Load mapped reads and generate a matrix

We read now each read in the map files. We want reads that are uniquely mapped and from each of them we store:

  • the strand
  • the position, or cut-site (real position + read length, in case it's reverse strand)
  • the chromosome
  • the sequence
  • the restriction enzyme fragment on which it stands

This information will be used to filter the reads and, finally, to construct the interaction matrices.

Map restriction fragments

First we need to load the Homo sapiens genomic sequence:

In [52]:
from pytadbit.parsers.genome_parser import parse_fasta
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

In [20]:
genome_seq = parse_fasta('/media/storage/db/reference_genome/Homo_sapiens/hg38/hg38.fa')

Parsing chr1
Parsing chr2
Parsing chr3
Parsing chr4
Parsing chr5
Parsing chr6
Parsing chr7
Parsing chr8
Parsing chr9
Parsing chr10
Parsing chr11
Parsing chr12
Parsing chr13
Parsing chr14
Parsing chr15
Parsing chr16
Parsing chr17
Parsing chr18
Parsing chr19
Parsing chr20
Parsing chr21
Parsing chr22
Parsing chrX
Parsing chrY

We have loaded the full human genome:

In [3]:
plt.bar(range(len(genome_seq)), [len(genome_seq[c]) for c in genome_seq], 
        color='k', alpha=0.7)
_ = plt.xticks([v + 0.5 for v in range(len(genome_seq))], genome_seq.keys(), rotation=90)

Then, we search for restriction enzyme sites in this sequence.

In [4]:
from pytadbit.mapping.restriction_enzymes import map_re_sites

frags_HindIII = map_re_sites('HindIII', genome_seq, verbose=True)
frags_MboI    = map_re_sites('MboI'   , genome_seq, verbose=True)

Found 860365 RE sites
Found 7199434 RE sites

In [5]:
c0 = frags_HindIII.keys()[0]
v0 = 0
dists_HindIII = []
for c1, v1 in [(c, v) for c in frags_HindIII for p in frags_HindIII[c] 
               for v in frags_HindIII[c][p]]:
    if c1 == c0:
        diff = abs(v1 - v0)
        if diff < 30000:  # larger fragments are probably poorly assembled regions
    v0 = v1
c0 = frags_MboI.keys()[0]
v0 = 0
dists_MboI = []
for c1, v1 in [(c, v) for c in frags_MboI for p in frags_MboI[c] 
               for v in frags_MboI[c][p]]:
    if c1 == c0:
        diff = abs(v1 - v0)
        if diff < 30000:  # larger fragments are probably poorly assembled regions
    v0 = v1

In [12]:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
_ = plt.hist([dists_HindIII, dists_MboI], bins=50, color=['red', 'green'], 
             alpha=0.5, label=['HindIII', 'MboI'], normed=True, range=(0, 10000))
y0, y1 = plt.ylim()
plt.vlines(np.median(dists_HindIII), y0, y1 * 0.7, color='red', linestyle='--',
          label='median HindIII')
plt.vlines(np.median(dists_MboI)   , y0, y1 * 0.75, color='green', linestyle='--',
          label='median MboI')
plt.text(np.median(dists_HindIII), y1 * 0.7, '%.0f' % np.median(dists_HindIII), va='bottom', 
plt.text(np.median(dists_MboI)   , y1 * 0.75,'%.0f' % np.median(dists_MboI)   , va='bottom', 
plt.title('Restriction fragment size distribution')
plt.xlim(0, 10000)

Extract uniquely mapped reads

In [96]:
# replicate and enzyme useds
r_enz = 'HindIII'

Iterative mapping

In case we haven't stored the location of each of the reads we could load them like this:

In [46]:
maps1 = [('results/iterativ/{0}/01_mapping/mapped_{0}_r1/'
          'K562_{0}_1_full_1-{1}.map').format(r_enz, i) 
         for i in range(25, 80, 5)]

maps2 = [('results/iterativ/{0}/01_mapping/mapped_{0}_r2/'
          'K562_{0}_2_full_1-{1}.map').format(r_enz, i) 
         for i in range(25, 80, 5)]

Load all reads, check if they are uniquely mapped. Result is stored in two separate file tab-separated files that will contain the essential information of each read

In [47]:
from pytadbit.parsers.map_parser import parse_map

In [48]:
! mkdir -p results/iterativ/$r_enz/02_parsing

In [49]:
parse_map(maps1, maps2,
          genome_seq=genome_seq, re_name=r_enz verbose=True)

Searching and mapping RE sites to the reference genome
Found 860365 RE sites
Loading read1
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_full_1-25.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_full_1-30.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_full_1-35.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_full_1-40.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_full_1-45.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_full_1-50.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_full_1-55.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_full_1-60.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_full_1-65.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_full_1-70.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_full_1-75.map
Merge sort.................
Getting Multiple contacts
Loading read2
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_full_1-25.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_full_1-30.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_full_1-35.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_full_1-40.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_full_1-45.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_full_1-50.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_full_1-55.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_full_1-60.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_full_1-65.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_full_1-70.map
loading file: results/iterativ/HindIII/01_mapping/mapped_HindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_full_1-75.map
Merge sort.................
Getting Multiple contacts
({0: {1: 7668768,
   2: 294657,
   3: 194330,
   4: 138392,
   5: 101157,
   6: 97959,
   7: 63897,
   8: 47601,
   9: 36706,
   10: 29015,
   11: 29522},
  1: {1: 7567512,
   2: 313813,
   3: 206899,
   4: 142617,
   5: 104512,
   6: 110867,
   7: 66378,
   8: 50196,
   9: 38320,
   10: 29989,
   11: 36913}},
 {0: 0, 1: 0})

In [50]:
from pytadbit.mapping.analyze import plot_iterative_mapping

In [51]:
total_reads = 10000000

lengths = plot_iterative_mapping(

Fragment-based mapping

In [101]:
! mkdir -p results/$r_enz/02_parsing

In [116]:
maps1 = [('results/{0}/01_mapping/map{0}_r1/'

maps2 = [('results/{0}/01_mapping/map{0}_r2/'

In [117]:


In [118]:
parse_map(maps1, maps2,
          genome_seq=genome_seq, re_name=r_enz, verbose=True)

Searching and mapping RE sites to the reference genome
Found 860365 RE sites
Loading read1
loading file: results/HindIII/01_mapping/mapHindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_full_1-end.map
loading file: results/HindIII/01_mapping/mapHindIII_r1/K562_HindIII_1_frag_1-end.map
Merge sort...........
Getting Multiple contacts
Loading read2
loading file: results/HindIII/01_mapping/mapHindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_full_1-end.map
loading file: results/HindIII/01_mapping/mapHindIII_r2/K562_HindIII_2_frag_1-end.map
Merge sort..........
Getting Multiple contacts
({0: {1: 6046355, 2: 4605516}, 1: {1: 5939379, 2: 4357130}},
 {0: 1622616, 1: 1521588})

In [119]:
reads1 = 'results/{0}/02_parsing/reads1_{0}.tsv'.format(r_enz)
reads2 = 'results/{0}/02_parsing/reads2_{0}.tsv'.format(r_enz)

In [120]:
total_reads = 10000000

lengths = plot_iterative_mapping(reads1, reads2, total_reads)

From now on we are going to focus only on the results of the fragment based mapping

Keep only pair of reads where both are mapped uniquely

In [121]:
from pytadbit.mapping import get_intersection

In [122]:
! mkdir -p results/$r_enz/03_filtering

In [123]:
reads = 'results/{0}/03_filtering/reads12_{0}.tsv'.format(r_enz)

In [124]:
get_intersection(reads1, reads2, reads, verbose=True)

Getting intersection of reads 1 and reads 2:
Found 8177566 pair of reads mapping uniquely
Sorting each temporary file by genomic coordinate
    1025/1025 sorted files
Removing temporary files...
(8177566, {2: 2416754, 3: 139110, 4: 2})

Quality check of the Hi-C experiment

Number of interactions versus genomic distance

In [125]:
from pytadbit.mapping.analyze import plot_distance_vs_interactions

plot_distance_vs_interactions(reads, resolution=100000, max_diff=1000, show=True)

((-0.88265018662076211, 5.9164938010086949, -0.99863993019479413),
 (-1.3501559560452454, 6.9658028500495099, -0.99882570064420828),
 (-1.0587521964219113, 5.9115998331601851, -0.97867093398859228))

According to the fractal globule model (Mirny, 2011) the slope between 700 kb and 10 Mb should be around -1 in log scale

Genomic coverage

In [126]:
from pytadbit.mapping.analyze import plot_genomic_distribution

In [127]:
plot_genomic_distribution(reads, resolution=500000, ylim=(0, 10000), show=True)

We are working with a cell line with a very aberrant karyotype (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Karyotype_of_the_T47D_breast_cancer_cell_line.svg).

First Hi-C map

In [128]:
from pytadbit.mapping.analyze import hic_map

In [129]:
hic_map(reads, resolution=1000000, show=True)

Insert size

From the reads that are mapped in a single fragment we can infer the average insert size:

In [130]:
from pytadbit.mapping.analyze import insert_sizes

In [131]:
insert_sizes(reads, show=True, nreads=1000000)

[172.0, 623.01700000005076]

The median size of the sequenced DNA fragments is thus 172 nt.


[^](#ref-1) Mirny, Leonid a. 2011. The fractal globule as a model of chromatin architecture in the cell.. URL