In [3]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# import rpy2
from scipy.stats import beta, combine_pvalues
from statsmodels.sandbox.stats.multicomp import multipletests
%matplotlib inline

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12.0, 10.0)

Multiple Hypothesis Testing!

aka "Plenty of P-Values"

by Zane Blanton

Data Scientist in Marketplace at trivago

Standard Hypothesis Testing

  • We set an $\alpha$ (False Error Rate) of 0.05.
  • Thus, only five percent of null hypotheses that we test are actually rejected.
  • We hope that analyses delivered in this way are for the most part are valid.

How we hope this works

In [4]:
total_null = 500
total_alt = 500

rejected_null = total_null * 0.05
rejected_alt = total_alt * 0.95

In [5]:
hypothesis_df = pd.DataFrame({'null hypotheses': [total_null, total_null - rejected_null, 0],
                          'rejected nulls': [0, rejected_null, rejected_null],
                          'alt hypotheses': [total_alt, total_alt - rejected_alt, 0],
                          'rejected alts': [0, rejected_alt, rejected_alt]},
                         index=['population of hypotheses',
                                'only rejected hypotheses'])
hypothesis_df = hypothesis_df[['null hypotheses', 'rejected nulls', 'alt hypotheses', 'rejected alts']]
def plot_hyp_df():
    hypothesis_df.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, color=['lightsteelblue', 'darkblue',
               title="When we are halfway right: 95% of rejected hypotheses are alt" )

In [6]:

But what if we go wild?

In [7]:
total_null = 950
total_alt = 50

rejected_null = total_null * 0.05
rejected_alt = total_alt * 0.95

In [8]:
hypothesis_df = pd.DataFrame({'null hypotheses': [total_null, total_null - rejected_null, 0],
                          'rejected nulls': [0, rejected_null, rejected_null],
                          'alt hypotheses': [total_alt, total_alt - rejected_alt, 0],
                          'rejected alts': [0, rejected_alt, rejected_alt]},
                         index=['population of hypotheses',
                                'only rejected hypotheses'])
hypothesis_df = hypothesis_df[['null hypotheses', 'rejected nulls', 'alt hypotheses', 'rejected alts']]
def plot_hyp_df_again():
    hypothesis_df.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, color=['lightsteelblue', 'darkblue', 'wheat', 
                   title="When we're mostly wrong: 50% of rejected hypothese are alt")

In [9]:

And where might we encounter the second situation?

Let's make up parameters for a multiple testing situation and simulate some data

  • Assume null p values distributed as Uniform(0, 1)
  • Assume alternative p values distributed as Beta(1, 100)
  • This assumption means that we have a lot of power, since we're nearly guaranteed to reject our alternative hypotheses at an $\alpha$ of 0.05

In [55]:
a = 1
b = 100
x = np.arange(0, 1, 0.001)
null_distr = np.ones(1000)
alt_distr = beta(a=a, b=b).pdf(x)

In [56]:
def plot_our_p_distrs():
    plt.plot(x, null_distr)
    plt.plot(x, alt_distr)
    plt.legend(['null_distr', 'alt_distr'])
    plt.ylim((0, 15))
    plt.title('Null Versus Alternative Hypothesis P Values')

In [57]:

In [58]:

Let's sample some p values!

But first, let's assume that 90% of the hypotheses we are testing are null.

In [59]:
total_null = 900
total_alt = 100
null_pulls = np.random.random(total_null)
alt_pulls = np.random.beta(a=a, b=b, size=total_alt)

In [1]:
def plot_sim():
    plt.hist([null_pulls, alt_pulls], bins=20,
    plt.title("Simulated P values")
    plt.legend(['null_pulls', 'alt_pulls'])

In [65]:

In [66]:
def plot_sim_gray():
    plt.hist(np.concatenate([null_pulls, alt_pulls]), bins=20, color='gray')
    plt.title("But if we don't know which are which?")

In [67]:

Let's use our classic method with $\alpha$ = 0.05

In [68]:
null_pulls_rejected = null_pulls[null_pulls <= 0.05]
alt_pulls_rejected = alt_pulls[alt_pulls <= 0.05]

In [124]:
def classic_hyp_hist():
    plt.hist([null_pulls_rejected, alt_pulls_rejected], stacked=True)
    plt.legend(['null_pulls: {}'.format(len(null_pulls_rejected)),
                'alt_pulls: {}'.format(len(alt_pulls_rejected))])
    percent_alt = int(alt_pulls_rejected.shape[0] / (alt_pulls_rejected.shape[0] + null_pulls_rejected.shape[0]) * 100)
    plt.title('We End up Getting {percent_alt}% Alt Hypotheses'.format(percent_alt=percent_alt))

In [125]:

Bonferroni Correction

Definition of family-wise error rate (FWER)

If any null hypothesis is rejected under the null, then we consider it a false positive.

The Bonferroni correction controls FWER by setting $\alpha = \frac{0.05}{k}$ where $k$ is the number of hypotheses we're testing. In our case, this is $0.05 / 1000 = 0.00005$

In [72]:
print(alt_pulls[alt_pulls <= 0.05 / 1000])
print(null_pulls[null_pulls <= 0.05 / 1000])


In [73]:
print(alt_pulls[alt_pulls <= 0.10 / 1000])
print(null_pulls[null_pulls <= 0.10 / 1000])

[  9.82946677e-05]

But somehow this is unimpressive

If only there were another way...

Controlling False Discovery Rate (FDR)

We can set an $\alpha$ control on the expected proportion of null hypotheses in the set of hypotheses we reject, known as the False Discovery Rate.

In [76]:
def plot_hyp_df_fdr():
    hypothesis_df.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, color=['lightsteelblue', 'darkblue', 'wheat', 
                   title="Let's control the proportion of orange on the right")

In [77]:

Benjamini-Hochberg Step-up Procedure:

  1. Sort all null hypotheses. The smallest p value is $p_{(1)}$, the second smallest is $p_{(2)}$, etc.
  2. Set an FDR control $\alpha=0.10$
  3. Then, find the largest $k$ such that $p_{(k)} \le \frac{k}{m}\alpha$.
  4. Finaly, we we reject all null hypotheses $p_{(1)}, \dots, p_{(k)}$

We will accept this procedure as magic, but for those of you who are curious, here's a link to the proof:

Now, let's apply this to our data

In [120]:
alpha = 0.10
p_values_df = pd.DataFrame({'p': np.concatenate([null_pulls, alt_pulls]),
                            'case': ['null'] * total_null + ['alt'] * total_alt}).sort_values('p', ascending=True)
n = p_values_df.shape[0]
p_values_df['adjusted_alpha'] = [alpha * (k + 1) / n for k in range(n)]
p_values_df['k'] = range(1, n + 1)
p_values_to_reject = multipletests(p_values_df.p.values,
p_values_rejected = p_values_df.loc[p_values_to_reject, :].reset_index(drop=True)

def plot_stepup():
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    p_values_df.plot(x='k', y='p', kind='scatter', marker='.', ax=ax)
    p_values_df.plot(x='k', y='adjusted_alpha', ax=ax, color='red')
    plt.title('Step-Up Procedure: Find the last time a blue point is under red line')
    plt.xlabel('kth smallest p value')
    plt.ylabel('Log of p-value')

In [121]:

In [2]:

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-baa2eb17088b> in <module>()
----> 1 print(p_values_rejected)

NameError: name 'p_values_rejected' is not defined

In [128]:
max_p_fdr = max(p_values_df.loc[p_values_to_reject, 'p'])
def plot_stepup_hist():
    null_pulls_rejected = null_pulls[null_pulls <= max_p_fdr]
    alt_pulls_rejected = alt_pulls[alt_pulls <= max_p_fdr]
    plt.hist([null_pulls_rejected, alt_pulls_rejected], stacked=True)
    plt.legend(['null_pulls: {}'.format(len(null_pulls_rejected)),
                'alt_pulls: {}'.format(len(alt_pulls_rejected))])
    percent_alt = int(alt_pulls_rejected.shape[0] / (alt_pulls_rejected.shape[0] + null_pulls_rejected.shape[0]) * 100)
    plt.title('We End up Getting {percent_alt}% Alt Hypotheses'.format(percent_alt=percent_alt))

In [129]:

In [148]:
def plot_all_criteria(xmax=0.10, bins=500):
    plt.hist([null_pulls, alt_pulls], bins=bins,
    plt.xlim(-0.001, xmax)
    plt.title("Lines are Bonferroni, Step-Up, and Classic Alpha")
    plt.legend(['null_pulls', 'alt_pulls'])
    plt.axvline(0.05, color='red')
    plt.axvline(max_p_fdr, color='pink')
    plt.axvline(0.05 / 1000, color='purple')


In [4]:
plot_all_criteria(xmax=1.0, bins=40)

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-bbae0daccb79> in <module>()
----> 1 plot_all_criteria(xmax=1.0, bins=20)

NameError: name 'plot_all_criteria' is not defined

In [149]:


  • Traditional hypothesis testing controls our false positive rate, the rate at which we reject null hypotheses.
  • Also discussed a Family-Wise Error Rate (don't make even one mistake!) and looked at the Bonferroni correction
  • We also discussed a False Discovery Rate, which is the proportion of null hypotheses in the pool of rejected hypotheses, and looked at the BH Step-Up Procedure to correct for this.
  • If you had a representative set of labelled hypotheses, you could set up a loss function and optimize your cutoff based upon it

Final note on Dependence of P Values

  • FDR methodology can be extended to deal with dependence among test statistics.
  • In the positively correlated case, our current controls are sufficient.
  • For the negatively correlated case, we have to reduce our p values further.

  • Bonferroni adjustment covers all cases.

Of course, there are lots of other ways to deal with this problem.

Feel free to try different methods until you get the results you want! (joke)

In [28]:

Help on function multipletests in module statsmodels.stats.multitest:

multipletests(pvals, alpha=0.05, method='hs', is_sorted=False, returnsorted=False)
    test results and p-value correction for multiple tests
    pvals : array_like
        uncorrected p-values
    alpha : float
        FWER, family-wise error rate, e.g. 0.1
    method : string
        Method used for testing and adjustment of pvalues. Can be either the
        full name or initial letters. Available methods are ::
        `bonferroni` : one-step correction
        `sidak` : one-step correction
        `holm-sidak` : step down method using Sidak adjustments
        `holm` : step-down method using Bonferroni adjustments
        `simes-hochberg` : step-up method  (independent)
        `hommel` : closed method based on Simes tests (non-negative)
        `fdr_bh` : Benjamini/Hochberg  (non-negative)
        `fdr_by` : Benjamini/Yekutieli (negative)
        `fdr_tsbh` : two stage fdr correction (non-negative)
        `fdr_tsbky` : two stage fdr correction (non-negative)
    is_sorted : bool
        If False (default), the p_values will be sorted, but the corrected
        pvalues are in the original order. If True, then it assumed that the
        pvalues are already sorted in ascending order.
    returnsorted : bool
         not tested, return sorted p-values instead of original sequence
    reject : array, boolean
        true for hypothesis that can be rejected for given alpha
    pvals_corrected : array
        p-values corrected for multiple tests
    alphacSidak: float
        corrected alpha for Sidak method
    alphacBonf: float
        corrected alpha for Bonferroni method
    There may be API changes for this function in the future.
    Except for 'fdr_twostage', the p-value correction is independent of the
    alpha specified as argument. In these cases the corrected p-values
    can also be compared with a different alpha. In the case of 'fdr_twostage',
    the corrected p-values are specific to the given alpha, see
    The 'fdr_gbs' procedure is not verified against another package, p-values
    are derived from scratch and are not derived in the reference. In Monte
    Carlo experiments the method worked correctly and maintained the false
    discovery rate.
    All procedures that are included, control FWER or FDR in the independent
    case, and most are robust in the positively correlated case.
    `fdr_gbs`: high power, fdr control for independent case and only small
    violation in positively correlated case
    Most of the time with large arrays is spent in `argsort`. When
    we want to calculate the p-value for several methods, then it is more
    efficient to presort the pvalues, and put the results back into the
    original order outside of the function.
    Method='hommel' is very slow for large arrays, since it requires the
    evaluation of n partitions, where n is the number of p-values.

And now it's Question Time
