Homework 2

Visualize, describe, and model distributions

Allen Downey

MIT License

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from utils import decorate
from thinkstats2 import Pmf, Cdf

import thinkstats2
import thinkplot

Here are some of the functions from Chapter 5.

In [2]:
def MakeNormalModel(values, label=''):
    """Plots a CDF with a Normal model.

    values: sequence
    cdf = thinkstats2.Cdf(values, label=label)

    mean, var = thinkstats2.TrimmedMeanVar(values)
    std = np.sqrt(var)
    print('n, mean, std', len(values), mean, std)

    xmin = mean - 4 * std
    xmax = mean + 4 * std

    xs, ps = thinkstats2.RenderNormalCdf(mean, std, xmin, xmax)
    thinkplot.Plot(xs, ps, label='model', linewidth=4, color='0.8')

In [3]:
def MakeNormalPlot(values, label=''):
    """Generates a normal probability plot.

    values: sequence
    mean, var = thinkstats2.TrimmedMeanVar(values, p=0.01)
    std = np.sqrt(var)

    xs = [-5, 5]
    xs, ys = thinkstats2.FitLine(xs, mean, std)
    thinkplot.Plot(xs, ys, color='0.8', label='model')

    xs, ys = thinkstats2.NormalProbability(values)
    thinkplot.Plot(xs, ys, '+', alpha=0.3, label=label)

Read the GSS data again.

In [4]:
%time gss = pd.read_hdf('gss.hdf5', 'gss')

In [5]:

Most variables use special codes to indicate missing data. We have to be careful not to use these codes as numerical data; one way to manage that is to replace them with NaN, which Pandas recognizes as a missing value.

In [6]:
def replace_invalid(df):
    df.realinc.replace([0], np.nan, inplace=True)                  
    df.educ.replace([98,99], np.nan, inplace=True)
    # 89 means 89 or older
    df.age.replace([98, 99], np.nan, inplace=True) 
    df.cohort.replace([9999], np.nan, inplace=True)
    df.adults.replace([9], np.nan, inplace=True)


Distribution of age

Here's the CDF of ages.

In [7]:
cdf_age = Cdf(gss.age)
thinkplot.cdf(cdf_age, label='age')

decorate(title='Distribution of age', 
         xlabel='Age (years)', 

Exercise: Each of the following cells shows the distribution of ages under various transforms, compared to various models. In each text cell, add a sentence or two that interprets the result. What can we say about the distribution of ages based on each figure?

1) Here's the CDF of ages compared to a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation.


In [8]:
MakeNormalModel(gss.age.dropna(), label='')

decorate(title='Distribution of age', 
         xlabel='Age (years)', 

2) Here's a normal probability plot for the distribution of ages.


In [9]:
MakeNormalPlot(gss.age.dropna(), label='')

decorate(title='Normal probability plot', 
         xlabel='Standard normal sample', 
         ylabel='Age (years)')

3) Here's the complementary CDF on a log-y scale.


In [10]:
thinkplot.cdf(cdf_age, label='age', complement=True)

decorate(title='Distribution of age', 
         xlabel='Age (years)', 
         ylabel='Complementary CDF, log scale',

4) Here's the CDF of ages on a log-x scale.


In [11]:
thinkplot.cdf(cdf_age, label='age')

decorate(title='Distribution of age', 
         xlabel='Age (years)', 

5) Here's the CDF of the logarithm of ages, compared to a normal model.


In [12]:
values = np.log10(gss.age.dropna())
MakeNormalModel(values, label='')

decorate(title='Distribution of age', 
         xlabel='Age (log10 years)', 

6) Here's a normal probability plot for the logarithm of ages.


In [13]:
MakeNormalPlot(values, label='')

decorate(title='Distribution of age', 
         xlabel='Standard normal sample', 
         ylabel='Age (log10 years)')

7) Here's the complementary CDF on a log-log scale.


In [14]:
thinkplot.cdf(cdf_age, label='age', complement=True)

decorate(title='Distribution of age', 
         xlabel='Age (years)', 
         ylabel='Complementary CDF, log scale',

8) Here's a test to see whether ages are well-modeled by a Weibull distribution.


In [15]:
thinkplot.cdf(cdf_age, label='age', transform='Weibull')

decorate(title='Distribution of age', 
         xlabel='Age (years)', 
         ylabel='log Complementary CDF, log scale',

Distribution of income

Here's the CDF of realinc.

In [16]:
cdf_realinc = Cdf(gss.realinc)
thinkplot.cdf(cdf_realinc, label='income')

decorate(title='Distribution of income', 
         xlabel='Income (1986 $)', 

Exercise: Use visualizations like the ones in the previous exercise to see whether there is an analytic model that describes the distribution of gss.realinc well.

In [17]:
# Solution goes here

2) Here's a normal probability plot for the values.

In [18]:
# Solution goes here

3) Here's the complementary CDF on a log-y scale.

In [19]:
# Solution goes here

4) Here's the CDF on a log-x scale.

In [20]:
# Solution goes here

5) Here's the CDF of the logarithm of the values, compared to a normal model.

In [21]:
# Solution goes here

6) Here's a normal probability plot for the logarithm of the values.

In [22]:
# Solution goes here

7) Here's the complementary CDF on a log-log scale.

In [23]:
# Solution goes here

8) Here's a test to see whether the values are well-modeled by a Weibull distribution.


In [24]:
# Solution goes here


In [25]:
%time brfss = pd.read_hdf('brfss.hdf5', 'brfss')

Let's look at the distribution of height in the BRFSS dataset. Here's the CDF.

In [26]:
heights = brfss.HTM4

cdf_heights = Cdf(heights)

decorate(xlabel='Height (cm)', ylabel='CDF')

To see whether a normal model describes this data well, we can use KDE to estimate the PDF.

In [27]:
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde

Here's an example using the default bandwidth method.

In [28]:
kde = gaussian_kde(heights.dropna())

xs = np.linspace(heights.min(), heights.max())
ds = kde.evaluate(xs)
ds /= ds.sum()

plt.plot(xs, ds, label='KDE heights')

decorate(xlabel='Height (cm)', ylabel='PDF')

It doesn't work very well; we can improve it by overriding the bandwidth with a constant.

In [29]:
kde = gaussian_kde(heights.dropna(), bw_method=0.3)

ds = kde.evaluate(xs)
ds /= ds.sum()

plt.plot(xs, ds, label='KDE heights')

decorate(xlabel='Height (cm)', ylabel='PDF')

Now we can generate a normal model with the same mean and standard deviation.

In [30]:
mean = heights.mean()
std = heights.std()

mean, std

Here's the model compared to the estimated PDF.

In [31]:
normal_pdf = thinkstats2.NormalPdf(mean, std)

ps = normal_pdf.Density(xs)
ps /= ps.sum()

plt.plot(xs, ps, color='gray', label='Normal model')
plt.plot(xs, ds, label='KDE heights')

decorate(xlabel='Height (cm)', ylabel='PDF')

The data don't fit the model particularly well, possibly because the distribution of heights is a mixture of two distributions, for men and women.

Exercise: Generate a similar figure for just women's heights and see if the normal model does any better.

In [32]:
# Solution goes here

In [33]:
# Solution goes here

Exercise: Generate a similar figure for men's weights, brfss.WTKG3. How well does the normal model fit?

In [34]:
# Solution goes here

In [35]:
# Solution goes here

Exercise: Try it one more time with the log of men's weights. How well does the normal model fit? What does that imply about the distribution of weight?

In [36]:
# Solution goes here

In [37]:
# Solution goes here


Let's look at the skewness of the distribution of weights for men and women.

In [38]:
male = (brfss.SEX == 1)
male_weights = brfss.loc[male, 'WTKG3']

In [39]:
female = (brfss.SEX == 2)
female_weights = brfss.loc[female, 'WTKG3']

As we've seen, these distributions are skewed to the right, so we expect the mean to be higher than the median.

In [40]:
male_weights.mean(), male_weights.median()

We can compute the moment-based sample skewness using Pandas or thinkstats2. The results are almost the same.

In [41]:
male_weights.skew(), thinkstats2.Skewness(male_weights.dropna())

But moment-based sample skewness is a terrible statistic! A more robust alternative is Pearson's median skewness:

In [42]:

Exercise: Compute the same statistics for women. Which distribution is more skewed?

In [43]:
# Solution goes here

In [44]:
# Solution goes here

In [45]:
# Solution goes here

Exercise: Explore the GSS or BRFSS dataset and find something interesting!

In [ ]: