Maximising the utility of an Open Address

Anthony Beck (GeoLytics), John Daniels (UU), Paul Williams (UU), Dave Pearson (UU), Matt Beare (Beare Essentials)

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The view of addressing from United Utilities

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About me

  • Honorary Research Fellow, University of Nottingham: orcid
  • Director, Geolytics Limited - A spatial data analytics consultancy

About this presentation


Contribution to GIScience learning outcomes

This presentation contributes to the following learning outcomes for this course.

  1. Knowledge and Understanding:
    • Appreciate the importance of standards for Geographic Information and the role of the Open Geospatial Consortium.
    • Understand the term 'interoperability'.
    • Appreciate the different models for database design.
    • Understand the basis of Linked Data.
    • Find UK government open data and understand some of the complexities in the use of this data.
    • Appreciate the data issues involved in managing large distributed databases, Location-Based Services and the emergence of real-time data gathering through the 'Sensor-Web'.
    • Understand the different models for creating international Spatial Data Infrastructures.
  2. Intellectual Skills:
    • Evaluate the role of standards and professional bodies in GIS.
    • Articulate the meaning and importance of interoperability, semantics and ontologies.
    • Assess the technical and organisational issues which come into play when attempting to design large distributed geographic databases aimed at supporting 'real-world' problems.

A potted history of mapping

In the beginning was the geoword

and the word was cartography



Contribution to GIScience learning outcomes

This presentation contributes to the following learning outcomes for this course.

  1. Knowledge and Understanding:
    • Appreciate the importance of standards for Geographic Information and the role of the Open Geospatial Consortium.
    • Understand the term 'interoperability'.
    • Appreciate the different models for database design.
    • Understand the basis of Linked Data.
    • Find UK government open data and understand some of the complexities in the use of this data.
    • Appreciate the data issues involved in managing large distributed databases, Location-Based Services and the emergence of real-time data gathering through the 'Sensor-Web'.
    • Understand the different models for creating international Spatial Data Infrastructures.
  2. Intellectual Skills:
    • Evaluate the role of standards and professional bodies in GIS.
    • Articulate the meaning and importance of interoperability, semantics and ontologies.
    • Assess the technical and organisational issues which come into play when attempting to design large distributed geographic databases aimed at supporting 'real-world' problems.