Modeling and Simulation in Python

Chapter 14

Copyright 2017 Allen Downey

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

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# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook
%matplotlib inline

# Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment
%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign'

# import functions from the module
from modsim import *

Code from previous chapters

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def make_system(beta, gamma):
    """Make a system object for the SIR model.
    beta: contact rate in days
    gamma: recovery rate in days
    returns: System object
    init = State(S=89, I=1, R=0)
    init /= np.sum(init)

    t0 = 0
    t_end = 7 * 14

    return System(init=init, t0=t0, t_end=t_end,
                  beta=beta, gamma=gamma)

In [3]:
def update_func(state, t, system):
    """Update the SIR model.
    state: State (s, i, r)
    t: time
    system: System object
    returns: State (sir)
    s, i, r = state

    infected = system.beta * i * s    
    recovered = system.gamma * i
    s -= infected
    i += infected - recovered
    r += recovered
    return State(S=s, I=i, R=r)

In [4]:
def run_simulation(system, update_func):
    """Runs a simulation of the system.
    system: System object
    update_func: function that updates state
    returns: TimeFrame
    init, t0, t_end = system.init, system.t0, system.t_end
    frame = TimeFrame(columns=init.index)
    frame.row[t0] = init
    for t in linrange(t0, t_end):
        frame.row[t+1] = update_func(frame.row[t], t, system)
    return frame

In [5]:
def calc_total_infected(results):
    """Fraction of population infected during the simulation.
    results: DataFrame with columns S, I, R
    returns: fraction of population
    return get_first_value(results.S) - get_last_value(results.S)

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def sweep_beta(beta_array, gamma):
    """Sweep a range of values for beta.
    beta_array: array of beta values
    gamma: recovery rate
    returns: SweepSeries that maps from beta to total infected
    sweep = SweepSeries()
    for beta in beta_array:
        system = make_system(beta, gamma)
        results = run_simulation(system, update_func)
        sweep[system.beta] = calc_total_infected(results)
    return sweep

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def sweep_parameters(beta_array, gamma_array):
    """Sweep a range of values for beta and gamma.
    beta_array: array of infection rates
    gamma_array: array of recovery rates
    returns: SweepFrame with one row for each beta
             and one column for each gamma
    frame = SweepFrame(columns=gamma_array)
    for gamma in gamma_array:
        frame[gamma] = sweep_beta(beta_array, gamma)
    return frame

Contact number

Here's the SweepFrame from the previous chapter, with one row for each value of beta and one column for each value of gamma.

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beta_array = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0 , 1.1]
gamma_array = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]
frame = sweep_parameters(beta_array, gamma_array)

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The following loop shows how we can loop through the columns and rows of the SweepFrame. With 11 rows and 4 columns, there are 44 elements.

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for gamma in frame.columns:
    column = frame[gamma]
    for beta in column.index:
        frac_infected = column[beta]
        print(beta, gamma, frac_infected)

Now we can wrap that loop in a function and plot the results. For each element of the SweepFrame, we have beta, gamma, and frac_infected, and we plot beta/gamma on the x-axis and frac_infected on the y-axis.

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def plot_sweep_frame(frame):
    """Plot the values from a SweepFrame.
    For each (beta, gamma), compute the contact number,
    frame: SweepFrame with one row per beta, one column per gamma
    for gamma in frame.columns:
        column = frame[gamma]
        for beta in column.index:
            frac_infected = column[beta]
            plot(beta/gamma, frac_infected, 'ro')

Here's what it looks like:

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decorate(xlabel='Contact number (beta/gamma)',
         ylabel='Fraction infected')


It turns out that the ratio beta/gamma, called the "contact number" is sufficient to predict the total number of infections; we don't have to know beta and gamma separately.

We can see that in the previous plot: when we plot the fraction infected versus the contact number, the results fall close to a curve.


In the book we figured out the relationship between $c$ and $s_{\infty}$ analytically. Now we can compute it for a range of values:

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s_inf_array = linspace(0.0001, 0.9999, 101);

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c_array = log(s_inf_array) / (s_inf_array - 1);

total_infected is the change in $s$ from the beginning to the end.

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frac_infected = 1 - s_inf_array
frac_infected_series = Series(frac_infected, index=c_array);

Now we can plot the analytic results and compare them to the simulations.

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plot(frac_infected_series, label='Analysis')

decorate(xlabel='Contact number (c)',
         ylabel='Fraction infected')


The agreement is generally good, except for values of c less than 1.


Exercise: If we didn't know about contact numbers, we might have explored other possibilities, like the difference between beta and gamma, rather than their ratio.

Write a version of plot_sweep_frame, called plot_sweep_frame_difference, that plots the fraction infected versus the difference beta-gamma.

What do the results look like, and what does that imply?

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Exercise: Suppose you run a survey at the end of the semester and find that 26% of students had the Freshman Plague at some point.

What is your best estimate of c?

Hint: if you print frac_infected_series, you can read off the answer.

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