Linux Interactive System Analysis DEMO

Get LISA and start the Notebook Server

Official repository on GitHub - ARM Software:

Installation dependencies are listed in the main page of the repository:

Once cloned, source init_env to initialized the LISA Shell, which provides a convenient set of shell commands for easy access to many LISA related functions.

$ source init_env

To start the IPython Notebook Server required to use this Notebook, on a LISAShell run:

[LISAShell lisa] \> lisa-ipython start

Starting IPython Notebooks...
Starting IPython Notebook server...
  IP Address :
  Folder     :  /home/derkling/Code/lisa/ipynb
  Logfile    :  /home/derkling/Code/lisa/ipynb/server.log

Notebook server task: [1] 24745

The main folder served by the server is:

While the tutorial notebooks are accessible starting from this link:

Note that the lisa-ipython command allows to specify also interface and port in case you have several network interfaces on your host:

lisa-ipython start [interface [port]]

What is an IPython Notebook?

Let's do some example!

Logging configuration and support modules import

In [4]:
import logging
from conf import LisaLogging

In [5]:
# Execute this cell to enable verbose SSH commands

In [6]:
# Other python modules required by this notebook
import json
import os

Advanced usage: get more confident with IPython notebooks and discover some hidden features

Remote target connection and control

In [4]:
# Setup a target configuration
conf = {
    # Target is localhost
    "platform"    : 'linux',
    # Board descriptions are described through json files in lisa/libs/utils/platforms/
    "board"       : "juno", 
    # Login credentials
    "host"        : "",
    "username"    : "root",
    "password"    : "",

    # Binary tools required to run this experiment
    # These tools must be present in the tools/ folder for the architecture
    "tools"   : ['rt-app', 'taskset', 'trace-cmd'],
    # Comment the following line to force rt-app calibration on your target
    # "rtapp-calib" : {
    #    "0": 355, "1": 138, "2": 138, "3": 355, "4": 354, "5": 354
    # },
    # FTrace events end buffer configuration
    "ftrace"  : {
        "events" : [
         "buffsize" : 10240

    # Where results are collected
    "results_dir" : "LisaInANutshell",

    # Devlib module required (or not required)
    'modules' : [ "cpufreq", "cgroups", "cpufreq" ],
    #"exclude_modules" : [ "hwmon" ],

In [5]:
# Support to access the remote target
from env import TestEnv

# Initialize a test environment using:
# the provided target configuration (my_target_conf)
# the provided test configuration   (my_test_conf)
te = TestEnv(conf)
target =

print "DONE"

05:28:29  INFO    :         Target - Using base path: /home/derkling/Code/lisa
05:28:29  INFO    :         Target - Loading custom (inline) target configuration
05:28:29  INFO    :         Target - Devlib modules to load: ['bl', 'cpufreq', 'cgroups', 'hwmon']
05:28:29  INFO    :         Target - Connecting linux target:
05:28:29  INFO    :         Target -   username : root
05:28:29  INFO    :         Target -       host :
05:28:29  INFO    :         Target -   password : 
05:28:29  DEBUG   : Logging in root@
05:28:31  DEBUG   : id
05:28:31  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/root/devlib-target/bin' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:28:31  DEBUG   : ls -1 /root/devlib-target/bin
05:28:32  DEBUG   : cat /proc/cpuinfo
05:28:32  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'dmidecode -s system-version'
05:28:33  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox uname -m
05:28:33  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:28:33  DEBUG   : zcat /proc/config.gz
05:28:34  DEBUG   : mount
05:28:34  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mount -t tmpfs cgroup_root /sys/fs/cgroup'
05:28:35  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox cat /proc/cgroups
05:28:35  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep cpuset /proc/cgroups
05:28:36  DEBUG   : mount
05:28:36  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset 2>/dev/null'
05:28:36  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mount -t cgroup -o cpuset devlib_cpuset /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset'
05:28:37  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset'
05:28:37  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep cpu /proc/cgroups
05:28:38  DEBUG   : mount
05:28:38  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpu 2>/dev/null'
05:28:39  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mount -t cgroup -o cpu devlib_cpu /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpu'
05:28:39  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpu ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpu'
05:28:39  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep cpuacct /proc/cgroups
05:28:40  DEBUG   : mount
05:28:40  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuacct 2>/dev/null'
05:28:41  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mount -t cgroup -o cpuacct devlib_cpuacct /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuacct'
05:28:41  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuacct ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuacct'
05:28:41  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep schedtune /proc/cgroups
05:28:42  DEBUG   : mount
05:28:42  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_schedtune 2>/dev/null'
05:28:43  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mount -t cgroup -o schedtune devlib_schedtune /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_schedtune'
05:28:43  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_schedtune ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_schedtune'
05:28:44  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep memory /proc/cgroups
05:28:44  DEBUG   : mount
05:28:44  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_memory 2>/dev/null'
05:28:45  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mount -t cgroup -o memory devlib_memory /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_memory'
05:28:45  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_memory ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_memory'
05:28:46  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep hugetlb /proc/cgroups
05:28:46  DEBUG   : mount
05:28:46  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_hugetlb 2>/dev/null'
05:28:47  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mount -t cgroup -o hugetlb devlib_hugetlb /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_hugetlb'
05:28:47  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_hugetlb ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_hugetlb'
05:28:48  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:28:48  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon
05:28:49  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:28:49  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/name'\'''
05:28:50  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/
05:28:50  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/curr1_label'\'''
05:28:50  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:28:51  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/name'\'''
05:28:51  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/
05:28:52  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/curr1_label'\'''
05:28:52  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon10/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:28:53  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon10/name'\'''
05:28:53  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon10/
05:28:53  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon10/power1_label'\'''
05:28:54  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon11/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:28:54  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon11/name'\'''
05:28:55  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon11/
05:28:55  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon11/power1_label'\'''
05:28:55  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon12/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:28:56  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon12/name'\'''
05:28:56  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon12/
05:28:57  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon12/energy1_label'\'''
05:28:57  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:28:57  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/name'\'''
05:28:58  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/
05:28:58  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/energy1_label'\'''
05:28:59  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:28:59  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/name'\'''
05:29:00  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/
05:29:00  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/energy1_label'\'''
05:29:00  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon15/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:29:01  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon15/name'\'''
05:29:01  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon15/
05:29:02  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon15/energy1_label'\'''
05:29:02  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:29:03  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/name'\'''
05:29:03  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/
05:29:04  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/curr1_label'\'''
05:29:04  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/curr2_label'\'''
05:29:04  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/curr3_label'\'''
05:29:05  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/curr4_label'\'''
05:29:05  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in0_label'\'''
05:29:06  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in1_label'\'''
05:29:06  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in2_label'\'''
05:29:07  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in3_label'\'''
05:29:08  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in4_label'\'''
05:29:08  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in5_label'\'''
05:29:08  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in6_label'\'''
05:29:09  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/power1_label'\'''
05:29:09  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/power2_label'\'''
05:29:10  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/power3_label'\'''
05:29:10  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/power4_label'\'''
05:29:11  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/temp1_label'\'''
05:29:11  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/temp2_label'\'''
05:29:11  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/temp3_label'\'''
05:29:12  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/temp4_label'\'''
05:29:12  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/temp5_label'\'''
05:29:13  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/temp6_label'\'''
05:29:13  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:29:13  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/name'\'''
05:29:14  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/
05:29:14  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/curr1_label'\'''
05:29:15  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:29:15  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/name'\'''
05:29:16  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/
05:29:16  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/curr1_label'\'''
05:29:16  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:29:17  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/name'\'''
05:29:17  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/
05:29:18  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/in1_label'\'''
05:29:18  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:29:18  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/name'\'''
05:29:19  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/
05:29:19  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/in1_label'\'''
05:29:20  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon6/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:29:20  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon6/name'\'''
05:29:21  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon6/
05:29:21  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon6/in1_label'\'''
05:29:21  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon7/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:29:22  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon7/name'\'''
05:29:22  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon7/
05:29:23  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon7/in1_label'\'''
05:29:23  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon8/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:29:23  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon8/name'\'''
05:29:24  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon8/
05:29:24  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon8/power1_label'\'''
05:29:25  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon9/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
05:29:25  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon9/name'\'''
05:29:26  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon9/
05:29:26  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon9/power1_label'\'''
05:29:27  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mount -o remount,rw /'
05:29:27  INFO    :         Target - Initializing target workdir:
05:29:27  INFO    :         Target -    /root/devlib-target
05:29:27  DEBUG   : mkdir -p /root/devlib-target
05:29:27  DEBUG   : mkdir -p /root/devlib-target/bin
05:29:28  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/libs/devlib/devlib/bin/arm64/busybox root@
05:29:28  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox
05:29:29  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/libs/devlib/devlib/bin/scripts/shutils root@
05:29:29  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/shutils
05:29:29  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/tools/scripts/ root@
05:29:30  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/
05:29:30  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/tools/arm64/perf root@
05:29:34  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/perf
05:29:35  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/tools/arm64/taskset root@
05:29:35  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/taskset
05:29:36  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/tools/arm64/rt-app root@
05:29:36  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/rt-app
05:29:36  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/tools/arm64/trace-cmd root@
05:29:37  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd
05:29:37  INFO    :         Target - Topology:
05:29:37  INFO    :         Target -    [[0, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2]]
05:29:37  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/online'\'''
05:29:38  DEBUG   : cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
05:29:38  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/online'\'''
05:29:38  DEBUG   : cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
05:29:39  INFO    :       Platform - Loading default EM:
05:29:39  INFO    :       Platform -    /home/derkling/Code/lisa/libs/utils/platforms/juno.json
05:29:39  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/libs/devlib/devlib/bin/arm64/trace-cmd root@
05:29:39  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd
05:29:40  DEBUG   : cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/available_events
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace - Enabled tracepoints:
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_switch
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_wakeup
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_wakeup_new
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_contrib_scale_f
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_load_avg_cpu
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_load_avg_task
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_tune_config
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_tune_tasks_update
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_tune_boostgroup_update
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_tune_filter
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_boost_cpu
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_boost_task
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_energy_diff
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   cpu_frequency
05:29:40  INFO    :         FTrace -   cpu_capacity
05:29:40  INFO    :    EnergyMeter - Scanning for HWMON channels, may take some time...
05:29:40  INFO    :    EnergyMeter - Channels selected for energy sampling:
05:29:40  INFO    :    EnergyMeter -    a57_energy
05:29:40  INFO    :    EnergyMeter -    a53_energy
05:29:40  WARNING :         Target - Using configuration provided RTApp calibration
05:29:40  INFO    :         Target - Using RT-App calibration values:
05:29:40  INFO    :         Target -    {"0": 355, "1": 138, "2": 138, "3": 355, "4": 354, "5": 354}
05:29:40  WARNING :        TestEnv - Wipe previous contents of the results folder:
05:29:40  WARNING :        TestEnv -    /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results/LisaInANutshell
05:29:40  INFO    :        TestEnv - Set results folder to:
05:29:40  INFO    :        TestEnv -    /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results/LisaInANutshell
05:29:40  INFO    :        TestEnv - Experiment results available also in:
05:29:40  INFO    :        TestEnv -    /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results_latest

Commands execution on remote target

In [8]:
# Enable Energy-Aware scheduler
target.execute("echo ENERGY_AWARE > /sys/kernel/debug/sched_features");

# Check which sched_feature are enabled
sched_features = target.read_value("/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features");
print "sched_features:"
print sched_features

05:29:59  DEBUG   : echo ENERGY_AWARE > /sys/kernel/debug/sched_features
05:29:59  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features'\'''

In [9]:
# It's possible also to run custom script
# my_script = target.get_installed()
# target.execute(my_script)

Example of frameworks configuration on remote target

Configure CPUFreq governor to be "sched-freq"

In [10]:

# Check which governor is enabled on each CPU
enabled_governors =  target.cpufreq.get_all_governors()
print enabled_governors

05:30:05  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cpufreq_set_all_governors sched'
05:30:06  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cpufreq_get_all_governors'
{'1': 'sched', '0': 'sched', '3': 'sched', '2': 'sched', '5': 'sched', '4': 'sched'}

Create a big/LITTLE partition using CGroups::CPUSet

In [11]:
cpuset = target.cgroups.controller('cpuset')

# Configure a big partition
cpuset_bigs = cpuset.cgroup('/big')
cpuset_bigs.set(, mems=0)

# Configure a LITTLE partition
cpuset_littles = cpuset.cgroup('/LITTLE')
cpuset_littles.set(, mems=0)

# Dump the configuraiton of each controller
cgroups = cpuset.list_all()
for cgname in cgroups:
    cgroup = cpuset.cgroup(cgname)
    attrs = cgroup.get()
    cpus = attrs['cpus']
    print '{}:{:<15} cpus: {}'.format(cpuset.kind,, cpus)

05:30:09  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/big ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/big'
05:30:09  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo 1-2 > '\''/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/big/cpuset.cpus'\'''
05:30:10  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/big/cpuset.cpus'\'''
05:30:10  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo 0 > '\''/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/big/cpuset.mems'\'''
05:30:10  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/big/cpuset.mems'\'''
05:30:11  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE'
05:30:11  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo 0,3-5 > '\''/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE/cpuset.cpus'\'''
05:30:11  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE/cpuset.cpus'\'''
05:30:12  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo 0 > '\''/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE/cpuset.mems'\'''
05:30:12  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE/cpuset.mems'\'''
05:30:12  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox find /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset -type d
05:30:13  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cgroups_get_attributes /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset cpuset
05:30:13  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cgroups_get_attributes /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/big cpuset
cpuset:/               cpus: 0-5
cpuset:/big            cpus: 1-2
05:30:14  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cgroups_get_attributes /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE cpuset
cpuset:/LITTLE         cpus: 0,3-5

Advanced usage: exploring more APIs exposed by TestEnv and Devlib

Using syntethic workloads

Generate an RTApp configuration

In [12]:
# RTApp configurator for generation of PERIODIC tasks
from wlgen import RTA, Periodic, Ramp

# Light workload
light  = Periodic(
            duty_cycle_pct = 10,
            duration_s     =  3,
            period_ms      = 32,

# Ramp workload
ramp   = Ramp(

# Heavy workload
heavy  = Periodic(

# Composed workload
lrh_task = light + ramp + heavy

# Create a new RTApp workload generator using the calibration values
# reported by the TestEnv module
rtapp = RTA(target, 'test', calibration=te.calibration())

# Configure this RTApp instance to:

    # 1. generate a "profile based" set of tasks
    kind = 'profile',
    # 2. define the "profile" of each task
    params = {
        # 3. Composed task
        'task_lrh': lrh_task.get(),
    # Alternatively, it is possible to specify a json file for rt-app through:
    # kind = 'custom',
    # params = '/path/file.json',

05:30:22  INFO    :          WlGen - Setup new workload test
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - Workload duration defined by longest task
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - Default policy: SCHED_OTHER
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - ------------------------
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - task [task_lrh], sched: using default policy
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp -  | calibration CPU: 0
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp -  | loops count: 1
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - + phase_000001: duration 3.000000 [s] (93 loops)
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - |  period    32000 [us], duty_cycle  10 %
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - |  run_time   3200 [us], sleep_time  28800 [us]
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - + phase_000002: duration 0.500000 [s] (31 loops)
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - |  period    16000 [us], duty_cycle  10 %
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - |  run_time   1600 [us], sleep_time  14400 [us]
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - + phase_000003: duration 0.500000 [s] (31 loops)
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - |  period    16000 [us], duty_cycle  30 %
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - |  run_time   4800 [us], sleep_time  11200 [us]
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - + phase_000004: duration 0.500000 [s] (31 loops)
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - |  period    16000 [us], duty_cycle  50 %
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - |  run_time   8000 [us], sleep_time   8000 [us]
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - + phase_000005: duration 3.000000 [s] (187 loops)
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - |  period    16000 [us], duty_cycle  60 %
05:30:22  INFO    :          RTApp - |  run_time   9600 [us], sleep_time   6400 [us]
05:30:22  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   test_00.json root@

In [13]:
# Inspect the JSON file used to run the application
with open('./test_00.json', 'r') as fh:
    rtapp_json = json.load(fh)'Generated RTApp JSON file:')
print json.dumps(rtapp_json, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

05:30:24  INFO    : Generated RTApp JSON file:
    "global": {
        "calibration": 355, 
        "default_policy": "SCHED_OTHER", 
        "duration": -1, 
        "logdir": "/root/devlib-target"
    "tasks": {
        "task_lrh": {
            "loop": 1, 
            "phases": {
                "p000001": {
                    "loop": 93, 
                    "run": 3200, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 32000, 
                        "ref": "task_lrh"
                "p000002": {
                    "loop": 31, 
                    "run": 1600, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 16000, 
                        "ref": "task_lrh"
                "p000003": {
                    "loop": 31, 
                    "run": 4800, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 16000, 
                        "ref": "task_lrh"
                "p000004": {
                    "loop": 31, 
                    "run": 8000, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 16000, 
                        "ref": "task_lrh"
                "p000005": {
                    "loop": 187, 
                    "run": 9600, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 16000, 
                        "ref": "task_lrh"
            "policy": "SCHED_OTHER"

Advanced usage: using WlGen to create more complex RTApp configurations or run other banchmarks (e.g. hackbench)

Execution and Energy Sampling

In [14]:
def execute(te, wload, res_dir):'# Setup FTrace')
    te.ftrace.start()'## Start energy sampling')
    te.emeter.reset()'### Start RTApp execution')'## Read energy consumption: %s/energy.json', res_dir)
    nrg_report ='# Stop FTrace')

    trace_file = os.path.join(res_dir, 'trace.dat')'# Save FTrace: %s', trace_file)
    te.ftrace.get_trace(trace_file)'# Save platform description: %s/platform.json', res_dir)
    plt, plt_file = te.platform_dump(res_dir)'# Report collected data:')'   %s', res_dir)
    !tree {res_dir}
    return nrg_report, plt, plt_file, trace_file

In [15]:
nrg_report, plt, plt_file, trace_file = execute(te, rtapp, te.res_dir)

05:30:27  INFO    : # Setup FTrace
05:30:27  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo 10240 > '\''/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_size_kb'\'''
05:30:27  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_size_kb'\'''
05:30:27  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd reset'
05:30:29  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd start -e sched_switch -e sched_wakeup -e sched_wakeup_new -e sched_contrib_scale_f -e sched_load_avg_cpu -e sched_load_avg_task -e sched_tune_config -e sched_tune_tasks_update -e sched_tune_boostgroup_update -e sched_tune_filter -e sched_boost_cpu -e sched_boost_task -e sched_energy_diff -e cpu_frequency -e cpu_capacity'
05:30:31  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo TRACE_MARKER_START > '\''/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker'\'''
05:30:31  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cpufreq_trace_all_frequencies'
05:30:32  INFO    : ## Start energy sampling
05:30:32  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/energy1_input'\'''
05:30:32  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/energy1_input'\'''
05:30:33  INFO    : ### Start RTApp execution
05:30:33  INFO    :          WlGen - Workload execution START:
05:30:33  INFO    :          WlGen -    /root/devlib-target/bin/rt-app /root/devlib-target/test_00.json
05:30:33  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/rt-app /root/devlib-target/test_00.json
05:30:40  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   root@'/root/devlib-target/*task_lrh*.log' /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results/LisaInANutshell
05:30:41  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   root@ /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results/LisaInANutshell
05:30:41  INFO    : ## Read energy consumption: /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results/LisaInANutshell/energy.json
05:30:41  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/energy1_input'\'''
05:30:41  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/energy1_input'\'''
05:30:42  INFO    :   EnergyReport - Energy [             a53]: 5.530500
05:30:42  INFO    :   EnergyReport - Energy [             a57]: 2.019339
05:30:42  WARNING :   EnergyReport - Unable to bind hwmon channel [a57] to a big.LITTLE cluster
05:30:42  WARNING :    EnergyMeter - No energy data for big cluster
05:30:42  INFO    : # Stop FTrace
05:30:42  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cpufreq_trace_all_frequencies'
05:30:42  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo TRACE_MARKER_STOP > '\''/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker'\'''
05:30:42  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd stop'
05:30:43  INFO    : # Save FTrace: /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results/LisaInANutshell/trace.dat
05:30:43  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd extract -o /root/devlib-target/trace.dat'
05:30:45  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   root@ /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results/LisaInANutshell/trace.dat
05:30:46  INFO    : # Save platform description: /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results/LisaInANutshell/platform.json
05:30:46  INFO    : # Report collected data:
05:30:46  INFO    :    /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results/LisaInANutshell
├── energy.json
├── output.log
├── platform.json
├── rt-app-task_lrh-0.log
├── test_00.json
└── trace.dat

0 directories, 6 files

Example of energy collected data

In [16]:
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(list(nrg_report.channels.iteritems()),
                  columns=['Cluster', 'Energy'])
df = df.set_index('Cluster')

LITTLE 5.530500
a57 2.019339

Example of platform description

In [17]:
# Show the collected platform description
with open(os.path.join(te.res_dir, 'platform.json'), 'r') as fh:
    platform = json.load(fh)
print json.dumps(platform, indent=4)'LITTLE cluster max capacity: %d',

05:30:46  INFO    : LITTLE cluster max capacity: 447
    "nrg_model": {
        "big": {
            "cluster": {
                "nrg_max": 64
            "cpu": {
                "cap_max": 1024, 
                "nrg_max": 616
        "little": {
            "cluster": {
                "nrg_max": 57
            "cpu": {
                "cap_max": 447, 
                "nrg_max": 93
    "clusters": {
        "big": [
        "little": [
    "cpus_count": 6, 
    "freqs": {
        "big": [
        "little": [
    "topology": [

Advanced Workload Execution: using the Executor module to automate data collection for multiple tests

Trace Visualization (the kernelshark way)

Using kernelshark

In [18]:
# Let's look at the trace using kernelshark...
trace_file = te.res_dir + '/trace.dat'
!kernelshark {trace_file} 2>/dev/null

version = 6

Using the TRAPpy Trace Plotter

In [19]:
# Suport for FTrace events parsing and visualization
import trappy

# NOTE: The interactive trace visualization is available only if you run
#       the workload to generate a new trace-file

Example of Trace Analysis

Generate DataFrames from Trace Events

In [20]:
# Load the LISA::Trace parsing module
from trace import Trace

# Define which event we are interested into
trace = Trace(te.res_dir, [
    ], te.platform)

05:30:58  INFO    : Collected events spans a 11.783 [s] time interval

In [21]:
# Let's have a look at the set of events collected from the trace
ftrace = trace.ftrace"List of events identified in the trace:")
for event in ftrace.class_definitions.keys():"   %s", event)

05:30:58  INFO    : List of events identified in the trace:
05:30:58  INFO    :    sched_load_avg_task
05:30:58  INFO    :    cpu_frequency
05:30:58  INFO    :    cpu_capacity
05:30:58  INFO    :    sched_load_avg_cpu
05:30:58  INFO    :    sched_boost_cpu
05:30:58  INFO    :    sched_boost_task
05:30:58  INFO    :    sched_switch

In [22]:
# Trace events are converted into tables, let's have a look at one
# of such tables
df = trace.data_frame.trace_event('sched_load_avg_task')

__comm __cpu __pid comm cpu load_avg load_sum period_contrib pid util_avg util_est util_sum cluster
0.000135 trace-cmd 0 1377 trace-cmd 0 222 10616291 272 1377 87 87 4176248 LITTLE
0.000151 <idle> 1 0 sudo 1 0 655 66 1376 0 900 655 big
0.000170 trace-cmd 0 1377 trace-cmd 0 222 10616291 272 1377 87 87 4176248 LITTLE
0.001500 sudo 1 1376 sudo 1 14 687474 404 1376 14 900 687474 big
0.001504 <idle> 2 0 sh 2 0 91 561 1074 0 153 87 big

In [23]:
# Simple selection of events based on conditional values
#df[df.comm == 'task_lrh'].head()

# Simple selection of specific signals
#df[df.comm == 'task_lrh'][['util_avg']].head()

# Simple statistics reporting
#df[df.comm == 'task_lrh'][['util_avg']].describe()

Advanced DataFrame usage: filtering by columns/rows, merging tables, plotting data

Easy plot signals from DataFrams

In [24]:
# Signals can be easily plot using the ILinePlotter
    # FTrace object
    # Signals to be plotted
#     # Generate one plot for each value of the specified column
#      pivot='cpu',
#     # Generate only plots which satisfy these filters
#     filters={
#         'comm': ['task_lrh'],
#         'cpu' : [0,5]
#     },
    # Formatting style
    marker = '+'


Example of Behavioral Analysis

In [25]:
from bart.sched.SchedMultiAssert import SchedAssert

# Create an object to get/assert scheduling pbehaviors
sa = SchedAssert(ftrace, te.topology,  execname='task_lrh')

Get tasks behaviors

In [26]:
# Check the residency of a task on the LITTLE cluster
print "Task residency [%] on LITTLE cluster:",\

Task residency [%] on LITTLE cluster: 99.7034764921

In [27]:
# Check on which CPU the task start its execution
print "Task initial CPU:",\

Task initial CPU: 1

Check for expected behaviros

In [28]:
import operator

# Define the time window where we want focus our assertions
start_s = sa.getStartTime()
little_residency_window = (start_s, start_s + 10)

# Defined the expected task residency 

result = sa.assertResidency(
print "Task running {} [%] of its time on LITTLE? {}"\
      .format(EXPECTED_RESIDENCY_PCT, result)

Task running 99 [%] of its time on LITTLE? True

In [29]:
result = sa.assertFirstCpu(
print "Task starting on a big CPU? {}".format(result)

Task starting on a big CPU? True

Examples of Data analysis

Which task is the most active switcher?

In [30]:
# Focus on sched_switch events
df = ftrace.sched_switch.data_frame

# # Select only interesting columns
# df = df.ix[:,'next_comm':'prev_state']

# # Group sched_switch event by task switching into the CPU
# df = df.groupby('next_pid').describe(include=['object'])

# # Sort sched_switch events by number of time a task switch into the CPU
# df = df['next_comm'].sort_values(by=['count'], ascending=False)


# # Get topmost task name and PID
# most_switching_pid  = df.index[1]
# most_switching_task = df.values[1][2]
# task_name = "{}:{}".format(most_switching_pid, most_switching_task)

# # Print result
#"The most swithing task is: [%s]", task_name)

__comm __cpu __pid next_comm next_pid next_prio prev_comm prev_pid prev_prio prev_state
0.000156 <idle> 1 0 sudo 1376 120 swapper/1 0 120 0
0.000217 trace-cmd 0 1377 swapper/0 0 120 trace-cmd 1377 120 64
0.001509 <idle> 2 0 sh 1074 120 swapper/2 0 120 0
0.001524 sudo 1 1376 swapper/1 0 120 sudo 1376 120 64
0.001885 sh 2 1074 swapper/2 0 120 sh 1074 120 1

What are the relative residency on different OPPs?

In [42]:
# Focus on cpu_frequency events for CPU0
df = ftrace.cpu_frequency.data_frame
df = df[df.cpu == 0]

# # Compute the residency on each OPP before switching to the next one
# df.loc[:,'start'] = df.index
# df.loc[:,'delta'] = (df['start'] - df['start'].shift()).fillna(0).shift(-1)

# # Group by frequency and sum-up the deltas
# freq_residencies = df.groupby('frequency')['delta'].sum()
#"Residency time per OPP:")
# df = pd.DataFrame(freq_residencies)


# # Compute the relative residency time
# tot = sum(freq_residencies)
# #df = df.apply(lambda delta : 100*delta/tot)
# for f in freq_residencies.index:
#"Freq %10dHz : %5.1f%%", f, 100*freq_residencies[f]/tot)

05:43:41  INFO    : Residency time per OPP:
05:43:41  INFO    : Freq     450000Hz :  61.1%
05:43:41  INFO    : Freq     800000Hz :  33.1%
05:43:41  INFO    : Freq     950000Hz :   5.8%

In [47]:
# Plot residency time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Enable generation of Notebook emebedded plots
%matplotlib inline

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(16, 5));
df.plot(kind='bar', ax=axes);

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
WARNING: pylab import has clobbered these variables: ['axes']
`%matplotlib` prevents importing * from pylab and numpy

Example of Custom Plotting

In [31]:
from perf_analysis import PerfAnalysis

# Full analysis function
def analysis(t_min=None, t_max=None):
    test_dir = te.res_dir
    platform_json = '{}/platform.json'.format(test_dir)
    trace_file = '{}/trace.dat'.format(test_dir)
    # Load platform description data
    with open(platform_json, 'r') as fh:
        platform = json.load(fh)

    # Load RTApp Performance data
    pa = PerfAnalysis(test_dir)"Loaded performance data for tasks: %s", pa.tasks())
    # Load Trace data
    #events = my_tests_conf['ftrace']['events']
    events = [
    trace = Trace(test_dir, events, platform)
    # Define time ranges for all the temporal plots
    trace.setXTimeRange(t_min, t_max)
    # Tasks performances plots
    for task in pa.tasks():
    # Tasks plots

    # Cluster and CPUs plots

In [32]:

06:30:36  INFO    : Loaded performance data for tasks: ['task_lrh']
06:30:37  INFO    :   task         task_lrh found, pid: [1388]
06:30:37  INFO    : Collected events spans a 11.783 [s] time interval
06:30:37  INFO    : Set plots time range to (0.000000, 11.782671)[s]
06:30:37  INFO    : Set plots time range to (0.000000, 11.782671)[s]
06:30:37  INFO    : PerfIndex, Task [task_lrh] avg: 0.80, std: 0.12
06:30:38  INFO    :   task         task_lrh found, pid: [1388]
06:30:38  WARNING : Events [sched_overutilized] not found, plot DISABLED!
06:30:38  WARNING : Events [sched_overutilized] not found, plot DISABLED!
06:30:38  WARNING : Events [sched_overutilized] not found, plot DISABLED!
06:30:38  WARNING : Events [sched_overutilized] not found, plot DISABLED!
06:30:38  WARNING : Events [sched_overutilized] not found, plot DISABLED!
06:30:39  INFO    : LITTLE cluster average frequency: 0.595 GHz
06:30:39  INFO    : big    cluster average frequency: 0.628 GHz

Advanced TraceAnalysis and PerfAnalysis usage: use pre-defined functions to plot trace data and RTApp performance metrics