Nearest Neighbors

When exploring a large set of documents -- such as Wikipedia, news articles, StackOverflow, etc. -- it can be useful to get a list of related material. To find relevant documents you typically

  • Decide on a notion of similarity
  • Find the documents that are most similar

In the assignment you will

  • Gain intuition for different notions of similarity and practice finding similar documents.
  • Explore the tradeoffs with representing documents using raw word counts and TF-IDF
  • Explore the behavior of different distance metrics by looking at the Wikipedia pages most similar to President Obama’s page.

Note to Amazon EC2 users: To conserve memory, make sure to stop all the other notebooks before running this notebook.

Import necessary packages

As usual we need to first import the Python packages that we will need.

The following code block will check if you have the correct version of GraphLab Create. Any version later than 1.8.5 will do. To upgrade, read this page.

In [1]:
import graphlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

'''Check GraphLab Create version'''
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
assert (StrictVersion(graphlab.version) >= StrictVersion('1.8.5')), 'GraphLab Create must be version 1.8.5 or later.'

[INFO] graphlab.cython.cy_server: GraphLab Create v2.1 started. Logging: /tmp/graphlab_server_1475372233.log
This non-commercial license of GraphLab Create for academic use is assigned to and will expire on September 18, 2017.

Load Wikipedia dataset

We will be using the same dataset of Wikipedia pages that we used in the Machine Learning Foundations course (Course 1). Each element of the dataset consists of a link to the wikipedia article, the name of the person, and the text of the article (in lowercase).

In [2]:
wiki = graphlab.SFrame('')

In [3]:

URI name text
rce/Digby_Morrell> ...
Digby Morrell digby morrell born 10
october 1979 is a former ...
rce/Alfred_J._Lewy> ...
Alfred J. Lewy alfred j lewy aka sandy
lewy graduated from ...
rce/Harpdog_Brown> ...
Harpdog Brown harpdog brown is a singer
and harmonica player who ...
rce/Franz_Rottensteiner> ...
Franz Rottensteiner franz rottensteiner born
in waidmannsfeld lower ...
rce/G-Enka> ...
G-Enka henry krvits born 30
december 1974 in tallinn ...
rce/Sam_Henderson> ...
Sam Henderson sam henderson born
october 18 1969 is an ...
rce/Aaron_LaCrate> ...
Aaron LaCrate aaron lacrate is an
american music producer ...
rce/Trevor_Ferguson> ...
Trevor Ferguson trevor ferguson aka john
farrow born 11 november ...
rce/Grant_Nelson> ...
Grant Nelson grant nelson born 27
april 1971 in london ...
rce/Cathy_Caruth> ...
Cathy Caruth cathy caruth born 1955 is
frank h t rhodes ...
[59071 rows x 3 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

Extract word count vectors

As we have seen in Course 1, we can extract word count vectors using a GraphLab utility function. We add this as a column in wiki.

In [4]:
wiki['word_count'] = graphlab.text_analytics.count_words(wiki['text'])

In [5]:

URI name text word_count
rce/Digby_Morrell> ...
Digby Morrell digby morrell born 10
october 1979 is a former ...
{'selection': 1,
'carltons': 1, 'being': ...
rce/Alfred_J._Lewy> ...
Alfred J. Lewy alfred j lewy aka sandy
lewy graduated from ...
{'precise': 1, 'thomas':
1, 'closely': 1, ...
rce/Harpdog_Brown> ...
Harpdog Brown harpdog brown is a singer
and harmonica player who ...
{'just': 1, 'issued': 1,
'mainly': 1, 'nominat ...
rce/Franz_Rottensteiner> ...
Franz Rottensteiner franz rottensteiner born
in waidmannsfeld lower ...
{'all': 1,
'bauforschung': 1, ...
rce/G-Enka> ...
G-Enka henry krvits born 30
december 1974 in tallinn ...
{'they': 1,
'gangstergenka': 1, ...
rce/Sam_Henderson> ...
Sam Henderson sam henderson born
october 18 1969 is an ...
{'currently': 1, 'less':
1, 'being': 1, ...
rce/Aaron_LaCrate> ...
Aaron LaCrate aaron lacrate is an
american music producer ...
{'exclusive': 2,
'producer': 1, 'show' ...
rce/Trevor_Ferguson> ...
Trevor Ferguson trevor ferguson aka john
farrow born 11 november ...
{'taxi': 1, 'salon': 1,
'gangs': 1, 'being': 1, ...
rce/Grant_Nelson> ...
Grant Nelson grant nelson born 27
april 1971 in london ...
{'houston': 1, 'frankie':
1, 'labels': 1, ...
rce/Cathy_Caruth> ...
Cathy Caruth cathy caruth born 1955 is
frank h t rhodes ...
{'phenomenon': 1,
'deborash': 1, 'both' ...
[59071 rows x 4 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

Find nearest neighbors

Let's start by finding the nearest neighbors of the Barack Obama page using the word count vectors to represent the articles and Euclidean distance to measure distance. For this, again will we use a GraphLab Create implementation of nearest neighbor search.

In [6]:
model = graphlab.nearest_neighbors.create(wiki, label='name', features=['word_count'],
                                          method='brute_force', distance='euclidean')

Starting brute force nearest neighbors model training.

Let's look at the top 10 nearest neighbors by performing the following query:

In [7]:
model.query(wiki[wiki['name']=='Barack Obama'], label='name', k=10)

Starting pairwise querying.
| Query points | # Pairs | % Complete. | Elapsed Time |
| 0            | 1       | 0.00169288  | 10.868ms     |
| Done         |         | 100         | 210.75ms     |
query_label reference_label distance rank
Barack Obama Barack Obama 0.0 1
Barack Obama Joe Biden 33.0756708171 2
Barack Obama George W. Bush 34.3947670438 3
Barack Obama Lawrence Summers 36.1524549651 4
Barack Obama Mitt Romney 36.1662826401 5
Barack Obama Francisco Barrio 36.3318042492 6
Barack Obama Walter Mondale 36.4005494464 7
Barack Obama Wynn Normington Hugh-
Jones ...
36.4965751818 8
Barack Obama Don Bonker 36.633318168 9
Barack Obama Andy Anstett 36.9594372252 10
[10 rows x 4 columns]

All of the 10 people are politicians, but about half of them have rather tenuous connections with Obama, other than the fact that they are politicians.

  • Francisco Barrio is a Mexican politician, and a former governor of Chihuahua.
  • Walter Mondale and Don Bonker are Democrats who made their career in late 1970s.
  • Wynn Normington Hugh-Jones is a former British diplomat and Liberal Party official.
  • Andy Anstett is a former politician in Manitoba, Canada.

Nearest neighbors with raw word counts got some things right, showing all politicians in the query result, but missed finer and important details.

For instance, let's find out why Francisco Barrio was considered a close neighbor of Obama. To do this, let's look at the most frequently used words in each of Barack Obama and Francisco Barrio's pages:

In [8]:
def top_words(name):
    Get a table of the most frequent words in the given person's wikipedia page.
    row = wiki[wiki['name'] == name]
    word_count_table = row[['word_count']].stack('word_count', new_column_name=['word','count'])
    return word_count_table.sort('count', ascending=False)

In [9]:
obama_words = top_words('Barack Obama')

word count
the 40
in 30
and 21
of 18
to 14
his 11
obama 9
act 8
he 7
a 7
[273 rows x 2 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

In [10]:
barrio_words = top_words('Francisco Barrio')

word count
the 36
of 24
and 18
in 17
he 10
to 9
chihuahua 7
governor 6
a 6
his 5
[225 rows x 2 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

Let's extract the list of most frequent words that appear in both Obama's and Barrio's documents. We've so far sorted all words from Obama and Barrio's articles by their word frequencies. We will now use a dataframe operation known as join. The join operation is very useful when it comes to playing around with data: it lets you combine the content of two tables using a shared column (in this case, the word column). See the documentation for more details.

For instance, running

obama_words.join(barrio_words, on='word')

will extract the rows from both tables that correspond to the common words.

In [11]:
combined_words = obama_words.join(barrio_words, on='word')

word count count.1
the 40 36
in 30 17
and 21 18
of 18 24
to 14 9
his 11 5
he 7 10
a 7 6
as 6 5
was 5 4
[56 rows x 3 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

Since both tables contained the column named count, SFrame automatically renamed one of them to prevent confusion. Let's rename the columns to tell which one is for which. By inspection, we see that the first column (count) is for Obama and the second (count.1) for Barrio.

In [12]:
combined_words = combined_words.rename({'count':'Obama', 'count.1':'Barrio'})

word Obama Barrio
the 40 36
in 30 17
and 21 18
of 18 24
to 14 9
his 11 5
he 7 10
a 7 6
as 6 5
was 5 4
[56 rows x 3 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

Note. The join operation does not enforce any particular ordering on the shared column. So to obtain, say, the five common words that appear most often in Obama's article, sort the combined table by the Obama column. Don't forget ascending=False to display largest counts first.

In [13]:
combined_words.sort('Obama', ascending=False)

word Obama Barrio
the 40 36
in 30 17
and 21 18
of 18 24
to 14 9
his 11 5
he 7 10
a 7 6
as 6 5
was 5 4
[56 rows x 3 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

Quiz Question. Among the words that appear in both Barack Obama and Francisco Barrio, take the 5 that appear most frequently in Obama. How many of the articles in the Wikipedia dataset contain all of those 5 words?


  • Refer to the previous paragraph for finding the words that appear in both articles. Sort the common words by their frequencies in Obama's article and take the largest five.
  • Each word count vector is a Python dictionary. For each word count vector in SFrame, you'd have to check if the set of the 5 common words is a subset of the keys of the word count vector. Complete the function has_top_words to accomplish the task.
    • Convert the list of top 5 words into set using the syntax
      where common_words is a Python list. See this link if you're curious about Python sets.
    • Extract the list of keys of the word count dictionary by calling the keys() method.
    • Convert the list of keys into a set as well.
    • Use issubset() method to check if all 5 words are among the keys.
  • Now apply the has_top_words function on every row of the SFrame.
  • Compute the sum of the result column to obtain the number of articles containing all the 5 top words.

In [22]:
common_words = combined_words['word'][:5]
common_words = set(common_words)

In [26]:
def has_top_words(word_count_vector):
    # extract the keys of word_count_vector and convert it to a set
    unique_words = set(word_count_vector.keys())
    print "length of unique words = " + str(len(unique_words))
    # return True if common_words is a subset of unique_words
    # return False otherwise
    return 1 if common_words.issubset(unique_words) else 0

wiki['has_top_words'] = wiki['word_count'].apply(has_top_words)

# use has_top_words column to answer the quiz question
print "#articles in the Wikipedia dataset contain all of those 5 words = " + str(wiki['has_top_words'].sum())

length of unique words = 139
length of unique words = 147
length of unique words = 144
length of unique words = 227
length of unique words = 114
length of unique words = 173
length of unique words = 265
length of unique words = 306
length of unique words = 173
length of unique words = 130
length of unique words = 144
length of unique words = 192
length of unique words = 133
length of unique words = 170
length of unique words = 270
length of unique words = 134
length of unique words = 128
length of unique words = 123
length of unique words = 138
length of unique words = 172
length of unique words = 119
length of unique words = 169
length of unique words = 294
length of unique words = 249
length of unique words = 198
length of unique words = 203
length of unique words = 140
length of unique words = 163
length of unique words = 190
length of unique words = 155
length of unique words = 172
length of unique words = 126
length of unique words = 167
length of unique words = 188
length of unique words = 157
length of unique words = 150
length of unique words = 158
length of unique words = 216
length of unique words = 138
length of unique words = 128
length of unique words = 148
length of unique words = 179
length of unique words = 143
length of unique words = 146
length of unique words = 187
length of unique words = 156
length of unique words = 133
length of unique words = 180
length of unique words = 139
length of unique words = 138
length of unique words = 151
length of unique words = 162
length of unique words = 465
length of unique words = 151
length of unique words = 164
length of unique words = 145
length of unique words = 126
length of unique words = 166
length of unique words = 244
length of unique words = 154
length of unique words = 175
length of unique words = 142
length of unique words = 132
length of unique words = 142
length of unique words = 216
length of unique words = 168
length of unique words = 137
length of unique words = 152
length of unique words = 150
length of unique words = 133
length of unique words = 171
length of unique words = 187
length of unique words = 186
length of unique words = 130
length of unique words = 184
length of unique words = 132
length of unique words = 137
length of unique words = 126
length of unique words = 135
length of unique words = 164
length of unique words = 110
length of unique words = 162
length of unique words = 319
length of unique words = 222
length of unique words = 142
length of unique words = 137
length of unique words = 155
length of unique words = 187
length of unique words = 213
length of unique words = 129
length of unique words = 135
length of unique words = 136
length of unique words = 138
length of unique words = 300
length of unique words = 181
length of unique words = 274
length of unique words = 170
length of unique words = 134
length of unique words = 177
length of unique words = 151
#articles in the Wikipedia dataset contain all of those 5 words = 56066

Checkpoint. Check your has_top_words function on two random articles:

In [27]:
print 'Output from your function:', has_top_words(wiki[32]['word_count'])
print 'Correct output: True'
print 'Also check the length of unique_words. It should be 167'

Output from your function: length of unique words = 167
Correct output: True
Also check the length of unique_words. It should be 167

In [28]:
print 'Output from your function:', has_top_words(wiki[33]['word_count'])
print 'Correct output: False'
print 'Also check the length of unique_words. It should be 188'

Output from your function: length of unique words = 188
Correct output: False
Also check the length of unique_words. It should be 188

Quiz Question. Measure the pairwise distance between the Wikipedia pages of Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Joe Biden. Which of the three pairs has the smallest distance?

Hint: To compute the Euclidean distance between two dictionaries, use graphlab.toolkits.distances.euclidean. Refer to this link for usage.

In [37]:
obama = wiki[wiki['name'] == 'Barack Obama']
bush = wiki[wiki['name'] == 'George W. Bush']
biden = wiki[wiki['name'] == 'Joe Biden']

isinstance(obama['word_count'][0], dict)


In [39]:
# pair-wise distances
obama_bush = graphlab.toolkits.distances.euclidean(obama['word_count'][0], bush['word_count'][0])
print "distance b/w obama and bush = " + str(obama_bush)

obama_biden = graphlab.toolkits.distances.euclidean(obama['word_count'][0], biden['word_count'][0])
print "distance b/w obama and biden = " + str(obama_biden)

bush_biden = graphlab.toolkits.distances.euclidean(biden['word_count'][0], bush['word_count'][0])
print "distance b/w biden and bush = " + str(bush_biden)

distance b/w obama and bush = 34.3947670438
distance b/w obama and biden = 33.0756708171
distance b/w biden and bush = 32.7566787083

Quiz Question. Collect all words that appear both in Barack Obama and George W. Bush pages. Out of those words, find the 10 words that show up most often in Obama's page.

In [43]:
bush_words = top_words('Francisco Barrio')

new_combined_words = obama_words.join(bush_words, on='word')

new_combined_words = new_combined_words.rename({'count':'Obama', 'count.1':'Bush'})

new_combined_words.sort('Obama', ascending=False)

| word | Obama | Bush |
| the  |   40  |  36  |
|  in  |   30  |  17  |
| and  |   21  |  18  |
|  of  |   18  |  24  |
|  to  |   14  |  9   |
| his  |   11  |  5   |
|  he  |   7   |  10  |
|  a   |   7   |  6   |
|  as  |   6   |  5   |
| was  |   5   |  4   |
[56 rows x 3 columns]

Note. Even though common words are swamping out important subtle differences, commonalities in rarer political words still matter on the margin. This is why politicians are being listed in the query result instead of musicians, for example. In the next subsection, we will introduce a different metric that will place greater emphasis on those rarer words.

TF-IDF to the rescue

Much of the perceived commonalities between Obama and Barrio were due to occurrences of extremely frequent words, such as "the", "and", and "his". So nearest neighbors is recommending plausible results sometimes for the wrong reasons.

To retrieve articles that are more relevant, we should focus more on rare words that don't happen in every article. TF-IDF (term frequency–inverse document frequency) is a feature representation that penalizes words that are too common. Let's use GraphLab Create's implementation of TF-IDF and repeat the search for the 10 nearest neighbors of Barack Obama:

In [44]:
wiki['tf_idf'] = graphlab.text_analytics.tf_idf(wiki['word_count'])

In [45]:
model_tf_idf = graphlab.nearest_neighbors.create(wiki, label='name', features=['tf_idf'],
                                                 method='brute_force', distance='euclidean')

Starting brute force nearest neighbors model training.

In [46]:
model_tf_idf.query(wiki[wiki['name'] == 'Barack Obama'], label='name', k=10)

Starting pairwise querying.
| Query points | # Pairs | % Complete. | Elapsed Time |
| 0            | 1       | 0.00169288  | 15.143ms     |
| Done         |         | 100         | 265.154ms    |
query_label reference_label distance rank
Barack Obama Barack Obama 0.0 1
Barack Obama Phil Schiliro 106.861013691 2
Barack Obama Jeff Sessions 108.871674216 3
Barack Obama Jesse Lee (politician) 109.045697909 4
Barack Obama Samantha Power 109.108106165 5
Barack Obama Bob Menendez 109.781867105 6
Barack Obama Eric Stern (politician) 109.95778808 7
Barack Obama James A. Guest 110.413888718 8
Barack Obama Roland Grossenbacher 110.4706087 9
Barack Obama Tulsi Gabbard 110.696997999 10
[10 rows x 4 columns]

Let's determine whether this list makes sense.

  • With a notable exception of Roland Grossenbacher, the other 8 are all American politicians who are contemporaries of Barack Obama.
  • Phil Schiliro, Jesse Lee, Samantha Power, and Eric Stern worked for Obama.

Clearly, the results are more plausible with the use of TF-IDF. Let's take a look at the word vector for Obama and Schilirio's pages. Notice that TF-IDF representation assigns a weight to each word. This weight captures relative importance of that word in the document. Let us sort the words in Obama's article by their TF-IDF weights; we do the same for Schiliro's article as well.

In [47]:
def top_words_tf_idf(name):
    row = wiki[wiki['name'] == name]
    word_count_table = row[['tf_idf']].stack('tf_idf', new_column_name=['word','weight'])
    return word_count_table.sort('weight', ascending=False)

In [48]:
obama_tf_idf = top_words_tf_idf('Barack Obama')

word weight
obama 43.2956530721
act 27.678222623
iraq 17.747378588
control 14.8870608452
law 14.7229357618
ordered 14.5333739509
military 13.1159327785
involvement 12.7843852412
response 12.7843852412
democratic 12.4106886973
[273 rows x 2 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

In [49]:
schiliro_tf_idf = top_words_tf_idf('Phil Schiliro')

word weight
schiliro 21.9729907785
staff 15.8564416352
congressional 13.5470876563
daschleschiliro 10.9864953892
obama 9.62125623824
waxman 9.04058524017
president 9.03358661416
2014from 8.68391029623
law 7.36146788088
consultant 6.91310403725
[119 rows x 2 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

Using the join operation we learned earlier, try your hands at computing the common words shared by Obama's and Schiliro's articles. Sort the common words by their TF-IDF weights in Obama's document.

In [52]:
combined_words_tf_idf = obama_tf_idf.join(schiliro_tf_idf, on='word')

combined_words_tf_idf = combined_words_tf_idf.rename({'weight': 'Obama', 'weight.1' : 'Schiliro'})

combined_words_tf_idf.sort('Obama', ascending=False)

|     word     |     Obama     |    Schiliro   |
|    obama     | 43.2956530721 | 9.62125623824 |
|     law      | 14.7229357618 | 7.36146788088 |
|  democratic  | 12.4106886973 | 6.20534434867 |
|    senate    | 10.1642881797 |  3.3880960599 |
| presidential |  7.3869554189 | 3.69347770945 |
|  president   | 7.22686929133 | 9.03358661416 |
|    policy    | 6.09538628214 | 3.04769314107 |
|    states    | 5.47320098963 | 1.82440032988 |
|    office    | 5.24817282322 | 2.62408641161 |
|     2011     | 5.10704127031 | 3.40469418021 |
[47 rows x 3 columns]

The first 10 words should say: Obama, law, democratic, Senate, presidential, president, policy, states, office, 2011.

Quiz Question. Among the words that appear in both Barack Obama and Phil Schiliro, take the 5 that have largest weights in Obama. How many of the articles in the Wikipedia dataset contain all of those 5 words?

In [55]:
common_words = set(combined_words_tf_idf['word'][:5])

{'democratic', 'law', 'obama', 'presidential', 'senate'}

In [57]:
def has_top_words(word_count_vector):
    # extract the keys of word_count_vector and convert it to a set
    unique_words = set(word_count_vector.keys())
    # return True if common_words is a subset of unique_words
    # return False otherwise
    return 1 if common_words.issubset(unique_words) else 0

wiki['has_top_words'] = wiki['word_count'].apply(has_top_words)

# use has_top_words column to answer the quiz question
print "#articles in the Wikipedia dataset contain all of those 5 words = " + str(wiki['has_top_words'].sum())

#articles in the Wikipedia dataset contain all of those 5 words = 14

Notice the huge difference in this calculation using TF-IDF scores instead of raw word counts. We've eliminated noise arising from extremely common words.

Choosing metrics

You may wonder why Joe Biden, Obama's running mate in two presidential elections, is missing from the query results of model_tf_idf. Let's find out why. First, compute the distance between TF-IDF features of Obama and Biden.

Quiz Question. Compute the Euclidean distance between TF-IDF features of Obama and Biden. Hint: When using Boolean filter in SFrame/SArray, take the index 0 to access the first match.

In [58]:
obama = wiki[wiki['name'] == 'Barack Obama']
biden = wiki[wiki['name'] == 'Joe Biden']

obama_biden = graphlab.toolkits.distances.euclidean(obama['tf_idf'][0], biden['tf_idf'][0])
print "distance between obama and biden based on tf-idf = " + str(obama_biden)

distance between obama and biden based on tf-idf = 123.29745601

The distance is larger than the distances we found for the 10 nearest neighbors, which we repeat here for readability:

In [59]:
model_tf_idf.query(wiki[wiki['name'] == 'Barack Obama'], label='name', k=10)

Starting pairwise querying.
| Query points | # Pairs | % Complete. | Elapsed Time |
| 0            | 1       | 0.00169288  | 14.458ms     |
| Done         |         | 100         | 266.854ms    |
query_label reference_label distance rank
Barack Obama Barack Obama 0.0 1
Barack Obama Phil Schiliro 106.861013691 2
Barack Obama Jeff Sessions 108.871674216 3
Barack Obama Jesse Lee (politician) 109.045697909 4
Barack Obama Samantha Power 109.108106165 5
Barack Obama Bob Menendez 109.781867105 6
Barack Obama Eric Stern (politician) 109.95778808 7
Barack Obama James A. Guest 110.413888718 8
Barack Obama Roland Grossenbacher 110.4706087 9
Barack Obama Tulsi Gabbard 110.696997999 10
[10 rows x 4 columns]

But one may wonder, is Biden's article that different from Obama's, more so than, say, Schiliro's? It turns out that, when we compute nearest neighbors using the Euclidean distances, we unwittingly favor short articles over long ones. Let us compute the length of each Wikipedia document, and examine the document lengths for the 100 nearest neighbors to Obama's page.

In [60]:
def compute_length(row):
    return len(row['text'].split(' '))

wiki['length'] = wiki.apply(compute_length)

In [61]:
nearest_neighbors_euclidean = model_tf_idf.query(wiki[wiki['name'] == 'Barack Obama'], label='name', k=100)
nearest_neighbors_euclidean = nearest_neighbors_euclidean.join(wiki[['name', 'length']], on={'reference_label':'name'})

Starting pairwise querying.
| Query points | # Pairs | % Complete. | Elapsed Time |
| 0            | 1       | 0.00169288  | 13.202ms     |
| Done         |         | 100         | 240.009ms    |

In [62]:

query_label reference_label distance rank length
Barack Obama Barack Obama 0.0 1 540
Barack Obama Phil Schiliro 106.861013691 2 208
Barack Obama Jeff Sessions 108.871674216 3 230
Barack Obama Jesse Lee (politician) 109.045697909 4 216
Barack Obama Samantha Power 109.108106165 5 310
Barack Obama Bob Menendez 109.781867105 6 220
Barack Obama Eric Stern (politician) 109.95778808 7 255
Barack Obama James A. Guest 110.413888718 8 215
Barack Obama Roland Grossenbacher 110.4706087 9 201
Barack Obama Tulsi Gabbard 110.696997999 10 228
[100 rows x 5 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

To see how these document lengths compare to the lengths of other documents in the corpus, let's make a histogram of the document lengths of Obama's 100 nearest neighbors and compare to a histogram of document lengths for all documents.

In [63]:
plt.hist(wiki['length'], 50, color='k', edgecolor='None', histtype='stepfilled', normed=True,
         label='Entire Wikipedia', zorder=3, alpha=0.8)
plt.hist(nearest_neighbors_euclidean['length'], 50, color='r', edgecolor='None', histtype='stepfilled', normed=True,
         label='100 NNs of Obama (Euclidean)', zorder=10, alpha=0.8)
plt.axvline(x=wiki['length'][wiki['name'] == 'Barack Obama'][0], color='k', linestyle='--', linewidth=4,
           label='Length of Barack Obama', zorder=2)
plt.axvline(x=wiki['length'][wiki['name'] == 'Joe Biden'][0], color='g', linestyle='--', linewidth=4,
           label='Length of Joe Biden', zorder=1)
plt.axis([0, 1000, 0, 0.04])

plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'size':15})
plt.title('Distribution of document length')
plt.xlabel('# of words')

Relative to the rest of Wikipedia, nearest neighbors of Obama are overwhemingly short, most of them being shorter than 300 words. The bias towards short articles is not appropriate in this application as there is really no reason to favor short articles over long articles (they are all Wikipedia articles, after all). Many of the Wikipedia articles are 300 words or more, and both Obama and Biden are over 300 words long.

Note: For the interest of computation time, the dataset given here contains excerpts of the articles rather than full text. For instance, the actual Wikipedia article about Obama is around 25000 words. Do not be surprised by the low numbers shown in the histogram.

Note: Both word-count features and TF-IDF are proportional to word frequencies. While TF-IDF penalizes very common words, longer articles tend to have longer TF-IDF vectors simply because they have more words in them.

To remove this bias, we turn to cosine distances: $$ d(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}) = 1 - \frac{\mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{y}}{\|\mathbf{x}\| \|\mathbf{y}\|} $$ Cosine distances let us compare word distributions of two articles of varying lengths.

Let us train a new nearest neighbor model, this time with cosine distances. We then repeat the search for Obama's 100 nearest neighbors.

In [64]:
model2_tf_idf = graphlab.nearest_neighbors.create(wiki, label='name', features=['tf_idf'],
                                                  method='brute_force', distance='cosine')

Starting brute force nearest neighbors model training.

In [65]:
nearest_neighbors_cosine = model2_tf_idf.query(wiki[wiki['name'] == 'Barack Obama'], label='name', k=100)
nearest_neighbors_cosine = nearest_neighbors_cosine.join(wiki[['name', 'length']], on={'reference_label':'name'})

Starting pairwise querying.
| Query points | # Pairs | % Complete. | Elapsed Time |
| 0            | 1       | 0.00169288  | 13.374ms     |
| Done         |         | 100         | 247.814ms    |

In [66]:

query_label reference_label distance rank length
Barack Obama Barack Obama 0.0 1 540
Barack Obama Joe Biden 0.703138676734 2 414
Barack Obama Samantha Power 0.742981902328 3 310
Barack Obama Hillary Rodham Clinton 0.758358397887 4 580
Barack Obama Eric Stern (politician) 0.770561227601 5 255
Barack Obama Robert Gibbs 0.784677504751 6 257
Barack Obama Eric Holder 0.788039072943 7 232
Barack Obama Jesse Lee (politician) 0.790926415366 8 216
Barack Obama Henry Waxman 0.798322602893 9 279
Barack Obama Joe the Plumber 0.799466360042 10 217
[100 rows x 5 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

From a glance at the above table, things look better. For example, we now see Joe Biden as Barack Obama's nearest neighbor! We also see Hillary Clinton on the list. This list looks even more plausible as nearest neighbors of Barack Obama.

Let's make a plot to better visualize the effect of having used cosine distance in place of Euclidean on our TF-IDF vectors.

In [67]:
plt.hist(wiki['length'], 50, color='k', edgecolor='None', histtype='stepfilled', normed=True,
         label='Entire Wikipedia', zorder=3, alpha=0.8)
plt.hist(nearest_neighbors_euclidean['length'], 50, color='r', edgecolor='None', histtype='stepfilled', normed=True,
         label='100 NNs of Obama (Euclidean)', zorder=10, alpha=0.8)
plt.hist(nearest_neighbors_cosine['length'], 50, color='b', edgecolor='None', histtype='stepfilled', normed=True,
         label='100 NNs of Obama (cosine)', zorder=11, alpha=0.8)
plt.axvline(x=wiki['length'][wiki['name'] == 'Barack Obama'][0], color='k', linestyle='--', linewidth=4,
           label='Length of Barack Obama', zorder=2)
plt.axvline(x=wiki['length'][wiki['name'] == 'Joe Biden'][0], color='g', linestyle='--', linewidth=4,
           label='Length of Joe Biden', zorder=1)
plt.axis([0, 1000, 0, 0.04])
plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'size':15})
plt.title('Distribution of document length')
plt.xlabel('# of words')
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x11dea3a50>

Indeed, the 100 nearest neighbors using cosine distance provide a sampling across the range of document lengths, rather than just short articles like Euclidean distance provided.

Moral of the story: In deciding the features and distance measures, check if they produce results that make sense for your particular application.

Problem with cosine distances: tweets vs. long articles

Happily ever after? Not so fast. Cosine distances ignore all document lengths, which may be great in certain situations but not in others. For instance, consider the following (admittedly contrived) example.

|                                             +--------+ |
|  One that shall not be named                | Follow | |
|  @username                                  +--------+ |
|                                                        |
|  Democratic governments control law in response to     |
|  popular act.                                          |
|                                                        |
|  8:05 AM - 16 May 2016                                 |
|                                                        |
|  Reply   Retweet (1,332)   Like (300)                  |
|                                                        |

How similar is this tweet to Barack Obama's Wikipedia article? Let's transform the tweet into TF-IDF features, using an encoder fit to the Wikipedia dataset. (That is, let's treat this tweet as an article in our Wikipedia dataset and see what happens.)

In [68]:
sf = graphlab.SFrame({'text': ['democratic governments control law in response to popular act']})
sf['word_count'] = graphlab.text_analytics.count_words(sf['text'])

encoder = graphlab.feature_engineering.TFIDF(features=['word_count'], output_column_prefix='tf_idf')
sf = encoder.transform(sf)

text word_count tf_idf.word_count
democratic governments
control law in response ...
{'control': 1,
'democratic': 1, 'in' ...
3.721765211295327, ...
[1 rows x 3 columns]

Let's look at the TF-IDF vectors for this tweet and for Barack Obama's Wikipedia entry, just to visually see their differences.

In [69]:
tweet_tf_idf = sf[0]['tf_idf.word_count']

{'act': 3.4597778278724887,
 'control': 3.721765211295327,
 'democratic': 3.1026721743330414,
 'governments': 4.167571323949673,
 'in': 0.0009654063501214492,
 'law': 2.4538226269605703,
 'popular': 2.764478952022998,
 'response': 4.261461747058352,
 'to': 0.04694493768179923}

In [70]:
obama = wiki[wiki['name'] == 'Barack Obama']

URI name text word_count has_top_words
rce/Barack_Obama> ...
Barack Obama barack hussein obama ii
brk husen bm born august ...
{'operations': 1,
'represent': 1, 'offi ...
tf_idf length
3.811771079388818, ...
[? rows x 7 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed. This SFrame is lazily evaluated.
You can use sf.materialize() to force materialization.

Now, compute the cosine distance between the Barack Obama article and this tweet:

In [71]:
obama_tf_idf = obama[0]['tf_idf']
graphlab.toolkits.distances.cosine(obama_tf_idf, tweet_tf_idf)


Let's compare this distance to the distance between the Barack Obama article and all of its Wikipedia 10 nearest neighbors:

In [72]:
model2_tf_idf.query(obama, label='name', k=10)

Starting pairwise querying.
| Query points | # Pairs | % Complete. | Elapsed Time |
| 0            | 1       | 0.00169288  | 23.764ms     |
| Done         |         | 100         | 337.913ms    |
query_label reference_label distance rank
Barack Obama Barack Obama 0.0 1
Barack Obama Joe Biden 0.703138676734 2
Barack Obama Samantha Power 0.742981902328 3
Barack Obama Hillary Rodham Clinton 0.758358397887 4
Barack Obama Eric Stern (politician) 0.770561227601 5
Barack Obama Robert Gibbs 0.784677504751 6
Barack Obama Eric Holder 0.788039072943 7
Barack Obama Jesse Lee (politician) 0.790926415366 8
Barack Obama Henry Waxman 0.798322602893 9
Barack Obama Joe the Plumber 0.799466360042 10
[10 rows x 4 columns]

With cosine distances, the tweet is "nearer" to Barack Obama than everyone else, except for Joe Biden! This probably is not something we want. If someone is reading the Barack Obama Wikipedia page, would you want to recommend they read this tweet? Ignoring article lengths completely resulted in nonsensical results. In practice, it is common to enforce maximum or minimum document lengths. After all, when someone is reading a long article from The Atlantic, you wouldn't recommend him/her a tweet.

In [ ]: