In [43]:
# Enable in-notebook generation of plots
%matplotlib inline
Data required to run this notebook are available for download at this link:
This archive has to be extracted from within the LISA's results folder.
In [2]:
res_dir = '../../results/SchedTuneAnalysis/'
!tree {res_dir}
In [3]:
noboost_trace = res_dir + 'trace_noboost.dat'
boost15_trace = res_dir + 'trace_boost15.dat'
boost25_trace = res_dir + 'trace_boost25.dat'
# trace_file = noboost_trace
trace_file = boost15_trace
# trace_file = boost25_trace
In [5]:
import json
# Load the platform information
with open('../../results/SchedTuneAnalysis/platform.json', 'r') as fh:
platform = json.load(fh)
print "Platform descriptio collected from the target:"
print json.dumps(platform, indent=4)
In [6]:
from trappy.stats.Topology import Topology
# Create a topology descriptor
topology = Topology(platform['topology'])
We want to ensure that the task has the expected workload:
In [7]:
# Let's look at the trace using kernelshark...
!kernelshark {trace_file} 2>/dev/null
An overall view on the trace is still useful to get a graps on what we are looking at.
In [10]:
# Suport for FTrace events parsing and visualization
import trappy
# NOTE: The interactive trace visualization is available only if you run
# the workload to generate a new trace-file
trappy.plotter.plot_trace(trace_file)#, execnames="task_ramp")#, pids=[2221])
The sched_load_avg_task trace events reports this information
In [8]:
# Get a list of first 5 "sched_load_avg_events" events
sched_load_avg_events = !(\
grep sched_load_avg_task {trace_file.replace('.dat', '.txt')} | \
head -n5 \
print "First 5 sched_load_avg events:"
for line in sched_load_avg_events:
print line
A graphical representation whould be really usefuly!
In [11]:
# Load the LISA::Trace parsing module
from trace import Trace
# Define which event we are interested into
trace = Trace(trace_file, [
], platform)
In [12]:
# Trace events are converted into tables, let's have a look at one
# of such tables
load_df = trace.data_frame.trace_event('sched_load_avg_task')
In [14]:
df = load_df[load_df.comm.str.match('k.*')]
# df.head()
print df.comm.unique()
In [15]:
cap_df = trace.data_frame.trace_event('cpu_capacity')
In [20]:
# Signals can be easily plot using the ILinePlotter
# FTrace object
# Signals to be plotted
# Generate one plot for each value of the specified column
# Generate only plots which satisfy these filters
'comm': ['task_ramp'],
'cpu' : [2,5]
# Formatting style
marker = '+',
A graphical representation can always be on hand
In [21]:
trace = Trace(boost15_trace,
Usually a common set of plots can be generated which capture the most useful information realted to a workload we are analysing
In [130]:
signals=['util_avg', 'boosted_util', 'sched_overutilized', 'residencies'],
In [131]:
In a single plot we can aggregate multiple informations which makes it easy to verify the expected behaviros.
With a set of properly defined plots we are able to condense mucy more sensible information which are easy to ready because they are "standard".
We immediately capture what we are interested to evaluate!
Moreover, all he produced plots are available as high resolution images, ready to be shared and/or used in other reports.
In [132]:
!tree {res_dir}
We always expect a new task to be allocated on a big core.
To verify this condition we need to know what is the topology of the target.
This information is automatically collected by LISA when the workload is executed.
Thus it can be used to write portable tests conditions.
In [23]:
from bart.sched.SchedMultiAssert import SchedAssert
# Create an object to get/assert scheduling pbehaviors
sa = SchedAssert(trace_file, topology, execname='task_ramp')
In [28]:
# Check on which CPU the task start its execution
if sa.assertFirstCpu(platform['clusters']['big']):#, window=(4,6)):
print "PASS: Task starts on big CPU: ", sa.getFirstCpu()
print "FAIL: Task does NOT start on a big CPU!!!"
We expect 35% load in the between 2 and 4 [s] of the execution
In [29]:
# Let's find when the task starts
start = sa.getStartTime()
first_phase = (start, start+2)
print "The task starts execution at [s]: ", start
print "Window of interest: ", first_phase
In [30]:
import operator
# Check the task duty cycle in the second step window
if sa.assertDutyCycle(10,, window=first_phase):
print "PASS: Task duty-cycle is {}% in the [2,4] execution window"\
print "FAIL: Task duty-cycle is {}% in the [2,4] execution window"\
This test fails because we have not considered a scaling factor due running at a lower OPP.
To write a portable test we need to account for that condition!
In [31]:
# Get LITTLEs capacities ranges:
littles = platform['clusters']['little']
little_capacities = cap_df[cap_df.cpu.isin(littles)].capacity
min_cap = little_capacities.min()
max_cap = little_capacities.max()
print "LITTLEs capacities range: ", (min_cap, max_cap)
# Get min OPP correction factor
min_little_scale = 1.0 * min_cap / max_cap
print "LITTLE's min capacity scale: ", min_little_scale
In [33]:
# Scale the target duty-cycle according to the min OPP
target_dutycycle = 10 / min_little_scale
print "Scaled target duty-cycle: ", target_dutycycle
target_dutycycle = 1.01 * target_dutycycle
print "1% tolerance scaled duty-cycle: ", target_dutycycle
In [34]:
# Add a 1% tolerance to our scaled target dutycycle
if sa.assertDutyCycle(1.01 * target_dutycycle,, window=first_phase):
print "PASS: Task duty-cycle is {}% in the [2,4] execution window"\
.format(sa.getDutyCycle(first_phase) * min_little_scale)
print "FAIL: Task duty-cycle is {}% in the [2,4] execution window"\
.format(sa.getDutyCycle(first_phase) * min_little_scale)
In [35]:
# Consider a 100 [ms] window for the task to migrate
delta = 0.1
# Defined the window of interest
switch_window=(start+4-delta, start+4+delta)
if sa.assertSwitch("cluster",
print "PASS: Task switches to big within: ", switch_window
print "PASS: Task DOES NO switches to big within: ", switch_window
In [36]:
import operator
if sa.assertResidency("cluster", platform['clusters']['little'], 66, operator.le, percent=True):
print "PASS: Task exectuion on LITTLEs is {:.1f}% (less than 66% of its execution time)".\
format(sa.getResidency("cluster", platform['clusters']['little'], percent=True))
print "FAIL: Task run on LITTLE for MORE than 66% of its execution time"
In [7]:
start = 2
last_phase = (start+4, start+6)
analyzer_config = {
"SCALE" : 1024,
"BOOST" : 15,
# Verify that the margin is properly computed for each event:
# margin := (scale - util) * boost
margin_check_statement = "(((SCALE - sched_boost_task:util) * BOOST) // 100) == sched_boost_task:margin"
In [8]:
from bart.common.Analyzer import Analyzer
# Create an Assertion Object
a = Analyzer(trace.ftrace,
filters={"comm": "task_ramp"})
In [9]:
if a.assertStatement(margin_check_statement):
print "PASS: Margin properly computed in : ", last_phase
print "FAIL: Margin NOT properly computed in : ", last_phase
In [10]:
# Get the two dataset of interest
df1 = trace.data_frame.trace_event('cpu_capacity')[['cpu', 'capacity']]
df2 = trace.data_frame.trace_event('boost_task_rtapp')[['__cpu', 'boosted_util']]
# Join the information from these two
df3 = df2.join(df1, how='outer')
df3 = df3.fillna(method='ffill')
df3 = df3[df3.__cpu == df3.cpu]
In [11]:
len(df3[df3.boosted_util >= df3.capacity])
In [12]:
# Create the TRAPpy class
trace.ftrace.add_parsed_event('rtapp_capacity_check', df3)
# Define pivoting value
trace.ftrace.rtapp_capacity_check.pivot = 'cpu'
# Create an Assertion
a = Analyzer(trace.ftrace,
{"CAP" : trace.ftrace.rtapp_capacity_check},
window=(start+4.1, start+6))
a.assertStatement("CAP:capacity >= CAP:boosted_util")
We are not limited to the usage of pre-defined functions. We can exploit the full power of PANDAS to process the DataFrames to extract all kind of information we want.
In [40]:
import pandas as pd
# Focus on cpu_frequency events for CPU0
df = trace.data_frame.trace_event('cpu_frequency')
df = df[df.cpu == 0]
# Compute the residency on each OPP before switching to the next one
df.loc[:,'start'] = df.index
df.loc[:,'delta'] = (df['start'] - df['start'].shift()).fillna(0).shift(-1)
# Group by frequency and sum-up the deltas
freq_residencies = df.groupby('frequency')['delta'].sum()
print "Residency time per OPP:"
df = pd.DataFrame(freq_residencies)
# Compute the relative residency time
tot = sum(freq_residencies)
#df = df.apply(lambda delta : 100*delta/tot)
for f in freq_residencies.index:
print "Freq {:10d}Hz : {:5.1f}%".format(f, 100*freq_residencies[f]/tot)
In [44]:
# Plot residency time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(16, 5));
df.plot(kind='barh', ax=axes, title="Frequency residency", rot=45);
Advanced DataFrame usage: filtering by columns/rows, merging tables, plotting data
Using LISA APIs to control a remote device and run custom workloads
In [ ]:
# Setup a target configuration
conf = {
# Target is localhost
"platform" : 'linux',
"board" : "juno",
# Login credentials
"host" : "",
"username" : "root",
"password" : "",
# Binary tools required to run this experiment
# These tools must be present in the tools/ folder for the architecture
"tools" : ['rt-app', 'taskset', 'trace-cmd'],
# Comment the following line to force rt-app calibration on your target
"rtapp-calib" : {
"0": 355, "1": 138, "2": 138, "3": 355, "4": 354, "5": 354
# FTrace events end buffer configuration
"ftrace" : {
"events" : [
"buffsize" : 10240
# Where results are collected
"results_dir" : "SchedTuneAnalysis",
# Devlib module required (or not required)
'modules' : [ "cpufreq", "cgroups" ],
#"exclude_modules" : [ "hwmon" ],
In [ ]:
# Support to access the remote target
from env import TestEnv
# Initialize a test environment using:
# the provided target configuration (my_target_conf)
# the provided test configuration (my_test_conf)
te = TestEnv(conf)
target =
print "DONE"
In [ ]:
# Enable Energy-Aware scheduler
target.execute("echo ENERGY_AWARE > /sys/kernel/debug/sched_features");
target.execute("echo UTIL_EST > /sys/kernel/debug/sched_features");
# Check which sched_feature are enabled
sched_features = target.read_value("/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features");
print "sched_features:"
print sched_features
In [ ]:
# Check which governor is enabled on each CPU
enabled_governors = target.cpufreq.get_all_governors()
print enabled_governors
In [ ]:
schedtune = target.cgroups.controller('schedtune')
# Configure a 50% boostgroup
boostgroup = schedtune.cgroup('/boosted')
# Dump the configuraiton of each groups
cgroups = schedtune.list_all()
for cgname in cgroups:
cgroup = schedtune.cgroup(cgname)
attrs = cgroup.get()
boost = attrs['boost']
print '{}:{:<15} boost: {}'.format(schedtune.kind,, boost)
In [ ]:
# RTApp configurator for generation of PERIODIC tasks
from wlgen import RTA, Periodic, Ramp
# Create a new RTApp workload generator using the calibration values
# reported by the TestEnv module
rtapp = RTA(target, 'test', calibration=te.calibration())
# Ramp workload
ramp = Ramp(
# Configure this RTApp instance to:
# 1. generate a "profile based" set of tasks
kind = 'profile',
# 2. define the "profile" of each task
params = {
# 3. Composed task
'task_ramp': ramp.get(),
In [ ]:
def execute(te, wload, res_dir, cg='/'):'# Setup FTrace')
if te.emeter:'## Start energy sampling')
te.emeter.reset()'### Start RTApp execution'), cgroup=cg)
if te.emeter:'## Read energy consumption: %s/energy.json', res_dir)
nrg_report =
nrg_report = None'# Stop FTrace')
trace_file = os.path.join(res_dir, 'trace.dat')'# Save FTrace: %s', trace_file)
te.ftrace.get_trace(trace_file)'# Save platform description: %s/platform.json', res_dir)
plt, plt_file = te.platform_dump(res_dir)'# Report collected data:')' %s', res_dir)
!tree {res_dir}
return nrg_report, plt, plt_file, trace_file
In [ ]:
nrg_report, plt, plt_file, trace_file = execute(te, rtapp, te.res_dir,
Writing and running regression tests using the LISA API
In [116]:
stune_smoke_test = '../../tests/stune/smoke_test_ramp.config'
!cat {stune_smoke_test}
In [120]:
stune_smoke_test = '../../tests/stune/'
!cat {stune_smoke_test}
The execution of a test can be triggered from a LISA shell using nosetest with the test class as a parameter. This command:
$ nosetests -v tests/stune/
will execute all the tests described in the module and collect all the products in a timestamp named subfolder of the results folder. Tests PASS/FAILURE is reported after the completion of each test execution.
Detailed results of the experiments which compares also some base configurations with each test configuration can be reported in a tablular format using this command:
$ lisa-report --base noboost --tests '(boost15|boost30|boost60)'