In [1]:
import Data.Array
import Data.Maybe
In [2]:
searchRotated :: (Ix i, Integral i, Show i, Ord e) => e -> Array i e -> Maybe i
searchRotated x xs =
midpoint left right = left + (right - left) `div` 2
binarySearch left right -- [, ]
| left > right = Nothing
| otherwise =
case compare x (xs ! middle) of
EQ -> Just middle
LT -> binarySearch left (middle - 1)
GT -> binarySearch (middle + 1) right
middle = midpoint left right
modifiedSearch left right
| left > right = Nothing
| otherwise =
middle = midpoint left right
middleElem = xs ! middle
firstElem = xs ! left
lastElem = xs ! right
middleElem == x then Just middle
case compare firstElem middleElem of
EQ -> case compare middleElem lastElem of
EQ -> listToMaybe $ catMaybes
[ modifiedSearch left (middle - 1)
, modifiedSearch (middle + 1) right ]
LT -> binarySearch (middle + 1) right
GT -> modifiedSearch (middle + 1) right
LT -> -- left side sorted
if x < middleElem && x >= firstElem then
binarySearch left (middle - 1)
modifiedSearch (middle + 1) right
GT -> -- right side sorted
if x > middleElem && x <= lastElem then
binarySearch (middle + 1) right
modifiedSearch left (middle - 1)
uncurry modifiedSearch $ bounds xs
In [3]:
searchRotated 3 $ listArray (1, 10) [1..10]
searchRotated (-3) $ listArray (1, 10) [1..10]
In [4]:
searchRotated' :: (Ix i, Ord e) => e -> Array i e -> Maybe i
searchRotated' x = fmap fst . listToMaybe . filter ((x ==) . snd) . assocs
In [5]:
searchRotated' 3 $ listArray (1, 10) [1..10]
searchRotated' (-3) $ listArray (1, 10) [1..10]
In [6]:
import Data.List (nub)
In [7]:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
In [8]:
testSearchRotated :: forall a. (Num a, Ord a, Enum a, Show a) => [a] -> Bool
testSearchRotated items =
indices = [1..length items]
rotations = map (uncurry (flip (++)) . (`splitAt` items)) indices
haystacks = map (listArray (head indices, last indices)) rotations
needles = [(minimum items - 1) .. (maximum items + 1)]
checkRotation :: (Ix i, Integral i, Show i) => Array i a -> Bool
checkRotation haystack =
results = zip needles $ map (`searchRotated` haystack) needles
checkResult (needle, Nothing) = needle `notElem` items
checkResult (needle, Just index) = needle == (haystack ! index)
all checkResult results
all checkRotation haystacks
In [9]:
testSearchRotated $ replicate 7 1 ++ [1,3,5]
In [10]:
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.List (sort)
In [11]:
testSearchRotatedRandomized :: [Int] -> Bool
testSearchRotatedRandomized = testSearchRotated . sort
In [12]:
quickCheck testSearchRotatedRandomized