Modeling and Simulation in Python

Chapter 24

Copyright 2017 Allen Downey

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

In [1]:
# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook
%matplotlib inline

# Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment
%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign'

# import functions from the module
from modsim import *

Rolling paper

We'll start by loading the units we need.

In [2]:
radian = UNITS.radian
m = UNITS.meter
s = UNITS.second


And creating a Params object with the system parameters

In [3]:
params = Params(Rmin = 0.02 * m,
                Rmax = 0.055 * m,
                L = 47 * m,
                omega = 10 * radian / s,
                t_end = 130 * s,
                dt = 1*s)

Rmin 0.02 meter
Rmax 0.055 meter
L 47 meter
omega 10.0 radian / second
t_end 130 second
dt 1 second

The following function estimates the parameter k, which is the increase in the radius of the roll for each radian of rotation.

In [4]:
def estimate_k(params):
    """Estimates the parameter `k`.
    params: Params with Rmin, Rmax, and L
    returns: k in meters per radian
    Rmin, Rmax, L = params.Rmin, params.Rmax, params.L
    Ravg = (Rmax + Rmin) / 2
    Cavg = 2 * pi * Ravg
    revs = L / Cavg
    rads = 2 * pi * revs
    k = (Rmax - Rmin) / rads
    return k

As usual, make_system takes a Params object and returns a System object.

In [5]:
def make_system(params):
    """Make a system object.
    params: Params with Rmin, Rmax, and L
    returns: System with init, k, and ts
    init = State(theta = 0 * radian,
                 y = 0 * m,
                 r = params.Rmin)
    k = estimate_k(params)

    return System(params, init=init, k=k)

Testing make_system

In [6]:
system = make_system(params)

Rmin 0.02 meter
Rmax 0.055 meter
L 47 meter
omega 10.0 radian / second
t_end 130 second
dt 1 second
init theta 0 radian y 0 meter r ...
k 2.7925531914893616e-05 meter

In [7]:

theta 0 radian
y 0 meter
r 0.02 meter

Now we can write a slope function based on the differential equations

$\omega = \frac{d\theta}{dt} = 10$

$\frac{dy}{dt} = r \frac{d\theta}{dt}$

$\frac{dr}{dt} = k \frac{d\theta}{dt}$

In [8]:
def slope_func(state, t, system):
    """Computes the derivatives of the state variables.
    state: State object with theta, y, r
    t: time
    system: System object with r, k
    returns: sequence of derivatives
    theta, y, r = state
    k, omega = system.k,
    dydt = r * omega
    drdt = k * omega
    return omega, dydt, drdt

Testing slope_func

In [9]:
slope_func(system.init, 0, system)

(10.0 <Unit('radian / second')>,
 0.2 <Unit('meter * radian / second')>,
 0.0002792553191489362 <Unit('meter * radian / second')>)

We'll use an event function to stop when y=L.

In [10]:
def event_func(state, t, system):
    """Detects when we've rolled length `L`.
    state: State object with theta, y, r
    t: time
    system: System object with L
    returns: difference between `y` and `L`
    theta, y, r = state
    return y - system.L

In [11]:
event_func(system.init, 0, system)

-47 meter

Now we can run the simulation.

In [12]:
results, details = run_ode_solver(system, slope_func, events=event_func)

success True
message A termination event occurred.

And look at the results.

In [13]:

theta y r
122.00000 1220.0 radian 45.18218085106379 meter 0.05406914893617014 meter
123.00000 1230.0 radian 45.72426861702124 meter 0.054348404255319074 meter
124.00000 1240.0 radian 46.269148936170176 meter 0.05462765957446801 meter
125.00000 1250.0 radian 46.8168218085106 meter 0.054906914893616945 meter
125.33277 1253.3276965817133 radian 47.0 meter 0.054999842590712666 meter

The final value of y is 47 meters, as expected.

In [14]:
unrolled = get_last_value(results.y)

47.0 meter

The final value of radius is R_max.

In [15]:
radius = get_last_value(results.r)

0.054999842590712666 meter

The total number of rotations is close to 200, which seems plausible.

In [16]:
radians = get_last_value(results.theta) 
rotations = magnitude(radians) / 2 / np.pi


The elapsed time is about 2 minutes, which is also plausible.

In [17]:
t_final = get_last_label(results) * s

125.33276965817134 second


Plotting theta

In [18]:
def plot_theta(results):
    plot(results.theta, color='C0', label='theta')
    decorate(xlabel='Time (s)',
             ylabel='Angle (rad)')

Plotting y

In [19]:
def plot_y(results):
    plot(results.y, color='C1', label='y')

    decorate(xlabel='Time (s)',
             ylabel='Length (m)')

Plotting r

In [20]:
def plot_r(results):
    plot(results.r, color='C2', label='r')

    decorate(xlabel='Time (s)',
             ylabel='Radius (m)')

We can also see the relationship between y and r, which I derive analytically in the book.

In [21]:
plot(results.r, results.y, color='C3')

decorate(xlabel='Radius (m)',
         ylabel='Length (m)',

And here's the figure from the book.

In [22]:
def plot_three(results):
    subplot(3, 1, 1)

    subplot(3, 1, 2)

    subplot(3, 1, 3)


Saving figure to file figs/chap24-fig01.pdf


Here's a draw function that animates the results using matplotlib patches.

In [23]:
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
from matplotlib.patches import Arrow

def draw_func(state, t):
    # get radius in mm
    theta, y, r = state
    radius = r.magnitude * 1000
    # draw a circle with
    circle = Circle([0, 0], radius, fill=True)
    # draw an arrow to show rotation
    dx, dy = pol2cart(theta, radius)
    arrow = Arrow(0, 0, dx, dy)

    # make the aspect ratio 1

In [24]:
animate(results, draw_func)

Exercise: Run the simulation again with a smaller step size to smooth out the animation.


Exercise: Since we keep omega constant, the linear velocity of the paper increases with radius. Use gradient to estimate the derivative of results.y. What is the peak linear velocity?

In [25]:
# Solution

dydt = gradient(results.y);

In [26]:
plot(dydt, label='dydt')
decorate(xlabel='Time (s)',
         ylabel='Linear velocity (m/s)')

In [27]:
# Solution

linear_velocity = get_last_value(dydt) * m/s

0.5504654255319086 meter/second

Now suppose the peak velocity is the limit; that is, we can't move the paper any faster than that.

Nevertheless, we might be able to speed up the process by keeping the linear velocity at the maximum all the time.

Write a slope function that keeps the linear velocity, dydt, constant, and computes the angular velocity, omega, accordingly.

Run the simulation and see how much faster we could finish rolling the paper.

In [28]:
# Solution

def slope_func(state, t, system):
    """Computes the derivatives of the state variables.
    state: State object with theta, y, r
    t: time
    system: System object with r, k
    returns: sequence of derivatives
    theta, y, r = state
    k, omega = system.k,
    dydt = linear_velocity
    omega = dydt / r
    drdt = k * omega
    return omega, dydt, drdt

In [29]:
# Solution

slope_func(system.init, 0, system)

(27.523271276595427 <Unit('1 / second')>,
 0.5504654255319086 <Unit('meter / second')>,
 0.0007686019904368403 <Unit('meter / second')>)

In [30]:
# Solution

results, details = run_ode_solver(system, slope_func, events=event_func)

success True
message A termination event occurred.

In [31]:
# Solution

t_final = get_last_label(results) * s

85.38229254741002 second

In [32]:
# Solution


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