The first step to generate three-dimensional (3D) models of a specific genomic regions is to filter columns with low counts and with no diagonal count in order to remove outliers or problematic columns from the interaction matrix. The particles associated with the filtered columns will be modelled, but will have no experimental data applied.
Here we load the data previous data already normalised.
In [1]:
from pytadbit import load_chromosome
from pytadbit.parsers.hic_parser import load_hic_data_from_bam
In [2]:
crm = load_chromosome('results/fragment/chr3.tdb')
In [3]:
B, PSC = crm.experiments
In [4]:
Load raw data matrices, and normalized matrices
In [5]:
base_path = 'results/fragment/{0}_both/03_filtering/valid_reads12_{0}.bam'
bias_path = 'results/fragment/{0}_both/04_normalizing/biases_{0}_both_{1}kb.biases'
reso = 100000
chrname = 'chr3'
cel1 = 'mouse_B'
cel2 = 'mouse_PSC'
In [6]:
hic_data1 = load_hic_data_from_bam(base_path.format(cel1),
biases=bias_path.format(cel1, reso / 1000),
hic_data2 = load_hic_data_from_bam(base_path.format(cel2),
biases=bias_path.format(cel2, reso / 1000),
In [7]:
B.load_norm_data([hic_data1.get_matrix(focus='chr3', normalized=True)])
PSC.load_norm_data([hic_data2.get_matrix(focus='chr3', normalized=True)])
It is a good practice to check that the data is there:
In [8]:
crm.visualize(['mouse_B', 'mouse_PSC'], normalized=True, paint_tads=True)
Focus on the genomic region to model.
In [9]:
crm.visualize(['mouse_B', 'mouse_PSC'], normalized=True, paint_tads=True, focus=(300, 360))
We can use the Matrix Modeling Potential (MMP) score (Trussart M. et al. Nature Communication, 2017) to identify a priori whether the interaction matrices have the potential of being use for modeling. The MMP score ranges from 0 to 1 and combines three different measures: the contribution of the significant eigenvectors, the skewness and the kurtosis of the distribution of Z-scores.
In [7]:
from pytadbit.utils.three_dim_stats import mmp_score
In [9]:
mmp_score(hic_data1.get_matrix(focus='chr3:30000000-36000000'), savefig='images/mmp_score.png')
This step is automatically done in TADbit. A a weight is generated for each pair of interactions proportional to their interaction count as in formula:
$$weight(I, J) = \frac{\sum^N_{i=0}{\sum^N_{j=0}{(matrix(i, j))}}}{\sum^N_{i=0}{(matrix(i, J))} \times \sum^N_{j=0}{(matrix(I, j))}}$$The raw data are then multiplied by this weight. In the case that multiple experiments are used, the weighted interaction values are normalised using a factor (default set as 1) in order to compare between experiments. Then, a Z-score of the off-diagonal normalised/weighted interaction is calculated as in formula:
$$zscore(I, J) = \frac{log_{10}(weight(I, J) \times matrix(I, J)) - mean(log_{10}(weight \times matrix))}{stddev(log_{10}(weight \times matrix))}$$The Z-scores are then transformed to distance restraints. To define the type of restraints between each pair of particles. we need to identified empirically three optimal parameters (i) a maximal distance between two non-interacting particles (maxdist), (ii) a lower-bound cutoff to define particles that do not interact frequently (lowfreq) and (iii) an upper-bound cutoff to define particles that do interact frequently (upfreq). In TADbit this is done via a grid search approach.
The following picture shows the different component of the scoring funtion that is optimised during the Monte Carlo simulated annealing sampling protocol. Two consecutive particles are spatially restrained by a harmonic oscillator with an equilibrium distance that corresponds to the sum of their radii. Non-consecutive particles with contact frequencies above the upper-bound cutoff are restrained by a harmonic oscillator at an equilibrium distance, while those below the lower-bound cutoff are maintained further than an equilibrium distance by a lower bound harmonic oscillator.
We need to identified empirically (via a grid-search optimisation) the optimal parameters for the mdoelling procedure:
Pairs of beads interacting less than lowfreq (left dashed line) are penalized if they are closer than their assigned minimum distance (Harmonic lower bound). Pairs of beads interacting more than ufreq (right dashed line) are penalized if they are further apart than their assigned maximum distance (Harmonic upper bound). Pairs of beads which interaction fall in between lowfreq and upfreq are not penalized except if they are neighbours (Harmonic)
In the parameter optimization step we are going to give a set of ranges for the different search parameters. For each possible combination TADbit will produce a set of models.
In each individual model we consider that two beads are in contact if their distance in 3D space is lower than the specified distance cutoff. TADbit builds a cumulative contact map for each set of models as shown in the schema below. The contact map is then compared with the Hi-C interaction experiment by means of a Spearman correlation coefficient. The sets having higher correlation coefficients are those that best represents the original data.
In [30]:
opt_B = B.optimal_imp_parameters(start=300, end=360, n_models=40, n_keep=20, n_cpus=8,
upfreq_range=(0, 0.6, 0.3),
lowfreq_range=(-0.9, 0, 0.3),
maxdist_range=(1000, 2000, 500),
dcutoff_range=[2, 3, 4])
In [31]:
Refine optimization in a small region:
In [32]:
opt_B.run_grid_search(upfreq_range=(0, 0.3, 0.3), lowfreq_range=(-0.9, -0.3, 0.3),
dcutoff_range=[2, 3],
In [33]:
In [34]:
opt_B.run_grid_search(upfreq_range=(0, 0.3, 0.3), lowfreq_range=(-0.3, 0, 0.1),
maxdist_range=[2000, 2250],
In [35]:
In [36]:
opt_B.run_grid_search(upfreq_range=(0, 0.3, 0.1), lowfreq_range=(-0.3, 0, 0.1),
maxdist_range=[2000, 2250],
In [37]:
In [38]:
For the other replicate, we can reduce the space of search:
In [39]:
opt_PSC = PSC.optimal_imp_parameters(start=300, end=360, n_models=40, n_keep=20, n_cpus=8,
upfreq_range=(0, 0.3, 0.1),
lowfreq_range=(-0.3, -0.1, 0.1),
maxdist_range=(2000, 2250, 250),
In [40]:
In [41]: