Modeling and Simulation in Python

Copyright 2017 Allen Downey

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

In [2]:
# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook
%matplotlib inline

# Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment
%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign'

# import functions from the module
from modsim import *

Low pass filter

In [3]:
with units_off():
    for i, name in enumerate(dir(UNITS)):
        unit = getattr(UNITS, name)
            res = 1*unit - 1
            if res == 0:
                print(name, 1*unit - 1)
        except TypeError:
        if i > 10000:

A 0.0 dimensionless
Bd 0.0 dimensionless
Bq 0.0 dimensionless
C 0.0 dimensionless
Gy 0.0 dimensionless
Hz 0.0 dimensionless
K 0.0 dimensionless
Sv 0.0 dimensionless
amp 0.0 dimensionless
ampere 0.0 dimensionless
ampere_turn 0.0 dimensionless
baud 0.0 dimensionless
becquerel 0.0 dimensionless
bit 0.0 dimensionless
bps 0.0 dimensionless
candela 0.0 dimensionless
candle 0.0 dimensionless
cd 0.0 dimensionless
coulomb 0.0 dimensionless
count 0.0 dimensionless
counts_per_second 0.0 dimensionless
cps 0.0 dimensionless
degK 0.0 dimensionless
delta_degC 0.0 dimensionless
fine_structure_constant 0.0 dimensionless
g 0.0 dimensionless
gram 0.0 dimensionless
gray 0.0 dimensionless
hertz 0.0 dimensionless
kelvin 0.0 dimensionless
lm 0.0 dimensionless
lumen 0.0 dimensionless
lux 0.0 dimensionless
lx 0.0 dimensionless
m 0.0 dimensionless
meter 0.0 dimensionless
metre 0.0 dimensionless
mol 0.0 dimensionless
mole 0.0 dimensionless
rad 0.0 dimensionless
radian 0.0 dimensionless
rps 0.0 dimensionless
s 0.0 dimensionless
sec 0.0 dimensionless
second 0.0 dimensionless
sievert 0.0 dimensionless
sr 0.0 dimensionless
steradian 0.0 dimensionless
stere 0.0 dimensionless
Δcelsius 0.0 dimensionless

In [5]:
with units_off():
    print(2 * UNITS.farad - 1)

-0.998 dimensionless

In [6]:
with units_off():
    print(2 * UNITS.volt - 1)

1999.0 dimensionless

In [7]:
with units_off():
    print(2 * UNITS.newton - 1)

1999.0 dimensionless

In [10]:
mN = UNITS.gram * UNITS.meter / UNITS.second**2

gram meter/second2

In [11]:
with units_off():
    print(2 * mN - 1)

1.0 dimensionless

Now I'll create a Params object to contain the quantities we need. Using a Params object is convenient for grouping the system parameters in a way that's easy to read (and double-check).

In [8]:
params = Params(
    R1 = 1e6, # ohm
    C1 = 1e-9, # farad
    A = 5, # volt
    f = 1000, # Hz 

R1 1.000000e+06
C1 1.000000e-09
A 5.000000e+00
f 1.000000e+03

Now we can pass the Params object make_system which computes some additional parameters and defines init.

make_system uses the given radius to compute area and the given v_term to compute the drag coefficient C_d.

In [9]:
def make_system(params):
    """Makes a System object for the given conditions.
    params: Params object
    returns: System object
    init = State(V_out = 0)
    omega = 2 * np.pi * f
    tau = R1 * C1
    cutoff = 1 / R1 / C1
    t_end = 3 / f
    return System(params, init=init, t_end=t_end,
                  omega=omega, cutoff=cutoff)

Let's make a System

In [10]:
system = make_system(params)

R1 1e+06
C1 1e-09
A 5
f 1000
init V_out 0 dtype: int64
t_end 0.003
omega 6283.19
cutoff 1000

Here's the slope function,

In [11]:
def slope_func(state, t, system):
    """Compute derivatives of the state.
    state: position, velocity
    t: time
    system: System object
    returns: derivatives of y and v
    V_out, = state
    V_in = A * np.cos(omega * t)
    V_R1 = V_in - V_out
    I_R1 = V_R1 / R1    
    I_C1 = I_R1

    dV_out = I_C1 / C1
    return dV_out

As always, let's test the slope function with the initial conditions.

In [12]:
slope_func(system.init, 0, system)


And then run the simulation.

In [13]:
ts = linspace(0, system.t_end, 301)
results, details = run_ode_solver(system, slope_func, t_eval=ts)

The solver successfully reached the end of the integration interval.
sol None
t_events []
nfev 86
njev 0
nlu 0
status 0
message The solver successfully reached the end of the...
success True

Here are the results.

In [14]:
# results

Here's the plot of position as a function of time.

In [18]:
def plot_results(results):
    xs = results.V_out.index
    ys = results.V_out.values

    t_end = get_last_label(results)
    if t_end < 10:
        xs *= 1000
        xlabel = 'Time (ms)'
        xlabel = 'Time (s)'
    plot(xs, ys)
             ylabel='$V_{out}$ (volt)',

And velocity as a function of time:

In [19]:
fs = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000]
for i, f in enumerate(fs):
    system = make_system(Params(params, f=f))
    ts = linspace(0, system.t_end, 301)
    results, details = run_ode_solver(system, slope_func, t_eval=ts)
    subplot(3, 2, i+1)

The solver successfully reached the end of the integration interval.
The solver successfully reached the end of the integration interval.
The solver successfully reached the end of the integration interval.
The solver successfully reached the end of the integration interval.
The solver successfully reached the end of the integration interval.
The solver successfully reached the end of the integration interval.

In [ ]: