In [2]:
import logging
from lisa.utils import setup_logging
In [6]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lisa.utils import get_nested_key
from lisa.tests.base import TestBundle, ResultBundle
from exekall.engine import ValueDB
In [128]:
def collect_value(db, cls, key_path):
Collect objects computed for the exekall subexpression
pointed at by ``key_path``, starting from objects of type ``cls``.
The path is a list of parameter names that allows locating a node in the graph of an expression.
The path from z to x is ['param2', 'param']
x = 3
y = f(param=x)
z = g(param2=y)
data = {}
for froz_val in db.get_by_type(cls):
key = get_nested_key(froz_val, key_path)
data.setdefault(key, []).append(froz_val.value)
return data
def collect_metric(db, metric_name, key_path):
Collect a given metric and use the exekall's FrozenExprVal that can be found at key_path, starting from the root.
See the documentation for exekall's public API:
return {
key: [
for val in val_list
if metric_name in val.metrics
for key, val_list
in collect_value(db, ResultBundle, key_path).items()
This notebook is meant for analysing a set of results coming from a test session executed using exekall (potentially via bisector). Since it only relies on TestMetric, it can also be used with ResultBundle instances generated directly in a notebook (e.g. using test_task_placement), without the intervention of any other tool like exekall.
In [125]:
# These ValueDB.pickle.xz files can be found in either:
# 1) exekall's artifact dir
# 2) exported from a bisector's report using:
# bisector report myreport.yml.gz -oexport-db=ValueDB.pickle.xz.
path_map = {
'juno R0': '',
'juno R2': '',
'TC2': '',
'hikey 960': '',
db_map = {board: ValueDB.from_path(path) for board, path in path_map.items()}
In [130]:
# refer to 'self' parameter of the test method, which is a TestBundle
for board, db in db_map.items():
noisiest_task = collect_metric(db, 'noisiest task', ['self'])
data = {}
# Index on the TestBundle to make sure to only have one entry per TestBundle
for froz_val, metric_list in noisiest_task.items():
if not metric_list:
assert len(metric_list) == 1
# All noise analysis are done on the same TestBundle, so we can pick any
metric = metric_list[0]
# test_bundle = froz_val.value
# print(froz_val.get_id(qual=False))
exec_time = metric['duration (rel)'].data
data.setdefault(metric['comm'], []).append(exec_time)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 5))
# plt.yscale('log')
# Total "noise" time.
# Ideally, we would like to get the total noise for each trace, but we only have the noisiest task.
# That approximation should keep relative order in values we compute from it.
total_noise_time = sum(sum(l) for l in data.values())
# Check how annoying was that comm. Higher number means it contributed to a lot of traces, or that it had very high contribution to a few traces.
compute_contrib = lambda exec_time: sum(exec_time) * 100 / total_noise_time
def key(item):
comm, exec_time = item
return compute_contrib(exec_time)
for comm, exec_time in sorted(data.items(), key=key, reverse=True):
noise_contribution = compute_contrib(exec_time)
avg_exec_time = sum(exec_time)/len(exec_time)
if noise_contribution < 1:
series = pd.Series(exec_time)
series.plot.hist(ax=ax, label=comm, bins=40)
print('{:<15}: avg={:.2f}% contrib={:.2f}%'.format(comm, avg_exec_time, noise_contribution))
# Show the usual 1% undecided threshold. Note that some tests may use another threshold,
# see RTATestBundle.check_noisy_tasks(noise_threshold_pct=XX)
ax.axvline(1, color='red')
ax.set_title('noise on {}'.format(board))
ax.set_xlabel('noise exec time (rel)')
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