Data Preprocessing

In [6]:
from sklearn.datasets import load_files       
from keras.utils import np_utils
import numpy as np
from glob import glob

def load_dataset(path):
    data = load_files(path)
    files = np.array(data['filenames'])
    n_target = len(set(data['target']))
    targets = np_utils.to_categorical(np.array(data['target']), n_target)
    return files, targets

cat_files, cat_targets = load_dataset('catImages')

# load list of cat names
cat_names = [item[10:-1] for item in sorted(glob("catImages/*/"))]

# print statistics about the dataset
print('There are %d total cat categories.' % len(cat_names))
print('There are %s total cat images.\n' % len(cat_files))

There are 54 total cat categories.
There are 10091 total cat images.

In [7]:


In [4]:
from keras.preprocessing import image                  
from tqdm import tqdm

def path_to_tensor(img_path):
    # loads RGB image as PIL.Image.Image type
    img = image.load_img(img_path, target_size=(224, 224))
    # convert PIL.Image.Image type to 3D tensor with shape (224, 224, 3)
    x = image.img_to_array(img)
    # convert 3D tensor to 4D tensor with shape (1, 224, 224, 3) and return 4D tensor
    return np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)

def paths_to_tensor(img_paths):
    list_of_tensors = [path_to_tensor(img_path) for img_path in tqdm(img_paths)]
    return np.vstack(list_of_tensors)

In [8]:
from PIL import ImageFile                            
ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True                 

# pre-process the data for Keras
cat_tensors = paths_to_tensor(cat_files).astype('float32')/255

  0%|          | 0/10091 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/home/aind2/anaconda3/envs/aind-dog/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PIL/ UserWarning: Palette images with Transparency   expressed in bytes should be converted to RGBA images
  'to RGBA images')
100%|██████████| 10091/10091 [01:56<00:00, 86.70it/s] 

In [11]:
from keras.applications.xception import Xception, preprocess_input

x = preprocess_input(paths_to_tensor(cat_files))
y = cat_targets

model = Xception(weights='imagenet', include_top=False)

cat_x = model.predict(x)
cat_y = y[:cat_x.shape[0]]

  0%|          | 0/10091 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/home/aind2/anaconda3/envs/aind-dog/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PIL/ UserWarning: Palette images with Transparency   expressed in bytes should be converted to RGBA images
  'to RGBA images')
100%|██████████| 10091/10091 [01:55<00:00, 87.16it/s] 

In [13]:'saved/bottleneck_features.npy', cat_x)
# cat_x = np.load('saved/bottleneck_features.npy')

(10091, 7, 7, 2048)

Model Training

In [19]:
from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, GlobalAveragePooling2D
from keras.layers import Dropout, Flatten, Dense
from keras.models import Sequential

Xception_model = Sequential()
Xception_model.add(Dense(len(cat_names), activation='softmax'))

Xception_model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop', metrics=['accuracy'])

Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
global_average_pooling2d_2 ( (None, 2048)              0         
dense_2 (Dense)              (None, 54)                110646    
Total params: 110,646.0
Trainable params: 110,646.0
Non-trainable params: 0.0

In [20]:, cat_y, epochs=25, batch_size=26, verbose=1)

Epoch 1/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 2.1665 - acc: 0.3938     
Epoch 2/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 1.5488 - acc: 0.5450     
Epoch 3/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 1.3692 - acc: 0.5979     
Epoch 4/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 1.2515 - acc: 0.6361     
Epoch 5/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 1.1626 - acc: 0.6579     
Epoch 6/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 1.0863 - acc: 0.6842     
Epoch 7/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 1.0268 - acc: 0.6915     
Epoch 8/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.9690 - acc: 0.7119     
Epoch 9/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.9187 - acc: 0.7311     
Epoch 10/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.8750 - acc: 0.7472     
Epoch 11/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.8322 - acc: 0.7604     
Epoch 12/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.7956 - acc: 0.7707     
Epoch 13/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.7580 - acc: 0.7811     
Epoch 14/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.7257 - acc: 0.7908     
Epoch 15/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.6970 - acc: 0.7971     
Epoch 16/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.6679 - acc: 0.8096     
Epoch 17/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.6432 - acc: 0.8187     
Epoch 18/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.6181 - acc: 0.8252     
Epoch 19/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.5980 - acc: 0.8314     
Epoch 20/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.5734 - acc: 0.8413     
Epoch 21/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.5509 - acc: 0.8471     
Epoch 22/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.5333 - acc: 0.8531     
Epoch 23/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.5135 - acc: 0.8580     
Epoch 24/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.4960 - acc: 0.8625     
Epoch 25/25
10091/10091 [==============================] - 3s - loss: 0.4819 - acc: 0.8668     
<keras.callbacks.History at 0x7f84b5f446d8>

Cat App

In [21]:
from extract_bottleneck_features import *
from operator import itemgetter

def Xception_predict_breed(img_path):
    # extract bottleneck features
    bottleneck_feature = extract_Xception(path_to_tensor(img_path))
    # obtain predicted vector
    predicted_vector = Xception_model.predict(bottleneck_feature)
    # return dog breed that is predicted by the model
    return cat_names[np.argmax(predicted_vector)]

def Xception_top3_breeds(img_path):
    # extract bottleneck features
    bottleneck_feature = extract_Xception(path_to_tensor(img_path))
    # obtain predicted vector
    predicted_vector = Xception_model.predict(bottleneck_feature)[0]
    # return dog breed that is predicted by the model
    ind = np.argpartition(predicted_vector, -3)[-3:]
    return sorted([(cat_names[ind[i]], predicted_vector[ind[i]]) for i in range(3)], key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)

In [28]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt                        
%matplotlib inline   

def cat_app(img_path):
    import matplotlib.image as mpimg
    print("Welcome to cat matrix v1.0! (from an AI)")
    img = mpimg.imread(img_path)
    print("seems like:")
    for name, prob in Xception_top3_breeds(img_path):
        print("{} with prob {}".format(name, prob))

In [29]:

Welcome to cat matrix v1.0! (from an AI)
seems like:
Exotic_Shorthair with prob 0.9740176200866699
Scottish_Fold with prob 0.02357117086648941
Persian_cat with prob 0.0011377979535609484

In [30]:

Welcome to cat matrix v1.0! (from an AI)
seems like:
Snow_leopard with prob 0.8547574877738953
Pixie-bob with prob 0.09738162904977798
Lynx with prob 0.030669385567307472

In [31]:
cat_app("appImages/IMG_0031 copy.jpg")

Welcome to cat matrix v1.0! (from an AI)
seems like:
Bengal_cat with prob 0.45560210943222046
British_Shorthair with prob 0.2784444987773895
Turkish_Angora with prob 0.17631351947784424

In [32]:

Welcome to cat matrix v1.0! (from an AI)
seems like:
Snow_leopard with prob 0.8419680595397949
Sphynx_cat with prob 0.07098332792520523
Egyptian_Mau with prob 0.017923586070537567

In [33]:

Welcome to cat matrix v1.0! (from an AI)
seems like:
Bombay_cat with prob 0.2989731431007385
Turkish_Angora with prob 0.17424850165843964
LaPerm with prob 0.10942612588405609

In [34]:

Welcome to cat matrix v1.0! (from an AI)
seems like:
Russian_Blue with prob 0.9883344173431396
British_Shorthair with prob 0.008029639720916748
Scottish_Fold with prob 0.0017290487885475159

In [35]:

Welcome to cat matrix v1.0! (from an AI)
seems like:
Cymric_cat with prob 0.21092183887958527
Selkirk_Rex with prob 0.1813770830631256
American_Bobtail with prob 0.174607053399086

In [36]:

Welcome to cat matrix v1.0! (from an AI)
seems like:
Munchkin_cat with prob 0.4802316129207611
Russian_Blue with prob 0.17179453372955322
Korat with prob 0.11064841598272324

In [76]:

Welcome to cat matrix v1.0! (from an AI)
seems like:
Snow_leopard with prob 0.9992208480834961
Siberian_cat with prob 0.0005668912781402469
Caracal with prob 4.672038630815223e-05

In [ ]: