Modelling a region of the chromatin

Load previous data

In [1]:
from pytadbit import load_chromosome
from pytadbit.parsers.hic_parser import load_hic_data_from_bam

In [2]:
crm = load_chromosome('results/fragment/chr3.tdb')

In [3]:
B, PSC = crm.experiments

In [4]:

(Experiment mouse_B (resolution: 100 kb, TADs: 96, Hi-C rows: 1601, normalized: None),
 Experiment mouse_PSC (resolution: 100 kb, TADs: 118, Hi-C rows: 1601, normalized: None))

Load raw data matrices, and normalized matrices

In [5]:
base_path = 'results/fragment/{0}_both/03_filtering/valid_reads12_{0}.bam'
bias_path = 'results/fragment/{0}_both/04_normalizing/biases_{0}_both_{1}kb.biases'
reso = 100000
chrname = 'chr3'
cel1 = 'mouse_B'
cel2 = 'mouse_PSC'

In [6]:
hic_data1 = load_hic_data_from_bam(base_path.format(cel1),
                                   biases=bias_path.format(cel1, reso // 1000),
hic_data2 = load_hic_data_from_bam(base_path.format(cel2),
                                  biases=bias_path.format(cel2, reso // 1000),

  (Matrix size 1601x1601)                                                      [2020-02-06 16:50:49]

  - Parsing BAM (101 chunks)                                                   [2020-02-06 16:50:49]
     .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........     50/101
     .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........    100/101
     .                                                         101/101

  - Getting matrices                                                           [2020-02-06 16:50:52]
     .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........     50/101
     .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........    100/101
     .                                                         101/101

  (Matrix size 1601x1601)                                                      [2020-02-06 16:50:56]

  - Parsing BAM (101 chunks)                                                   [2020-02-06 16:50:56]
     .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........     50/101
     .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........    100/101
     .                                                         101/101

  - Getting matrices                                                           [2020-02-06 16:51:00]
     .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........     50/101
     .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........    100/101
     .                                                         101/101

In [7]:
B.load_norm_data([hic_data1.get_matrix(focus='chr3', normalized=True)])

PSC.load_norm_data([hic_data2.get_matrix(focus='chr3', normalized=True)])


We use the best parameters obtained from the optimization process to produce an ensemble of models.

From the models produced (n_models) we will tell TADbit to conserve a number of them (n_keep) that best satisfy the imposed restraints.

In [8]:
optimal_params = {'dcutoff': 2.0,
                 'kbending': 0.0,
                 'kforce': 5,
                 'lowfreq': -0.6,
                 'maxdist': 2000.0,
                 'reference': 'Stadhouders R, Vidal E, Serra F, Di Stefano B et al. 2018',
                 'scale': 0.01,
                 'upfreq': 0.0}

In [9]:
models_B = B.model_region(start=300, end=360, n_models=400, n_keep=100, n_cpus=8,

In [10]:
models_PSC = PSC.model_region(start=300, end=360, n_models=400, n_keep=100, n_cpus=8,

The ensemble of models have inherited the description from the Chromosome object

In [11]:

{'identifier': None, 'chromosome': 'chr3', 'start': 29900000, 'end': 36000000, 'species': None, 'restriction enzyme': None, 'cell type': None, 'experiment type': 'Hi-C', 'resolution': 100000, 'assembly': None}

We still can access to the experiment object from the 3D models:

In [12]:

Experiment mouse_B:
   resolution        : 100 kb
   TADs              : 96
   Hi-C rows         : 1601
   normalized        : visibility
   identifier        : UNKNOWN
   cell type         : UNKNOWN
   restriction enzyme: UNKNOWN

Experiment mouse_PSC:
   resolution        : 100 kb
   TADs              : 118
   Hi-C rows         : 1601
   normalized        : visibility
   identifier        : UNKNOWN
   cell type         : UNKNOWN
   restriction enzyme: UNKNOWN

We can have a look at the data that was used to define restraints:

In [13]:

In [14]:

and also visualize how the IMP objective function (OF) of the stored model improves during the MOnte Carlo optimization:

In [15]:
model = models_B[0]
model.objective_function(log=True, smooth=False)

Structural Models

The definition of the "best models" can be changed at any time. Only the best models will be used in the analysis.

Select top 10 models

In [16]:
print("Lowest 10 IMP OF models:")

Lowest 10 IMP OF models:
StructuralModels with 10 models of 61 particles
   (objective function range: 59 - 61)
   (corresponding to the best models out of 100 models).
  IMP modeling used this parameters:
   - reference   : Stadhouders R, Vidal E, Serra F, Di Stefano B et al. 2018
   - kforce      : 5
   - scale       : 0.01
   - kbending    : 0.0
   - maxdist     : 2.0
   - lowfreq     : -0.6
   - upfreq      : 0.0
   - dcutoff     : 2.0
   - resolution  : 100000
   - container   : {'shape': None, 'radius': None, 'height': None, 'cforce': None}
   - lowrdist    : 1.0
  Models where clustered into 0 clusters

Select top 100 models

In [17]:
print("Lowest 100 IMP OF models:")

Lowest 100 IMP OF models:
StructuralModels with 100 models of 61 particles
   (objective function range: 59 - 62)
   (corresponding to the best models out of 100 models).
  IMP modeling used this parameters:
   - reference   : Stadhouders R, Vidal E, Serra F, Di Stefano B et al. 2018
   - kforce      : 5
   - scale       : 0.01
   - kbending    : 0.0
   - maxdist     : 2.0
   - lowfreq     : -0.6
   - upfreq      : 0.0
   - dcutoff     : 2.0
   - resolution  : 100000
   - container   : {'shape': None, 'radius': None, 'height': None, 'cforce': None}
   - lowrdist    : 1.0
  Models where clustered into 0 clusters

The ensemble of models "models_B" and "models_PSC" contain the models generated by the Montecarlo simulation ordered by its Objective Function (OF). The first model in the list is the one than best satisfies the imposed restraints.

To get the data for the lowest IMP OF model in the set of models we retrieve model number 0

In [18]:
model = models_B[0]

IMP model ranked 1 (61 particles) with: 
 - Final objective function value: 59.917060532471695
 - random initial value: 347
 - first coordinates:
        X      Y      Z
     6106  -2093  -8118
     5934  -2067  -7209
     6763  -2547  -7196

We can check the correlation of models_B with the original HiC matrix.

In the plot "Real vs modelled data" we should see a positive correlation of the contacts in the models with the frequency of interaction of the pairs of beads in the HiC matrix. High interaction frequency between two loci in the matrix is reflected by the fact of having a high proportion of models where the beads representing those two loci are "in contact" (distance lower than the cutoff).

In [19]:
models_B.correlate_with_real_data(plot=True, cutoff=2000)

SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.9130233605402466, pvalue=0.0)

To plot all the models in the ensemble we use the view_models function. By default the centroid (the model closer to the median) is highlighted.

In [27]:

We can also plot individual models.

In [28]:
models_PSC.view_models(models=[0], tool='plot')

And use Chimera ( for the visualization of the 3D structure

In [29]:
models_PSC.view_models(models=[0], tool='chimera')

Model analysis

Align models

In the Montecarlo simulation each of the models is built starting from a random initial conformation. Therefore models are not aligned in a preferred orientation. We can use the function align_models to rotate and translate the coordinates of the models so they follow the same orientation as one of the models in the ensemble. By default the model used as reference is the first one.

In [31]:

With the function deconvolve we obtain a deconvolution analysis of a given froup of models.It first clusters models based on structural comparison (dRMSD). Differential contact map between each possible pair of clusters is shown in the resulting graph. This allows us to detect common sets of contacts in the ensemble.


In [32]:
models_PSC.deconvolve(fact=0.35, dcutoff=2000, represent_models='best', n_best_clusters=5)

Total number of clusters: 8
   Cluster #1 has 5 models [top model: 66]
   Cluster #2 has 5 models [top model: 237]
   Cluster #3 has 4 models [top model: 269]
   Cluster #4 has 3 models [top model: 191]
   Cluster #5 has 3 models [top model: 61]
   Cluster #6 has 2 models [top model: 175]
   Cluster #7 has 2 models [top model: 396]
   Cluster #8 has 2 models [top model: 152]


The clustering of the models by Markov Cluster Algorith (MCL) or Ward can be based on different statistics measures (score, rmsd, drmsd or eqv). By default a score computed as a combination of rmsd, drmsd and eqv is used.

In [37]:
# Cluster models based on structural similarity
models_B.cluster_models(fact=0.95, dcutoff=1000)

Number of singletons excluded from clustering: 0 (total singletons: 0)
Total number of clusters: 2
   Cluster #1 has 50 models [top model: 396]
   Cluster #2 has 50 models [top model: 347]

Total number of clusters: 2
   Cluster #1 has 50 models [top model: 396]
   Cluster #2 has 50 models [top model: 347]

The analysis dendogram allows us to view the different clusters population and their OF values.

In [39]:
# Plot the resulting clusers
cl = models_B.cluster_analysis_dendrogram()

In [40]:
# Cluster models based on structural similarity
models_PSC.cluster_models(fact=0.95, dcutoff=1000)

Number of singletons excluded from clustering: 64 (total singletons: 64)
Total number of clusters: 11
   Cluster #1 has 5 models [top model: 159]
   Cluster #2 has 5 models [top model: 232]
   Cluster #3 has 4 models [top model: 46]
   Cluster #4 has 4 models [top model: 54]
   Cluster #5 has 4 models [top model: 279]
   Cluster #6 has 3 models [top model: 191]
   Cluster #7 has 3 models [top model: 135]
   Cluster #8 has 2 models [top model: 378]
   Cluster #9 has 2 models [top model: 59]
   Cluster #10 has 2 models [top model: 152]
   Cluster #11 has 2 models [top model: 29]

Total number of clusters: 11
   Cluster #1 has 5 models [top model: 159]
   Cluster #2 has 5 models [top model: 232]
   Cluster #3 has 4 models [top model: 46]
   Cluster #4 has 4 models [top model: 54]
   Cluster #5 has 4 models [top model: 279]
   Cluster #6 has 3 models [top model: 191]
   Cluster #7 has 3 models [top model: 135]
   Cluster #8 has 2 models [top model: 378]
   Cluster #9 has 2 models [top model: 59]
   Cluster #10 has 2 models [top model: 152]
   Cluster #11 has 2 models [top model: 29]

In [41]:
# Plot the resulting clusers
cl = models_PSC.cluster_analysis_dendrogram()


Model consistency gives a measure of the variability of the particles accross a set of models. Particles in the same position accross different models are considered consistent if their distance is less than the given cutoff.

In [42]:
# Calculate the consistency plot for all models in the first cluster (cluster 0)
models_B.model_consistency(cluster=1, cutoffs=(1000,1500))

In [43]:
# Calculate the consistency plot for all models in the first cluster (cluster 0)
models_PSC.model_consistency(cluster=1, cutoffs=(1000,1500))

DNA density plots

From the 3D models, the DNA density (or local compactness) can be calculated as the ratio of the bin size (in base pairs) and the distances between consequtive particles in the models. The higher the density the more compact DNA for the region. As this measure varies dramatically from particle to particle, one can calculate it using running averages.

In the modelling we have used a scale of 0.01 nm/bp; that means that if we expect 100 bp/nm of chromatin in each bead and between two consecutives beads.

In [44]:
# Calculate a DNA density plot

In [45]:
# Calculate a DNA density plot