In [1]:
#This is a new notebook for use with real data. We totally won't try to divide by zero this time.
In [2]:
import batman
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline
In [3]:
def chisqa (data, model):
chi = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
num = (data[i]-model[i])**2
denom = model[i]
summ = num/denom
chi = chi + summ
chisum = np.sum(chi)
return chisum
In [4]:
table ='kepler1b.txt')
time = table['time']
flux = table['flux']
nflux = flux/np.median(flux)
uncertainty = table['uncertainty']
plt.plot(time, nflux)
In [5]:
params = batman.TransitParams()
params.t0 = 0.0 #time of inferior conjunction
params.per = 2.47061317 #orbital period
params.rp = 0.1281 #planet radius (in units of stellar radii)
params.a = 7.903 #semi-major axis (in units of stellar radii) = 83.872 #orbital inclination (in degrees)
params.ecc = 0.0 #eccentricity
params.w = 0.0 #longitude of periastron (in degrees)
params.u = [0.1, 0.3] #limb darkening coefficients
params.limb_dark = "quadratic" #limb darkening model
plotting = False
t00 = np.arange(-.8, -0.7, 0.001)
chiSq = np.array([])
for i in t00:
# set the model t0 to one value of t00
params.t0 = i
m = batman.TransitModel(params, time)
modelflux = m.light_curve(params)
chiSq = np.append(chiSq, chisqa(nflux, modelflux))
if plotting:
plt.plot(time, modelflux, color='orange', linewidth=3)
plt.scatter(time, nflux)
plt.title("t0 = {}, chi^2 = {}".format(i, chiSq[-1]))
#plt.scatter(t00, chiSq)
mint00 = t00[np.argmin(chiSq)]
print chiSq
#plt.title("Mininum t00 = {}".format(mint00))
In [6]:
rp0 = np.arange(0.1, 1.8, 0.01)
chiSq2 = np.array([])
for j in rp0:
params.rp = j
m = batman.TransitModel(params, time)
modelflux2 = m.light_curve(params)
chiSq2 = np.append(chiSq2, chisqa(nflux, modelflux2))
print chiSq2
In [15]:
t00 = np.arange(-.8, -.7, 0.001)
chiSq = np.array([])
rp0 = np.arange(0.01, 0.2, 0.01)
chichi = np.zeros([len(t00), len(rp0)])
for i in range(len(t00)):
thist = t00[i]
# set the model t0 to one value of t00
params.t0 = thist
m = batman.TransitModel(params, time)
modelflux = m.light_curve(params)
chiSq = np.append(chiSq, chisqa(nflux, modelflux))
chiSq2 = np.array([])
for j in range(len(rp0)):
#print i, j
thisrp = rp0[j]
params.rp = thisrp
m = batman.TransitModel(params, time)
modelflux2 = m.light_curve(params)
chichi[i,j] = chisqa(nflux, modelflux2)
#print chiSq
#print chiSq2
#print chichi
In [8]:
plt.imshow(np.log(chichi), cmap='gray', vmax = -2.999, aspect = 'auto')
In [11]:
row, column = np.unravel_index([np.argmin(chichi)], np.shape(chichi))
tbest = t00[row]
rbest = rp0[column]
print tbest
print rbest
In [13]:
per00 = np.arange(2, 6, 0.1)
chiSq = np.array([])
rp0 = np.arange(0.01, 0.2, 0.001)
chichi2 = np.zeros([len(t00), len(rp0)])
for i in range(len(per00)):
thisp = per00[i]
# set the model t0 to one value of t00
params.per = thist
m = batman.TransitModel(params, time)
modelflux = m.light_curve(params)
chiSq = np.append(chiSq, chisqa(nflux, modelflux))
chiSq2 = np.array([])
for j in range(len(rp0)):
#print i, j
thisrp = rp0[j]
params.rp = thisrp
m = batman.TransitModel(params, time)
modelflux2 = m.light_curve(params)
chichi2[i,j] = chisqa(nflux, modelflux2)
In [14]:
plt.imshow(chichi2, cmap='gray', aspect='equal')#, extent=????)