Modeling and Simulation in Python

Chapter 18

Copyright 2017 Allen Downey

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

In [1]:
# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook
%matplotlib inline

# Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment
%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign'

# import functions from the module
from modsim import *

Code from the previous chapter

Read the data.

In [2]:
data = pd.read_csv('data/glucose_insulin.csv', index_col='time');

Interpolate the insulin data.

In [3]:
I = interpolate(data.insulin)

<function modsim.modsim.interpolate.<locals>.wrapper(x)>

Initialize the parameters

In [4]:
G0 = 290
k1 = 0.03
k2 = 0.02
k3 = 1e-05


To estimate basal levels, we'll use the concentrations at t=0.

In [5]:
Gb = data.glucose[0]
Ib = data.insulin[0]


Create the initial condtions.

In [6]:
init = State(G=G0, X=0)

G 290
X 0

Make the System object.

In [7]:
t_0 = get_first_label(data)
t_end = get_last_label(data)


In [8]:
system = System(G0=G0, k1=k1, k2=k2, k3=k3,
                init=init, Gb=Gb, Ib=Ib, I=I,
                t_0=t_0, t_end=t_end, dt=2)

G0 290
k1 0.03
k2 0.02
k3 1e-05
init G 290 X 0 dtype: int64
Gb 92
Ib 11
I <function interpolate.<locals>.wrapper at 0x7f...
t_0 0
t_end 182
dt 2

In [9]:
def update_func(state, t, system):
    """Updates the glucose minimal model.
    state: State object
    t: time in min
    system: System object
    returns: State object
    G, X = state
    k1, k2, k3 = system.k1, system.k2, system.k3 
    I, Ib, Gb = system.I, system.Ib, system.Gb
    dt = system.dt
    dGdt = -k1 * (G - Gb) - X*G
    dXdt = k3 * (I(t) - Ib) - k2 * X
    G += dGdt * dt
    X += dXdt * dt

    return State(G=G, X=X)

In [10]:
def run_simulation(system, update_func):
    """Runs a simulation of the system.
    system: System object
    update_func: function that updates state
    returns: TimeFrame
    t_0, t_end, dt = system.t_0, system.t_end, system.dt
    frame = TimeFrame(columns=init.index)
    frame.row[t_0] = init
    ts = linrange(t_0, t_end, dt)
    for t in ts:
        frame.row[t+dt] = update_func(frame.row[t], t, system)
    return frame

In [11]:
results = run_simulation(system, update_func);

Numerical solution

In the previous chapter, we approximated the differential equations with difference equations, and solved them using run_simulation.

In this chapter, we solve the differential equation numerically using run_ode_solver, which is a wrapper for the SciPy ODE solver.

Instead of an update function, we provide a slope function that evaluates the right-hand side of the differential equations. We don't have to do the update part; the solver does it for us.

In [12]:
def slope_func(state, t, system):
    """Computes derivatives of the glucose minimal model.
    state: State object
    t: time in min
    system: System object
    returns: derivatives of G and X
    G, X = state
    k1, k2, k3 = system.k1, system.k2, system.k3 
    I, Ib, Gb = system.I, system.Ib, system.Gb
    dGdt = -k1 * (G - Gb) - X*G
    dXdt = k3 * (I(t) - Ib) - k2 * X
    return dGdt, dXdt

We can test the slope function with the initial conditions.

In [13]:
slope_func(init, 0, system)

(-5.9399999999999995, 0.0)

Here's how we run the ODE solver.

In [14]:
results2, details = run_ode_solver(system, slope_func, t_eval=data.index);

details is a ModSimSeries object with information about how the solver worked.

In [15]:

success True
message The solver successfully reached the end of the...

results is a TimeFrame with one row for each time step and one column for each state variable:

In [16]:

0 290 0
2 278.476 0.00015
4 267.464 0.00147812
6 255.899 0.00330258
8 244.424 0.00428352
10 233.421 0.0048796
12 222.905 0.00539312
14 212.909 0.00580811
16 203.454 0.00610843
18 194.566 0.00630605
20 186.24 0.00643892
22 178.459 0.00655891
24 171.185 0.0066622
26 164.396 0.00673793
28 158.068 0.00679316
30 152.172 0.00686423
32 146.67 0.00695603
34 141.532 0.00703975
36 136.742 0.00708884
38 132.286 0.00710463
40 128.148 0.00708845
42 124.315 0.00704154
44 120.769 0.00696712
46 117.496 0.00686816
48 114.481 0.00674565
50 111.709 0.0066005
52 109.167 0.0064336
54 106.84 0.00625981
56 104.71 0.00609282
58 102.762 0.00593238
... ... ...
124 86.9662 0.00107406
126 87.0883 0.000956516
128 87.2224 0.000845541
130 87.3667 0.000740875
132 87.5196 0.000642273
134 87.6796 0.000549496
136 87.8454 0.000462316
138 88.0157 0.000380513
140 88.1896 0.000303877
142 88.3658 0.000232205
144 88.5436 0.000164302
146 88.7224 9.90618e-05
148 88.9018 3.63786e-05
150 89.0813 -2.38474e-05
152 89.2606 -8.17126e-05
154 89.4392 -0.000137309
156 89.617 -0.000190727
158 89.7936 -0.00024205
160 89.9687 -0.000291362
162 90.1422 -0.000338741
164 90.3138 -0.000385262
166 90.4837 -0.00043192
168 90.6521 -0.000478709
170 90.8191 -0.000525623
172 90.9848 -0.000572659
174 91.1493 -0.00061981
176 91.3128 -0.000667074
178 91.4754 -0.000714445
180 91.6372 -0.000761918
182 91.7983 -0.000809491

92 rows × 2 columns

Plotting the results from run_simulation and run_ode_solver, we can see that they are not very different.

In [17]:
plot(results.G, '-')
plot(results2.G, '-')
plot(data.glucose, 'bo')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0d543fc240>]

The differences in G are less than 1%.

In [18]:
diff = results.G - results2.G
percent_diff = diff / results2.G * 100

0              0
2      -0.127982
4      -0.191302
6       0.154946
8        0.26436
10      0.207439
12      0.132947
14      0.035413
16    -0.0815439
18     -0.222312
20     -0.371789
22     -0.522334
24     -0.664226
26     -0.801867
28     -0.934267
30      -1.05701
32       -1.1642
34      -1.25663
36        -1.346
38      -1.43135
40       -1.5119
42      -1.58699
44      -1.65612
46      -1.71812
48      -1.77288
50      -1.82036
52      -1.86066
54      -1.89392
56      -1.91501
58      -1.92508
124    -0.661724
126    -0.631811
128    -0.601917
130    -0.572193
132     -0.54277
134    -0.513756
136    -0.485244
138    -0.457312
140    -0.430024
142    -0.403431
144    -0.377577
146    -0.352881
148    -0.329311
150    -0.306834
152    -0.285416
154    -0.265021
156    -0.245616
158    -0.227165
160    -0.209635
162    -0.192991
164    -0.177201
166     -0.16262
168    -0.149158
170    -0.136734
172     -0.12527
174    -0.114695
176    -0.104943
178   -0.0959529
180   -0.0876686
182   -0.0800372
Name: G, Length: 92, dtype: object


Now let's find the parameters that yield the best fit for the data.

We'll use these values as an initial estimate and iteratively improve them.

In [19]:
params = Params(G0 = 290,
                k1 = 0.03,
                k2 = 0.02,
                k3 = 1e-05)

G0 290.00000
k1 0.03000
k2 0.02000
k3 0.00001

make_system takes the parameters and actual data and returns a System object.

In [20]:
def make_system(params, data):
    """Makes a System object with the given parameters.
    params: sequence of G0, k1, k2, k3
    data: DataFrame with `glucose` and `insulin`
    returns: System object
    # params might be a Params object or an array,
    # so we have to unpack it like this
    G0, k1, k2, k3 = params
    Gb = data.glucose[0]
    Ib = data.insulin[0]
    I = interpolate(data.insulin)
    t_0 = get_first_label(data)
    t_end = get_last_label(data)

    init = State(G=G0, X=0)
    return System(G0=G0, k1=k1, k2=k2, k3=k3,
                  init=init, Gb=Gb, Ib=Ib, I=I,
                  t_0=t_0, t_end=t_end, dt=2)

In [21]:
system = make_system(params, data)

G0 290
k1 0.03
k2 0.02
k3 1e-05
init G 290.0 X 0.0 dtype: float64
Gb 92
Ib 11
I <function interpolate.<locals>.wrapper at 0x7f...
t_0 0
t_end 182
dt 2

error_func takes the parameters and actual data, makes a System object, and runs odeint, then compares the results to the data. It returns an array of errors.

In [22]:
system = make_system(params, data)
results, details = run_ode_solver(system, slope_func, t_eval=data.index)

success True
message The solver successfully reached the end of the...

In [23]:
def error_func(params, data):
    """Computes an array of errors to be minimized.
    params: sequence of parameters
    data: DataFrame of values to be matched
    returns: array of errors
    # make a System with the given parameters
    system = make_system(params, data)
    # solve the ODE
    results, details = run_ode_solver(system, slope_func, t_eval=data.index)
    # compute the difference between the model
    # results and actual data
    errors = results.G - data.glucose
    return errors

When we call error_func, we provide a sequence of parameters as a single object.

Here's how that works:

In [24]:
error_func(params, data)

G0    290.00000
k1      0.03000
k2      0.02000
k3      0.00001
dtype: float64
0      198.000000
2      -71.523600
4      -19.535535
6        4.898956
8        4.423982
10      17.420932
12      11.905305
14       7.909446
16       7.454111
18            NaN
19            NaN
20            NaN
22       6.458757
24            NaN
26            NaN
27            NaN
28            NaN
30            NaN
32       4.670366
34            NaN
36            NaN
38            NaN
40            NaN
42       0.314528
44            NaN
46            NaN
48            NaN
50            NaN
52       4.166524
54            NaN
124           NaN
126           NaN
128           NaN
130           NaN
132           NaN
134           NaN
136           NaN
138           NaN
140           NaN
142      6.365824
144           NaN
146           NaN
148           NaN
150           NaN
152           NaN
154           NaN
156           NaN
158           NaN
160           NaN
162      5.142209
164           NaN
166           NaN
168           NaN
170           NaN
172           NaN
174           NaN
176           NaN
178           NaN
180           NaN
182      1.798265
Length: 94, dtype: float64

leastsq is a wrapper for scipy.optimize.leastsq

Here's how we call it.

In [25]:
best_params, fit_details = leastsq(error_func, params, data)

[2.9e+02 3.0e-02 2.0e-02 1.0e-05]
[2.9e+02 3.0e-02 2.0e-02 1.0e-05]
[2.9e+02 3.0e-02 2.0e-02 1.0e-05]
[2.90000004e+02 3.00000000e-02 2.00000000e-02 1.00000000e-05]
[2.90000000e+02 3.00000004e-02 2.00000000e-02 1.00000000e-05]
[2.90000000e+02 3.00000000e-02 2.00000003e-02 1.00000000e-05]
[2.90000000e+02 3.00000000e-02 2.00000000e-02 1.00000001e-05]

The first return value is a Params object with the best parameters:

In [26]:

G0 290.00000
k1 0.03000
k2 0.02000
k3 0.00001

The second return value is a ModSimSeries object with information about the results.

In [27]:

fvec [198.0, -71.52359999999999, -19.53553501808568...
nfev 5
fjac [[nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan,...
ipvt [1, 2, 3, 4]
qtf [nan, nan, nan, nan]
cov_x None
mesg The cosine of the angle between func(x) and an...
ier 4

Now that we have best_params, we can use it to make a System object and run it.

In [28]:
system = make_system(best_params, data)
results, details = run_ode_solver(system, slope_func, t_eval=data.index)

'The solver successfully reached the end of the integration interval.'

Here are the results, along with the data. The first few points of the model don't fit the data, but we don't expect them to.

In [29]:
plot(results.G, label='simulation')
plot(data.glucose, 'bo', label='glucose data')

decorate(xlabel='Time (min)',
         ylabel='Concentration (mg/dL)')


Saving figure to file figs/chap08-fig04.pdf

Interpreting parameters

Based on the parameters of the model, we can estimate glucose effectiveness and insulin sensitivity.

In [30]:
def indices(params):
    """Compute glucose effectiveness and insulin sensitivity.
    params: sequence of G0, k1, k2, k3
    data: DataFrame with `glucose` and `insulin`
    returns: State object containing S_G and S_I
    G0, k1, k2, k3 = params
    return State(S_G=k1, S_I=k3/k2)

Here are the results.

In [31]:

S_G 0.0300
S_I 0.0005

Under the hood

Here's the source code for run_ode_solver and leastsq, if you'd like to know how they work.

In [32]:

def run_ralston(system, slope_func, **options):
    """Computes a numerical solution to a differential equation.

    `system` must contain `init` with initial conditions,
     and `t_end` with the end time.

     `system` may contain `t_0` to override the default, 0

    It can contain any other parameters required by the slope function.

    `options` can be ...

    system: System object
    slope_func: function that computes slopes

    returns: TimeFrame
    # the default message if nothing changes
    msg = "The solver successfully reached the end of the integration interval."

    # get parameters from system
    init, t_0, t_end, dt = check_system(system, slope_func)

    # make the TimeFrame
    frame = TimeFrame(columns=init.index)
    frame.row[t_0] = init
    ts = linrange(t_0, t_end, dt) * get_units(t_end)

    event_func = options.get('events', None)
    z1 = np.nan

    def project(y1, t1, slopes, dt):
        t2 = t1 + dt
        y2 = [y + slope * dt for y, slope in zip(y1, slopes)]
        return y2, t2

    # run the solver
    for t1 in ts:
        y1 = frame.row[t1]

        # evaluate the slopes at the start of the time step
        slopes1 = slope_func(y1, t1, system)

        # evaluate the slopes at the two-thirds point
        y_mid, t_mid = project(y1, t1, slopes1, 2 * dt / 3)
        slopes2 = slope_func(y_mid, t_mid, system)

        # compute the weighted sum of the slopes
        slopes = [(k1 + 3 * k2) / 4 for k1, k2 in zip(slopes1, slopes2)]

        # compute the next time stamp
        y2, t2 = project(y1, t1, slopes, dt)

        # check for a terminating event
        if event_func:
            z2 = event_func(y2, t2, system)
            if z1 * z2 < 0:
                scale = magnitude(z1 / (z1 - z2))
                y2, t2 = project(y1, t1, slopes, scale * dt)
                frame.row[t2] = y2
                msg = "A termination event occurred."
                z1 = z2

        # store the results
        frame.row[t2] = y2

    details = ModSimSeries(dict(success=True, message=msg))
    return frame, details

In [33]:

def leastsq(error_func, x0, *args, **options):
    """Find the parameters that yield the best fit for the data.

    `x0` can be a sequence, array, Series, or Params

    Positional arguments are passed along to `error_func`.

    Keyword arguments are passed to `scipy.optimize.leastsq`

    error_func: function that computes a sequence of errors
    x0: initial guess for the best parameters
    args: passed to error_func
    options: passed to leastsq

    :returns: Params object with best_params and ModSimSeries with details
    # override `full_output` so we get a message if something goes wrong
    options['full_output'] = True

    # run leastsq
    t = scipy.optimize.leastsq(error_func, x0=x0, args=args, **options)
    best_params, cov_x, infodict, mesg, ier = t

    # pack the results into a ModSimSeries object
    details = ModSimSeries(infodict)
    details.set(cov_x=cov_x, mesg=mesg, ier=ier)

    # if we got a Params object, we should return a Params object
    if isinstance(x0, Params):
        best_params = Params(Series(best_params, x0.index))

    # return the best parameters and details
    return best_params, details


Exercise: Since we don't expect the first few points to agree, it's probably better not to make them part of the optimization process. We can ignore them by leaving them out of the Series returned by error_func. Modify the last line of error_func to return errors.loc[8:], which includes only the elements of the Series from t=8 and up.

Does that improve the quality of the fit? Does it change the best parameters by much?

Note: You can read more about this use of loc in the Pandas documentation.

Exercise: How sensitive are the results to the starting guess for the parameters? If you try different values for the starting guess, do we get the same values for the best parameters?

Related reading: You might be interested in this article about people making a DIY artificial pancreas.

In [ ]: