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# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook
%matplotlib inline
# Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment
%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign'
# import functions from the module
from modsim import *
I'll start by getting the units we'll need from Pint.
In [2]:
m = UNITS.meter
s = UNITS.second
kg = UNITS.kilogram
N = UNITS.newton
degree =
radian = UNITS.radian
In this case study we'll develop a model of Spider-Man swinging from a springy cable of webbing attached to the top of the Empire State Building. Initially, Spider-Man is at the top of a nearby building, as shown in this diagram.
The origin, O⃗
, is at the base of the Empire State Building. The vector H⃗
represents the position where the webbing is attached to the building, relative to O⃗
. The vector P⃗
is the position of Spider-Man relative to O⃗
. And L⃗
is the vector from the attachment point to Spider-Man.
By following the arrows from O⃗
, along H⃗
, and along L⃗
, we can see that
H⃗ + L⃗ = P⃗
So we can compute L⃗
like this:
L⃗ = P⃗ - H⃗
The goals of this case study are:
Implement a model of this scenario to predict Spider-Man's trajectory.
Choose the right time for Spider-Man to let go of the webbing in order to maximize the distance he travels before landing.
Choose the best angle for Spider-Man to jump off the building, and let go of the webbing, to maximize range.
I'll create a Params
object to contain the quantities we'll need:
According to the Spider-Man Wiki, Spider-Man weighs 76 kg.
Let's assume his terminal velocity is 60 m/s.
The length of the web is 100 m.
The initial angle of the web is 45 degrees to the left of straight down.
The spring constant of the web is 40 N / m when the cord is stretched, and 0 when it's compressed.
Here's a Params
In [3]:
params = Params(height = 381 * m,
g = 9.8 * m/s**2,
mass = 75 * kg,
area = 1 * m**2,
rho = 1.2 * kg/m**3,
v_term = 60 * m / s,
length = 100 * m,
angle = (270 - 45) * degree,
k = 40 * N / m,
t_0 = 0 * s,
t_end = 30 * s)
Compute the initial position
In [4]:
def initial_condition(params):
"""Compute the initial position and velocity.
params: Params object
height, length, angle = params.height, params.length, params.angle
H⃗ = Vector(0, height)
theta =
x, y = pol2cart(theta, length)
L⃗ = Vector(x, y)
P⃗ = H⃗ + L⃗
V⃗ = Vector(0, 0) * m/s
return State(P⃗=P⃗, V⃗=V⃗)
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Now here's a version of make_system
that takes a Params
object as a parameter.
uses the given value of v_term
to compute the drag coefficient C_d
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def make_system(params):
"""Makes a System object for the given conditions.
params: Params object
returns: System object
init = initial_condition(params)
mass, g = params.mass, params.g
rho, area, v_term = params.rho, params.area, params.v_term
C_d = 2 * mass * g / (rho * area * v_term**2)
return System(params, init=init, C_d=C_d)
Let's make a System
In [7]:
system = make_system(params)
In [8]:
In [9]:
def drag_force(V⃗, system):
"""Compute drag force.
V⃗: velocity Vector
system: `System` object
returns: force Vector
rho, C_d, area = system.rho, system.C_d, system.area
mag = rho * V⃗.mag**2 * C_d * area / 2
direction = -V⃗.hat()
f_drag = direction * mag
return f_drag
In [10]:
V⃗_test = Vector(10, 10) * m/s
In [11]:
drag_force(V⃗_test, system)
And here's the 2-D version of spring force. We saw the 1-D version in Chapter 21.
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def spring_force(L⃗, system):
"""Compute drag force.
L⃗: Vector representing the webbing
system: System object
returns: force Vector
extension = L⃗.mag - system.length
if magnitude(extension) < 0:
mag = 0
mag = system.k * extension
direction = -L⃗.hat()
f_spring = direction * mag
return f_spring
In [13]:
L⃗_test = Vector(0, -system.length-1*m)
In [14]:
f_spring = spring_force(L⃗_test, system)
Here's the slope function, including acceleration due to gravity, drag, and the spring force of the webbing.
In [15]:
def slope_func(state, t, system):
"""Computes derivatives of the state variables.
state: State (x, y, x velocity, y velocity)
t: time
system: System object with g, rho, C_d, area, mass
returns: sequence (vx, vy, ax, ay)
P⃗, V⃗ = state
g, mass = system.g, system.mass
H⃗ = Vector(0, system.height)
L⃗ = P⃗ - H⃗
a_grav = Vector(0, -g)
a_spring = spring_force(L⃗, system) / mass
a_drag = drag_force(V⃗, system) / mass
A⃗ = a_grav + a_drag + a_spring
return V⃗, A⃗
As always, let's test the slope function with the initial conditions.
In [16]:
slope_func(system.init, 0, system)
And then run the simulation.
In [17]:
results, details = run_ode_solver(system, slope_func)
The simplest way to visualize the results is to plot x and y as functions of time.
In [18]:
def plot_position(P⃗):
x = P⃗.extract('x')
y = P⃗.extract('y')
plot(x, label='x')
plot(y, label='y')
decorate(xlabel='Time (s)',
ylabel='Position (m)')
We can plot the velocities the same way.
In [19]:
def plot_velocity(V⃗):
vx = V⃗.extract('x')
vy = V⃗.extract('y')
plot(vx, label='vx')
plot(vy, label='vy')
decorate(xlabel='Time (s)',
ylabel='Velocity (m/s)')
Another way to visualize the results is to plot y versus x. The result is the trajectory through the plane of motion.
In [20]:
def plot_trajectory(P⃗, **options):
x = P⃗.extract('x')
y = P⃗.extract('y')
plot(x, y, **options)
decorate(xlabel='x position (m)',
ylabel='y position (m)')
plot_trajectory(results.P⃗, label='trajectory')
In [21]:
params1 = Params(params, t_end=9*s)
system1 = make_system(params1)
results1, details1 = run_ode_solver(system1, slope_func)
plot_trajectory(results1.P⃗, label='Phase 1')
The final conditions from Phase 1 are the initial conditions for Phase 2.
In [22]:
t_final = get_last_label(results1) * s
Here's the position Vector.
In [23]:
init = results1.last_row()
And the velocity Vector.
In [24]:
Here is the System
for Phase 2. We can turn off the spring force by setting k=0
, so we don't have to write a new slope function.
In [25]:
system2 = System(system1, t_0=t_final, t_end=t_final+10*s, init=init, k=0*N/m)
Here's an event function that stops the simulation when Spider-Man reaches the ground.
In [26]:
def event_func(state, t, system):
"""Stops when y=0.
state: State object
t: time
system: System object
returns: height
P⃗, V⃗ = state
return P⃗.y
Run Phase 2.
In [27]:
results2, details2 = run_ode_solver(system2, slope_func, events=event_func)
Plot the results.
In [28]:
plot_trajectory(results1.P⃗, label='Phase 1')
plot_trajectory(results2.P⃗, label='Phase 2')
Now we can gather all that into a function that takes t_release
and V_0
, runs both phases, and returns the results.
In [29]:
def run_two_phase(t_release, V⃗_0, params):
"""Run both phases.
t_release: time when Spider-Man lets go of the webbing
V_0: initial velocity
params1 = Params(params, t_end=t_release, V⃗_0=V⃗_0)
system1 = make_system(params1)
results1, details1 = run_ode_solver(system1, slope_func)
t_0 = get_last_label(results1) * s
t_end = t_0 + 10 * s
init = results1.last_row()
system2 = System(system1, t_0=t_0, t_end=t_end, init=init, k=0*N/m)
results2, details2 = run_ode_solver(system2, slope_func, events=event_func)
results = results1.combine_first(results2)
return TimeFrame(results)
And here's a test run.
In [30]:
t_release = 9 * s
V⃗_0 = Vector(0, 0) * m/s
results = run_two_phase(t_release, V⃗_0, params)
x_final = results.P⃗.last_value().x
In [31]:
xs = results.P⃗.extract('x')
ys = results.P⃗.extract('y')
def draw_func(state, t):
x, y = state.P⃗
plot(x, y, 'bo')
decorate(xlabel='x position (m)',
ylabel='y position (m)')
In [34]:
animate(results, draw_func)
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def range_func(t_release, params):
"""Compute the final value of x.
t_release: time to release web
params: Params object
V_0 = Vector(0, 0) * m/s
results = run_two_phase(t_release, V_0, params)
x_final = results.P⃗.last_value().x
print(t_release, x_final)
return x_final
We can test it.
In [ ]:
range_func(9*s, params)
And run it for a few values.
In [ ]:
for t_release in linrange(3, 15, 3) * s:
range_func(t_release, params)
Now we can use maximize_scalar
to find the optimum.
In [ ]:
bounds = [6, 12] * s
res = maximize_golden(range_func, bounds, params)
Finally, we can run the simulation with the optimal value.
In [ ]:
best_time = res.x
V⃗_0 = Vector(0, 0) * m/s
results = run_two_phase(best_time, V⃗_0, params)
x_final = results.P⃗.last_value().x
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