
In [30]:
# Import libraries
%matplotlib inline
from sklearn import datasets
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

In [31]:
# import some data to play with
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X =[:100,:2]  # we only take the first two features.
Y =[:100]

Line separating the features. Change this to get lines separating the features

In [34]:
# Line parameters
m = 1.1 # Slope
c = -2.75  # Intercept

# Creating line
x1 = np.linspace(np.min(X[:,0]), np.max(X[:,0]), 100)
y1 = m*x1 + c

Let's plot this!

In [35]:
plt.figure(2, figsize=(8, 6))

# Plot the training points
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=Y,
plt.xlabel('Sepal length')
plt.ylabel('Sepal width')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fe54d593f10>

In [36]:
# Create perceptron
threshold = 1

# Get weights using the line equations from above
w2 = threshold / c
w1 = -1 * w2 * m

# Perceptron calculation
plant_class = ((X[:,0] * w1 + X[:,1] * w2) > threshold) + 0

# Compare
correctly_classified = np.all(plant_class == Y)

In [37]:


A real perceptron

In [38]:
from random import choice
from numpy import array, dot, random

def unit_step(x,theta):
    ''' This is our activation function. '''
    fx = 0
    if x < theta:
        fx= 0
        fx= 1
    return fx

training_data = [

target = [0,1,1,1]

w = random.rand(3) # Initializing weights randomly.
errors = []
eta = 0.2 # Learning rate
n = 100 # Number of iterations
theta = 0.25 # Threshold

for i in range(n):
    x, expected = choice(list(zip(training_data,target)))
    result = dot(w, x)
    error = expected - unit_step(result,theta)
    w += eta * error * x

for x, _ in zip(training_data,target):
    result = dot(x, w)
    print("{}: {} -> {}".format(x[:2], result, unit_step(result,theta)))

[0 0]: 0.227399965745 -> 0
[0 1]: 0.704595758278 -> 1
[1 0]: 0.325934901387 -> 1
[1 1]: 0.80313069392 -> 1

In [25]:
from pylab import plot, ylim

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fe54d02e9d0>]

In [26]:
k = np.linspace(0,1,100)
plt.plot(k,-(w[0]/w[1])*k + theta/w[1] - w[2]/w[1])

(0, 1)

Let's use it for Iris!

In [39]:
import itertools
training_data = X

training_data = [np.append(x,[1]) for x in training_data]
target = Y
w = random.rand(3) # Initializing weights randomly.
errors = []
eta = 0.2 # Learning rate
n = 100000 # Number of iterations
theta = 0.25 # Threshold

data = itertools.cycle(zip(training_data,target))

for i in range(n):
    x, expected = next(data)    
    result = dot(w, x)
    error = expected - unit_step(result,theta)
    w += eta * error * x

for x, _ in zip(training_data,target):
    result = dot(x, w)
    print("{}: {} -> {}".format(x[:2], result, unit_step(result,theta)))

[ 5.1  3.5]: -14.3926566688 -> 0
[ 4.9  3. ]: -7.50863963457 -> 0
[ 4.7  3.2]: -14.6948907479 -> 0
[ 4.6  3.1]: -14.267939691 -> 0
[ 5.   3.6]: -17.9857822255 -> 0
[ 5.4  3.9]: -17.6835481464 -> 0
[ 4.6  3.4]: -20.2980546114 -> 0
[ 5.   3.4]: -13.9657056119 -> 0
[ 4.4  2.9]: -13.4140375771 -> 0
[ 4.9  3.1]: -9.51867794137 -> 0
[ 5.4  3.7]: -13.6634715328 -> 0
[ 4.8  3.4]: -17.1318801116 -> 0
[ 4.8  3. ]: -9.09172688445 -> 0
[ 4.3  3. ]: -17.0071631338 -> 0
[ 5.8  4. ]: -13.3612374537 -> 0
[ 5.7  4.4]: -22.9844779307 -> 0
[ 5.4  3.9]: -17.6835481464 -> 0
[ 5.1  3.5]: -14.3926566688 -> 0
[ 5.7  3.8]: -10.92424809 -> 0
[ 5.1  3.8]: -20.4227715892 -> 0
[ 5.4  3.4]: -7.63335661239 -> 0
[ 5.1  3.7]: -18.4127332824 -> 0
[ 4.6  3.6]: -24.318131225 -> 0
[ 5.1  3.3]: -10.3725800552 -> 0
[ 4.8  3.4]: -17.1318801116 -> 0
[ 5.  3.]: -5.9255523847 -> 0
[ 5.   3.4]: -13.9657056119 -> 0
[ 5.2  3.5]: -12.8095694189 -> 0
[ 5.2  3.4]: -10.7995311121 -> 0
[ 4.7  3.2]: -14.6948907479 -> 0
[ 4.8  3.1]: -11.1017651912 -> 0
[ 5.4  3.4]: -7.63335661239 -> 0
[ 5.2  4.1]: -24.8697992597 -> 0
[ 5.5  4.2]: -22.1305758169 -> 0
[ 4.9  3.1]: -9.51867794137 -> 0
[ 5.   3.2]: -9.94562899829 -> 0
[ 5.5  3.5]: -8.06030766931 -> 0
[ 4.9  3.1]: -9.51867794137 -> 0
[ 4.4  3. ]: -15.4240758839 -> 0
[ 5.1  3.4]: -12.382618362 -> 0
[ 5.   3.5]: -15.9757439187 -> 0
[ 4.5  2.3]: 0.229279513512 -> 0
[ 4.4  3.2]: -19.4441524975 -> 0
[ 5.   3.5]: -15.9757439187 -> 0
[ 5.1  3.8]: -20.4227715892 -> 0
[ 4.8  3. ]: -9.09172688445 -> 0
[ 5.1  3.8]: -20.4227715892 -> 0
[ 4.6  3.2]: -16.2779779978 -> 0
[ 5.3  3.7]: -15.2465587827 -> 0
[ 5.   3.3]: -11.9556673051 -> 0
[ 7.   3.2]: 21.7161159992 -> 1
[ 6.4  3.2]: 12.2175925 -> 1
[ 6.9  3.1]: 22.1430670561 -> 1
[ 5.5  2.3]: 16.0601520123 -> 1
[ 6.5  2.8]: 21.840832977 -> 1
[ 5.7  2.8]: 9.17613497802 -> 1
[ 6.3  3.3]: 8.62446694329 -> 1
[ 4.9  2.4]: 4.55159020621 -> 1
[ 6.6  2.9]: 21.4138819201 -> 1
[ 5.2  2.7]: 3.27073703545 -> 1
[ 5.  2.]: 14.1748306833 -> 1
[ 5.9  3. ]: 8.32223286418 -> 1
[ 6.   2.2]: 25.9856265684 -> 1
[ 6.1  2.9]: 13.4984456707 -> 1
[ 5.6  2.9]: 5.58300942135 -> 1
[ 6.7  3.1]: 18.9768925564 -> 1
[ 5.6  3. ]: 3.57297111455 -> 1
[ 5.8  2.7]: 12.7692605347 -> 1
[ 6.2  2.2]: 29.1518010682 -> 1
[ 5.6  2.5]: 13.6231626485 -> 1
[ 5.9  3.2]: 4.30215625058 -> 1
[ 6.1  2.8]: 15.5084839775 -> 1
[ 6.3  2.5]: 24.7047733977 -> 1
[ 6.1  2.8]: 15.5084839775 -> 1
[ 6.4  2.9]: 18.2477074204 -> 1
[ 6.6  3. ]: 19.4038436133 -> 1
[ 6.8  2.8]: 26.5900947266 -> 1
[ 6.7  3. ]: 20.9869308632 -> 1
[ 6.   2.9]: 11.9153584209 -> 1
[ 5.7  2.6]: 13.1962115916 -> 1
[ 5.5  2.4]: 14.0501137055 -> 1
[ 5.5  2.4]: 14.0501137055 -> 1
[ 5.8  2.7]: 12.7692605347 -> 1
[ 6.   2.7]: 15.9354350344 -> 1
[ 5.4  3. ]: 0.406796614803 -> 1
[ 6.   3.4]: 1.86516688686 -> 1
[ 6.7  3.1]: 18.9768925564 -> 1
[ 6.3  2.3]: 28.7248500113 -> 1
[ 5.6  3. ]: 3.57297111455 -> 1
[ 5.5  2.5]: 12.0400753987 -> 1
[ 5.5  2.6]: 10.0300370919 -> 1
[ 6.1  3. ]: 11.4884073639 -> 1
[ 5.8  2.6]: 14.7792988415 -> 1
[ 5.   2.3]: 8.14471576289 -> 1
[ 5.6  2.7]: 9.60308603495 -> 1
[ 5.7  3. ]: 5.15605836443 -> 1
[ 5.7  2.9]: 7.16609667123 -> 1
[ 6.2  2.9]: 15.0815329206 -> 1
[ 5.1  2.5]: 5.70772639917 -> 1
[ 5.7  2.8]: 9.17613497802 -> 1

In [40]:
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=Y,
plt.plot(X[:,0],-(w[0]/w[1])*X[:,0] + theta/w[1] - w[2]/w[1])
plt.xlabel('Sepal length')
plt.ylabel('Sepal width')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fe54d51bd90>

In [41]:
from pylab import plot, ylim

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fe54cd1b190>]

In [42]:
# Perceptron calculation
plant_class = ((X[:,0] * w[0] + X[:,1] * w[1] + w[2]) > theta) + 0

# Compare
correctly_classified = np.all(plant_class == Y)


In [43]:


In [44]:
theta/w[1] - w[2]/w[1]


In [ ]: