In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Load dataframe and count number of cases positive and negative cases

In [2]:
isozyme2d6 = pd.read_csv('data/2d6.csv')

In [3]:
# Renaming the Activity Score column to conform to Python syntax
isozyme2d6.rename(columns={'p450-cyp2d6-ActivityScore': 'ActivityScore'}, inplace=True)

In [4]:
# Number of substances with an activity scores greater than or equal to 40
n_pos = (isozyme2d6.ActivityScore >= 40).sum()


In [5]:
# Number of substances with an activity score below 40
n_neg = (isozyme2d6.ActivityScore < 40).sum()


Downsampling the negative cases

This section of code shuffles the order of substances with an Activity Score below 40 (negatives). Then counts the number of substances with an Activity Score 40 or above (positives) and uses that number as a cutoff value on the list of negatives. When complete, there are an equal number of positives and negatives.
The seed value is set for the randomizer to ensure reproducibility. Different seeds will result in different negatives being included in the analysis set. All of the positives are always included in the resulting dataset.

In [6]:
# method adapted from DataRobot post about scikit-learn classification

# Downsample negative cases -- there are many more negatives than positives

indices = np.where(isozyme2d6.ActivityScore < 40)[0]
rng = np.random.RandomState(50)  # sets seed for random number generator
rng.shuffle(indices)             # different seed numbers result in different shuffle
n_pos = (isozyme2d6.ActivityScore >= 40).sum()
balanced = isozyme2d6.drop(isozyme2d6.index[indices[n_pos:]])


SID ActivityScore apol a_acc a_acid a_aro a_base a_count a_don a_heavy ... vsa_acid vsa_base vsa_don vsa_hyd vsa_other vsa_pol Weight weinerPath weinerPol zagreb
5 842618 44 70.986168 5 0 17 2 64 0 31 ... 0 0 0.000000 380.40643 11.190562 43.926376 423.56500 2659 49 164
9 842953 44 62.660240 3 0 12 1 52 1 29 ... 0 0 0.000000 340.08496 24.140093 33.813168 434.34698 2338 47 154
14 843293 0 60.107033 3 0 0 0 51 1 27 ... 0 0 9.421040 288.14563 45.765236 45.975922 384.50400 1955 44 138
18 843526 41 45.001102 3 0 11 0 36 2 22 ... 0 0 11.365152 216.60484 21.408051 41.002750 314.36499 1107 34 114
21 843662 40 65.452202 3 0 15 1 57 0 29 ... 0 0 0.000000 315.71521 12.949531 36.147465 390.51099 2477 48 162
29 844085 41 43.942272 2 0 0 0 37 2 19 ... 0 0 23.425066 159.08879 51.789574 58.910046 274.39200 616 35 96
31 844156 0 62.506241 3 0 13 0 53 0 30 ... 0 0 0.000000 287.13580 76.132065 40.700764 429.49698 2651 46 160
42 844873 41 66.039825 6 0 11 0 57 3 32 ... 0 0 41.167557 238.78426 62.202019 94.951035 459.52701 2811 52 170
44 844963 66 47.919479 3 0 17 0 40 1 23 ... 0 0 5.682576 229.00011 43.990028 16.372663 307.35300 1305 33 124
48 845384 42 66.798203 4 0 12 1 58 1 30 ... 0 0 5.682576 319.00067 23.055140 53.769775 430.54898 2998 45 158

10 rows × 188 columns

In [7]:
# Demonstrate the dataset is balanced
n_pos = (balanced.ActivityScore >= 40).sum()
n_neg = (balanced.ActivityScore < 40).sum()
n_neg, n_pos

(2771, 2771)

Write files for analysis

In [8]:
balanced.to_csv("data/balanced2d6.csv", index=False)

Generate Training and Test Set

In [9]:
twoD6 = pd.read_csv("data/balanced2d6.csv")

In [10]:

SID ActivityScore apol a_acc a_acid a_aro a_base a_count a_don a_heavy ... vsa_acid vsa_base vsa_don vsa_hyd vsa_other vsa_pol Weight weinerPath weinerPol zagreb
0 842618 44 70.986168 5 0 17 2 64 0 31 ... 0 0 0.000000 380.40643 11.190562 43.926376 423.56500 2659 49 164
1 842953 44 62.660240 3 0 12 1 52 1 29 ... 0 0 0.000000 340.08496 24.140093 33.813168 434.34698 2338 47 154
2 843293 0 60.107033 3 0 0 0 51 1 27 ... 0 0 9.421040 288.14563 45.765236 45.975922 384.50400 1955 44 138
3 843526 41 45.001102 3 0 11 0 36 2 22 ... 0 0 11.365152 216.60484 21.408051 41.002750 314.36499 1107 34 114
4 843662 40 65.452202 3 0 15 1 57 0 29 ... 0 0 0.000000 315.71521 12.949531 36.147465 390.51099 2477 48 162

5 rows × 188 columns

Shuffle and split dataset while preserving pandas index and metadata.

In [11]:
# Method adapted to Python3 from function by boates at
N = len(twoD6)

In [12]:
l = list(range(N))

In [13]:

In [14]:
# get splitting indicies
# Here they are set to 80% training, 0% cross-validation and 20% test sets
trainLen = int(N*.8)
cvLen    = int(N*0.0)
testLen  = int(N*.2)

In [15]:
# get training, cv, and test sets
training = twoD6.ix[l[:trainLen]]
cv       = twoD6.ix[l[trainLen:trainLen+cvLen]]
test     = twoD6.ix[l[trainLen+cvLen:]]

In [16]:
# Examine training set

SID ActivityScore apol a_acc a_acid a_aro a_base a_count a_don a_heavy ... vsa_acid vsa_base vsa_don vsa_hyd vsa_other vsa_pol Weight weinerPath weinerPol zagreb
3289 11114095 85 25.967930 0 5 0 1 23 0 13 ... 74.321251 17.742489 17.742489 71.454041 28.375498 92.063744 207.12199 272 13 58
2488 11111502 41 52.303032 0 0 12 1 45 0 21 ... 0.000000 5.682576 5.682576 254.943600 0.000000 5.682576 278.41901 810 40 118
2462 11111413 0 35.143032 0 0 0 3 36 0 12 ... 0.000000 41.167557 41.167557 133.040590 0.000000 41.167557 174.31200 215 13 52
2821 11112630 20 32.461517 1 0 6 0 26 0 14 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 166.094760 13.166624 5.682576 204.29700 298 17 76
2293 11110827 0 64.246994 5 0 0 0 57 3 28 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 267.817900 16.917038 67.834602 408.92200 1670 70 168

5 rows × 188 columns

In [17]:

(1109, 188)

In [18]:
# Check number of actives an inactives in test set
n_pos1 = (test.ActivityScore >= 40).sum()
n_neg1 = (test.ActivityScore < 40).sum()
n_neg1, n_pos1

(557, 552)

In [19]:
# Check number of actives and inactives in training set
n_pos2 = (training.ActivityScore >= 40).sum()
n_neg2 = (training.ActivityScore < 40).sum()
n_neg2, n_pos2

(2214, 2219)

Write resulting training and test set to files for use in all further analyses.

In [20]:
training.to_csv("data/training2d6.csv", index=False)
test.to_csv("data/test2d6.csv", index=False)

In [20]: