
Pairs of mapped read-ends are filtered in order to keep only valid pairs. The filters available in TADbit are these one:

  1. Self-circle: both read-ends are mapped to the same RE fragment in opposed orientation.
  2. Dangling-end: both read-ends are mapped to the same RE fragment in facing orientation.
  3. Error: both read-ends are mapped to the same RE fragment in the same orientation.
  4. Extra dangling-end: the read-ends are mapped to different RE fragments in facing orientation, but are close enough (< max_molecule_length bp) from the RE cut-site to be considered part of adjacent RE fragments that were not separated by digestion. The max_molecule_length parameter can be inferred from the fragment_size function previously detailed.
  5. Too close from RE sites (or semi-dangling-end): the start position of one of the read-end is too close (5 bp by default) from the RE cutting site.
  6. Too short: one of the read-ends is mapped to RE fragments of less than 75bp. These are removed since there is ambiguity on where the read-end is mapped as it could also belong to any of the two neighboring RE fragments.
  7. Too large: the read-ends are mapped to long RE fragments (default: 100 kb, P < 10-5 to occur in a randomized genome) and they likely represent poorly assembled or repetitive regions.
  8. Over-represented: the read-ends coming from the top 0.5% most frequently detected RE fragments, they may represent PCR artefacts, random breaks, or genome assembly errors.
  9. PCR artefacts or duplicated: the combination of the start positions, mapped length, and strands of both read-ends are identical. In this case, only one copy is kept.
  10. Random breaks: the start position of one read-end is too far (> minimum_distance_to_RE) from the RE cut-site. These are produced most probably by non-canonical enzyme activity or by random physical breakage of the chromatin. Note, that to filter all these types of fragments the minimum_distance_to_RE parameter should be larger than the maximum_fragment_length.

In [2]:
cell = 'mouse_B'  # or mouse_PSC
rep = 'rep1'  # or rep2

Filter out dangling ends and self-circles

In [3]:
from pytadbit.mapping.filter import filter_reads

The max_molecule_length parameter used to filter-out pseudo-dangling-ends can be extracted from the insert_size function in previous section.

The min_distance_to_re, that affects the detection of random breaks, should be large enough in order to contain almost all the fragments.

In [4]:
# this will last ~10 minutes
masked = filter_reads(
    'results/fragment/{0}_{1}/03_filtering/reads12_{0}_{1}.tsv'.format(cell, rep), 
    max_molecule_length=750, over_represented=0.005, max_frag_size=100000, 
    min_frag_size=50, re_proximity=5, min_dist_to_re=1000)

Filtered reads (and percentage of total):

                   Mapped both  :   87,862,102 (100.00%)
   1-               self-circle :       87,761 (  0.10%)
   2-              dangling-end :    4,813,620 (  5.48%)
   3-                     error :       18,165 (  0.02%)
   4-        extra dangling-end :   12,933,038 ( 14.72%)
   5-        too close from RES :   21,372,275 ( 24.32%)
   6-                 too short :    3,628,579 (  4.13%)
   7-                 too large :        1,256 (  0.00%)
   8-          over-represented :    2,693,107 (  3.07%)
   9-                duplicated :    1,605,185 (  1.83%)
  10-             random breaks :      308,512 (  0.35%)

This generates a dictionary with the different filters and the reads affected by each.

Apply filters on the data

In [5]:
from pytadbit.mapping.filter import apply_filter

apply_filter('results/fragment/{0}_{1}/03_filtering/reads12_{0}_{1}.tsv'.format(cell, rep), 
             'results/fragment/{0}_{1}/03_filtering/valid_reads12_{0}_{1}.tsv'.format(cell, rep), masked, 
             filters=[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10])

    saving to file 66,612,427 reads without.

Evaluate changes

In [6]:
from pytadbit.mapping.analyze import hic_map

hic_map('results/fragment/{0}_{1}/03_filtering/valid_reads12_{0}_{1}.tsv'.format(cell, rep), 
        resolution=1000000, show=True, cmap='viridis')

Zoom to a single chromosome or a region:

In [7]:
hic_map('results/fragment/{0}_{1}/03_filtering/valid_reads12_{0}_{1}.tsv'.format(cell, rep), 
        resolution=1000000, show=True, focus='chr1', cmap='viridis')

In [8]:
hic_map('results/fragment/{0}_{1}/03_filtering/valid_reads12_{0}_{1}.tsv'.format(cell, rep), 
        resolution=1000000, show=True, focus=(500, 1000), cmap='viridis')

Save to BAM

Working with TSV (tab-separated-value file format) files is very slow. For the next part of the tutorial we will be using BAM (binary-alignment-map) files, which are compressed and indexed.

Note: The fields we use in TADbit to generate a BAM file are not the conventional ones, we modify them as follows to store only the necessary information for the remaining part of the analysis:

  • Read ID (same as in the original FASTQ file)
  • Flag (binary mask for the application of the 10 filters previously described):

    1. self-circle
    2. dangling-end
    3. error
    4. extra dangling-end
    5. too close from RES
    6. too short
    7. too large
    8. over-represented
    9. duplicated
    10. random breaks
    11. inter-chromosomal

    For example if we want to keep only pairs of read-ends that are excelusively inter-fragment contacts and that are not duplicated, we would apply filters 1, 2, 3 (self-circle, dangling-ends, errors) and 9 (duplicated) resulting in a binary number like this: 00100000111 which translates in decimal: 263. We could thus obtain these read-pairs with samtools view -F 263.

  • Chromosome ID of the first read-end
  • Genomic position of the first read-end
  • MAPQ set to 0
  • Pseudo CIGAR replaced by the mapped length of the first read-end, and information about current copy (each pair is present twice in the BAM, P: first copy, S: second copy)
  • Chromosome ID of the second read-end
  • Genomic position of the second read-end
  • Mapped length of the second pair-end
  • Nothing (*) (the field is usually reserved to sequence)
  • Nothing (*) (the field is usually reserved to quality)
  • TC tag indicating single (1) or multi contact (3 6 ... number being the number of times a given sequenced fragment is involved in a pairwise contact)
  • S1 and S2 tags are the strand orientation of the left and right read-end

In [9]:
from pytadbit.parsers.hic_bam_parser import bed2D_to_BAMhic

In [10]:
bed2D_to_BAMhic('results/fragment/{0}_{1}/03_filtering/valid_reads12_{0}_{1}.tsv'.format(cell, rep), 
                valid=True, ncpus=8, 
                outbam='results/fragment/{0}_{1}/03_filtering/valid_reads12_{0}_{1}'.format(cell, rep), 
                frmt='mid', masked=None)

In [ ]: