Periodic Spline

This notebook replicates spec_splinep.m as an Jupyter/IPython notebook

In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sys; sys.path.append('..')
from conformalmapping import *

In [5]:
# Python Syntax for complex numbers is uses j rather than i
pts = [
 0.5896  + 1.2486j,
 -0.1426 + 1.5954j,
 -0.9133 + 1.1561j,
 -0.8465 + 0.3536j,
 -1.1116 - 0.2398j, 
 -1.2695 - 0.9643j,
 -0.5660 - 1.1075j,
 0.2013 - 0.7552j,
 0.8362 - 0.9634j,
 1.5838 - 0.7013j,
 1.3141 + 0.4008j,
 0.8474 + 0.7291j

# This looks slightly different to the matlab - we'll use a classmethod 
# constructor rather than trying to combine all the overloads into one
# place. This makes testing a little easier, and it makes coverage testing
# a lot easier.
s = Splinep.from_complex_list(pts)
print s

splinep object:

  defined with 13 spline knots,
  total chordal arc length 9.20178583641

In [6]:
ts = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 201)
ps = s.point(ts)
plt.plot(ps.real, ps.imag)
plt.plot(s.zpts.real, s.zpts.imag, 'r.')

In [ ]: