy of setting high prices for a small captive market, extracting monopoly rent.
Keith Dugmore Director, DUG
Whatever licence the data is available under, it must permit the data to be combined with other open data and then re-published. ... The Open Government Licence fulfils this criteria, but it should be noted that the OS OpenData Licence (enforced by OS on it's OS OpenData products, and via the PSMA) does not. The use of the latter would represent a significant restriction on down-stream data use, and so should be avoided.
Individual Respondent 6
Bob Barr has described core reference geographies as geographic data which:
Global addresses are a core reference geography.
Is there a universal approach which allows all avenues to be satisfied?
A global addressing framework should meet the needs of the rural, urban, formal and informal communities equally.
BCS examples (in alphabetical order):
In terms of assets two things spring to mind -
Not really....
As a key creator of addresses should utilities replace a functional bespoke address system with an address framework (ABP) that does not meet all their business requirements?
This creates a paradox when products like AddressBase are stipulated in Government policy documents (such as OpenWater)
How can this gap be bridged?
Addresses need to be fit-for-purpose for the end user
Ant Beck will talk about how addresses are employed within United Utilities: from bespoke addressing, to the current implementation of Geoplace’s Address Base. The current approach to addressing hinders effective market activities so consideration is given to how Open approaches can disrupt the addressing landscape and improve utility services.
We would like to see any open addressing infrastructure in the OK not simply aim to emulate ABP but instead provide a platform for 21st Century addressing on a global platform
The address lifecycle element helps UU provide operational capacity for new builds and provides greater confidence when changing asset GIS and client details when a property is demolished.
Should an Open Address infrastructure emulate current models or should it be the foundation of a new addressing paradigm fit for 21st century challenges
Utilities have the potential to be:
United Utilities would like to help frame this debate and be part of any solution.
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